Networking API v2.0

Networking API v2.0

General API Overview

API guide

This section introduces readers to OpenStack Networking (v2) API, providers guidelines on how to use it, and describes common features available to users throughout all Networking APIs.

General information

The Networking API v2.0 is a ReSTful HTTP service that uses all aspects of the HTTP protocol including methods, URIs, media types, response codes, and so on. Providers can use existing features of the protocol including caching, persistent connections, and content compression. For example, providers who employ a caching layer can respond with a 203 code instead of a 200 code when a request is served from the cache. Additionally, providers can offer support for conditional GET requests by using ETags, or they may send a redirect in response to a GET request. Create clients so that these differences are accounted for.

Authentication and authorization

The Networking API v2.0 uses the OpenStack Identity service as the default authentication service. When Keystone is enabled, users that submit requests to the OpenStack Networking service must provide an authentication token in X-Auth-Token request header. You obtain the token by authenticating to the Keystone endpoint.

When Keystone is enabled, the project_id attribute is not required in create requests because the project ID is derived from the authentication token.

NOTE: Currently the Networking API accepts the deprecated tenant_id attribute for the project ID for backward compatibility.

The default authorization settings allow only administrative users to create resources on behalf of a different project.

OpenStack Networking uses information received from Keystone to authorize user requests. OpenStack Networking handles the following types of authorization policies:

  • Operation-based policies specify access criteria for specific operations, possibly with fine-grained control over specific attributes.
  • Resource-based policies access a specific resource. Permissions might or might not be granted depending on the permissions configured for the resource. Currently available for only the network resource.

The actual authorization policies enforced in OpenStack Networking might vary from deployment to deployment.

Request and response formats

The Networking API v2.0 supports JSON data serialization request and response formats only.

Request format

The Networking API v2.0 only accepts requests with the JSON data serialization format. The Content-Type header is ignored.

Tenant and project attributes in requests

Starting with the Newton release of the Networking service, the Networking API accepts the project_id attribute in addition to the tenant_id attribute in requests. The tenant_id attribute is accepted for backward compatibility. If both the project_id and the tenant_id attribute are provided in the same request, their values must be identical.

To determine whether a Networking API v2.0 endpoint supports the project_id attribute in requests, check that the project-id API extension is enabled (see Extensions).

Response format

The Networking API v2.0 always responds with the JSON data serialization format. The Accept header is ignored.

Query extension

A .json extension can be added to the request URI. For example, the .json extension in the following requests are equivalent:

  • GET publicURL/networks
  • GET publicURL/networks.json

Tenant and project attributes in responses

Starting with the Newton release of the Networking service, the Networking API returns a project_id attribute in responses, while still returning a tenant_id attribute for backward compatibility. The values will always be identical.

To determine whether a Networking API v2.0 endpoint returns the project_id attribute in responses, check that the project-id API extension is enabled (see Extensions).

Filtering and column selection

The Networking API v2.0 supports filtering based on all top level attributes of a resource. Filters are applicable to all list requests.

For example, the following request returns all networks named foobar:

GET /v2.0/networks?name=foobar

When you specify multiple filters using different fields, the Networking API v2.0 returns only objects that meet all filtering criteria. The operation applies an AND condition among different filter fields.

OpenStack Networking offers an OR mechanism for filters by repeating the field with the different OR criteria. For example, to find all networks named foobar OR bizbaz:

GET /v2.0/networks?name=foobar&name=bizbaz

ORs and ANDs can be combined. For example, if you want all networks with admin_state_up=True and shared=True and named ‘foobar’ or ‘bizbaz’:

GET /v2.0/networks?name=foobar&name=bizbaz&admin_state_up=True&shared=True


By default, OpenStack Networking returns all attributes for any show or list call. The Networking API v2.0 has a mechanism to limit the set of attributes returned. For example, return id.

You can use the fields query parameter to control the attributes returned from the Networking API v2.0.

For example, the following request returns only id and name for each network:

GET /v2.0/networks.json?fields=id&fields=name

Synchronous versus asynchronous plug-in behavior

The Networking API v2.0 presents a logical model of network connectivity consisting of networks, ports, and subnets. It is up to the OpenStack Networking plug-in to communicate with the underlying infrastructure to ensure packet forwarding is consistent with the logical model. A plug-in might perform these operations asynchronously.

When an API client modifies the logical model by issuing an HTTP POST, PUT, or DELETE request, the API call might return before the plug-in modifies underlying virtual and physical switching devices. However, an API client is guaranteed that all subsequent API calls properly reflect the changed logical model.

For example, if a client issues an HTTP PUT request to set the attachment for a port, there is no guarantee that packets sent by the interface named in the attachment are forwarded immediately when the HTTP call returns. However, it is guaranteed that a subsequent HTTP GET request to view the attachment on that port returns the new attachment value.

You can use the status attribute with the network and port resources to determine whether the OpenStack Networking plug-in has successfully completed the configuration of the resource.


The Networking API v2.0 enables you to create several objects of the same type in the same API request. Bulk create operations use exactly the same API syntax as single create operations except that you specify a list of objects rather than a single object in the request body.

Bulk operations are always performed atomically, meaning that either all or none of the objects in the request body are created. If a particular plug-in does not support atomic operations, the Networking API v2.0 emulates the atomic behavior so that users can expect the same behavior regardless of the particular plug-in running in the background.

OpenStack Networking might be deployed without support for bulk operations and when the client attempts a bulk create operation, a 400 Bad request error is returned.


You can use the sort_key and sort_dir parameters to sort the results of list operations. Currently sorting does not work with extended attributes of resource. The sort_key and sort_dir can be repeated, and the number of sort_key and sort_dir provided must be same. The sort_dir parameter indicates in which direction to sort. Acceptable values are asc (ascending) and desc (descending).

Sorting is optional feature of OpenStack Networking API, and it might be disabled. If sorting is disabled, the sorting parameters are ignored.

If a particular plug-in does not support sorting operations and sorting is enabled, the Networking API v2.0 emulates the sorting behavior so that users can expect the same behavior regardless of the particular plug-in that runs in the background.

To determine if sorting is supported, a user can check whether the ‘sorting’ extension API is available.


The Networking API v2.0 is extensible.

The purpose of Networking API v2.0 extensions is to:

  • Introduce new features in the API without requiring a version change.
  • Introduce vendor-specific niche functionality.
  • Act as a proving ground for experimental functionalities that might be included in a future version of the API.

To programmatically determine which extensions are available, issue a GET request on the v2.0/extensions URI.

To query extensions individually by unique alias, issue a GET request on the /v2.0/extensions/*alias_name* URI. Use this method to easily determine if an extension is available. If the extension is not available, a 404 Not Found response is returned.

You can extend existing core API resources with new actions or extra attributes. Also, you can add new resources as extensions. Extensions usually have tags that prevent conflicts with other extensions that define attributes or resources with the same names, and with core resources and attributes. Because an extension might not be supported by all plug-ins, the availability of an extension varies with deployments and the specific plug-in in use.


The Networking API v2.0 returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. OpenStack Networking uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4nn errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client.

Error Description
400 Bad request Malformed request URI or body requested admin state invalid Invalid values entered Bulk operations disallowed Validation failed Method not allowed for request body (such as trying to update attributes that can be specified at create-time only)
404 Not Found Non existent URI Resource not found
409 Conflict Port configured on network IP allocated on subnet Conflicting IP allocation pools for subnet
500 Internal server error Internal OpenStack Networking error
503 Service unavailable Failure in Mac address generation

Users submitting requests to the Networking API v2.0 might also receive the following errors:

  • 401 Unauthorized - If invalid credentials are provided.
  • 403 Forbidden - If the user cannot access a specific resource or perform the requested operation.

API versions

Lists information for all Networking API versions.


List API versions

Lists information about all Networking API versions.

Normal response codes: 200


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
versions body array List of versions.
status body string Status of the API, which can be CURRENT, STABLE or DEPRECATED.
id body string Version of the API.
links body array List of version links. Each link is a dict with ‘href’ and ‘rel’.
href body string Link to the API.
rel body string Relationship of link with the version.

Response Example

    "versions": [
            "status": "CURRENT",
            "id": "v2.0",
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"

Show API v2 details

Shows details for Networking API v2.0.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
resources body array List of resource objects.
name body string Name of the resource.
collection body string Collection name of the resource.
links body array List of links related to the resource. Each link is a dict with ‘href’ and ‘rel’.
href body string Link to the resource.
rel body string Relationship between link and the resource.

Response Example

    "resources": [
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
            "name": "subnet",
            "collection": "subnets"
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
            "name": "network",
            "collection": "networks"
            "links": [
                    "href": "",
                    "rel": "self"
            "name": "port",
            "collection": "ports"


Extensions introduce features and vendor-specific functionality to the API.


List extensions

Lists available extensions.

Lists available Networking API v2.0 extensions and shows details for an extension.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
extensions body array A list of extension objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
links body array List of links related to the extension.
alias body string The alias for the extension. For example “quotas” or “security-group”.
updated body string The date and timestamp when the extension was last updated.
description body string The human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "extensions": [
            "updated": "2013-01-20T00:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron Service Type Management",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "service-type",
            "description": "API for retrieving service providers for Neutron advanced services"
            "updated": "2012-10-05T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "security-group",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "security-group",
            "description": "The security groups extension."
            "updated": "2013-02-07T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "L3 Agent Scheduler",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "l3_agent_scheduler",
            "description": "Schedule routers among l3 agents"
            "updated": "2013-02-07T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Loadbalancer Agent Scheduler",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "lbaas_agent_scheduler",
            "description": "Schedule pools among lbaas agents"
            "updated": "2013-03-28T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron L3 Configurable external gateway mode",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "ext-gw-mode",
            "description": "Extension of the router abstraction for specifying whether SNAT should occur on the external gateway"
            "updated": "2014-02-03T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Port Binding",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "binding",
            "description": "Expose port bindings of a virtual port to external application"
            "updated": "2012-09-07T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Provider Network",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "provider",
            "description": "Expose mapping of virtual networks to physical networks"
            "updated": "2013-02-03T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "agent",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "agent",
            "description": "The agent management extension."
            "updated": "2012-07-29T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Quota management support",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "quotas",
            "description": "Expose functions for quotas management per tenant"
            "updated": "2013-02-07T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "DHCP Agent Scheduler",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "dhcp_agent_scheduler",
            "description": "Schedule networks among dhcp agents"
            "updated": "2013-06-27T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Multi Provider Network",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "multi-provider",
            "description": "Expose mapping of virtual networks to multiple physical networks"
            "updated": "2013-01-14T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron external network",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "external-net",
            "description": "Adds external network attribute to network resource."
            "updated": "2012-07-20T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron L3 Router",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "router",
            "description": "Router abstraction for basic L3 forwarding between L2 Neutron networks and access to external networks via a NAT gateway."
            "updated": "2013-07-23T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Allowed Address Pairs",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "allowed-address-pairs",
            "description": "Provides allowed address pairs"
            "updated": "2013-03-17T12:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron Extra DHCP opts",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "extra_dhcp_opt",
            "description": "Extra options configuration for DHCP. For example PXE boot options to DHCP clients can be specified (e.g. tftp-server, server-ip-address, bootfile-name)"
            "updated": "2012-10-07T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "LoadBalancing service",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "lbaas",
            "description": "Extension for LoadBalancing service"
            "updated": "2013-02-01T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron Extra Route",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "extraroute",
            "description": "Extra routes configuration for L3 router"
            "updated": "2016-01-24T10:00:00-00:00",
            "name": "Neutron Port Data Plane Status",
            "links": [],
            "alias": "data-plane-status",
            "description": "Status of the underlying data plane."

Show extension details

Shows details for an extension, by alias. The response shows the extension name and its alias. To show details for an extension, you specify the alias.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
alias path string The alias of an extension.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
extension body object An extension object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
links body array List of links related to the extension.
alias body string The alias for the extension. For example “quotas” or “security-group”.
updated body string The date and timestamp when the extension was last updated.
description body string The human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "extension": {
        "updated": "2013-02-03T10:00:00-00:00",
        "name": "agent",
        "links": [],
        "alias": "agent",
        "description": "The agent management extension."

Layer 2 Networking


Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes networks.

provider extended attributes

The provider extension allows administrative users to define a physical binding of a logical network. This extension provides three additional attributes: provider:network_type, provider:physical_network and provider:segmentation_id. The validation rules for these attributes vary across provider:network_type. For example, vlan and flat network types require provider:physical_network attribute, but vxlan network type does not.

Most Networking plug-ins (e.g. ML2 Plugin) and drivers do not support updating any provider related attributes. Check your plug-in whether it supports updating.

multiple provider extension

The multi-provider extension allows administrative users to define multiple physical bindings for a logical network.

To define multiple physical bindings for a network, include a segments list in the request body of network creation request. Each element in the segments list has the same structure as the provider network attributes. These attributes are provider:network_type, provider:physical_network, and provider:segmentation_id. The same validation rules are applied to each element in the segments list.

Note that you cannot use the provider extension and the multiple provider extension for a single logical network.

VLAN transparency extension

The vlan-transparent extension enables plug-ins that support VLAN transparency to deliver VLAN transparent trunk networks. This extension introduces vlan_transparent attribute to control a VLAN transparecy of the network. If the service does not support VLAN transparency and a user requests a VLAN transparent network, the plug-in refuses to create one and returns an appropriate error to the user.


Show network details

Shows details for a network.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
network_id path string The ID of the network.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
id body string The ID of the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
vlan_transparent body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
        "mtu": 0,
        "name": "private-network",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "shared": true,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "vlan_transparent": false,
        "description": ""

Response Example (admin user; single segment mapping)

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
        "mtu": 0,
        "name": "private-network",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "provider:network_type": "local",
        "provider:physical_network": null,
        "provider:segmentation_id": null,
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "shared": true,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "vlan_transparent": false,
        "description": ""

Response Example (admin user; multiple segment mappings)

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c",
        "mtu": 0,
        "name": "net1",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "segments": [
                "provider:network_type": "vlan",
                "provider:physical_network": "public",
                "provider:segmentation_id": 2
                "provider:network_type": "flat",
                "provider:physical_network": "default",
                "provider:segmentation_id": 0
        "shared": false,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "vlan_transparent": false,
        "description": ""

Update network

Updates a network.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
network_id path string The ID of the network.
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "network": {
        "name": "sample_network_5_updated",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"

Request Example (admin user; single segment mapping)

    "network": {
        "provider:network_type": "vlan",
        "provider:physical_network": "public",
        "provider:segmentation_id": 2

Request Example (admin user; multiple segment mappings)

    "network": {
        "segments": [
                "provider:segmentation_id": 2,
                "provider:physical_network": "public",
                "provider:network_type": "vlan"
                "provider:physical_network": "default",
                "provider:network_type": "flat"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
id body string The ID of the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

This is an example when a regular user without administrative roles sends a PUT request. Response examples for administrative users are similar to responses of Show network details and Create network. See them for details.

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "1f370095-98f6-4079-be64-6d3d4a6adcc6",
        "mtu": 0,
        "name": "sample_network_5_updated",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "shared": false,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "vlan_transparent": false,
        "description": ""

Delete network

Deletes a network and its associated resources.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
network_id path string The ID of the network.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List networks

Lists networks to which the project has access.

Default policy settings return only networks that the project who submits the request owns, unless an administrative user submits the request. In addition, networks shared with the project who submits the request are also returned.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

You can also use the tags, tags-any, not-tags, not-tags-any query parameter to filter the response with tags. For information, see REST API Impact.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
networks body array A list of network objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
id body string The ID of the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vlan_transparent body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "networks": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "net1",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
            "router:external": false,
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [
            "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": true,
            "description": ""
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "id": "db193ab3-96e3-4cb3-8fc5-05f4296d0324",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "net2",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "qos_policy_id": "bfdb6c39f71e4d44b1dfbda245c50819",
            "router:external": false,
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [
            "tenant_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": false,
            "description": ""

Response Example (admin user)

When Administrative users request to list networks, physical segment information bound to the networks are also returned in a response. In this example, a network net1 is mapped to a single network segment and a network net2 is mapped to multiple network segments.

    "networks": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "net1",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "provider:network_type": "vlan",
            "provider:physical_network": "public",
            "provider:segmentation_id": 3,
            "router:external": false,
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [
            "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": true,
            "description": ""
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "id": "db193ab3-96e3-4cb3-8fc5-05f4296d0324",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "net2",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "provider:network_type": "local",
            "provider:physical_network": null,
            "provider:segmentation_id": null,
            "qos_policy_id": "bfdb6c39f71e4d44b1dfbda245c50819",
            "router:external": false,
            "segments": [
                    "provider:network_type": "vlan",
                    "provider:physical_network": "public",
                    "provider:segmentation_id": 2
                    "provider:network_type": "stt",
                    "provider:physical_network": "default",
                    "provider:segmentation_id": 0
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [
            "tenant_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": false,
            "description": ""

Create network

Creates a network.

A request body is optional. An administrative user can specify another project ID, which is the project that owns the network, in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
provider:network_type (Optional) body string The type of physical network that this network should be mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network (Optional) body string The physical network where this network should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps to specific bridges on each compute host.
provider:segmentation_id (Optional) body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments (Optional) body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
vlan_transparent (Optional) body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "network": {
        "name": "sample_network",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"

Request Example (admin user; single segment mapping)

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "name": "net1",
        "provider:network_type": "vlan",
        "provider:physical_network": "public",
        "provider:segmentation_id": 2,
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"

Request Example (admin user; multiple segment mappings)

    "network": {
        "segments": [
                "provider:segmentation_id": 2,
                "provider:physical_network": "public",
                "provider:network_type": "vlan"
                "provider:physical_network": "default",
                "provider:network_type": "flat"
        "name": "net1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network body object A network object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
id body string The ID of the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vlan_transparent body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "network": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c",
        "mtu": 0,
        "name": "net1",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "shared": false,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [],
        "tenant_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "vlan_transparent": false,
        "description": ""

Response Example (admin user; single segment mapping)

    "network": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [],
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "name": "net1",
        "provider:physical_network": "public",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "tenant_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "router:external": false,
        "provider:network_type": "vlan",
        "mtu": 0,
        "shared": false,
        "id": "4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c",
        "provider:segmentation_id": 2,
        "description": ""

Response Example (admin user; multiple segment mappings)

    "network": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "subnets": [],
        "name": "net1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "tenant_id": "9bacb3c5d39d41a79512987f338cf177",
        "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
        "segments": [
                "provider:segmentation_id": 2,
                "provider:physical_network": "public",
                "provider:network_type": "vlan"
                "provider:segmentation_id": null,
                "provider:physical_network": "default",
                "provider:network_type": "flat"
        "shared": false,
        "id": "4e8e5957-649f-477b-9e5b-f1f75b21c03c",
        "description": ""

Bulk create networks

Creates multiple networks in a single request.

In the request body, specify a list of networks.

The bulk create operation is always atomic. Either all or no networks in the request body are created.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
networks body array A list of network objects.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
provider:network_type (Optional) body string The type of physical network that this network should be mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network (Optional) body string The physical network where this network should be implemented. The Networking API v2.0 does not provide a way to list available physical networks. For example, the Open vSwitch plug-in configuration file defines a symbolic name that maps to specific bridges on each compute host.
provider:segmentation_id (Optional) body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments (Optional) body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
vlan_transparent (Optional) body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "networks": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "name": "sample_network3",
            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "name": "sample_network4",
            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
networks body array A list of network objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the network, which is up (true) or down (false).
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidate for the network.
availability_zones body array The availability zone for the network.
id body string The ID of the network.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
name body string Human-readable name of the network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status of the network. Valid values are enabled (true) and disabled (false). This value is used as the default value of port_security_enabled field of a newly created port.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider:network_type body string The type of physical network that this network is mapped to. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre. Valid values depend on a networking back-end.
provider:physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
provider:segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
qos_policy_id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
router:external body boolean Indicates whether this network can provide floating IPs via a router.
segments body array A list of provider segment objects.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
status body string The network status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD or ERROR.
subnets body array The associated subnets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vlan_transparent body boolean Indicates the VLAN transparency mode of the network, which is VLAN transparent (true) or not VLAN transparent (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "networks": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "id": "bc1a76cb-8767-4c3a-bb95-018b822f2130",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "sample_network3",
            "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
            "router:external": false,
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [],
            "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": false,
            "description": ""
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "id": "af374017-c9ae-4a1d-b799-ab73111476e2",
            "mtu": 0,
            "name": "sample_network4",
            "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "qos_policy_id": "6a8454ade84346f59e8d40665f878b2e",
            "router:external": false,
            "shared": false,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "subnets": [],
            "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
            "vlan_transparent": false,
            "description": ""


Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes ports.

Port binding extended attributes

The port binding extension (binding) allows administrative users to specify and retrieve physical binding information of ports. The extension defines several attributes whose names have a prefix binding: including binding:host_id, binding:vnic_type, binding:vif_type, binding:vif_details, and binding:profile.

Data plane status extension

The data plane port extension (data-plane-status) adds a new attribute data_plane_status to represent the status of the underlying data plane. This attribute is to be managed by entities outside of the Networking service, while the status attribute is managed by Networking service. Both status attributes are independent from one another.

