Source code for openstack_dashboard.test.tests.templates

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# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
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from django import template
from django.template import loader
from openstack_dashboard.test import helpers as test

[docs]class FakeUser(object): username = "cool user"
[docs]class TemplateRenderTest(test.TestCase): """Tests for templates render."""
[docs] def test_openrc_html_escape(self): context = { "user": FakeUser(), "tenant_id": "some-cool-id", "auth_url": "", "tenant_name": "ENG Perf R&D"} out = loader.render_to_string( 'project/access_and_security/api_access/', context, template.Context(context)) self.assertFalse("&" in out) self.assertTrue("ENG Perf R&D" in out)
[docs] def test_openrc_html_evil_shell_escape(self): context = { "user": FakeUser(), "tenant_id": "some-cool-id", "auth_url": "", "tenant_name": 'o"; sudo rm -rf /'} out = loader.render_to_string( 'project/access_and_security/api_access/', context, template.Context(context)) self.assertFalse('o"' in out) self.assertTrue('\"' in out)
[docs] def test_openrc_html_evil_shell_backslash_escape(self): context = { "user": FakeUser(), "tenant_id": "some-cool-id", "auth_url": "", "tenant_name": 'o\"; sudo rm -rf /'} out = loader.render_to_string( 'project/access_and_security/api_access/', context, template.Context(context)) self.assertFalse('o\"' in out) self.assertFalse('o"' in out) self.assertTrue('\\"' in out)