Source code for openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers.extensions.routerrules.tabs

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4

# Copyright 2013
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import netaddr

from django import template
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from horizon import tabs

from openstack_dashboard import api
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers.extensions.routerrules\
    import rulemanager
from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.project.routers.extensions.routerrules\
    import tables as rrtbl

[docs]class RouterRulesTab(tabs.TableTab): table_classes = (rrtbl.RouterRulesTable,) name = _("Router Rules") slug = "routerrules" template_name = "horizon/common/_detail_table.html"
[docs] def allowed(self, request): try: getattr(self.tab_group.router, 'router_rules') return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def get_routerrules_data(self): try: routerrules = getattr(self.tab_group.router, 'router_rules') except Exception: routerrules = [] return [rulemanager.RuleObject(r) for r in routerrules]
[docs] def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if request.POST['action'] == 'routerrules__resetrules': kwargs['reset_rules'] = True rulemanager.remove_rules(request, [], **kwargs) self.tab_group.router = api.neutron.router_get(request, kwargs['router_id'])
[docs]class RulesGridTab(tabs.Tab): name = _("Router Rules Grid") slug = "rulesgrid" template_name = ("project/routers/extensions/routerrules/grid.html")
[docs] def allowed(self, request): try: getattr(self.tab_group.router, 'router_rules') return True except Exception: return False
[docs] def render(self): context = template.RequestContext(self.request) return render_to_string(self.get_template_name(self.request),, context_instance=context)
[docs] def get_context_data(self, request, **kwargs): data = {'router': {'id': self.tab_group.kwargs['router_id']}} self.request = request rules, supported = self.get_routerrules_data(checksupport=True) if supported: data["rulesmatrix"] = self.get_routerrulesgrid_data(rules) return data
[docs] def get_routerrulesgrid_data(self, rules): ports = self.tab_group.ports networks = api.neutron.network_list_for_tenant(self.request, self.request.user.tenant_id) for n in networks: n.set_id_as_name_if_empty() netnamemap = {} subnetmap = {} for n in networks: netnamemap[n['id']] = n['name'] for s in n.subnets: subnetmap[] = {'name':, 'cidr': s.cidr} matrix = [] subnets = [] for port in ports: for ip in port['fixed_ips']: if ip['subnet_id'] not in subnetmap: continue sub = {'ip': ip['ip_address'], 'subnetid': ip['subnet_id'], 'subnetname': subnetmap[ip['subnet_id']]['name'], 'networkid': port['network_id'], 'networkname': netnamemap[port['network_id']], 'cidr': subnetmap[ip['subnet_id']]['cidr']} subnets.append(sub) subnets.append({'ip': '', 'subnetid': 'external', 'subnetname': '', 'networkname': 'external', 'networkid': 'external', 'cidr': ''}) subnets.append({'ip': '', 'subnetid': 'any', 'subnetname': '', 'networkname': 'any', 'networkid': 'any', 'cidr': ''}) for source in subnets: row = {'source': dict(source), 'targets': []} for target in subnets: target.update(self._get_subnet_connectivity( source, target, rules)) row['targets'].append(dict(target)) matrix.append(row) return matrix
def _get_subnet_connectivity(self, src_sub, dst_sub, rules): v4_any_words = ['external', 'any'] connectivity = {'reachable': '', 'inverse_rule': {}, 'rule_to_delete': False} src = src_sub['cidr'] dst = dst_sub['cidr'] # differentiate between external and any src_rulename = src_sub['subnetid'] if src == '' else src dst_rulename = dst_sub['subnetid'] if dst == '' else dst if str(src) == str(dst): connectivity['reachable'] = 'full' return connectivity matchingrules = [] for rule in rules: rd = rule['destination'] if rule['destination'] in v4_any_words: rd = '' rs = rule['source'] if rule['source'] in v4_any_words: rs = '' rs = netaddr.IPNetwork(rs) src = netaddr.IPNetwork(src) rd = netaddr.IPNetwork(rd) dst = netaddr.IPNetwork(dst) # check if cidrs are affected by rule first if (int( >= int(rd.broadcast) or int(dst.broadcast) <= int( or int( >= int(rs.broadcast) or int(src.broadcast) <= int( continue # skip matching rules for 'any' and 'external' networks if (str(dst) == '' and str(rd) != ''): continue if (str(src) == '' and str(rs) != ''): continue # external network rules only affect external traffic if (rule['source'] == 'external' and src_rulename not in v4_any_words): continue if (rule['destination'] == 'external' and dst_rulename not in v4_any_words): continue match = {'bitsinsrc': rs.prefixlen, 'bitsindst': rd.prefixlen, 'rule': rule} matchingrules.append(match) if not matchingrules: connectivity['reachable'] = 'none' connectivity['inverse_rule'] = {'source': src_rulename, 'destination': dst_rulename, 'action': 'permit'} return connectivity sortedrules = sorted(matchingrules, key=lambda k: (k['bitsinsrc'], k['bitsindst']), reverse=True) match = sortedrules[0] if (match['bitsinsrc'] > src.prefixlen or match['bitsindst'] > dst.prefixlen): connectivity['reachable'] = 'partial' connectivity['conflicting_rule'] = match['rule'] return connectivity if (match['rule']['source'] == src_rulename and match['rule']['destination'] == dst_rulename): connectivity['rule_to_delete'] = match['rule'] if match['rule']['action'] == 'permit': connectivity['reachable'] = 'full' inverseaction = 'deny' else: connectivity['reachable'] = 'none' inverseaction = 'permit' connectivity['inverse_rule'] = {'source': src_rulename, 'destination': dst_rulename, 'action': inverseaction} return connectivity
[docs] def get_routerrules_data(self, checksupport=False): try: routerrules = getattr(self.tab_group.router, 'router_rules') supported = True except Exception: routerrules = [] supported = False if checksupport: return routerrules, supported return routerrules