Supported data plane status values:

  • null: no status being reported; default value
  • ACTIVE: the underlying data plane is up and running
  • DOWN: no traffic can flow from/to the port

Show port details

Shows details for a port.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
port_id path string The ID of the port.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
port body object A port object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
allowed_address_pairs body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
binding:host_id body string The ID of the host where the port resides.
binding:profile body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field.
binding:vif_details body object A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. Currently the following fields are defined: port_filter and ovs_hybrid_plug. port_filter is a boolean indicating the networking service provides port filtering features such as security group and/or anti MAC/IP spoofing. ovs_hybrid_plug is a boolean used to inform an API consumer like nova that the hybrid plugging strategy for OVS should be used.
binding:vif_type body string The type of which mechanism is used for the port. An API consumer like nova can use this to determine an appropriate way to attach a device (for example an interface of a virtual server) to the port. Available values currently defined includes ovs, bridge, macvtap, hw_veb, hostdev_physical, vhostuser, distributed and other. There are also special values: unbound and binding_failed. unbound means the port is not bound to a networking back-end. binding_failed means an error that the port failed to be bound to a networking back-end.
binding:vnic_type body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
data_plane_status body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
device_id body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips body array The IP addresses for the port. If the port has multiple IP addresses, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).
id body string The ID of the resource.
mac_address body string The MAC address of the port.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
security_groups body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
status body string The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.

Response Example

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "data_plane_status": "ACTIVE",
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "5e3898d7-11be-483e-9732-b2f5eccd2b2e",
        "device_owner": "network:router_interface",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
        "id": "46d4bfb9-b26e-41f3-bd2e-e6dcc1ccedb2",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:23:fd:d7",
        "name": "",
        "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
        "port_security_enabled": false,
        "project_id": "7e02058126cc4950b75f9970368ba177",
        "security_groups": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "tenant_id": "7e02058126cc4950b75f9970368ba177",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41"

Response Example (admin user)

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "binding:host_id": "devstack",
        "binding:profile": {},
        "binding:vif_details": {
            "ovs_hybrid_plug": true,
            "port_filter": true
        "binding:vif_type": "ovs",
        "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "data_plane_status": "ACTIVE",
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "5e3898d7-11be-483e-9732-b2f5eccd2b2e",
        "device_owner": "network:router_interface",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
        "id": "46d4bfb9-b26e-41f3-bd2e-e6dcc1ccedb2",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:23:fd:d7",
        "name": "",
        "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
        "port_security_enabled": false,
        "project_id": "7e02058126cc4950b75f9970368ba177",
        "security_groups": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "tenant_id": "7e02058126cc4950b75f9970368ba177",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41"

Update port

Updates a port.

You can update information for a port, such as its symbolic name and associated IPs. When you update IPs for a port, any previously associated IPs are removed, returned to the respective subnet allocation pools, and replaced by the IPs in the request body. Therefore, this operation replaces the fixed_ip attribute when you specify it in the request body. If the updated IP addresses are not valid or are already in use, the operation fails and the existing IP addresses are not removed from the port.

When you update security groups for a port and the operation succeeds, any associated security groups are removed and replaced by the security groups in the request body. Therefore, this operation replaces the security_groups attribute when you specify it in the request body. If the security groups are not valid, the operation fails and the existing security groups are not removed from the port.

Only admins and users with a specific role can update the data plane status (default role: data_plane_integrator).

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
port_id path string The ID of the port.
port body object A port object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
allowed_address_pairs (Optional) body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs. The default is an empty list. For each address pair, ip_address is required and IP address or CIDR can be specified. mac_address is optional and if unspecified the MAC address of the port is used as default.
binding:host_id (Optional) body string The ID of the host where the port resides. The default is an empty string.
binding:profile (Optional) body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field. The default is an empty dictionary.
binding:vnic_type (Optional) body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments. The default is normal.
data_plane_status (Optional) body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
device_id (Optional) body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner (Optional) body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts (Optional) body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips (Optional) body array

The IP addresses for the port. If you would like to assign multiple IP addresses for the port, specify multiple entries in this field. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).

  • If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address on that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address if the address is a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network.
mac_address (Optional) body string The MAC address of the port. By default, only administrative users can change this value.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
security_groups (Optional) body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.

Request Example

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova",
        "name": "test-for-port-update"

Request Example (admin user)

    "port": {
        "binding:host_id": "test_for_port_update_host",
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "data_plane_status": "DOWN",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
port body object A port object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
allowed_address_pairs body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
binding:host_id body string The ID of the host where the port resides.
binding:profile body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field.
binding:vif_details body object A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. Currently the following fields are defined: port_filter and ovs_hybrid_plug. port_filter is a boolean indicating the networking service provides port filtering features such as security group and/or anti MAC/IP spoofing. ovs_hybrid_plug is a boolean used to inform an API consumer like nova that the hybrid plugging strategy for OVS should be used.
binding:vif_type body string The type of which mechanism is used for the port. An API consumer like nova can use this to determine an appropriate way to attach a device (for example an interface of a virtual server) to the port. Available values currently defined includes ovs, bridge, macvtap, hw_veb, hostdev_physical, vhostuser, distributed and other. There are also special values: unbound and binding_failed. unbound means the port is not bound to a networking back-end. binding_failed means an error that the port failed to be bound to a networking back-end.
binding:vnic_type body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
data_plane_status body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
device_id body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips body array The IP addresses for the port. If the port has multiple IP addresses, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).
id body string The ID of the resource.
mac_address body string The MAC address of the port.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
security_groups body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
status body string The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.

Response Example

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "binding:host_id": "test_for_port_update_host",
        "binding:profile": {},
        "binding:vif_details": {},
        "binding:vif_type": "binding_failed",
        "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
        "data_plane_status": "ACTIVE",
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "898dec4a-74df-4193-985f-c76721bcc746"
        "id": "43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:11:11:5e",
        "name": "test-for-port-update",
        "network_id": "883fc383-5ea1-4c8b-8916-e1ddb0a9f365",
        "project_id": "522eda8d23124b25bf03fe44f1986b74",
        "security_groups": [
        "status": "DOWN",
        "tenant_id": "522eda8d23124b25bf03fe44f1986b74"

Response Example (admin user)

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "binding:host_id": "test_for_port_update_host",
        "binding:profile": {},
        "binding:vif_details": {},
        "binding:vif_type": "binding_failed",
        "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
        "data_plane_status": "DOWN",
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "device_owner": "compute:nova",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "898dec4a-74df-4193-985f-c76721bcc746"
        "id": "43c831e0-19ce-4a76-9a49-57b57e69428b",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:11:11:5e",
        "name": "test-for-port-update",
        "network_id": "883fc383-5ea1-4c8b-8916-e1ddb0a9f365",
        "project_id": "522eda8d23124b25bf03fe44f1986b74",
        "security_groups": [
        "status": "DOWN",
        "tenant_id": "522eda8d23124b25bf03fe44f1986b74"

Delete port

Deletes a port.

Any IP addresses that are associated with the port are returned to the respective subnets allocation pools.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
port_id path string The ID of the port.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List ports

Lists ports to which the user has access.

Default policy settings return only those ports that are owned by the project of the user who submits the request, unless the request is submitted by a user with administrative rights.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ports body array A list of port objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
allowed_address_pairs body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
binding:host_id body string The ID of the host where the port resides.
binding:profile body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field.
binding:vif_details body object A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. Currently the following fields are defined: port_filter and ovs_hybrid_plug. port_filter is a boolean indicating the networking service provides port filtering features such as security group and/or anti MAC/IP spoofing. ovs_hybrid_plug is a boolean used to inform an API consumer like nova that the hybrid plugging strategy for OVS should be used.
binding:vif_type body string The type of which mechanism is used for the port. An API consumer like nova can use this to determine an appropriate way to attach a device (for example an interface of a virtual server) to the port. Available values currently defined includes ovs, bridge, macvtap, hw_veb, hostdev_physical, vhostuser, distributed and other. There are also special values: unbound and binding_failed. unbound means the port is not bound to a networking back-end. binding_failed means an error that the port failed to be bound to a networking back-end.
binding:vnic_type body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
data_plane_status body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
device_id body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips body array The IP addresses for the port. If the port has multiple IP addresses, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).
id body string The ID of the resource.
mac_address body string The MAC address of the port.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
security_groups body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
status body string The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.

Response Example

    "ports": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "9ae135f4-b6e0-4dad-9e91-3c223e385824",
            "device_owner": "network:router_gateway",
            "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "008ba151-0b8c-4a67-98b5-0d2b87666062"
            "id": "d80b1a3b-4fc1-49f3-952e-1e2ab7081d8b",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:58:42:ed",
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "70c1db1f-b701-45bd-96e0-a313ee3430b3",
            "project_id": "",
            "security_groups": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tenant_id": ""
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "9ae135f4-b6e0-4dad-9e91-3c223e385824",
            "device_owner": "network:router_interface",
            "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "288bf4a1-51ba-43b6-9d0a-520e9005db17"
            "id": "f71a6703-d6de-4be1-a91a-a570ede1d159",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:bb:3c:e4",
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "f27aa545-cbdd-4907-b0c6-c9e8b039dcc2",
            "project_id": "d397de8a63f341818f198abb0966f6f3",
            "security_groups": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tenant_id": "d397de8a63f341818f198abb0966f6f3"

Response Example (admin user)

    "ports": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "binding:host_id": "devstack",
            "binding:profile": {},
            "binding:vif_details": {
                "ovs_hybrid_plug": true,
                "port_filter": true
            "binding:vif_type": "ovs",
            "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "9ae135f4-b6e0-4dad-9e91-3c223e385824",
            "device_owner": "network:router_gateway",
            "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "008ba151-0b8c-4a67-98b5-0d2b87666062"
            "id": "d80b1a3b-4fc1-49f3-952e-1e2ab7081d8b",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:58:42:ed",
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "70c1db1f-b701-45bd-96e0-a313ee3430b3",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "",
            "security_groups": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tenant_id": ""
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "binding:host_id": "devstack",
            "binding:profile": {},
            "binding:vif_details": {
                "ovs_hybrid_plug": true,
                "port_filter": true
            "binding:vif_type": "ovs",
            "binding:vnic_type": "normal",
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "9ae135f4-b6e0-4dad-9e91-3c223e385824",
            "device_owner": "network:router_interface",
            "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "288bf4a1-51ba-43b6-9d0a-520e9005db17"
            "id": "f71a6703-d6de-4be1-a91a-a570ede1d159",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:bb:3c:e4",
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "f27aa545-cbdd-4907-b0c6-c9e8b039dcc2",
            "port_security_enabled": true,
            "project_id": "d397de8a63f341818f198abb0966f6f3",
            "security_groups": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tenant_id": "d397de8a63f341818f198abb0966f6f3"

Create port

Creates a port on a network.

To define the network in which to create the port, specify the network_id attribute in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
port body object A port object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
allowed_address_pairs (Optional) body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs. The default is an empty list. For each address pair, ip_address is required and IP address or CIDR can be specified. mac_address is optional and if unspecified the MAC address of the port is used as default.
binding:host_id (Optional) body string The ID of the host where the port resides. The default is an empty string.
binding:profile (Optional) body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field. The default is an empty dictionary.
binding:vnic_type (Optional) body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments. The default is normal.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
device_id (Optional) body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner (Optional) body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts (Optional) body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips (Optional) body array

The IP addresses for the port. If you would like to assign multiple IP addresses for the port, specify multiple entries in this field. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).

  • If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address on that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address if the address is a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network.
mac_address (Optional) body string The MAC address of the port. If unspecified, a MAC address is automatically generated.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
security_groups (Optional) body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "name": "private-port",
        "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7"

Request Example (admin user)

    "port": {
        "binding:host_id": "4df8d9ff-6f6f-438f-90a1-ef660d4586ad",
        "binding:profile": {
            "local_link_information": [
                    "port_id": "Ethernet3/1",
                    "switch_id": "0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f",
                    "switch_info": "switch1"
        "binding:vnic_type": "baremetal",
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "device_owner": "baremetal:none"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
port body object A port object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
allowed_address_pairs body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
binding:host_id body string The ID of the host where the port resides.
binding:profile body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field.
binding:vif_details body object A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. Currently the following fields are defined: port_filter and ovs_hybrid_plug. port_filter is a boolean indicating the networking service provides port filtering features such as security group and/or anti MAC/IP spoofing. ovs_hybrid_plug is a boolean used to inform an API consumer like nova that the hybrid plugging strategy for OVS should be used.
binding:vif_type body string The type of which mechanism is used for the port. An API consumer like nova can use this to determine an appropriate way to attach a device (for example an interface of a virtual server) to the port. Available values currently defined includes ovs, bridge, macvtap, hw_veb, hostdev_physical, vhostuser, distributed and other. There are also special values: unbound and binding_failed. unbound means the port is not bound to a networking back-end. binding_failed means an error that the port failed to be bound to a networking back-end.
binding:vnic_type body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
data_plane_status body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
device_id body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips body array The IP addresses for the port. If the port has multiple IP addresses, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).
id body string The ID of the resource.
mac_address body string The MAC address of the port.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
security_groups body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
status body string The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.

Response Example

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "data_plane_status": null,
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "",
        "device_owner": "",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
        "id": "65c0ee9f-d634-4522-8954-51021b570b0d",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c9:cb:f0",
        "name": "private-port",
        "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
        "port_security_enabled": true,
        "project_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa",
        "security_groups": [
        "status": "DOWN",
        "tenant_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41"

Response Example (admin user)

    "port": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "binding:host_id": "4df8d9ff-6f6f-438f-90a1-ef660d4586ad",
        "binding:profile": {
            "local_link_information": [
                    "port_id": "Ethernet3/1",
                    "switch_id": "0a:1b:2c:3d:4e:5f",
                    "switch_info": "switch1"
        "binding:vif_details": {},
        "binding:vif_type": "unbound",
        "binding:vnic_type": "other",
        "data_plane_status": null,
        "description": "",
        "device_id": "d90a13da-be41-461f-9f99-1dbcf438fdf2",
        "device_owner": "baremetal:none",
        "fixed_ips": [
                "ip_address": "",
                "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
        "id": "65c0ee9f-d634-4522-8954-51021b570b0d",
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c9:cb:f0",
        "name": "private-port",
        "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
        "project_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa",
        "security_groups": [
        "status": "DOWN",
        "tenant_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa"

Bulk create ports

Creates multiple ports in a single request. Specify a list of ports in the request body.

Guarantees the atomic completion of the bulk operation.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
ports body array A list of port objects.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
allowed_address_pairs (Optional) body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs. The default is an empty list. For each address pair, ip_address is required and IP address or CIDR can be specified. mac_address is optional and if unspecified the MAC address of the port is used as default.
binding:host_id (Optional) body string The ID of the host where the port resides. The default is an empty string.
binding:profile (Optional) body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field. The default is an empty dictionary.
binding:vnic_type (Optional) body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments. The default is normal.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
device_id (Optional) body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner (Optional) body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts (Optional) body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips (Optional) body array

The IP addresses for the port. If you would like to assign multiple IP addresses for the port, specify multiple entries in this field. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).

  • If you specify both a subnet ID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address on that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only a subnet ID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port.
  • If you specify only an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the IP address if the address is a valid IP for any of the subnets on the specified network.
mac_address (Optional) body string The MAC address of the port. If unspecified, a MAC address is automatically generated.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled (Optional) body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
security_groups (Optional) body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "ports": [
            "admin_state_up": false,
            "name": "sample_port_1",
            "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7"
            "admin_state_up": false,
            "name": "sample_port_2",
            "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ports body array A list of port objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
allowed_address_pairs body array A set of zero or more allowed address pairs. An address pair consists of an IP address range and MAC address with the format of {"ip_address": "<IP address or CIDR>", "mac_address": "<MAC address>"}. A server connected to the port can send a packet with source address which matches one of the specified allowed address pairs.
binding:host_id body string The ID of the host where the port resides.
binding:profile body string A dictionary that enables the application running on the specific host to pass and receive vif port information specific to the networking back-end. The networking API does not define a specific format of this field.
binding:vif_details body object A dictionary which contains additional information on the port. Currently the following fields are defined: port_filter and ovs_hybrid_plug. port_filter is a boolean indicating the networking service provides port filtering features such as security group and/or anti MAC/IP spoofing. ovs_hybrid_plug is a boolean used to inform an API consumer like nova that the hybrid plugging strategy for OVS should be used.
binding:vif_type body string The type of which mechanism is used for the port. An API consumer like nova can use this to determine an appropriate way to attach a device (for example an interface of a virtual server) to the port. Available values currently defined includes ovs, bridge, macvtap, hw_veb, hostdev_physical, vhostuser, distributed and other. There are also special values: unbound and binding_failed. unbound means the port is not bound to a networking back-end. binding_failed means an error that the port failed to be bound to a networking back-end.
binding:vnic_type body string The type of vNIC which this port should be attached to. This is used to determine which mechanism driver(s) to be used to bind the port. The valid values are normal, macvtap, direct, baremetal, and direct-physical. What type of vNIC is actually available depends on deployments.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
data_plane_status body string Status of the underlying data plane of a port.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
device_id body string The ID of the device that uses this port. For example, a server instance or a logical router.
device_owner body string The entity type that uses this port. For example, compute:nova (server instance), network:dhcp (DHCP agent) or network:router_interface (router interface).
extra_dhcp_opts body array A set of zero or more extra DHCP option pairs. An option pair consists of an option value and name.
fixed_ips body array The IP addresses for the port. If the port has multiple IP addresses, this field has multiple entries. Each entry consists of IP address (ip_address) and the subnet ID from which the IP address is assigned (subnet_id).
id body string The ID of the resource.
mac_address body string The MAC address of the port.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
port_security_enabled body boolean The port security status. A valid value is enabled (true) or disabled (false). If port security is enabled for the port, security group rules and anti-spoofing rules are applied to the traffic on the port. If disabled, no such rules are applied.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
security_groups body array The IDs of security groups applied to the port.
status body string The port status. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.

Response Example

    "ports": [
            "admin_state_up": false,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "",
            "device_owner": "",
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
            "id": "94225baa-9d3f-4b93-bf12-b41e7ce49cdb",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:48:b8:9f",
            "name": "sample_port_1",
            "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
            "project_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa",
            "security_groups": [
            "status": "DOWN",
            "tenant_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa"
            "admin_state_up": false,
            "allowed_address_pairs": [],
            "data_plane_status": null,
            "description": "",
            "device_id": "",
            "device_owner": "",
            "fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "a0304c3a-4f08-4c43-88af-d796509c97d2"
            "id": "235b09e0-63c4-47f1-b221-66ba54c21760",
            "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:f4:73:df",
            "name": "sample_port_2",
            "network_id": "a87cc70a-3e15-4acf-8205-9b711a3531b7",
            "project_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa",
            "security_groups": [
            "status": "DOWN",
            "tenant_id": "d6700c0c9ffa4f1cb322cd4a1f3906fa"


Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes segments. The segments API is admin-only.


Show segment details

Shows details for a segment.

You can control which response parameters are returned by using the fields query parameter. For information, see Filtering and column selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
segment_id path string The UUID of the segment.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The UUID of the segment.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
network_type body string The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

  "segment": {
    "name": null,
    "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
    "segmentation_id": 2000,
    "network_type": "vlan",
    "physical_network": "segment-1",
    "id": "57fe85e4-ca2f-4192-b3cd-d5c249d7a21f",
    "description": null

Update segment

Updates a segment.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
segment_id path string The UUID of the segment.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the segment.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "segment": {
        "name": "1",
        "description": "Segment One"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The UUID of the segment.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
network_type body string The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

  "segment": {
    "name": "1",
    "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
    "segmentation_id": 2000,
    "network_type": "vlan",
    "physical_network": "segment-1",
    "id": "57fe85e4-ca2f-4192-b3cd-d5c249d7a21f",
    "description": "Segment One"

Delete segment

Deletes a segment and its associated resources.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
segment_id path string The UUID of the segment.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List segments

Lists segments to which the project has access.

Use the fields query parameter to filter the response. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The UUID of the segment.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
network_type body string The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

  "segments": [
      "name": null,
      "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
      "segmentation_id": 2000,
      "network_type": "vlan",
      "physical_network": "segment-1",
      "id": "57fe85e4-ca2f-4192-b3cd-d5c249d7a21f",
      "description": null
      "name": null,
      "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
      "segmentation_id": 2000,
      "network_type": "vlan",
      "physical_network": "segment-2",
      "id": "f1364c3a-4fc1-4206-b2dc-3254bc25cbfc",
      "description": null

Create segment

Creates a segment.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
network_type body string The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the segment.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "segment": {
        "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
        "segmentation_id": 2000,
        "network_type": "vlan",
        "physical_network": "segment-1"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The UUID of the segment.
network_id body string The ID of the attached network.
physical_network body string The physical network where this network is implemented.
network_type body string The type of physical network that maps to this network resource. For example, flat, vlan, vxlan, or gre.
segmentation_id body integer The ID of the isolated segment on the physical network. The network_type attribute defines the segmentation model. For example, if the network_type value is vlan, this ID is a vlan identifier. If the network_type value is gre, this ID is a gre key.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

  "segment": {
    "name": null,
    "network_id": "5c0cb560-4089-41dd-be29-469907a23b49",
    "segmentation_id": 2000,
    "network_type": "vlan",
    "physical_network": "segment-1",
    "id": "57fe85e4-ca2f-4192-b3cd-d5c249d7a21f",
    "description": null

Trunk networking

The trunk extension can be used to multiplex packets coming from and going to multiple neutron logical networks using a single neutron logical port. A trunk is modeled in neutron as a collection of neutron logical ports. One port, called parent port, must be associated to a trunk and it is the port to be used to connect instances with neutron. A sequence of subports (or sub_ports) each typically belonging to distinct neutron networks, is also associated to a trunk, and each subport may have a segmentation type and ID used to mux/demux the traffic coming in and out of the parent port.

