Source code for openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers.extensions.routerrules.rulemanager

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# Copyright 2013,  Big Switch Networks
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import logging

from openstack_dashboard.api import neutron as api

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RuleObject(dict): def __init__(self, rule): # ID is constructed from source and destination because the # database ID from neutron changes on every update, making a list of # sequential operations based on the DB ID invalid after the first one # occurs (e.g. deleting multiple from the table rule['id'] = rule['source'] + rule['destination'] super(RuleObject, self).__init__(rule) # Horizon references id property for table operations = rule['id'] # Flatten into csv for display self.nexthops = ','.join(rule['nexthops'])
[docs]def routerrule_list(request, **params): if 'router_id' in params: params['device_id'] = params['router_id'] if 'router' in request.META: router = request.META['router'] else: router = api.router_get(request, params['device_id']) try: rules = router.router_rules except AttributeError: return (False, []) return (True, rules)
[docs]def remove_rules(request, rule_ids, **kwargs): LOG.debug("remove_rules(): param=%s", kwargs) router_id = kwargs['router_id'] if 'reset_rules' in kwargs: newrules = [{'source': 'any', 'destination': 'any', 'action': 'permit'}] else: supported, currentrules = routerrule_list(request, **kwargs) if not supported: LOG.error("router rules not supported by router %s" % router_id) return newrules = [] for oldrule in currentrules: if RuleObject(oldrule).id not in rule_ids: newrules.append(oldrule) body = {'router_rules': format_for_api(newrules)} new = api.router_update(request, router_id, **body) if 'router' in request.META: request.META['router'] = new return new
[docs]def add_rule(request, router_id, newrule, **kwargs): body = {'router_rules': []} kwargs['router_id'] = router_id supported, currentrules = routerrule_list(request, **kwargs) if not supported: LOG.error("router rules not supported by router %s" % router_id) return body['router_rules'] = format_for_api([newrule] + currentrules) new = api.router_update(request, router_id, **body) if 'router' in request.META: request.META['router'] = new return new
[docs]def format_for_api(rules): apiformrules = [] for r in rules: # make a copy so we don't damage original dict in rules flattened = r.copy() # nexthops should only be present if there are nexthop addresses if 'nexthops' in flattened: cleanednh = [nh.strip() for nh in flattened['nexthops'] if nh.strip()] if cleanednh: flattened['nexthops'] = '+'.join(cleanednh) else: del flattened['nexthops'] if 'id' in flattened: del flattened['id'] apiformrules.append(flattened) return apiformrules