In more details, the extension introduces the following resources:

  • trunk. A top level logical entity to model the group of neutron logical networks whose traffic flows through the trunk.
  • sub_port. An association to a neutron logical port with attributes segmentation_id and segmentation_type.

List trunks

Lists trunks that are accessible to the user who submits the request.

Default policy settings return only those trunks that are owned by the user who submits the request, unless an admin user submits the request.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see the Filtering section for more details.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "trunks": [
            "status": "DOWN",
            "sub_ports": [],
            "name": "test",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "project_id": "313be01bd0744cea86643c711c57012b",
            "tenant_id": "313be01bd0744cea86643c711c57012b",
            "created_at": "2016-10-05T20:11:16Z",
            "updated_at": "2016-10-05T20:11:16Z",
            "revision_number": 1,
            "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
            "id": "ee98bdb4-a817-43af-943f-4318bff98f51",
            "description": ""

Create trunk

Error codes:

  • 400 The operation returns this error code if the request is malformed, e.g. there are missing or invalid parameters in the request.
  • 401 The operation is not authorized.
  • 404 If the extension is not available or the port UUID of any of the specified ports is not found.
  • 409 The operation returns this error code for one of these reasons:
    • A port to be used as subport is in use by another trunk.
    • The segmentation type and segmentation ID are already in use in the trunk.
    • A port to be used as parent port is in use by another trunk or cannot be trunked.
    • A system configuration prevents the operation from succeeding.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
description body string The description for the resource.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.

Request Example

    "trunk": {
        "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
        "name": "test",
        "admin_state_up": true

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "trunk": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "sub_ports": [],
        "name": "test",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "tenant_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "created_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
        "revision_number": 1,
        "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
        "id": "114a26b1-d124-4835-bb4f-021d3d886023",
        "description": ""

Add subports to trunk

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.
segmentation_id (Optional) body integer The segmentation ID for the subport.
segmentation_type (Optional) body string The segmentation type for the subport.
port_id body string The ID of the subport.

Request Example

    "sub_ports": [
            "segmentation_id": 44,
            "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
            "segmentation_type": "vlan"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "status": "DOWN",
    "sub_ports": [
            "segmentation_type": "vlan",
            "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
            "segmentation_id": 44
    "name": "test",
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "project_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
    "tenant_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
    "created_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-10-05T22:52:04Z",
    "revision_number": 2,
    "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
    "id": "114a26b1-d124-4835-bb4f-021d3d886023",
    "description": ""

Delete subports from trunk

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.
port_id body string The ID of the port.

Request Example

    "sub_ports": [
           "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "status": "DOWN",
    "sub_ports": [],
    "name": "test",
    "admin_state_up": true,
    "project_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
    "tenant_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
    "created_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-10-05T22:57:44Z",
    "revision_number": 3,
    "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
    "id": "114a26b1-d124-4835-bb4f-021d3d886023",
    "description": ""

List subports for trunk

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
port_id body string The ID of the subport.
segmentation_type (Optional) body string The segmentation type for the subport.
segmentation_id (Optional) body integer The segmentation ID for the subport.

Response Example

    "sub_ports": [
            "segmentation_type": "vlan",
            "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
            "segmentation_id": 44

Update trunk

The update request is only for changing fields like name, description or admin_state_up. Setting the admin_state_up to False locks the trunk in that it prevents operations such as as adding/removing subports.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
name_resource (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
admin_state_up_trunk body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description_resource body string The description for the resource.
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.

Request Example

    "trunk": {
        "name": "foo",
        "admin_state_up": true

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "trunk": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "sub_ports": [
                "segmentation_type": "vlan",
                "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
                "segmentation_id": 44
        "name": "foo",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "tenant_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "created_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-10-05T23:28:17Z",
        "revision_number": 9,
        "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
        "id": "114a26b1-d124-4835-bb4f-021d3d886023",
        "description": ""

Show trunk

Shows details for a trunk.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the trunk, which is up (true) or down (false).
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
description body string The description for the resource.
id body string The ID for the resource.
name (Optional) body string The name of the resource.
port_id body string The ID of the parent port.
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
status body string The status for the trunk. Possible values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, DEGRADED, and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
sub_ports body array A list of ports associated with the trunk.
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).

Response Example

    "trunk": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "sub_ports": [
                 "segmentation_type": "vlan",
                 "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
                 "segmentation_id": 44
        "name": "foo",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "tenant_id": "145a14e4a64b49bf98baad8945dbd4f1",
        "created_at": "2016-10-05T22:31:37Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-10-05T23:28:17Z",
        "revision_number": 9,
        "port_id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
        "id": "114a26b1-d124-4835-bb4f-021d3d886023",
        "description": ""

Delete trunk

Deletes a trunk, if its state allows it.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
trunk_id path string The ID of the trunk.

Trunk details extended attributes (ports)

The trunk_details extension attribute is available when showing a port resource that participates in a trunk as parent. The extension is useful for REST clients that may want to access trunk details when getting the parent port, and it allows them to avoid extra lookups.


Show trunk details

Shows details for a port. The details available in the trunk_details attribute contain the trunk ID and the array showing information about the subports that belong to the trunk: the port UUID, the segmentation type, the segmentation ID, and the MAC address.

Normal response codes: 200


Name In Type Description
port_id path string The ID of the port.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
trunk_details (Optional) body dict The details about the trunk.

Response Example

    "port": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "created_at": "2016-10-05T20:05:14Z",
        "description": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "network_id": "1cf9e069-365f-4a78-8784-616bc12c4c5a",
        "project_id": "313be01bd0744cea86643c711c57012b",
        "tenant_id": "313be01bd0744cea86643c711c57012b",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [],
        "updated_at": "2016-10-05T20:05:14Z",
        "name": "test",
        "device_owner": "",
        "trunk_details": {
            "trunk_id": "8905d084-010c-46e8-a863-f21cb4441ab1",
            "sub_ports": [
                   "segmentation_id": 33,
                   "port_id": "70df9f3e-b409-4761-8304-ce029b2079f5",
                   "segmentation_type": "vlan",
                   "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:86:9b:dc"
                   "segmentation_id": 44,
                   "port_id": "4b4c691b-086d-43d2-8a65-5487e9434155",
                   "segmentation_type": "vlan",
                   "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:fe:29:97"
       "revision_number": 5,
       "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:5c:e9:a3",
       "fixed_ips": [
               "subnet_id": "76a059c0-b189-479f-882c-5e8bd464ea49",
               "ip_address": ""
       "id": "8027c4da-772f-4e43-bfbf-023b4a4e63de",
       "security_groups": ["da88a249-12ac-4221-9565-c406b6feeb48"],
       "device_id": ""

Layer 3 Networking

Floating IPs (floatingips)


List floating IPs

Lists floating IPs visible to the user.

Default policy settings return only the floating IPs owned by the user’s project, unless the user has admin role.

This example request lists floating IPs in JSON format:

GET /v2.0/floatingips
Accept: application/json

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
floatingips body array A list of floatingip objects.
id body string The ID of the floating IP address.
router_id body string The ID of the router for the floating IP.
status body string The status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address body string The floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP.

Response Example

    "floatingips": [
            "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
            "description": "for test",
            "created_at": "2016-12-21T10:55:50Z",
            "updated_at": "2016-12-21T10:55:53Z",
            "revision_number": 1,
            "project_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
            "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
            "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
            "fixed_ip_address": "",
            "floating_ip_address": "",
            "port_id": "ce705c24-c1ef-408a-bda3-7bbd946164ab",
            "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7",
            "status": "ACTIVE"
            "router_id": null,
            "description": "for test",
            "created_at": "2016-12-21T11:55:50Z",
            "updated_at": "2016-12-21T11:55:53Z",
            "revision_number": 2,
            "project_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
            "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
            "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
            "fixed_ip_address": null,
            "floating_ip_address": "",
            "port_id": null,
            "id": "61cea855-49cb-4846-997d-801b70c71bdd",
            "status": "DOWN"

Create floating IP

Creates a floating IP, and, if you specify port information, associates the floating IP with an internal port.

To associate the floating IP with an internal port, specify the port ID attribute in the request body. If you do not specify a port ID in the request, you can issue a PUT request instead of a POST request.

Default policy settings enable only administrative users to set floating IP addresses and some non-administrative users might require a floating IP address. If you do not specify a floating IP address in the request, the operation automatically allocates one.

By default, this operation associates the floating IP address with a single fixed IP address that is configured on an OpenStack Networking port. If a port has multiple IP addresses, you must specify the fixed_ip_address attribute in the request body to associate a fixed IP address with the floating IP address.

You can create floating IPs on only external networks. When you create a floating IP, you must specify the ID of the network on which you want to create the floating IP. Alternatively, you can create a floating IP on a subnet in the external network, based on the costs and quality of that subnet.

You must configure an IP address with the internal OpenStack Networking port that is associated with the floating IP address.

The operation returns the Bad Request (400) response code for one of reasons:

  • The network is not external, such as router:external=False.
  • The internal OpenStack Networking port is not associated with the floating IP address.
  • The requested floating IP address does not fall in the subnet range for the external network.
  • The fixed IP address is not valid.

If the port ID is not valid, this operation returns 404 response code.

The operation returns the Conflict (409) response code for one of reasons:

  • The requested floating IP address is already in use.
  • The internal OpenStack Networking port and fixed IP address are already associated with another floating IP.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
floatingip body object A floatingip object. When you associate a floating IP address with a VM, the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots, basically to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address (Optional) body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP. If an internal port has multiple associated IP addresses, the service chooses the first IP address unless you explicitly define a fixed IP address in the fixed_ip_address parameter.
floating_ip_address (Optional) body string The floating IP address.
port_id (Optional) body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP. To associate the floating IP with a fixed IP at creation time, you must specify the identifier of the internal port.
subnet_id (Optional) body string The subnet ID on which you want to create the floating IP.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "floatingip": {
        "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
        "port_id": "ce705c24-c1ef-408a-bda3-7bbd946164ab",
        "subnet_id": "278d9507-36e7-403c-bb80-1d7093318fe6",
        "fixed_ip_address": "",
        "floating_ip_address": "",
        "description": "floating ip for testing"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
floatingip body object A floatingip object. When you associate a floating IP address with a VM, the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots, basically to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
router_id body string The ID of the router for the floating IP.
status body string The status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address body string The floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP.
id body string The ID of the floating IP address.

Response Example

    "floatingip": {
        "fixed_ip_address": "",
        "floating_ip_address": "",
        "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
        "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7",
        "port_id": "ce705c24-c1ef-408a-bda3-7bbd946164ab",
        "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "project_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "description": "floating ip for testing",
        "created_at": "2016-12-21T01:36:04Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-21T01:36:04Z",
        "revision_number": 1

Show floating IP details

Shows details for a floating IP.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

This example request shows details for a floating IP in JSON format. This example also filters the result by the fixed_ip_address and floating_ip_address fields.

GET /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id}?fields=fixed_ip_address
Accept: application/json

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
floatingip_id path string The ID of the floating IP address.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
floatingip body object A floatingip object. When you associate a floating IP address with a VM, the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots, basically to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
router_id body string The ID of the router for the floating IP.
status body string The status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address body string The floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP.
id body string The ID of the floating IP address.

Response Example

    "floatingip": {
        "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
        "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
        "fixed_ip_address": "",
        "floating_ip_address": "",
        "project_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "port_id": "ce705c24-c1ef-408a-bda3-7bbd946164ab",
        "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7",
        "description": "floating ip for testing",
        "created_at": "2016-12-21T01:36:04Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-21T01:36:04Z",
        "revision_number": 1

Update floating IP

Updates a floating IP and its association with an internal port.

The association process is the same as the process for the create floating IP operation.

To disassociate a floating IP from a port, set the port_id attribute to null or omit it from the request body.

This example updates a floating IP:

PUT /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id} Accept: application/json

Depending on the request body that you submit, this request associates a port with or disassociates a port from a floating IP.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
floatingip body object A floatingip object. When you associate a floating IP address with a VM, the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots, basically to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
floatingip_id path string The ID of the floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP. To associate the floating IP with a fixed IP, you must specify the ID of the internal port. To disassociate the floating IP, null should be specified.
fixed_ip_address (Optional) body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP. If an internal port has multiple associated IP addresses, the service chooses the first IP address unless you explicitly define a fixed IP address in the fixed_ip_address parameter.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "floatingip": {
        "port_id": "fc861431-0e6c-4842-a0ed-e2363f9bc3a8"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
floatingip body object A floatingip object. When you associate a floating IP address with a VM, the instance has the same public IP address each time that it boots, basically to maintain a consistent IP address for maintaining DNS assignment.
router_id body string The ID of the router for the floating IP.
status body string The status of the floating IP. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN and ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
floating_network_id body string The ID of the network associated with the floating IP.
fixed_ip_address body string The fixed IP address that is associated with the floating IP address.
floating_ip_address body string The floating IP address.
port_id body string The ID of a port associated with the floating IP.
id body string The ID of the floating IP address.
created_at body string Time at which the resource has been created (in UTC ISO8601 format).
updated_at body string Time at which the resource has been updated (in UTC ISO8601 format).
revision_number body integer The revision number of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "floatingip": {
        "created_at": "2016-12-21T10:55:50Z",
        "description": "floating ip for testing",
        "fixed_ip_address": "",
        "floating_ip_address": "",
        "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
        "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7",
        "port_id": "fc861431-0e6c-4842-a0ed-e2363f9bc3a8",
        "project_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "revision_number": 3,
        "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
        "updated_at": "2016-12-22T03:13:49Z"

Delete floating IP

Deletes a floating IP and, if present, its associated port.

This example deletes a floating IP:

DELETE /v2.0/floatingips/{floatingip_id} Accept: application/json

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
floatingip_id path string The ID of the floating IP address.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Routers (routers)

A router is a logical entity for forwarding packets across internal subnets and NATting them on external networks through an appropriate external gateway.

This resource is provided when router extension is enabled.


List routers

Lists logical routers that the project who submits the request can access.

Default policy settings return only those routers that the project who submits the request owns, unless an administrative user submits the request.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
routers body array A list of router objects.
id body string The ID of the router.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
status body string The router status.
external_gateway_info body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
network_id body string Network ID which the router gateway is connected to.
enable_snat body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. true means Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router when the traffic is sent to/received from the external network. false means no NAT is applied for traffic from/to the external network. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
external_fixed_ips body array IP address(es) of the external gateway of the router. It is a list of IP addresses. Each element of the list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
routes body array The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled.
destination body string The destination CIDR.
nexthop body string The IP address of the next hop for the corresponding destination. The next hop IP address must be a part of one of the subnets to which the router interfaces are connected.
distributed body boolean true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled.
ha body boolean true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled.
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.
availability_zones body array The availability zone(s) for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.

Response Example

    "routers": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "description": "",
            "distributed": false,
            "external_gateway_info": {
                "enable_snat": true,
                "external_fixed_ips": [
                        "ip_address": "",
                        "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
                        "ip_address": "2001:db8::c",
                        "subnet_id": "0c56df5d-ace5-46c8-8f4c-45fa4e334d18"
                "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3"
            "ha": false,
            "id": "915a14a6-867b-4af7-83d1-70efceb146f9",
            "name": "router2",
            "routes": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
            "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "availability_zone_hints": [],
            "availability_zones": [
            "description": "",
            "distributed": false,
            "external_gateway_info": {
                "enable_snat": true,
                "external_fixed_ips": [
                        "ip_address": "",
                        "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
                        "ip_address": "2001:db8::9",
                        "subnet_id": "0c56df5d-ace5-46c8-8f4c-45fa4e334d18"
                "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3"
            "ha": false,
            "id": "f8a44de0-fc8e-45df-93c7-f79bf3b01c95",
            "name": "router1",
            "routes": [],
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
            "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Create router

Creates a logical router.

This operation creates a logical router. The logical router does not have any internal interface and it is not associated with any subnet. You can optionally specify an external gateway for a router at create time. The external gateway for the router must be plugged into an external network. An external network has its router:external extended field set to true. To specify an external gateway, the ID of the external network must be passed in the network_id parameter of the external_gateway_info attribute in the request body.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
router body object A router object.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
external_gateway_info (Optional) body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
network_id body string Network ID which the router gateway is connected to.
enable_snat (Optional) body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. Default is true. To persist this attribute value, set the enable_snat_by_default option in the neutron.conf file. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
external_fixed_ips (Optional) body array IP address(es) of the external gateway interface of the router. It is a list of IP addresses you would like to assign to the external gateway interface. Each element of ths list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
distributed (Optional) body boolean true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled.
ha (Optional) body boolean true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled.
availability_zone_hints (Optional) body array The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.

Request Example

    "router": {
        "name": "router1",
        "external_gateway_info": {
            "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3",
            "enable_snat": true,
            "external_fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
        "admin_state_up": true

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router body object A router object.
id body string The ID of the router.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
status body string The router status.
external_gateway_info body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
network_id body string Network ID which the router gateway is connected to.
enable_snat body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. true means Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router when the traffic is sent to/received from the external network. false means no NAT is applied for traffic from/to the external network. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
external_fixed_ips body array IP address(es) of the external gateway of the router. It is a list of IP addresses. Each element of the list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
routes body array The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled.
destination body string The destination CIDR.
nexthop body string The IP address of the next hop for the corresponding destination. The next hop IP address must be a part of one of the subnets to which the router interfaces are connected.
distributed body boolean true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled.
ha body boolean true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled.
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.
availability_zones body array The availability zone(s) for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.

Response Example

    "router": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "description": "",
        "distributed": false,
        "external_gateway_info": {
            "enable_snat": true,
            "external_fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
            "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3"
        "ha": false,
        "id": "f8a44de0-fc8e-45df-93c7-f79bf3b01c95",
        "name": "router1",
        "routes": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
        "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Show router details

Shows details for a router.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
router_id path string The ID of the router.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router body object A router object.
id body string The ID of the router.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
status body string The router status.
external_gateway_info body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
network_id body string Network ID which the router gateway is connected to.
enable_snat body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. true means Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router when the traffic is sent to/received from the external network. false means no NAT is applied for traffic from/to the external network. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
external_fixed_ips body array IP address(es) of the external gateway of the router. It is a list of IP addresses. Each element of the list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
routes body array The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled.
destination body string The destination CIDR.
nexthop body string The IP address of the next hop for the corresponding destination. The next hop IP address must be a part of one of the subnets to which the router interfaces are connected.
distributed body boolean true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled.
ha body boolean true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled.
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.
availability_zones body array The availability zone(s) for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.

Response Example

    "router": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "description": "",
        "distributed": false,
        "external_gateway_info": {
            "enable_snat": true,
            "external_fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
                    "ip_address": "2001:db8::9",
                    "subnet_id": "0c56df5d-ace5-46c8-8f4c-45fa4e334d18"
            "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3"
        "ha": false,
        "id": "f8a44de0-fc8e-45df-93c7-f79bf3b01c95",
        "name": "router1",
        "routes": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
        "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Update router

Updates a logical router.

This operation does not enable the update of router interfaces. To update a router intreface, use the add router interface and remove router interface operations.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
router body object A router object.
external_gateway_info body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
enable_snat body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. true means Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router when the traffic is sent to/received from the external network. false means no NAT is applied for traffic from/to the external network. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
external_fixed_ips body array IP address(es) of the external gateway of the router. It is a list of IP addresses. Each element of the list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "router": {
        "external_gateway_info": {
            "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3",
            "enable_snat": true,
            "external_fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router body object A router object.
id body string The ID of the router.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
status body string The router status.
external_gateway_info body object The external gateway information of the router. If the router has an external gateway, this would be a dict with network_id, enable_snat and external_fixed_ips. Otherwise, this would be null.
network_id body string Network ID which the router gateway is connected to.
enable_snat body boolean Enable Source NAT (SNAT) attribute. true means Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router when the traffic is sent to/received from the external network. false means no NAT is applied for traffic from/to the external network. It is available when ext-gw-mode extension is enabled.
external_fixed_ips body array IP address(es) of the external gateway of the router. It is a list of IP addresses. Each element of the list is a dictionary of ip_address and subnet_id.
routes body array The extra routes configuration for L3 router. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. It is available when extraroute extension is enabled.
destination body string The destination CIDR.
nexthop body string The IP address of the next hop for the corresponding destination. The next hop IP address must be a part of one of the subnets to which the router interfaces are connected.
distributed body boolean true indicates a distributed router. It is available when dvr extension is enabled.
ha body boolean true indicates a highly-available router. It is available when l3-ha extension is enabled.
availability_zone_hints body array The availability zone candidates for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.
availability_zones body array The availability zone(s) for the router. It is available when router_availability_zone extension is enabled.

Response Example

    "router": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "availability_zone_hints": [],
        "availability_zones": [
        "description": "",
        "distributed": false,
        "external_gateway_info": {
            "enable_snat": true,
            "external_fixed_ips": [
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "b930d7f6-ceb7-40a0-8b81-a425dd994ccf"
            "network_id": "ae34051f-aa6c-4c75-abf5-50dc9ac99ef3"
        "ha": false,
        "id": "f8a44de0-fc8e-45df-93c7-f79bf3b01c95",
        "name": "router1",
        "routes": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
        "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Delete router

Deletes a logical router and, if present, its external gateway interface.

This operation fails if the router has attached interfaces. Use the remove router interface operation to remove all router interfaces before you delete the router.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
router_id path string The ID of the router.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


Add interface to router

Adds an internal interface to a logical router. This means a specified subnet is attached to a router as an internal router interface.

Specify the ID of a subnet or port in the request body:

  • Subnet ID. The gateway IP address for the subnet is used as an IP address of the created router interface.
  • Port ID. The IP address associated with the port is used as an IP address of the created router interface.

When you specify an IPv6 subnet, this operation adds the subnet to an existing internal port with same network ID, on the router. If a port with the same network ID does not exist, this operation creates a port on the router for that subnet.

The limitation of one IPv4 subnet per router port remains, though a port can contain any number of IPv6 subnets that belong to the same network ID.

When you use the port-create command to add a port and then call router-interface-add with this port ID, this operation adds the port to the router if the following conditions are met:

  • The port has no more than one IPv4 subnet.
  • The IPv6 subnets, if any, on the port do not have same network ID as the network ID of IPv6 subnets on any other ports.

If you specify both subnet ID and port ID, this operation returns the Bad Request (400) response code.

If the port is already in use, this operation returns the Conflict (409) response code.

This operation returns a port ID that is either:

  • The same ID that is passed in the request body when a port is specified.
  • The ID of a port that this operation creates to attach the subnet to the router.

After you run this operation, the operation sets:

  • The device_id attribute of this port to the router ID
  • The device_owner attribute to network:router_interface

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
router_id path string The ID of the router.
subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified.
port_id (Optional) body string The ID of the port. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified.

Request Example

    "subnet_id": "a2f1f29d-571b-4533-907f-5803ab96ead1"


    "port_id": "2dc46bcc-d1f2-4077-b99e-91ee28afaff0"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The ID of the router.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet which the router interface belongs to.
subnet_ids body array A list of the ID of the subnet which the router interface belongs to. The list contains only one member.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project who owns the router interface.
project_id body string The ID of the project who owns the router interface.
port_id body string The ID of the port which represents the router interface.
network_id body string Network ID which the router interface is connected to.

Response Example

    "id": "915a14a6-867b-4af7-83d1-70efceb146f9",
    "network_id": "91c013e2-d65a-474e-9177-c3e1799ca726",
    "port_id": "2dc46bcc-d1f2-4077-b99e-91ee28afaff0",
    "subnet_id": "a2f1f29d-571b-4533-907f-5803ab96ead1",
    "subnet_ids": [
    "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
    "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Remove interface from router

Deletes an internal interface from a logical router.

This operation deletes an internal router interface, which detaches a subnet from the router. If this subnet ID is the last subnet on the port, this operation deletes the port itself. You must specify either a subnet ID or port ID in the request body; the operation uses this value to identify which router interface to deletes.

You can also specify both a subnet ID and port ID. If you specify both IDs, the subnet ID must correspond to the subnet ID of the first IP address on the port. Otherwise, this operation returns the Conflict (409) response code with information about the affected router and interface.

If you try to delete the router interface for subnets that are used by one or more routes, this operation returns the Conflict (409) response. In this case, you first need to delete such routes from the router.

If the router or the subnet and port do not exist or are not visible to you, this operation returns the Not Found (404) response code. As a consequence of this operation, the operation removes the port connecting the router with the subnet from the subnet for the network.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
router_id path string The ID of the router.
subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified.
port_id (Optional) body string The ID of the port. One of subnet_id or port_id must be specified.

Request Example

    "subnet_id": "a2f1f29d-571b-4533-907f-5803ab96ead1"


    "port_id": "2dc46bcc-d1f2-4077-b99e-91ee28afaff0"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
id body string The ID of the router.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet which the router interface belongs to.
subnet_ids body array A list of the ID of the subnet which the router interface belongs to. The list contains only one member.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project who owns the router interface.
project_id body string The ID of the project who owns the router interface.
port_id body string The ID of the port which represents the router interface.
network_id body string Network ID which the router interface is connected to.

Response Example

    "id": "915a14a6-867b-4af7-83d1-70efceb146f9",
    "network_id": "91c013e2-d65a-474e-9177-c3e1799ca726",
    "port_id": "a5b7d209-dc02-4c46-a51f-805eadd3de64",
    "subnet_id": "4e5fe97c-82bc-432e-87d8-06d7e157dffa",
    "subnet_ids": [
    "project_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13",
    "tenant_id": "0bd18306d801447bb457a46252d82d13"

Subnet pools extension (subnetpools)

Lists, creates, shows details for, updates, and deletes subnet pools.


Show subnet pool

Shows information for a subnet pool.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
subnetpool_id path string The UUID of the subnet pool.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnetpool body object A subnetpool object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
is_default body boolean The subnetpool is default pool or not.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnetpool.

Response Example

    "subnetpool": {
        "min_prefixlen": "64",
        "address_scope_id": null,
        "default_prefixlen": "64",
        "id": "03f761e6-eee0-43fc-a921-8acf64c14988",
        "max_prefixlen": "64",
        "name": "my-subnet-pool",
        "default_quota": null,
        "is_default": false,
        "project_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
        "tenant_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "prefixes": [
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "ip_version": 6,
        "shared": false,
        "description": "",
        "revision_number": 2

Update subnet pool

Updates a subnet pool.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
subnetpool_id path string The UUID of the subnet pool.
subnetpool body object A subnetpool object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "subnetpool": {
        "name": "my-new-subnetpool-name",
        "prefixes": [
        "min_prefixlen": 64,
        "default_prefixlen": 64,
        "max_prefixlen": 64

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnetpool body object A subnetpool object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
is_default body boolean The subnetpool is default pool or not.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnetpool.

Response Example

    "subnetpool": {
        "name": "my-new-subnetpool-name",
        "default_quota": null,
        "is_default": false,
        "project_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
        "tenant_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
        "prefixes": [
        "min_prefixlen": 64,
        "address_scope_id": null,
        "ip_version": 6,
        "shared": false,
        "default_prefixlen": 64,
        "id": "03f761e6-eee0-43fc-a921-8acf64c14988",
        "max_prefixlen": 64,
        "description": "",
        "revision_number": 2

Delete subnet pool

Deletes a subnet pool.

The operation fails if any subnets allocated from the subnet pool are still in use.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
subnetpool_id path string The UUID of the subnet pool.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List subnet pools

Lists subnet pools that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only the subnet pools owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnetpools body array A list of subnetpool objects.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
is_default body boolean The subnetpool is default pool or not.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnetpool.

Response Example

    "subnetpools": [
            "min_prefixlen": "64",
            "address_scope_id": null,
            "default_prefixlen": "64",
            "id": "03f761e6-eee0-43fc-a921-8acf64c14988",
            "max_prefixlen": "64",
            "name": "my-subnet-pool-ipv6",
            "default_quota": null,
            "is_default": false,
            "project_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
            "tenant_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
            "prefixes": [
            "ip_version": 6,
            "shared": false,
            "description": "",
            "revision_number": 2
            "min_prefixlen": "24",
            "address_scope_id": null,
            "default_prefixlen": "25",
            "id": "f49a1319-423a-4ee6-ba54-1d95a4f6cc68",
            "max_prefixlen": "30",
            "name": "my-subnet-pool-ipv4",
            "default_quota": null,
            "is_default": false,
            "project_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
            "tenant_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
            "prefixes": [
            "ip_version": 4,
            "shared": false,
            "description": "",
            "revision_number": 2

Create subnet pool

Creates a subnet pool.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
subnetpool body object A subnetpool object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "subnetpool": {
        "name": "my-subnet-pool",
        "prefixes": [
        "default_prefixlen": 25,
        "min_prefixlen": 24,
        "max_prefixlen": 30,
        "shared": "false"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnetpool body object A subnetpool object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default_quota (Optional) body integer A per-project quota on the prefix space that can be allocated from the subnet pool for project subnets. Default is no quota is enforced on allocations from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default_quota is measured in units of /32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default_quota is measured units of /64. All projects that use the subnet pool have the same prefix quota applied.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which port has been created.
updated_at body string Time at which port has been updated.
prefixes body array A list of subnet prefixes to assign to the subnet pool. The API merges adjacent prefixes and treats them as a single prefix. Each subnet prefix must be unique among all subnet prefixes in all subnet pools that are associated with the address scope.
min_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The smallest prefix that can be allocated from a subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 8. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 64.
address_scope_id (Optional) body string An address scope to assign to the subnet pool.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
default_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The size of the prefix to allocate when the cidr or prefixlen attributes are omitted when you create the subnet. Default is min_prefixlen.
max_prefixlen (Optional) body integer The maximum prefix size that can be allocated from the subnet pool. For IPv4 subnet pools, default is 32. For IPv6 subnet pools, default is 128.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
is_default body boolean The subnetpool is default pool or not.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnetpool.

Response Example

    "subnetpool": {
        "address_scope_id": null,
        "default_prefixlen": 25,
        "default_quota": null,
        "description": "",
        "id": "f49a1319-423a-4ee6-ba54-1d95a4f6cc68",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "is_default": false,
        "max_prefixlen": 30,
        "min_prefixlen": 24,
        "name": "my-subnet-pool",
        "prefixes": [
        "project_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08",
        "shared": false,
        "tenant_id": "9fadcee8aa7c40cdb2114fff7d569c08"


Lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes subnet resources.


List subnets

Lists subnets that the project has access to.

Default policy settings return only subnets owned by the project of the user submitting the request, unless the user has administrative role. You can control which attributes are returned by using the fields query parameter. You can filter results by using query string parameters.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnets body array A list of subnet objects.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.
allocation_pools body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.
host_routes body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
created_at body string Time at which the subnet has been created.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
ipv6_address_mode body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
ipv6_ra_mode body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnet.
segment_id body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
service_types body string The service types associated with the subnet.
subnetpool_id body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.
updated_at body string Time at which the subnet has been updated.

Response Example

    "subnets": [
            "name": "private-subnet",
            "enable_dhcp": true,
            "network_id": "db193ab3-96e3-4cb3-8fc5-05f4296d0324",
            "segment_id": null,
            "project_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "tenant_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
            "dns_nameservers": [],
            "allocation_pools": [
                    "start": "",
                    "end": ""
            "host_routes": [],
            "ip_version": 4,
            "gateway_ip": "",
            "cidr": "",
            "id": "08eae331-0402-425a-923c-34f7cfe39c1b",
            "created_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:34Z",
            "description": "",
            "ipv6_address_mode": null,
            "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
            "revision_number": 2,
            "service_types": [],
            "subnetpool_id": null,
            "updated_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:34Z"
            "name": "my_subnet",
            "enable_dhcp": true,
            "network_id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
            "segment_id": null,
            "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
            "dns_nameservers": [],
            "allocation_pools": [
                    "start": "",
                    "end": ""
            "host_routes": [],
            "ip_version": 4,
            "gateway_ip": "",
            "cidr": "",
            "id": "54d6f61d-db07-451c-9ab3-b9609b6b6f0b",
            "created_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z",
            "description": "",
            "ipv6_address_mode": null,
            "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
            "revision_number": 2,
            "service_types": [],
            "subnetpool_id": null,
            "updated_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z"

Create subnet

Creates a subnet on a network.

OpenStack Networking does not try to derive the correct IP version from the CIDR. If you do not specify the gateway_ip attribute, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet.

To specify a subnet without a gateway, set the gateway_ip attribute to null in the request body. If you do not specify the allocation_pools attribute, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway. Otherwise, you can explicitly specify allocation pools as shown in the following example.

When you specify both the allocation_pools and gateway_ip attributes, you must ensure that the gateway IP does not overlap with the allocation pools; otherwise, the call returns the Conflict (409) response code.

A subnet can have one or more name servers and host routes. Hosts in this subnet use the name servers. Devices with IP addresses from this subnet, not including the local subnet route, use the host routes.

Specify the ipv6_ra_mode and ipv6_address_mode attributes to create subnets that support IPv6 configurations, such as stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC), DHCPv6 stateful, and DHCPv6 stateless configurations.

A subnet can optionally be associated with a network segment when it is created by specifying the segment_id of a valid segment on the specified network. A network with subnets associated in this way is called a routed network. On any given network, all of the subnets must be associated with segments or none of them can be. Neutron enforces this invariant. Currently, routed networks are only supported for provider networks.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
subnet body string A subnet object.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
enable_dhcp (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. Default is true.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers (Optional) body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. Default is an empty list.
allocation_pools (Optional) body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. If allocation_pools are not specified, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway by default.
host_routes (Optional) body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. Default value is an empty list.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip (Optional) body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet. If the gateway_ip is not specified, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet by default.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
ipv6_address_mode (Optional) body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless.
ipv6_ra_mode (Optional) body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless.
segment_id (Optional) body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
subnetpool_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.

Request Example

    "subnet": {
        "network_id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "cidr": ""

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnet body string A subnet object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.
allocation_pools body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.
host_routes body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
created_at body string Time at which the subnet has been created.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
ipv6_address_mode body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
ipv6_ra_mode body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnet.
service_types body string The service types associated with the subnet.
subnetpool_id body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.
segment_id body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
updated_at body string Time at which the subnet has been updated.

Response Example

    "subnet": {
        "name": "",
        "enable_dhcp": true,
        "network_id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
        "segment_id": null,
        "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "dns_nameservers": [],
        "allocation_pools": [
                "start": "",
                "end": ""
        "host_routes": [],
        "ip_version": 4,
        "gateway_ip": "",
        "cidr": "",
        "id": "3b80198d-4f7b-4f77-9ef5-774d54e17126",
        "created_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z",
        "description": "",
        "ipv6_address_mode": null,
        "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
        "revision_number": 2,
        "service_types": [],
        "subnetpool_id": null,
        "updated_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z"

Bulk create subnet

Creates multiple subnets in a single request. Specify a list of subnets in the request body.

The bulk create operation is always atomic. Either all or no subnets in the request body are created.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
subnets body array A list of subnet objects.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
enable_dhcp (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. Default is true.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers (Optional) body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. Default is an empty list.
allocation_pools (Optional) body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. If allocation_pools are not specified, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway by default.
host_routes (Optional) body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. Default value is an empty list.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip (Optional) body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet. If the gateway_ip is not specified, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet by default.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
ipv6_address_mode (Optional) body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless.
ipv6_ra_mode (Optional) body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless.
segment_id (Optional) body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
subnetpool_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.

Request Example

    "subnets": [
            "cidr": "",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "network_id": "e6031bc2-901a-4c66-82da-f4c32ed89406"
            "cidr": "",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "network_id": "64239a54-dcc4-4b39-920b-b37c2144effa"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnets body array A list of subnet objects.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.
allocation_pools body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.
host_routes body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
created_at body string Time at which the subnet has been created.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
ipv6_address_mode body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
ipv6_ra_mode body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnet.
segment_id body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
service_types body string The service types associated with the subnet.
subnetpool_id body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.
updated_at body string Time at which the subnet has been updated.

Response Example

    "subnets": [
            "allocation_pools": [
                    "end": "",
                    "start": ""
            "cidr": "",
            "dns_nameservers": [],
            "enable_dhcp": true,
            "gateway_ip": "",
            "host_routes": [],
            "id": "0468a7a7-290d-4127-aedd-6c9449775a24",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "e6031bc2-901a-4c66-82da-f4c32ed89406",
            "segment_id": null,
            "project_id": "d19231fc08ec4bc4829b668040d34512",
            "tenant_id": "d19231fc08ec4bc4829b668040d34512",
            "created_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z",
            "description": "",
            "ipv6_address_mode": null,
            "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
            "revision_number": 2,
            "service_types": [],
            "subnetpool_id": null,
            "updated_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:47Z"
            "allocation_pools": [
                    "end": "",
                    "start": ""
            "cidr": "",
            "dns_nameservers": [],
            "enable_dhcp": true,
            "gateway_ip": "",
            "host_routes": [],
            "id": "b0e7435c-1512-45fb-aa9e-9a7c5932fb30",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "name": "",
            "network_id": "64239a54-dcc4-4b39-920b-b37c2144effa",
            "segment_id": null,
            "project_id": "d19231fc08ec4bc4829b668040d34512",
            "tenant_id": "d19231fc08ec4bc4829b668040d34512",
            "created_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:34Z",
            "description": "",
            "ipv6_address_mode": null,
            "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
            "revision_number": 2,
            "service_types": [],
            "subnetpool_id": null,
            "updated_at": "2016-10-10T14:35:34Z"

Show subnet details

Shows details for a subnet.

Use the fields query parameter to filter the results.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
subnet_id path string The ID of the subnet.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnet body string A subnet object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
created_at body string Time at which the subnet has been created.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.
allocation_pools body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.
host_routes body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
updated_at body string Time at which the subnet has been updated.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
ipv6_address_mode body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
ipv6_ra_mode body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnet.
segment_id body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
service_types body string The service types associated with the subnet.
subnetpool_id body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.

Response Example

    "subnet": {
        "name": "my_subnet",
        "enable_dhcp": true,
        "network_id": "d32019d3-bc6e-4319-9c1d-6722fc136a22",
        "segment_id": null,
        "project_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "tenant_id": "4fd44f30292945e481c7b8a0c8908869",
        "created_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "dns_nameservers": [],
        "allocation_pools": [
                "start": "",
                "end": ""
        "host_routes": [],
        "ip_version": 4,
        "gateway_ip": "",
        "cidr": "",
        "updated_at": "2016-03-08T20:19:41",
        "id": "54d6f61d-db07-451c-9ab3-b9609b6b6f0b",
        "description": "",
        "ipv6_address_mode": null,
        "ipv6_ra_mode": null,
        "revision_number": 2,
        "service_types": [],
        "subnetpool_id": null

Update subnet

Updates a subnet.

Some attributes, such as IP version (ip_version), CIDR (cidr), and segment (segment_id) cannot be updated. Attempting to update these attributes results in a 400 Bad Request error.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
subnet_id path string The ID of the subnet.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet. Default is true.
dns_nameservers (Optional) body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet. Default is an empty list.
allocation_pools (Optional) body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet. If allocation_pools are not specified, OpenStack Networking automatically allocates pools for covering all IP addresses in the CIDR, excluding the address reserved for the subnet gateway by default.
host_routes (Optional) body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters. Default value is an empty list.
gateway_ip (Optional) body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet. If the gateway_ip is not specified, OpenStack Networking allocates an address from the CIDR for the gateway for the subnet by default.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "subnet": {
        "name": "my_subnet"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
subnet body string A subnet object.
id body string The ID of the subnet.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
enable_dhcp body boolean Indicates whether dhcp is enabled or disabled for the subnet.
network_id body string The ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.
dns_nameservers body array List of dns name servers associated with the subnet.
allocation_pools body array Allocation pools with start and end IP addresses for this subnet.
host_routes body array Additional routes for the subnet. A list of dictionaries with destination and nexthop parameters.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
gateway_ip body string Gateway IP of this subnet. If the value is null that implies no gateway is associated with the subnet.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.
created_at body string Time at which the subnet has been created.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
ipv6_address_mode body string The IPv6 address modes specifies mechanisms for assigning IP addresses. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
ipv6_ra_mode body string The IPv6 router advertisement specifies whether the networking service should transmit ICMPv6 packets, for a subnet. Value is slaac, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless or null.
revision_number body string The revision number of the subnet.
segment_id body string The ID of a network segment the subnet is associated with. It is available when segment extension is enabled.
service_types body string The service types associated with the subnet.
subnetpool_id body string The ID of the subnet pool associated with the subnet.
updated_at body string Time at which the subnet has been updated.

Response Example

    "subnet": {
        "name": "my_subnet",
        "enable_dhcp": true,
        "network_id": "db193ab3-96e3-4cb3-8fc5-05f4296d0324",
        "segment_id": null,
        "project_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
        "tenant_id": "26a7980765d0414dbc1fc1f88cdb7e6e",
        "dns_nameservers": [],
        "allocation_pools": [
                "start": "",
                "end": ""
        "host_routes": [],
        "ip_version": 4,
        "gateway_ip": "",
        "cidr": "",
        "id": "08eae331-0402-425a-923c-34f7cfe39c1b",
        "description": ""

Delete subnet

Deletes a subnet.

The operation fails if subnet IP addresses are still allocated.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
subnet_id path string The ID of the subnet.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


FWaaS v1.0 (DEPRECATED) (fw, firewalls, firewall_policies, firewall_rules)


While FWaaS v1.0 is still maintained, new features will be implemented in FWaaS v2.0 API.

Use the Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v1.0 extension to deploy firewalls to protect your networks.

The FWaaS extension enables you to:

  • Apply firewall rules on traffic entering and leaving project networks.
  • Apply TCP, UDP, ICMP, or protocol-agnostic rules.
  • Create and share firewall policies that hold an ordered collection of the firewall rules.
  • Audit firewall rules and policies.

This extension introduces these resources:

  • firewall. A logical firewall resource that a project can instantiate and manage. A firewall can have one firewall policy.
  • firewall_policy. An ordered collection of firewall rules. You can share a firewall policy across projects. You can include a firewall policy as part of an audit workflow so that an authorized relevant entity can audit the firewall policy. This entity can differ from the user who created, or the projects that use, the firewall policy.
  • firewall_rule. A collection of attributes, such as ports and IP addresses. These attributes define match criteria and an action to take, such as allow or deny, on matched data traffic.

List firewall policies

Lists all firewall policies.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
firewall_policies body array A list of firewall_policy objects.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "firewall_policies": [
            "audited": false,
            "description": "",
            "firewall_rules": [
            "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "name": "test-policy",
            "shared": false,
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Create firewall policy

Creates a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
firewall_rules_id (Optional) body array A list of rules to associate with the firewall policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "firewall_rules": [
        "name": "test-policy"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Show firewall policy details

Shows details for a firewall policy.

If the user is not an administrative user and the firewall policy object does not belong to the project, this call returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.

Response Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "audited": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_rules": [
        "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "name": "test-policy",
        "shared": false,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Update firewall policy

Updates a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "firewall_rules": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "audited": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_rules": [
        "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "name": "test-policy",
        "shared": false,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall policy

Deletes a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


Insert rule into a firewall policy

Insert firewall rule into a policy.

A firewall_rule_id is inserted relative to the position of the firewall_rule_id set in insert_before or insert_after. If insert_before is set, insert_after is ignored. If both insert_before and insert_after are not set, the new firewall_rule_id is inserted at the top of the policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rule_id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
insert_after (Optional) body string The ID of the firewall_rule. A new firewall_rule will be inserted after this firewall_rule.
insert_before (Optional) body string The ID of the firewall_rule. A new firewall_rule will be inserted before this firewall_rule.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule_id": "7bc34b8c-8d3b-4ada-a9c8-1f4c11c65692",
    "insert_after": "a08ef905-0ff6-4784-8374-175fffe7dade",
    "insert_before": ""

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_list body array A list of the IDs of firewalls associated with the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.

Response Example

    "audited": false,
    "description": "",
    "firewall_list": [],
    "firewall_rules": [
    "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
    "name": "test-policy",
    "shared": false,
    "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
    "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Remove rule from firewall policy

Remove firewall rule from a policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rule_id body string The ID of the firewall rule.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule_id": "7bc34b8c-8d3b-4ada-a9c8-1f4c11c65692"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_list body array A list of the IDs of firewalls associated with the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs for firewall rule associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.

Response Example

    "audited": false,
    "description": "",
    "firewall_list": [],
    "firewall_rules": [
    "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
    "name": "test-policy",
    "shared": false,
    "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
    "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

List firewall rules

Lists all firewall rules.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow, deny or reject. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
position body integer Read-only attribute that the API assigns to this rule when it associates it with a firewall policy. This value indicates the position of this rule in that firewall policy. This position number starts at 1. If the firewall rule is not associated with any policy, the position is null.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.

Response Example

    "firewall_rules": [
            "action": "allow",
            "description": "",
            "destination_ip_address": null,
            "destination_port": "80",
            "enabled": true,
            "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
            "position": 1,
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "shared": false,
            "source_ip_address": null,
            "source_port": null,
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Create firewall rule

Creates a firewall rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action (Optional) body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow or deny. Default is deny.
destination_port (Optional) body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
destination_ip_address (Optional) body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "protocol": "tcp"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow, deny or reject. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
position body integer Read-only attribute that the API assigns to this rule when it associates it with a firewall policy. This value indicates the position of this rule in that firewall policy. This position number starts at 1. If the firewall rule is not associated with any policy, the position is null.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": null,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "shared": false,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Show firewall rule details

Shows details for a firewall rule.

If the user is not an administrative user and the firewall rule object does not belong to the project, this call returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow, deny or reject. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string Read-only attribute that the API populates with the ID of the firewall policy when you associate this firewall rule with a policy. You can associate a firewall rule with one policy at a time. You can update this association can to a different firewall policy. If you do not associate the rule with any policy, this attribute is null.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
position body integer Read-only attribute that the API assigns to this rule when it associates it with a firewall policy. This value indicates the position of this rule in that firewall policy. This position number starts at 1. If the firewall rule is not associated with any policy, the position is null.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": null,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "shared": false,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Update firewall rule

Updates a firewall rule.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
shared (Optional) body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all projects.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
destination_ip_address (Optional) body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
action (Optional) body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow or deny. Default is deny.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
destination_port (Optional) body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "shared": "true"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid value is allow, deny or reject. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid value is true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string Read-only attribute that the API populates with the ID of the firewall policy when you associate this firewall rule with a policy. You can associate a firewall rule with one policy at a time. You can update this association can to a different firewall policy. If you do not associate the rule with any policy, this attribute is null.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Valid value is 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
position body integer Read-only attribute that the API assigns to this rule when it associates it with a firewall policy. This value indicates the position of this rule in that firewall policy. This position number starts at 1. If the firewall rule is not associated with any policy, the position is null.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
shared body boolean Admin-only. Indicates whether this network is shared across all tenants.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": 1,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "shared": true,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall rule

Deletes a firewall rule.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List firewalls

Lists all firewalls.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewalls body array A list of firewall_rule objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
status body string The status of the firewall service. Values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, DOWN, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.

Response Example

    "firewalls": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "description": "",
            "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
            "name": "",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "router_ids": [
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Create firewall

Creates a firewall.

The firewall must be associated with a firewall policy.

If admin_state_up is false, the firewall would block all traffic.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall body object A firewall object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
router_ids (Optional) body array A list of IDs for routers that are associated with the firewall.

Request Example

    "firewall": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall body object A firewall object.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
status body string The status of the firewall service. Values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, DOWN, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
router_ids body array A list of IDs for routers that are associated with the firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
        "name": "",
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "router_ids": [
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Show firewall details

Shows details for a firewall.

If the user is not an administrative user and the firewall object does not belong to the project, this call returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_id path string The ID of the firewall.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall body object A firewall object.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
status body string The status of the firewall service. Values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, DOWN, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string Read-only attribute that the API populates with the ID of the firewall policy when you associate this firewall rule with a policy. You can associate a firewall rule with one policy at a time. You can update this association can to a different firewall policy. If you do not associate the rule with any policy, this attribute is null.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
router_ids body array A list of IDs for routers that are associated with the firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
        "name": "",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "router_ids": [
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Update firewall

Updates a firewall.

To update a service, the service status cannot be a PENDING_* status.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_id path string The ID of the firewall.
firewall body object A firewall object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
router_ids (Optional) body array A list of IDs for routers that are associated with the firewall.

Request Example

    "firewall": {
        "admin_state_up": "false"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall body object A firewall object.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
status body string The status of the firewall service. Values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, DOWN, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the policy that is associated with the firewall.
id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
router_ids body array A list of IDs for routers that are associated with the firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
        "name": "",
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "router_ids": [
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall

Deletes a firewall.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_id path string The ID of the firewall.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

FWaaS v2.0 (CURRENT) (fwaas, firewall_groups, firewall_policies, firewall_rules)

Use the Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS) v2.0 extension to deploy firewall groups to protect your networks.

The FWaaS extension enables you to:

  • Apply firewall rules on traffic entering and leaving project networks.
  • Apply TCP, UDP, ICMP, or protocol-agnostic rules.
  • Create and share firewall policies that hold an ordered collection of firewall rules.
  • Audit firewall rules and policies.

This extension introduces the following resources:

  • firewall_group. A logical firewall resource that a project can create and manage. A firewall group can have a firewall policy for ingress traffic and/or a firewall policy for egress traffic.
  • firewall_policy. An ordered collection of firewall rules. You can share a firewall policy across projects. You can include a firewall policy as part of an audit workflow so that an authorized relevant entity can audit the firewall policy. This entity can differ from the user who created, or the projects that use, the firewall policy.
  • firewall_rule. A collection of attributes, such as source and destination ports, source and destination IP addresses, protocol, and IP version. These attributes define match criteria and an action to take, such as allow, reject, or deny, on matched data traffic.

List firewall groups

Lists all firewall groups.

The list might be empty.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_groups body array A list of firewall_group objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
id body string The ID of the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_groups": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "description": "",
            "egress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
            "ingress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "name": "",
            "ports": [
            "shared": true,
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Show firewall group details

Shows details for a firewall group.

If the user is not an administrative user and the firewall group object does not belong to the project, this call returns the FirewallGroupNotFound (404) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_group_id path string The ID of the firewall group.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_group body object A firewall_group object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
id body string The ID of the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_group": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "egress_firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "07411bda-0147-418b-af05-c8665630d937",
        "ingress_firewall_policy_id": null,
        "name": "",
        "project_id": "96108b04417b416e9b9bc788c11c42c9",
        "shared": false,
        "status": "INACTIVE",
        "tenant_id": "96108b04417b416e9b9bc788c11c42c9"

Create firewall group

Creates a firewall group.

The firewall group may be associated with an ingress firewall policy and/or an egress firewall policy.

If admin_state_up is false, the firewall group will block all traffic.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall_group body object A firewall_group object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports (Optional) body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status (Optional) body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_group": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "egress_firewall_policy_id": "14c9d3c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "ingress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_group body object A firewall_group object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
id body string The ID of the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_group": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "egress_firewall_policy_id": "1244ed87-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "ingress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
        "name": "",
        "ports": [
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "shared": true,
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Update firewall group

Updates a firewall group.

The firewall group cannot be updated if its status is a PENDING_* status.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_group_id path string The ID of the firewall group.
firewall_group body object A firewall_group object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports (Optional) body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status (Optional) body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.

Request Example

    "firewall_group": {
        "admin_state_up": "false"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_group body object A firewall_group object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the firewall group, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description body object A human-readable description of the firewall group.
egress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the egress firewall policy for the firewall group.
id body string The ID of the firewall group.
ingress_firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the ingress firewall policy for the firewall group.
name body string A human-readable name for the firewall group.
ports body array A list of the IDs of the ports associated with the firewall group.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall group is shared across all projects.
status body string The status of the firewall group. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, ERROR, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_group": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "description": "",
        "egress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "ingress_firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "3b0ef8f4-82c7-44d4-a4fb-6177f9a21977",
        "name": "",
        "ports": [
        "shared": true,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall group

Deletes a firewall group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_group_id path string The ID of the firewall group.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List firewall policies

Lists all firewall policies.

The list might be empty.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policies body array A list of firewall_policy objects.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_policies": [
            "audited": false,
            "description": "",
            "firewall_rules": [
            "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "name": "test-policy",
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "shared": false,
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Show firewall policy details

Shows details of a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "audited": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_rules": [
        "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "name": "test-policy",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "shared": false,
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Create firewall policy

Creates a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
audited (Optional) body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules (Optional) body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared (Optional) body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "name": "test-policy",
        "firewall_rules": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "audited": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_rules": [
        "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "name": "test-policy",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "shared": false,
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Update firewall policy

Updates a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
audited (Optional) body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules (Optional) body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared (Optional) body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "firewall_rules": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_policy body object A firewall_policy object.
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_policy": {
        "audited": false,
        "description": "",
        "firewall_rules": [
        "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "name": "test-policy",
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "shared": false,
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall policy

Deletes a firewall policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List firewall rules

Lists all firewall rules.

The list might be empty.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rules body object A list of firewall_rule objects.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_rules": [
            "action": "allow",
            "description": "",
            "destination_ip_address": null,
            "destination_port": "80",
            "enabled": true,
            "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
            "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
            "ip_version": 4,
            "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
            "position": 1,
            "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
            "protocol": "tcp",
            "shared": false,
            "source_ip_address": null,
            "source_port": null,
            "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Show firewall rule details

Shows details for a firewall rule.

If the user is not an administrative user and the firewall rule object does not belong to the project, this call returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": null,
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": null,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "shared": false,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Create firewall rule

Creates a firewall rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action (Optional) body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address (Optional) body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port (Optional) body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "protocol": "tcp"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "deny",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": null,
        "enabled": true,
        "id": "1fd59b2f-cc87-435f-a244-1df2c0cc3f70",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "rule3",
        "project_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b",
        "protocol": null,
        "shared": false,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "tenant_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b"

Update firewall rule

Updates a firewall rule.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action (Optional) body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address (Optional) body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port (Optional) body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
ip_version (Optional) body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name (Optional) body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address (Optional) body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port (Optional) body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "shared": true

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
firewall_rule body object A firewall_rule object.
action body string The action that the API performs on traffic that matches the firewall rule. Valid values are allow or deny. Default is deny.
description body string A human-readable description of the firewall rule.
destination_ip_address body string The destination IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
destination_port body string The destination port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
enabled body boolean Set to false to disable this rule in the firewall policy. Facilitates selectively turning off rules without having to disassociate the rule from the firewall policy. Valid values are true or false. Default is true.
firewall_policy_id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version for the firewall rule. Valid values are 4 or 6. Default is 4.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall rule.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
protocol body string The IP protocol for the firewall rule. Possible values are icmp, tcp, udp, or null.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this firewall rule is shared across all projects.
source_ip_address body string The source IPv4 or IPv6 address or CIDR for the firewall rule. No default.
source_port body string The source port or port range for the firewall rule. A valid value is a port number, as an integer, or a port range, in the format of a : separated range. For a port range, include both ends of the range. For example, 80:90.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

    "firewall_rule": {
        "action": "allow",
        "description": "",
        "destination_ip_address": null,
        "destination_port": "80",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_policy_id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
        "id": "8722e0e0-9cc9-4490-9660-8c9a5732fbb0",
        "ip_version": 4,
        "name": "ALLOW_HTTP",
        "position": 1,
        "project_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "shared": true,
        "source_ip_address": null,
        "source_port": null,
        "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

Delete firewall rule

Deletes a firewall rule. samples/firewall-v2/firewall-policy-create-response.json

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_rule_id path string The ID for the firewall rule.

Insert rule into a firewall policy

Insert firewall rule into a policy.

A firewall_rule_id is inserted relative to the position of the firewall_rule_id set in insert_before or insert_after. If insert_before is set, insert_after is ignored. If both insert_before and insert_after are not set, the new firewall_rule_id is inserted as the first rule of the policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rule_id body string The ID of the firewall rule.
insert_after body string The ID of the firewall_rule to insert the new rule after. The new rule will be inserted immediately after the specified firewall_rule. If both before and after values are supplied, the after value will be ignored. To insert a rule into a policy with no rules yet, the both the before and the after values must be “”.
insert_before body string The ID of the firewall_rule to insert the new rule before. The new rule will be inserted immediately before the specified firewall_rule. If both before and after values are supplied, the after value will be ignored. To insert a rule into a policy with no rules yet, the both the before and the after values must be “”.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule_id": "7bc34b8c-8d3b-4ada-a9c8-1f4c11c65692",
    "insert_after": "a08ef905-0ff6-4784-8374-175fffe7dade",
    "insert_before": ""

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

  "audited": false,
  "description": "",
  "firewall_rules": [
  "id": "c9e15d6e-b6ba-4ef4-8715-985d1f100467",
  "name": "policy2",
  "shared": false,
  "project_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b",
  "tenant_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b"

Remove rule from firewall policy

Remove firewall rule from a policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
firewall_policy_id path string The ID of the firewall policy.
firewall_rule_id body string The ID of the firewall rule.

Request Example

    "firewall_rule_id": "7bc34b8c-8d3b-4ada-a9c8-1f4c11c65692"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
audited body boolean Each time that the firewall policy or its associated rules are changed, the API sets this attribute to false. To audit the policy, explicitly set this attribute to true.
description body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
firewall_rules body array A list of the IDs of the firewall rules associated with the firewall policy.
id body string The ID of the firewall policy.
name body string A human-readable name of the firewall policy.
project_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.
shared body boolean Set to true to make this firewall policy visible to other projects. Default is false.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project that owns the resource.

Response Example

  "audited": false,
  "description": "",
  "firewall_rules": [],
  "id": "c9e15d6e-b6ba-4ef4-8715-985d1f100467",
  "name": "policy2",
  "project_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b",
  "shared": false,
  "tenant_id": "95573613ec554b4b8df9f2679c64557b"

Security group rules (security-group-rules)

Lists, creates, shows information for, and deletes security group rules.


List security group rules

Lists a summary of all OpenStack Networking security group rules that the project can access.

The list provides the ID for each security group rule.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group_rules body array A list of security_group_rule objects. Refer to Security group rules for details.
remote_group_id (Optional) body string The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
ethertype (Optional) body string Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules.
port_range_max (Optional) body integer The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
security_group_id body string The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
port_range_min (Optional) body integer The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
id body string The ID of the security group rule.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "security_group_rules": [
            "direction": "egress",
            "ethertype": "IPv6",
            "id": "3c0e45ff-adaf-4124-b083-bf390e5482ff",
            "port_range_max": null,
            "port_range_min": null,
            "protocol": null,
            "remote_group_id": null,
            "remote_ip_prefix": null,
            "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "description": ""
            "direction": "egress",
            "ethertype": "IPv4",
            "id": "93aa42e5-80db-4581-9391-3a608bd0e448",
            "port_range_max": null,
            "port_range_min": null,
            "protocol": null,
            "remote_group_id": null,
            "remote_ip_prefix": null,
            "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "description": ""
            "direction": "ingress",
            "ethertype": "IPv6",
            "id": "c0b09f00-1d49-4e64-a0a7-8a186d928138",
            "port_range_max": null,
            "port_range_min": null,
            "protocol": null,
            "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "remote_ip_prefix": null,
            "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "description": ""
            "direction": "ingress",
            "ethertype": "IPv4",
            "id": "f7d45c89-008e-4bab-88ad-d6811724c51c",
            "port_range_max": null,
            "port_range_min": null,
            "protocol": null,
            "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "remote_ip_prefix": null,
            "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "description": ""

Create security group rule

Creates an OpenStack Networking security group rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
security_group_rule body object A security_group_rule object.
remote_group_id (Optional) body string The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
ethertype (Optional) body string Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules.
port_range_max (Optional) body integer The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
security_group_id body string The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.
port_range_min (Optional) body integer The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "security_group_rule": {
        "direction": "ingress",
        "port_range_min": "80",
        "ethertype": "IPv4",
        "port_range_max": "80",
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
        "security_group_id": "a7734e61-b545-452d-a3cd-0189cbd9747a"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group_rule body object A security_group_rule object.
remote_group_id (Optional) body string The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
ethertype (Optional) body string Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules.
port_range_max (Optional) body integer The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
security_group_id body string The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
port_range_min (Optional) body integer The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
id body string The ID of the security group rule.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "security_group_rule": {
        "direction": "ingress",
        "ethertype": "IPv4",
        "id": "2bc0accf-312e-429a-956e-e4407625eb62",
        "port_range_max": 80,
        "port_range_min": 80,
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
        "remote_ip_prefix": null,
        "security_group_id": "a7734e61-b545-452d-a3cd-0189cbd9747a",
        "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
        "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
        "description": ""

Show security group rule

Shows detailed information for a security group rule.

The response body contains the following information about the security group rule:

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
security_group_rule_id path string The ID of the security group rule.
verbose (Optional) query boolean Show detailed information.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group_rule body object A security_group_rule object.
remote_group_id (Optional) body string The remote group UUID to associate with this security group rule. You can specify either the remote_group_id or remote_ip_prefix attribute in the request body.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
ethertype (Optional) body string Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must match the ingress or egress rules.
port_range_max (Optional) body integer The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. The port_range_min attribute constrains the port_range_max attribute. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
security_group_id body string The security group ID to associate with this security group rule.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
port_range_min (Optional) body integer The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the security group rule. If the protocol is TCP or UDP, this value must be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value. If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
id body string The ID of the security group rule.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "security_group_rule": {
        "direction": "egress",
        "ethertype": "IPv6",
        "id": "3c0e45ff-adaf-4124-b083-bf390e5482ff",
        "port_range_max": null,
        "port_range_min": null,
        "protocol": null,
        "remote_group_id": null,
        "remote_ip_prefix": null,
        "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
        "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
        "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550"

Delete security group rule

Deletes a rule from an OpenStack Networking security group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
security_group_rule_id path string The ID of the security group rule.


There is no body content is returned on a successful DELETE request.

Security groups (security-groups)

Lists, creates, shows information for, updates, and deletes security groups.


List security groups

Lists OpenStack Networking security groups to which the project has access.

The response is an array of security_group objects which contains a list of security_group_rules objects.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_groups body array A list of security_group objects.
id body string The ID of the security group.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
security_group_rules body array A list of security_group_rule objects. Refer to Security group rules for details.

Response Example

    "security_groups": [
            "description": "default",
            "id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
            "name": "default",
            "security_group_rules": [
                    "direction": "egress",
                    "ethertype": "IPv6",
                    "id": "3c0e45ff-adaf-4124-b083-bf390e5482ff",
                    "port_range_max": null,
                    "port_range_min": null,
                    "protocol": null,
                    "remote_group_id": null,
                    "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                    "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "description": ""
                    "direction": "egress",
                    "ethertype": "IPv4",
                    "id": "93aa42e5-80db-4581-9391-3a608bd0e448",
                    "port_range_max": null,
                    "port_range_min": null,
                    "protocol": null,
                    "remote_group_id": null,
                    "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                    "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "description": ""
                    "direction": "ingress",
                    "ethertype": "IPv6",
                    "id": "c0b09f00-1d49-4e64-a0a7-8a186d928138",
                    "port_range_max": null,
                    "port_range_min": null,
                    "protocol": null,
                    "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                    "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "description": ""
                    "direction": "ingress",
                    "ethertype": "IPv4",
                    "id": "f7d45c89-008e-4bab-88ad-d6811724c51c",
                    "port_range_max": null,
                    "port_range_min": null,
                    "protocol": null,
                    "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                    "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                    "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                    "description": ""
            "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
            "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550"

Create security group

Creates an OpenStack Networking security group.

This operation creates a security group with default security group rules for the IPv4 and IPv6 ether types.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 409


Name In Type Description
security_group body object A security_group object.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "security_group": {
        "name": "new-webservers",
        "description": "security group for webservers"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group body object A security_group object.
id body string The ID of the security group.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
security_group_rules body array A list of security_group_rule objects. Refer to Security group rules for details.

Response Example

    "security_group": {
        "description": "security group for webservers",
        "id": "2076db17-a522-4506-91de-c6dd8e837028",
        "name": "new-webservers",
        "security_group_rules": [
                "direction": "egress",
                "ethertype": "IPv4",
                "id": "38ce2d8e-e8f1-48bd-83c2-d33cb9f50c3d",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": null,
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "2076db17-a522-4506-91de-c6dd8e837028",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
                "direction": "egress",
                "ethertype": "IPv6",
                "id": "565b9502-12de-4ffd-91e9-68885cff6ae1",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": null,
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "2076db17-a522-4506-91de-c6dd8e837028",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
        "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
        "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550"

Show security group

Shows details for a security group.

The associated security group rules are contained in the response.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
security_group_id path string The ID of the security group.
verbose (Optional) query boolean Show detailed information.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Request Example

GET /v2.0/security-groups/85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5
Accept: application/json

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group body object A security_group object.
id body string The ID of the security group.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
security_group_rules body array A list of security_group_rule objects. Refer to Security group rules for details.

Response Example

    "security_group": {
        "description": "default",
        "id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
        "name": "default",
        "security_group_rules": [
                "direction": "egress",
                "ethertype": "IPv6",
                "id": "3c0e45ff-adaf-4124-b083-bf390e5482ff",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": null,
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
                "direction": "egress",
                "ethertype": "IPv4",
                "id": "93aa42e5-80db-4581-9391-3a608bd0e448",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": null,
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
                "direction": "ingress",
                "ethertype": "IPv6",
                "id": "c0b09f00-1d49-4e64-a0a7-8a186d928138",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
                "direction": "ingress",
                "ethertype": "IPv4",
                "id": "f7d45c89-008e-4bab-88ad-d6811724c51c",
                "port_range_max": null,
                "port_range_min": null,
                "protocol": null,
                "remote_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "remote_ip_prefix": null,
                "security_group_id": "85cc3048-abc3-43cc-89b3-377341426ac5",
                "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
                "description": ""
        "project_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550",
        "tenant_id": "e4f50856753b4dc6afee5fa6b9b6c550"

Update security group

Updates a security group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
security_group_id path string The ID of the security group.
security_group body object A security_group object.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "security_group": {
        "name": "mysecgroup",
        "description": "my security group"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
security_group body object A security_group object.
id body string The ID of the security group.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
security_group_rules body array A list of security_group_rule objects. Refer to Security group rules for details.

Response Example

    "security_group": {
        "security_group_rules": [],
        "project_id": "a52cdb9cc7854a39a23d3af73a40899e",
        "tenant_id": "a52cdb9cc7854a39a23d3af73a40899e",
        "id": "01fbade5-b664-42f6-83ae-4e214f4263fa",
        "name": "mysecgroup",
        "description": "my security group"

Delete security group

Deletes an OpenStack Networking security group.

This operation deletes an OpenStack Networking security group and its associated security group rules, provided that a port is not associated with the security group. If a port is associated with the security group 409 (Conflict) is returned.

This operation does not require a request body. This operation does not return a response body.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
security_group_id path string The ID of the security group.

Request Example

DELETE /v2.0/security-groups/e470bdfc-4869-459b-a561-cb3377efae59
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

VPNaaS 2.0 (UNMAINTAINED) (vpn, vpnservices, ikepolicies, ipsecpolicies, endpoint-groups, ipsec-site-connections)

The Virtual-Private-Network-as-a-Service (VPNaaS) extension enables OpenStack projects to extend private networks across the public telecommunication infrastructure.

This initial implementation of the VPNaaS extension provides:

  • Site-to-site VPN that connects two private networks.
  • Multiple VPN connections per project.
  • IKEv1 policy support with 3des, aes-128, aes-256, or aes-192 encryption.
  • IPSec policy support with 3des, aes-128, aes-192, or aes-256 encryption, sha1 authentication, ESP, AH, or AH-ESP transform protocol, and tunnel or transport mode encapsulation.
  • Dead Peer Detection (DPD) with hold, clear, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer actions.

This extension introduces these resources:

  • service. A parent object that associates VPN with a specific subnet and router.
  • ikepolicy. The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) policy that identifies the authentication and encryption algorithm to use during phase one and two negotiation of a VPN connection.
  • ipsecpolicy. The IP security policy that specifies the authentication and encryption algorithm and encapsulation mode to use for the established VPN connection.
  • ipsec-site-connection. Details for the site-to-site IPsec connection, including the peer CIDRs, MTU, authentication mode, peer address, DPD settings, and status.
  • endpoint-groups. Defines one or more endpoints of a specific type, and can be used to specify both local and peer endpoints for IPSec Connections.

List IKE policies

Lists IKE policies.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ikepolicies body array A list of ikepolicy objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Response Example

    "ikepolicies": [
            "name": "ikepolicy1",
            "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
            "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
            "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
            "encryption_algorithm": "aes-256",
            "pfs": "group5",
            "phase1_negotiation_mode": "main",
            "lifetime": {
                "units": "seconds",
                "value": 3600
            "ike_version": "v1",
            "id": "5522aff7-1b3c-48dd-9c3c-b50f016b73db",
            "description": ""

Create IKE policy

Creates an IKE policy.

The IKE policy is used for phases one and two negotiation of the VPN connection. You can specify both the authentication and encryption algorithms for connections.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
ikepolicy body object An ikepolicy object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Request Example

    "ikepolicy": {
        "phase1_negotiation_mode": "main",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 7200
        "ike_version": "v1",
        "name": "ikepolicy1"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ikepolicies body array A list of ikepolicy objects.
ikepolicy body object An ikepolicy object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Response Example

    "ikepolicy": {
        "name": "ikepolicy1",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "phase1_negotiation_mode": "main",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 7200
        "ike_version": "v1",
        "id": "5522aff7-1b3c-48dd-9c3c-b50f016b73db",
        "description": ""

Show IKE policy details

Shows details for an IKE policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
ikepolicy_id path string The ID of the IKE policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ikepolicies body array A list of ikepolicy objects.
ikepolicy body object An ikepolicy object.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Response Example

    "ikepolicy": {
        "name": "ikepolicy1",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-256",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "phase1_negotiation_mode": "main",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 3600
        "ike_version": "v1",
        "id": "5522aff7-1b3c-48dd-9c3c-b50f016b73db",
        "description": ""

Update IKE policy

Updates policy settings in an IKE policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
ikepolicy_id path string The ID of the IKE policy.
ikepolicy body object An ikepolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Request Example

    "ikepolicy": {
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-256"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ikepolicies body array A list of ikepolicy objects.
ikepolicy body object An ikepolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
phase1_negotiation_mode (Optional) body string The IKE mode. A valid value is main, which is the default.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
ike_version (Optional) body string The IKE version. A valid value is v1 or v2. Default is v1.

Response Example

    "ikepolicy": {
        "name": "ikepolicy1",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-256",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "phase1_negotiation_mode": "main",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 3600
        "ike_version": "v1",
        "id": "5522aff7-1b3c-48dd-9c3c-b50f016b73db",
        "description": ""

Remove IKE policy

Removes an IKE policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
ikepolicy_id path string The ID of the IKE policy.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List IPSec policies

Lists all IPSec policies.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicies body array A list of ipsecpolicy objects.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "ipsecpolicies": [
            "name": "ipsecpolicy1",
            "transform_protocol": "esp",
            "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
            "encapsulation_mode": "tunnel",
            "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
            "pfs": "group14",
            "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
            "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
            "lifetime": {
                "units": "seconds",
                "value": 3600
            "id": "5291b189-fd84-46e5-84bd-78f40c05d69c",
            "description": ""

Create IPSec policy

Creates an IP security (IPSec) policy.

The IPsec policy specifies the authentication and encryption algorithms and encapsulation mode to use for the established VPN connection.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicy body object An ipsecpolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "ipsecpolicy": {
        "name": "ipsecpolicy1",
        "transform_protocol": "esp",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encapsulation_mode": "tunnel",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 7200

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicies body array A list of ipsecpolicy objects.
ipsecpolicy body object An ipsecpolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "ipsecpolicy": {
        "name": "ipsecpolicy1",
        "transform_protocol": "esp",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encapsulation_mode": "tunnel",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group5",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 7200
        "id": "5291b189-fd84-46e5-84bd-78f40c05d69c",
        "description": ""

Show IPSec policy

Shows details for an IPSec policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicy_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicies body array A list of ipsecpolicy objects.
ipsecpolicy body object An ipsecpolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "ipsecpolicy": {
        "name": "ipsecpolicy1",
        "transform_protocol": "esp",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encapsulation_mode": "tunnel",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group14",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 3600
        "id": "5291b189-fd84-46e5-84bd-78f40c05d69c",
        "description": ""

Update IPSec policy

Updates policy settings in an IPSec policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicy_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec policy.
ipsecpolicy body object An ipsecpolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "ipsecpolicy": {
        "pfs": "group14"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicies body array A list of ipsecpolicy objects.
ipsecpolicy body object An ipsecpolicy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
auth_algorithm (Optional) body string The authentication hash algorithm. Valid values are sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512. The default is sha1.
encapsulation_mode (Optional) body string The encapsulation mode. A valid value is tunnel or transport. Default is tunnel.
encryption_algorithm (Optional) body string The encryption algorithm. A valid value is 3des, aes-128, aes-192, aes-256, and so on. Default is aes-128.
pfs (Optional) body string Perfect forward secrecy (PFS). A valid value is Group2, Group5, Group14, and so on. Default is Group5.
value (Optional) body integer The lifetime value, as a positive integer. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
transform_protocol (Optional) body string The transform protocol. A valid value is ESP, AH, or AH- ESP. Default is ESP.
units (Optional) body string The units for the lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
lifetime (Optional) body object The lifetime of the security association. The lifetime consists of a unit and integer value. You can omit either the unit or value portion of the lifetime. Default unit is seconds and default value is 3600.
id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "ipsecpolicy": {
        "name": "ipsecpolicy1",
        "transform_protocol": "esp",
        "auth_algorithm": "sha1",
        "encapsulation_mode": "tunnel",
        "encryption_algorithm": "aes-128",
        "pfs": "group14",
        "project_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "tenant_id": "ccb81365fe36411a9011e90491fe1330",
        "lifetime": {
            "units": "seconds",
            "value": 3600
        "id": "5291b189-fd84-46e5-84bd-78f40c05d69c",
        "description": ""

Remove IPSec policy

Removes an IPSec policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
ipsecpolicy_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec policy.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List IPSec connections

Lists all IPSec connections.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
auth_mode (Optional) body string The authentication mode. A valid value is psk, which is the default.
ikepolicy_id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
vpnservice_id body string The ID of the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
id (Optional) body string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.
route_mode (Optional) body string The route mode. A valid value is static, which is the default.
ipsecpolicy_id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
status body string Indicates whether the IPSec connection is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Response Example

    "ipsec_site_connections": [
            "status": "PENDING CREATE",
            "psk": "secret",
            "initiator": "bi-directional",
            "name": "vpnconnection1",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
            "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
            "auth_mode": "psk",
            "peer_cidrs": [],
            "mtu": 1500,
            "peer_ep_group_id": "9ad5a7e0-6dac-41b4-b20d-a7b8645fddf1",
            "ikepolicy_id": "9b00d6b0-6c93-4ca5-9747-b8ade7bb514f",
            "vpnservice_id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
            "dpd": {
                "action": "hold",
                "interval": 30,
                "timeout": 120
            "route_mode": "static",
            "ipsecpolicy_id": "e6e23d0c-9519-4d52-8ea4-5b1f96d857b1",
            "local_ep_group_id": "3e1815dd-e212-43d0-8f13-b494fa553e68",
            "peer_address": "",
            "peer_id": "",
            "id": "851f280f-5639-4ea3-81aa-e298525ab74b",
            "description": ""

Create IPSec connection

Creates a site-to-site IPSec connection for a service.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
ipsec_site_connection body object An ipsec_site_connection object.
auth_mode (Optional) body string The authentication mode. A valid value is psk, which is the default.
ikepolicy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the IKE policy.
vpnservice_id (Optional) body string The ID of the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
route_mode (Optional) body string The route mode. A valid value is static, which is the default.
ipsecpolicy_id (Optional) body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Request Example

    "ipsec_site_connection": {
        "psk": "secret",
        "initiator": "bi-directional",
        "ipsecpolicy_id": "e6e23d0c-9519-4d52-8ea4-5b1f96d857b1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "mtu": "1500",
        "peer_ep_group_id": "9ad5a7e0-6dac-41b4-b20d-a7b8645fddf1",
        "ikepolicy_id": "9b00d6b0-6c93-4ca5-9747-b8ade7bb514f",
        "vpnservice_id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "local_ep_group_id": "3e1815dd-e212-43d0-8f13-b494fa553e68",
        "peer_address": "",
        "peer_id": "",
        "name": "vpnconnection1"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
ipsec_site_connection body object An ipsec_site_connection object.
auth_mode (Optional) body string The authentication mode. A valid value is psk, which is the default.
ikepolicy_id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
vpnservice_id body string The ID of the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
id (Optional) body string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.
route_mode (Optional) body string The route mode. A valid value is static, which is the default.
ipsecpolicy_id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
status body string Indicates whether the IPSec connection is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Response Example

    "ipsec_site_connection": {
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "psk": "secret",
        "initiator": "bi-directional",
        "name": "vpnconnection1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "auth_mode": "psk",
        "peer_cidrs": [],
        "mtu": 1500,
        "peer_ep_group_id": "9ad5a7e0-6dac-41b4-b20d-a7b8645fddf1",
        "ikepolicy_id": "9b00d6b0-6c93-4ca5-9747-b8ade7bb514f",
        "vpnservice_id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "dpd": {
            "action": "hold",
            "interval": 30,
            "timeout": 120
        "route_mode": "static",
        "ipsecpolicy_id": "e6e23d0c-9519-4d52-8ea4-5b1f96d857b1",
        "local_ep_group_id": "3e1815dd-e212-43d0-8f13-b494fa553e68",
        "peer_address": "",
        "peer_id": "",
        "id": "851f280f-5639-4ea3-81aa-e298525ab74b",
        "description": ""

Show IPSec connection

Shows details for an IPSec connection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
connection_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
auth_mode (Optional) body string The authentication mode. A valid value is psk, which is the default.
ikepolicy_id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
vpnservice_id body string The ID of the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
id (Optional) body string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.
ipsec_site_connection body object An ipsec_site_connection object.
route_mode (Optional) body string The route mode. A valid value is static, which is the default.
ipsecpolicy_id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
status body string Indicates whether the IPSec connection is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Response Example

    "ipsec_site_connection": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "psk": "secret",
        "initiator": "bi-directional",
        "name": "vpnconnection1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "auth_mode": "psk",
        "peer_cidrs": [],
        "mtu": 1500,
        "peer_ep_group_id": "9ad5a7e0-6dac-41b4-b20d-a7b8645fddf1",
        "ikepolicy_id": "9b00d6b0-6c93-4ca5-9747-b8ade7bb514f",
        "vpnservice_id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "dpd": {
            "action": "hold",
            "interval": 30,
            "timeout": 120
        "route_mode": "static",
        "ipsecpolicy_id": "e6e23d0c-9519-4d52-8ea4-5b1f96d857b1",
        "local_ep_group_id": "3e1815dd-e212-43d0-8f13-b494fa553e68",
        "peer_address": "",
        "peer_id": "",
        "id": "851f280f-5639-4ea3-81aa-e298525ab74b",
        "description": ""

Update IPSec connection

Updates connection settings for an IPSec connection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
connection_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.
ipsec_site_connection body object An ipsec_site_connection object.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Request Example

    "ipsec_site_connection": {
        "mtu": "2000"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
auth_mode (Optional) body string The authentication mode. A valid value is psk, which is the default.
ikepolicy_id body string The ID of the IKE policy.
vpnservice_id body string The ID of the VPN service.
local_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private subnets for the local side of the connection. Yo must specify this parameter with the peer_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward- compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
peer_address body string The peer gateway public IPv4 or IPv6 address or FQDN.
id (Optional) body string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.
ipsec_site_connection body object An ipsec_site_connection object.
route_mode (Optional) body string The route mode. A valid value is static, which is the default.
ipsecpolicy_id body string The ID of the IPSec policy.
peer_id body string The peer router identity for authentication. A valid value is an IPv4 address, IPv6 address, e-mail address, key ID, or FQDN. Typically, this value matches the peer_address value.
status body string Indicates whether the IPSec connection is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
psk body string The pre-shared key. A valid value is any string.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
initiator (Optional) body string Indicates whether this VPN can only respond to connections or both respond to and initiate connections. A valid value is response- only or bi-directional. Default is bi-directional.
peer_cidrs (Optional) body array (Deprecated) Unique list of valid peer private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > .
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
interval (Optional) body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) interval, in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer. Default is 30.
mtu body integer The maximum transmission unit (MTU) value to address fragmentation. Minimum value is 68 for IPv4, and 1280 for IPv6.
peer_ep_group_id (Optional) body string The ID for the endpoint group that contains private CIDRs in the form < net_address > / < prefix > for the peer side of the connection. You must specify this parameter with the local_ep_group_id parameter unless in backward-compatible mode where peer_cidrs is provided with a subnet_id for the VPN service.
dpd (Optional) body object A dictionary with dead peer detection (DPD) protocol controls.
timeout body integer The dead peer detection (DPD) timeout in seconds. A valid value is a positive integer that is greater than the DPD interval value. Default is 120.
action body string The dead peer detection (DPD) action. A valid value is clear, hold, restart, disabled, or restart-by-peer. Default value is hold.
local_id (Optional) body string An ID to be used instead of the external IP address for a virtual router used in traffic between instances on different networks in east-west traffic. Most often, local ID would be domain name, email address, etc. If this is not configured then the external IP address will be used as the ID.

Response Example

    "ipsec_site_connection": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "psk": "secret",
        "initiator": "bi-directional",
        "name": "vpnconnection1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "auth_mode": "psk",
        "peer_cidrs": [],
        "mtu": 2000,
        "peer_ep_group_id": "9ad5a7e0-6dac-41b4-b20d-a7b8645fddf1",
        "ikepolicy_id": "9b00d6b0-6c93-4ca5-9747-b8ade7bb514f",
        "vpnservice_id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "dpd": {
            "action": "hold",
            "interval": 30,
            "timeout": 120
        "route_mode": "static",
        "ipsecpolicy_id": "e6e23d0c-9519-4d52-8ea4-5b1f96d857b1",
        "local_ep_group_id": "3e1815dd-e212-43d0-8f13-b494fa553e68",
        "peer_address": "",
        "peer_id": "",
        "id": "851f280f-5639-4ea3-81aa-e298525ab74b",
        "description": "New description"

Remove IPSec connection

Removes an IPSec connection.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
connection_id (Optional) path string The ID of the IPSec site-to-site connection.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List VPN endpoint groups

Lists VPN endpoint groups.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
endpoints body array List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
id body string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.

Response Example

    "endpoint_groups": [
            "description": "",
            "project_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
            "tenant_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
            "endpoints": [
            "type": "subnet",
            "id": "6bf34c7c-864c-4948-a6d4-db791669f9d4",
            "name": "locals"
            "description": "",
            "project_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
            "tenant_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
            "endpoints": [
            "type": "cidr",
            "id": "6ecd9cf3-ca64-46c7-863f-f2eb1b9e838a",
            "name": "peers"

Create VPN endpoint group

Creates a VPN endpoint group.

The endpoint group contains one or more endpoints of a specific type that you can use to create a VPN connections.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
endpoints body array List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "endpoint_group": {
        "endpoints": [
        "type": "cidr",
        "name": "peers"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
endpoints body array List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
id body string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "endpoint_group": {
        "description": "",
        "project_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "tenant_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "endpoints": [
        "type": "cidr",
        "id": "6ecd9cf3-ca64-46c7-863f-f2eb1b9e838a",
        "name": "peers"

Show VPN endpoint group

Shows details for a VPN endpoint group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
endpoint_group_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
endpoints body array List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
id body string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "endpoint_group": {
        "description": "",
        "project_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "tenant_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "endpoints": [
        "type": "cidr",
        "id": "6ecd9cf3-ca64-46c7-863f-f2eb1b9e838a",
        "name": "peers"

Update VPN endpoint group

Updates settings for a VPN endpoint group.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
endpoint_group_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.

Request Example

    "endpoint_group": {
        "description": "New description"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
endpoints body array List of endpoints of the same type, for the endpoint group. The values will depend on type.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
id body string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "endpoint_group": {
        "description": "New description",
        "project_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "tenant_id": "4ad57e7ce0b24fca8f12b9834d91079d",
        "endpoints": [
        "type": "cidr",
        "id": "6ecd9cf3-ca64-46c7-863f-f2eb1b9e838a",
        "name": "peers"

Remove VPN endpoint group

Removes a VPN endpoint group.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
endpoint_group_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN endpoint group.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List VPN services

Lists all VPN services.

The list might be empty.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vpnservices body array A list of VPN service objects.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
status body string Indicates whether IPSec VPN service is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
external_v6_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv6 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv6 interface is available.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
external_v4_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv4 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv4 interface is available.
id body string The ID of the VPN service.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "vpnservices": [
            "router_id": "66e3b16c-8ce5-40fb-bb49-ab6d8dc3f2aa",
            "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
            "name": "myservice",
            "external_v6_ip": "2001:db8::1",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "subnet_id": null,
            "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
            "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
            "external_v4_ip": "",
            "id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
            "description": ""

Create VPN service

Creates a VPN service.

The service is associated with a router. After you create the service, it can contain multiple VPN connections.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
vpnservice body object A vpnservice object.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "vpnservice": {
        "subnet_id": null,
        "router_id": "66e3b16c-8ce5-40fb-bb49-ab6d8dc3f2aa",
        "name": "myservice",
        "admin_state_up": true

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vpnservice body object A vpnservice object.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
status body string Indicates whether IPSec VPN service is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
external_v6_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv6 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv6 interface is available.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
external_v4_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv4 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv4 interface is available.
id body string The ID of the VPN service.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "vpnservice": {
        "router_id": "66e3b16c-8ce5-40fb-bb49-ab6d8dc3f2aa",
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "name": "myservice",
        "external_v6_ip": "2001:db8::1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": null,
        "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "external_v4_ip": "",
        "id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "description": ""

Show VPN service details

Shows details for a VPN service.

If the user is not an administrative user and the VPN service object does not belong to the tenant account for the user, the operation returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
service_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN service.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vpnservice body object A vpnservice object.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
status body string Indicates whether IPSec VPN service is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
external_v6_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv6 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv6 interface is available.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
external_v4_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv4 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv4 interface is available.
id body string The ID of the VPN service.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "vpnservice": {
        "router_id": "66e3b16c-8ce5-40fb-bb49-ab6d8dc3f2aa",
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "name": "myservice",
        "external_v6_ip": "2001:db8::1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": null,
        "project_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "tenant_id": "10039663455a446d8ba2cbb058b0f578",
        "external_v4_ip": "",
        "id": "5c561d9d-eaea-45f6-ae3e-08d1a7080828",
        "description": ""

Update VPN service

Updates a VPN service.

Updates the attributes of a VPN service. You cannot update a service with a PENDING_* status.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
vpnservice body object A vpnservice object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
service_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN service.

Request Example

    "vpnservice": {
        "description": "Updated description"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vpnservice body object A vpnservice object.
router_id path string The ID of the router.
status body string Indicates whether IPSec VPN service is currently operational. Values are ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
external_v6_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv6 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv6 interface is available.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you specify only a subnet UUID, OpenStack Networking allocates an available IP from that subnet to the port. If you specify both a subnet UUID and an IP address, OpenStack Networking tries to allocate the address to the port.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
external_v4_ip body string Read-only external (public) IPv4 address that is used for the VPN service. The VPN plugin sets this address if an IPv4 interface is available.
id body string The ID of the VPN service.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.

Response Example

    "vpnservice": {
        "router_id": "881b7b30-4efb-407e-a162-5630a7af3595",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "name": "myvpn",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": null,
        "project_id": "26de9cd6cae94c8cb9f79d660d628e1f",
        "tenant_id": "26de9cd6cae94c8cb9f79d660d628e1f",
        "id": "41bfef97-af4e-4f6b-a5d3-4678859d2485",
        "description": "Updated description"

Remove VPN service

Removes a VPN service.

If the service has connections, the request is rejected.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
service_id (Optional) path string The ID of the VPN service.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Resource Management

Networking Flavors Framework v2.0 (CURRENT) (flavor, service_profile)

Extension that allows user selection of operator-curated flavors during resource creation.

Users can check if flavor available by performing a GET on the /v2.0/extensions/flavors. If it is unavailable,there is an 404 error response (itemNotFound). Refer Show extension details for more details.


List flavors

Lists all flavors visible to the project.

The list can be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI. Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection. If Neutron configuration supports pagination by overriding allow_pagination = false, the marker query parameter can set the last element id the client has seen and limit set the maximum number of items to return. if Neutron configuration has allow_sorting = true, sort_key and sort_dir pairs can be used where sort direction is ‘asc’ or ‘desc’.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
flavors body array A list of flavor objects.
id body string The ID of the flavor.
service_type body string Service type for the flavor. Example: LOADBALANCERV2.
name body string Name of the flavor.
description body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.
service_profiles body array Service profile UUIDs associated with this flavor.

Response Example

    "flavors": [
            "description": "",
            "enabled": true,
            "service_profiles": [],
            "service_type": "LOADBALANCERV2",
            "id": "f7b14d9a-b0dc-4fbe-bb14-a0f4970a69e0",
            "name": "dummy"

Create flavor

Creates a flavor.

This operation establishes a new flavor.

The service_type to which the flavor applies is a required parameter. The corresponding service plugin must have been activated as part of the configuration. Check Service providers for how to see currently loaded service types. Additionally the service plugin needs to support the use of flavors. For example, the LOADBALANCERV2 service type using the LBaaSv2 API currently supports Neutron service flavors.

Creation currently limited to administrators. Other users will receive a Forbidden 403 response code with a response body NeutronError message expressing that creation is disallowed by policy.

Until one or more service profiles are associated with the flavor by the operator, attempts to use the flavor during resource creations will currently return a Not Found 404 with a response body that indicates no service profile could be found.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
flavor body object A flavor object.
service_type body string Service type for the flavor. Example: LOADBALANCERV2.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.
description (Optional) body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
name (Optional) body string Name of the flavor.

Request Example

    "flavor": {
        "service_type": "LOADBALANCERV2",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "dummy",
        "description": "Dummy flavor"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
flavor body object A flavor object.
id body string The ID of the flavor.
service_type body string Service type for the flavor. Example: LOADBALANCERV2.
name body string Name of the flavor.
description body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.
service_profiles body array Service profile UUIDs associated with this flavor.

Response Example

    "flavor": {
        "id": "7fc0581b-4509-49e1-90eb-c953c877fa4c",
        "name": "dummy",
        "service_type": "LOADBALANCERV2",
        "description": "Dummy flavor",
        "enabled": true,
        "service_profiles": []

Show flavor details

Shows details for a flavor.

This operation returns a flavor object by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the flavor object is not visible to your project account, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
flavor_id path string The UUID of the flavor.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
flavor body object A flavor object.
id body string The ID of the flavor.
service_type body string Service type for the flavor. Example: LOADBALANCERV2.
name body string Name of the flavor.
description body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.
service_profiles body array Service profile UUIDs associated with this flavor.

Response Example

    "flavor": {
        "description": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "service_profiles": [],
        "service_type": "LOADBALANCERV2",
        "id": "f7b14d9a-b0dc-4fbe-bb14-a0f4970a69e0",
        "name": "dummy"

Update flavor

Updates a flavor.

The service_type cannot be updated as there may be associated service profiles and consumers depending on the value.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
flavor_id path string The UUID of the flavor.
flavor body object A flavor object.
name (Optional) body string Name of the flavor.
description (Optional) body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.

Request Example

    "flavor": {
        "enabled": false,
        "name": "newname",
        "description": "New description"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
flavor body object A flavor object.
id body string The ID of the flavor.
service_type body string Service type for the flavor. Example: LOADBALANCERV2.
name body string Name of the flavor.
description body string The human-readable description for the flavor.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether the flavor is enabled or not. Default is true.
service_profiles body array Service profile UUIDs associated with this flavor.

Response Example

    "flavor": {
        "description": "New description",
        "enabled": false,
        "service_profiles": [],
        "service_type": "LOADBALANCERV2",
        "id": "7fc0581b-4509-49e1-90eb-c953c877fa4c",
        "name": "newname"

Delete flavor

Deletes a flavor.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
flavor_id path string The UUID of the flavor.


No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.


Associate flavor with a service profile

Associate a flavor with a service profile.

A flavor can be associated with more than one profile.

Will return 409 Conflict if association already exists.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
flavor_id path string The UUID of the flavor.
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
id body string The UUID of the service profile.

Request Example

    "service_profile": {
        "id": "4e5b9191-ffbe-4f7a-b112-2db98232fd32"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
id body string The ID of the resource.

Response Example

    "service_profile": {
        "id": "4e5b9191-ffbe-4f7a-b112-2db98232fd32"

Disassociate a flavor.

Disassociate a flavor from a service profile.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
profile_id path string The UUID of the service profile.
flavor_id path string The UUID of the flavor.


No body content is returned on a successful disassociation.


List service profiles

Lists all service profiles visible for the tenant account.

The list can be empty.

Standard query parameters are supported on the URI.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_profiles body array Service profile UUIDs associated with this flavor.
id body string The UUID of the service profile.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver
description body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.

Response Example

    "service_profiles": [
            "id": "4e5b9191-ffbe-4f7a-b112-2db98232fd32",
            "enabled": true,
            "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
            "description": "",
            "metainfo": "{}"
            "id": "684322c5-703a-48a2-8138-34b99942a7ef",
            "enabled": true,
            "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
            "description": "",
            "metainfo": "{}"

Create service profile

Creates a service profile.

This operation establishes a new service profile that can be associated with one or more flavors.

Either metadata or a driver is required.

If a driver is specified but does not exist, call will return a Not found 404 error with the response body explaining that the driver could not be found.

Creation currently limited to administrators. Other users will receive a Forbidden 403 response code with a response body NeutronError message expressing that creation is disallowed by policy.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
description (Optional) body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo (Optional) body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver (Optional) body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver

Request Example

    "service_profile": {
        "enabled": "true",
        "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
        "description": "Dummy profile",
        "metainfo": "{'foo': 'bar'}"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
id body string The UUID of the service profile.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver
description body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.

Response Example

    "service_profile": {
        "enabled": true,
        "metainfo": "{'foo': 'bar'}",
        "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
        "id": "7c793e5f-9b64-44e0-8b1f-902e59c85a01",
        "description": "Dummy profile"

Show service profile details

Shows details for a service profile.

This operation returns a service profile object by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the object is not visible to your tenant account, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
profile_id path string The UUID of the service profile.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
id body string The UUID of the service profile.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver
description body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.

Response Example

    "service_profile": {
        "enabled": true,
        "metainfo": "{'foo': 'bar'}",
        "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
        "id": "7c793e5f-9b64-44e0-8b1f-902e59c85a01",
        "description": "Dummy profile"

Update service profile

Updates a service profile.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
profile_id path string The UUID of the service profile.
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver (Optional) body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver
description (Optional) body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo (Optional) body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.

Request Example

    "service_profile": {
        "enabled": false,
        "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
        "description": "New description",
        "metainfo": "{'new': 'info'}"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_profile body object A service_profile object.
id body string The UUID of the service profile.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this service profile is enabled or not. Default is true.
driver body string Provider driver to use for this profile. Example: neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver
description body string The human-readable description for the service profile.
metainfo body string JSON-formatted meta information of the service profile.

Response Example

    "service_profile": {
        "enabled": false,
        "metainfo": "{'new': 'info'}",
        "driver": "neutron_lbaas.drivers.octavia.driver.OctaviaDriver",
        "id": "7c793e5f-9b64-44e0-8b1f-902e59c85a01",
        "description": "New description"

Delete service profile

Deletes a service profile.

Attempting to delete a service profile that is currently associated with a flavor will return a Conflict 409 with a response body containing an in use message.

Either metadata or a driver is required.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
profile_id path string The UUID of the service profile.


No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.

Metering labels and rules (metering-labels, metering-label-rules)

Creates, modifies, and deletes OpenStack Layer3 metering labels and rules.


List metering labels

Lists all L3 metering labels that belong to the project.

The list shows the ID for each metering label.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
metering_labels body array A list of metering_label objects.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this metering label is shared across all projects.
id body string The ID of the metering label.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "metering_labels": [
            "project_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
            "tenant_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
            "description": "label1 description",
            "name": "label1",
            "id": "a6700594-5b7a-4105-8bfe-723b346ce866",
            "shared": false
            "project_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
            "tenant_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
            "description": "label2 description",
            "name": "label2",
            "id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
            "shared": false

Create metering label

Creates an L3 metering label.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403


Name In Type Description
metering_label body object A metering_label object.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this metering label is shared across all projects.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Request Example

    "metering_label": {
        "name": "label1",
        "description": "description of label1"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
metering_label body object A metering_label object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this metering label is shared across all projects.
id body string The ID of the metering label.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "metering_label": {
        "project_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
        "tenant_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
        "description": "description of label1",
        "name": "label1",
        "id": "bc91b832-8465-40a7-a5d8-ba87de442266",
        "shared": false

Show metering label details

Shows details for a metering label.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
metering_label_id path string The ID of the metering label.

Request Example

GET /v2.0/metering/metering-labels/a6700594-5b7a-4105-8bfe-723b346ce866 HTTP/1.1
Host: controlnode:9696
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
metering_label body object A metering_label object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this metering label is shared across all projects.
id body string The ID of the metering label.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "metering_label": {
        "project_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
        "tenant_id": "45345b0ee1ea477fac0f541b2cb79cd4",
        "description": "label1 description",
        "name": "label1",
        "id": "a6700594-5b7a-4105-8bfe-723b346ce866",
        "shared": false

Delete metering label

Deletes an L3 metering label.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
metering_label_id path string The ID of the metering label.

Request Example

DELETE /v2.0/metering/metering-labels/a6700594-5b7a-4105-8bfe-723b346ce866 HTTP/1.1
Host: controlnode:9696
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List metering label rules

Lists a summary of all L3 metering label rules that belong to the project.

The list shows the ID for each metering label rule.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
metering_label_rules body array A list of metering_label_rule objects.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
excluded (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether to count the traffic of a specific IP address with the remote_ip_prefix value. Default is false.
metering_label_id body string The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
id body string The ID of the metering label rule.

Response Example

    "metering_label_rules": [
            "remote_ip_prefix": "",
            "direction": "ingress",
            "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
            "id": "9536641a-7d14-4dc5-afaf-93a973ce0eb8",
            "excluded": false
            "remote_ip_prefix": "",
            "direction": "ingress",
            "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
            "id": "ffc6fd15-40de-4e7d-b617-34d3f7a93aec",
            "excluded": false

Create metering label rule

Creates an L3 metering label rule.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
metering_label_rule body object A metering_label_rule object.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
metering_label_id body string The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
excluded (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether to count the traffic of a specific IP address with the remote_ip_prefix value. Default is false.

Request Example

    "metering_label_rule": {
        "remote_ip_prefix": "",
        "direction": "ingress",
        "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
metering_label_rule body object A metering_label_rule object.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
excluded (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether to count the traffic of a specific IP address with the remote_ip_prefix value. Default is false.
metering_label_id body string The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
id body string The ID of the metering label rule.

Response Example

    "metering_label_rule": {
        "remote_ip_prefix": "",
        "direction": "ingress",
        "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
        "id": "00e13b58-b4f2-4579-9c9c-7ac94615f9ae",
        "excluded": false

Show metering label rule details

Shows details for a metering label rule.

The response body shows this information for each metering label rule:

  • direction. Either ingress or egress.
  • excluded. Either true or false.
  • The ID for the metering label rule.
  • The remote IP prefix.
  • The metering label ID for the metering label with which the rule is associated.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
metering_label_rule_id path string The ID of the metering label rule.

Request Example

GET /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules/9536641a-7d14-4dc5-afaf-93a973ce0eb8 HTTP/1.1
Host: controlnode:9696
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2

Response Paramters

Name In Type Description
metering_label_rule body object A metering_label_rule object.
direction body string Ingress or egress, which is the direction in which the metering rule is applied.
remote_ip_prefix body string The remote IP prefix to associate with this metering rule packet.
excluded (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether to count the traffic of a specific IP address with the remote_ip_prefix value. Default is false.
metering_label_id body string The metering label ID to associate with this metering rule.
id body string The ID of the metering label rule.

Response Example

    "metering_label_rule": {
        "remote_ip_prefix": "",
        "direction": "ingress",
        "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
        "id": "9536641a-7d14-4dc5-afaf-93a973ce0eb8",
        "excluded": false

Delete metering label rule

Deletes an L3 metering label rule.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
metering_label_rule_id path string The ID of the metering label rule.

Request Example

DELETE /v2.0/metering/metering-labels/37b31179-71ee-4f0a-b130-0eeb28e7ede7 HTTP/1.1
Host: controlnode:9696
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Network IP availability and usage stats

The extension network-ip-availability allows users to list and show the network IP usage stats of all networks or of a specified network. By default policy configuration, only administrative users can use this API.


Show Network IP Availability

Shows network IP availability details for a network.

By default policy configuration, only administrative users can retrieve IP availability. Otherwise, Not Found (404) will be returned.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
network_id path string The ID of the network.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network_ip_availability body object A network_ip_availability object.
network_id body string The ID of the network whose IP availability detail is reported.
network_name body string Human-readable name of the network.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
total_ips body integer The total number of IP addresses in a network.
used_ips body integer The number of used IP addresses of all subnets in a network.
subnet_ip_availability body array A list of dictionaries showing subnet IP availability. It contains information for every subnet associated to the network.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet whose IP availability detail is reported.
subnet_name body string The name of the subnet.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.

Response Example

    "network_ip_availability": {
        "used_ips": 4,
        "subnet_ip_availability": [
                "used_ips": 2,
                "subnet_id": "44e70d00-80a2-4fb1-ab59-6190595ceb61",
                "subnet_name": "private-subnet",
                "ip_version": 4,
                "cidr": "",
                "total_ips": 253
                "used_ips": 2,
                "subnet_id": "a90623df-00e1-4902-a675-40674385d74c",
                "subnet_name": "ipv6-private-subnet",
                "ip_version": 6,
                "cidr": "fdbf:ac66:9be8::/64",
                "total_ips": 18446744073709552000
        "network_id": "6801d9c8-20e6-4b27-945d-62499f00002e",
        "project_id": "d56d3b8dd6894a508cf41b96b522328c",
        "tenant_id": "d56d3b8dd6894a508cf41b96b522328c",
        "total_ips": 18446744073709552000,
        "network_name": "private"

List Network IP Availability

Lists network IP availability of all networks.

By default policy configuration, only administrative users can retrieve IP availabilities. Otherwise, an empty list will be returned.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network_ip_availabilities body array The network_ip_availabilities object.
network_id body string The ID of the network whose IP availability detail is reported.
network_name body string Human-readable name of the network.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
total_ips body integer The total number of IP addresses in a network.
used_ips body integer The number of used IP addresses of all subnets in a network.
subnet_ip_availability body array A list of dictionaries showing subnet IP availability. It contains information for every subnet associated to the network.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet whose IP availability detail is reported.
subnet_name body string The name of the subnet.
ip_version body integer The IP protocol version. Value is 4 or 6.
cidr body string The CIDR of the subnet.

Response Example

    "network_ip_availabilities": [
            "network_id": "4cf895c9-c3d1-489e-b02e-59b5c8976809",
            "network_name": "public",
            "subnet_ip_availability": [
                    "cidr": "2001:db8::/64",
                    "ip_version": 6,
                    "subnet_id": "ca3f46c4-c6ff-4272-9be4-0466f84c6077",
                    "subnet_name": "ipv6-public-subnet",
                    "total_ips": 18446744073709552000,
                    "used_ips": 1
                    "cidr": "",
                    "ip_version": 4,
                    "subnet_id": "cc02efc1-9d47-46bd-bab6-760919c836b5",
                    "subnet_name": "public-subnet",
                    "total_ips": 253,
                    "used_ips": 1
            "project_id": "1a02cc95f1734fcc9d3c753818f03002",
            "tenant_id": "1a02cc95f1734fcc9d3c753818f03002",
            "total_ips": 253,
            "used_ips": 2
            "network_id": "6801d9c8-20e6-4b27-945d-62499f00002e",
            "network_name": "private",
            "subnet_ip_availability": [
                    "cidr": "",
                    "ip_version": 4,
                    "subnet_id": "44e70d00-80a2-4fb1-ab59-6190595ceb61",
                    "subnet_name": "private-subnet",
                    "total_ips": 253,
                    "used_ips": 2
                    "ip_version": 6,
                    "cidr": "fdbf:ac66:9be8::/64",
                    "subnet_id": "a90623df-00e1-4902-a675-40674385d74c",
                    "subnet_name": "ipv6-private-subnet",
                    "total_ips": 18446744073709552000,
                    "used_ips": 2
            "project_id": "d56d3b8dd6894a508cf41b96b522328c",
            "tenant_id": "d56d3b8dd6894a508cf41b96b522328c",
            "total_ips": 18446744073709552000,
            "used_ips": 4

Quotas extension (quotas)

Lists default quotas, current quotas for projects with non-default quota values, and shows, updates, and resets quotas for a project.

A quota value of -1 means that quota has no limit.


List quotas for projects with non-default quota values

Lists quotas for projects with non-default quota values.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
quotas body array A list of quota objects.
floatingip body integer The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
network body integer The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
port body integer The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
rbac_policy body integer The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
router body integer The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group body integer The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group_rule body integer The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnet body integer The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnetpool body integer The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "quotas": [
            "floatingip": 50,
            "network": 15,
            "port": 50,
            "project_id": "bab7d5c60cd041a0a36f7c4b6e1dd978",
            "rbac_policy": -1,
            "router": 10,
            "security_group": 10,
            "security_group_rule": 100,
            "subnet": 10,
            "subnetpool": -1,
            "tenant_id": "bab7d5c60cd041a0a36f7c4b6e1dd978"

List quotas for a project

Lists quotas for a project.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
project_id path string The ID of the project.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
quota body object A quota object.
floatingip body integer The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
network body integer The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
port body integer The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
rbac_policy body integer The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
router body integer The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group body integer The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group_rule body integer The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnet body integer The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnetpool body integer The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.

Response Example

    "quota": {
        "floatingip": 50,
        "network": 10,
        "port": 50,
        "rbac_policy": -1,
        "router": 10,
        "security_group": 10,
        "security_group_rule": 100,
        "subnet": 10,
        "subnetpool": -1

Update quota for a project

Updates quotas for a project. Use when non-default quotas are desired.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
project_id path string The ID of the project.
quota body object A quota object.
floatingip (Optional) body integer The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
network (Optional) body integer The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
port (Optional) body integer The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
rbac_policy (Optional) body integer The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
router (Optional) body integer The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group (Optional) body integer The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group_rule (Optional) body integer The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnet (Optional) body integer The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnetpool (Optional) body integer The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.

Request Example

    "quota": {
        "floatingip": 50,
        "network": 10,
        "port": 50,
        "rbac_policy": -1,
        "router": 10,
        "security_group": 10,
        "security_group_rule": 100,
        "subnet": 10,
        "subnetpool": -1

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
quota body object A quota object.
floatingip body integer The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
network body integer The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
port body integer The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
rbac_policy body integer The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
router body integer The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group body integer The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group_rule body integer The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnet body integer The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnetpool body integer The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.

Response Example

    "quota": {
        "subnet": 10,
        "network": 15,
        "floatingip": 50,
        "subnetpool": -1,
        "security_group_rule": 100,
        "security_group": 10,
        "router": 10,
        "rbac_policy": -1,
        "port": 50

Reset quota for a project

Resets quotas to default values for a project.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
project_id path string The ID of the project.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List default quotas for a project

Lists default quotas for a project.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
project_id path string The ID of the project.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
quota body object A quota object.
floatingip body integer The number of floating IP addresses allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
network body integer The number of networks allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
port body integer The number of ports allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
rbac_policy body integer The number of role-based access control (RBAC) policies for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
router body integer The number of routers allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group body integer The number of security groups allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
security_group_rule body integer The number of security group rules allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnet body integer The number of subnets allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.
subnetpool body integer The number of subnet pools allowed for each project. A value of -1 means no limit.

Response Example

    "quota": {
        "floatingip": 50,
        "network": 10,
        "port": 50,
        "rbac_policy": -1,
        "router": 10,
        "security_group": 10,
        "security_group_rule": 100,
        "subnet": 10,
        "subnetpool": -1

Service providers

Lists service providers.


List service providers

Lists service providers and their associated service types.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
service_providers body array A list of service_provider objects.
service_type body string The service type, which is CORE, DUMMY, FIREWALL, FLAVORS, L3_ROUTER_NAT, LOADBALANCER, LOADBALANCERV2, METERING, QOS, or VPN.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
default body boolean Defines whether the provider is the default for the service type. If this value is true, the provider is the default. If this value is false, the provider is not the default.

Response Example

    "service_providers": [
            "service_type": "LOADBALANCER",
            "default": true,
            "name": "haproxy"

Tag extension (tags)

Shows details for, updates, and deletes tags.

The maximum number of characters allowed in a tag is 60. If the length is longer than 60, the API returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with ‘invalid input for operation’ error message.

Tag Extension

The tag extension allows users to set tags on their networks. This extension supports networks only.

Enhanced Tag Extension

The tag-ext extension allows users to set tags on their resources. This extension supports subnets, ports, routers, and subnet pools.


Replace all tags

Replaces all tags on the resource.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.
tags body array The list of tags on the resource.

Request Example

    "tags": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
tags body array The list of tags on the resource.

Response Example

    "tags": [

Remove all tags

Removes all tags on the resource.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


Confirm a tag

Confirms a given tag is set on the resource.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.
tag path string The name for the tag.


There is no body content for the response of a successful GET request.


Add a tag

Adds a tag on the resource.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.
tag path string The name for the tag.


There is no body content for the response of a successful PUT request.


Obtain Tag List

Obtains the tags for a resource.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.


Name In Type Description
tags body array The list of tags on the resource.

Response Example

    "tags": [

Remove a tag

Removes a tag on the resource.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
resource_type path string The type of resource which the tag is set on.
resource_id path string The ID of resource which the tag is set on.
tag path string The name for the tag.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Quality of Service

QoS policies (qos)

Lists, creates, shows information for, and updates QoS policies.


List QoS rule types

Lists available qos rule types.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
rule_types body array A list of QoS rule_type objects.
type body string The type of QoS rule.

Response Example

    "rule_types": [
            "type": "bandwidth_limit"
            "type": "dscp_marking"

List QoS policies

Lists all QoS policies associated with your project.

The list might be empty.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
policies body array A list of QoS policy objects.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this policy is shared across all projects.
id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
rules body array A set of zero or more policy rules.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "policies": [
            "project_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
            "tenant_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
            "id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
            "name": "10Mbit",
            "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
            "shared": false,
            "rules": [
                    "max_kbps": 10000,
                    "type": "bandwidth_limit",
                    "id": "b1866696-032a-4228-857f-846075f63487",
                    "max_burst_kbps": 0,
                    "qos_policy_id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4"
                    "dscp_mark": 20,
                    "type": "dscp_marking",
                    "id": "d9c021d5-5433-4d7c-8bfa-69cca486aac8",
                    "qos_policy_id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4"

Create QoS policy

Creates a QoS policy.

Creates a QoS policy by using the configuration that you define in the request object. A response object is returned. The object contains a unique ID.

By the default policy configuration, if the caller is not an administrative user, this call returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Users with an administrative role can create policies on behalf of other projects by specifying a project ID that is different than their own.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
policy body object A QoS policy object.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
shared (Optional) body boolean Set to true to share this policy with other projects. Default is false.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "policy": {
        "name": "10Mbit",
        "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
        "shared": false

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
policy body object A QoS policy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this policy is shared across all projects.
rules body array A set of zero or more policy rules.
id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "policy": {
        "name": "10Mbit",
        "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
        "rules": [],
        "id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
        "project_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "tenant_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "shared": false

Show QoS policy details

Shows details for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
policy body object A QoS policy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this policy is shared across all projects.
rules body array A set of zero or more policy rules.
id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "policy": {
        "project_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "tenant_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
        "name": "10Mbit",
        "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
        "shared": false,
        "rules": [
                "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
                "qos_policy_id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
                "max_kbps": 10000,
                "max_burst_kbps": 0,
                "type": "bandwidth_limit"
                "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
                "qos_policy_id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
                "dscp_mark": 26,
                "type": "dscp_marking"

Update QoS policy

Updates a QoS policy.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
policy body object A QoS policy object.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
shared (Optional) body boolean Set to true to share this policy with other projects. Default is false.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "policy": {
        "name": "10Mbit",
        "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
        "shared": false

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
policy body object A QoS policy object.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
shared body boolean Indicates whether this policy is shared across all projects.
id body string The ID of the QoS policy.
rules body array A set of zero or more policy rules.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Response Example

    "policy": {
        "name": "10Mbit",
        "description": "This policy limits the ports to 10Mbit max.",
        "id": "46ebaec0-0570-43ac-82f6-60d2b03168c4",
        "project_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "tenant_id": "8d4c70a21fed4aeba121a1a429ba0d04",
        "shared": false

Delete QoS policy

Deletes a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List bandwidth limit rules for QoS policy

Lists all bandwidth limit rules for a QoS policy.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bandwidth_limit_rules body array A list of bandwidth limit rules associated with the QoS policy.
max_kbps body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
id body string The ID of the QoS Bandwidth limit rule.
max_burst_kbps body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits).

Response Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rules": [
            "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
            "max_kbps": 10000,
            "max_burst_kbps": 0

Create bandwidth limit rule

Creates a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
bandwidth_limit_rule body object A bandwidth_limit_rule object.
max_kbps (Optional) body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
max_burst_kbps (Optional) body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits). Default is 0.

Request Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
        "max_kbps": "10000"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bandwidth_limit_rule body object A bandwidth_limit_rule object.
max_kbps body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
id body string The ID of the QoS Bandwidth limit rule.
max_burst_kbps body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits).

Response Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
        "max_kbps": 10000,
        "max_burst_kbps": 0

Show bandwidth limit rule details

Shows details for a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
rule_id path string The ID of the QoS rule.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bandwidth_limit_rule body object A bandwidth_limit_rule object.
max_kbps body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
id body string The ID of the QoS Bandwidth limit rule.
max_burst_kbps body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits).

Response Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
        "max_kbps": 10000,
        "max_burst_kbps": 0

Update bandwidth limit rule

Updates a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
rule_id path string The ID of the QoS rule.
bandwidth_limit_rule body object A bandwidth_limit_rule object.
max_kbps (Optional) body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
max_burst_kbps (Optional) body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits). Default is 0.

Request Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
        "max_kbps": "10000"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bandwidth_limit_rule body object A bandwidth_limit_rule object.
max_kbps body integer The maximum KBPS (kilobits per second) value. If you specify this value, must be greater than 0 otherwise max_kbps will have no value.
id body string The ID of the QoS Bandwidth limit rule.
max_burst_kbps body integer The maximum burst size (in kilobits).

Response Example

    "bandwidth_limit_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c793",
        "max_kbps": 10000,
        "max_burst_kbps": 0

Delete bandwidth limit rule

Deletes a bandwidth limit rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
rule_id path string The ID of the QoS rule.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List DSCP marking rules for QoS policy

Lists all DSCP marking rules for a QoS policy.

The list may be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
dscp_marking_rules body array A list of dscp_marking_rule objects.
dscp_mark body integer The DSCP mark value.
id body string The ID of the QoS DSCP marking rule.

Response Example

    "dscp_marking_rules": [
            "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
            "dscp_mark": 26

Create DSCP marking rule

Creates a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
dscp_marking_rule body object A dscp_marking_rule object.
dscp_mark (Optional) body integer The DSCP mark value.

Request Example

    "dscp_marking_rule": {
        "dscp_mark": "26"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
dscp_marking_rule body object A dscp_marking_rule object.
dscp_mark body integer The DSCP mark value.
id body string The ID of the QoS DSCP marking rule.

Response Example

    "dscp_marking_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
        "dscp_mark": 26

Show DSCP marking rule details

Shows details for a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
dscp_rule_id path string The ID of the DSCP rule.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
dscp_marking_rule body object A dscp_marking_rule object.
dscp_mark (Optional) body integer The DSCP mark value.
id body string The ID of the QoS DSCP marking rule.

Response Example

    "dscp_marking_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
        "dscp_mark": 26

Update DSCP marking rule

Updates a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
dscp_rule_id path string The ID of the DSCP rule.
dscp_marking_rule body object A dscp_marking_rule object.
dscp_mark (Optional) body integer The DSCP mark value.

Request Example

    "dscp_marking_rule": {
        "dscp_mark": "16"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
dscp_marking_rule body object A dscp_marking_rule object.
dscp_mark body integer The DSCP mark value.
id body string The ID of the QoS DSCP marking rule.

Response Example

    "dscp_marking_rule": {
        "id": "5f126d84-551a-4dcf-bb01-0e9c0df0c794",
        "dscp_mark": 16

Delete DSCP marking rule

Deletes a DSCP marking rule for a QoS policy.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
policy_id path string The ID of the QoS policy.
dscp_rule_id path string The ID of the DSCP rule.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Load Balancer as a Service


The Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) v1.0 extension pairs with the Networking v2.0 API to enable OpenStack projects to manage load balancers for their VMs. With this extension, you can load-balance client traffic from one network to application services, such as VMs, on the same network.

Use this extension to create and manage virtual IP addresses (VIPs), pools, members of a pool, health monitors, and view status of a resource.


LBaaS 1.0 support was removed in Newton release. It’s no longer available in any installations starting from this release.

Load balancer statuses

Status Description
ACTIVE The resource is ready and active.
PENDING_CREATE The resource is being created.
PENDING_UPDATE The resource is being updated.
PENDING_DELETE The resource is pending deletion.
INACTIVE The resource is not active.
ERROR An object within the service is not working. The error_details attribute provides an explanation for the error, its cause, and possibly a solution.

List pools

Lists pools.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pools body array A list of pool objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_method body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
protocol body string The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
provider body string The provider name of the load balancer pool.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pools": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "description": "",
            "health_monitors": [
            "health_monitors_status": [
                    "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                    "status": "ACTIVE",
                    "status_description": null
            "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
            "lb_method": "ROUND_ROBIN",
            "members": [
            "name": "pool1",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "provider": "haproxy",
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "status_description": null,
            "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba"

Create a load balancer pool

Creates a load balancer pool.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
health_monitors (Optional) body array List of health monitors to be associated with the pool. The default is an empty list.
lb_method body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
protocol body string The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
provider (Optional) body string The provider name of the load balancer pool.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "pool": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "simple pool",
        "lb_method": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "name": "my-pool",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "subnet_id": "e301aed0-d9e7-498a-977c-1bbfaf14ed5d"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_method body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
protocol body string The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
provider body string The provider name of the load balancer pool.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "simple pool",
        "health_monitors": [],
        "health_monitors_status": [],
        "id": "af95e0ce-8a26-4f29-9524-db41e7769c73",
        "lb_method": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "members": [],
        "name": "my-pool",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "provider": "haproxy",
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "e301aed0-d9e7-498a-977c-1bbfaf14ed5d",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "vip_id": null

Show pool details

Shows details for a pool.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_method body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
protocol body string The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
provider body string The provider name of the load balancer pool.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "health_monitors": [
        "health_monitors_status": [
                "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "lb_method": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "members": [
        "name": "pool1",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "provider": "haproxy",
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba"

Update pool

Updates a load balancer pool.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
health_monitors (Optional) body array List of health monitors to be associated with the pool. The default is an empty list.
lb_method (Optional) body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "pool": {
        "name": "SuperPool"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_method body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
protocol body string The protocol of the pool, which is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
provider body string The provider name of the load balancer pool.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "",
        "health_monitors": [
        "health_monitors_status": [
                "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "members": [
        "name": "SuperPool",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "provider": "haproxy",
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba"

Delete pool

Deletes a load balancer pool.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409

When a requested load balancer pool has a VIP, Conflict (409) is returned.


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List VIPs

Lists VIPs.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vips body array A list of vip objects.
address body string The IP address of the VIP.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
port_id body string The ID of the VIP port.
protocol body string The protocol of the virtual IP (VIP) address. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
session_persistence body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response.
status body string The status of the VIP. Indicates whether the VIP is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "vips": [
            "address": "",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "connection_limit": -1,
            "description": "",
            "id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba",
            "name": "my-Vip",
            "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
            "port_id": "5328aeea-2988-41c0-b5fe-0fd0660979d3",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "protocol_port": 80,
            "session_persistence": null,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "status_description": null,
            "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238"

Create a load balancer VIP

Creates a load balancer VIP.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404, 409

When a specified pool already has a VIP, Conflict (409) is returned. When a specified pool or a specified subnet is not found, Not Found (404) is returned.


Name In Type Description
vip body object A vip object.
address (Optional) body string The IP address of the VIP.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
connection_limit (Optional) body integer The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer. Default is infinite.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
protocol body string The protocol of the virtual IP (VIP) address. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
session_persistence (Optional) body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response. To clear session persistence for the VIP, set the session_persistence parameter to null in a VIP update request. The default is no session persistence.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "vip": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "name": "NewVip",
        "pool_id": "105320c3-8416-4997-9c1c-4098b95fdaca",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": "80",
        "subnet_id": "0ba2ef27-0054-4b28-a8fa-f215e8079272"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vip body object A vip object.
address body string The IP address of the VIP.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
port_id body string The ID of the VIP port.
protocol body string The protocol of the virtual IP (VIP) address. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
session_persistence body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response.
status body string The status of the VIP. Indicates whether the VIP is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "vip": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": -1,
        "description": "",
        "id": "fa0373e0-9dd4-4ff7-98fc-8cceca9bdb4e",
        "name": "NewVip",
        "pool_id": "105320c3-8416-4997-9c1c-4098b95fdaca",
        "port_id": "0ba4cd9c-edb4-4594-bac4-b68b49d5f04c",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "session_persistence": null,
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "0ba2ef27-0054-4b28-a8fa-f215e8079272",
        "tenant_id": "e68c3e65e1f34ee9b2357d0fe418a78b"

Show VIP details

Shows details for a VIP.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
vip_id path string The ID for the VIP.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vip body object A vip object.
address body string The IP address of the VIP.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
port_id body string The ID of the VIP port.
protocol body string The protocol of the virtual IP (VIP) address. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
session_persistence body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response.
status body string The status of the VIP. Indicates whether the VIP is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "vip": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": -1,
        "description": "",
        "id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba",
        "name": "my-Vip",
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "port_id": "5328aeea-2988-41c0-b5fe-0fd0660979d3",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "session_persistence": null,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238"

Update VIP

Updates a load balancer VIP.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
vip_id path string The ID for the VIP.
vip body object A vip object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
connection_limit (Optional) body integer The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer. Default is infinite.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
pool_id (Optional) body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
session_persistence (Optional) body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response. To clear session persistence for the VIP, set the session_persistence parameter to null in a VIP update request. The default is no session persistence.

Request Example

    "vip": {
        "connection_limit": "1000"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
vip body object A vip object.
address body string The IP address of the VIP.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the VIP belongs to.
port_id body string The ID of the VIP port.
protocol body string The protocol of the virtual IP (VIP) address. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
session_persistence body object Session persistence parameters for the VIP. Omit the session_persistence parameter to prevent session persistence. When no session persistence is used, the session_persistence parameter does not appear in the API response.
status body string The status of the VIP. Indicates whether the VIP is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "vip": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": 1000,
        "description": "",
        "id": "fa0373e0-9dd4-4ff7-98fc-8cceca9bdb4e",
        "name": "NewVip",
        "pool_id": "105320c3-8416-4997-9c1c-4098b95fdaca",
        "port_id": "0ba4cd9c-edb4-4594-bac4-b68b49d5f04c",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "session_persistence": null,
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "status_description": null,
        "subnet_id": "0ba2ef27-0054-4b28-a8fa-f215e8079272",
        "tenant_id": "e68c3e65e1f34ee9b2357d0fe418a78b"

Delete VIP

Deletes a load balancer VIP.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
vip_id path string The ID for the VIP.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List members

Lists members.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
members body array A list of member objects.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
status body string The status of the member. Indicates whether the member is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "members": [
            "address": "",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
            "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
            "protocol_port": 90,
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "status_description": null,
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "weight": 1

Create a load balancer member

Creates a load balancer member.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
weight (Optional) body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256. The default is 1.

Request Example

    "member": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "weight": 1

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
status body string The status of the member. Indicates whether the member is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status_description": null,
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "weight": 1

Show member details

Shows details for a member.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
member_id path string The ID for the member.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
status body string The status of the member. Indicates whether the member is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status_description": null,
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "weight": 1

Update member

Updates a load balancer member.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
member_id path string The ID for the member.
member body object A member object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
pool_id (Optional) body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
weight (Optional) body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256. The default is 1.

Request Example

    "member": {
        "weight": 5

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
pool_id body string The ID of the pool which the member belongs to.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
status body string The status of the member. Indicates whether the member is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "status_description": null,
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "weight": 5

Delete member

Deletes a load balancer member.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
member_id path string The ID for the member.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List health monitors

Lists health monitors.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitors body array A list of health_monitor objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitors": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "delay": 1,
            "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
            "http_method": "GET",
            "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
            "max_retries": 5,
            "pools": [
                    "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
                    "status": "ACTIVE",
                    "status_description": null
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "timeout": 1,
            "type": "HTTP",
            "url_path": "/index.html"

Create a load balancer health monitor

Creates a load balancer health monitor.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes (Optional) body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method (Optional) body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests. The default is GET.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path (Optional) body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. A valid value is a string that begins with a forward slash (/).

Request Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "delay": 1,
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "http_method": "GET",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "pool_id": "74aa2010-a59f-4d35-a436-60a6da882819",
        "timeout": 1,
        "type": "HTTP",
        "url_path": "/index.html"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "delay": 1,
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "http_method": "GET",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "pools": [],
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "timeout": 1,
        "type": "HTTP",
        "url_path": "/index.html"

Show health monitor details

Shows details for a health monitor.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "delay": 1,
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "http_method": "GET",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "pools": [
                "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "timeout": 1,
        "type": "HTTP",
        "url_path": "/index.html"

Update health monitor

Updates a load balancer health monitor.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes (Optional) body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method (Optional) body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests. The default is GET.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
url_path (Optional) body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. A valid value is a string that begins with a forward slash (/).

Request Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "delay": 2,
        "expected_codes": "200",
        "http_method": "POST",
        "max_retries": 2,
        "timeout": 2,
        "url_path": "/page.html"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "delay": 2,
        "expected_codes": "200",
        "http_method": "POST",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
        "max_retries": 2,
        "pools": [
                "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "timeout": 2,
        "type": "HTTP",
        "url_path": "/page.html"

Delete health monitor

Deletes a load balancer health monitor.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


Associate health monitor with pool

Associates a health monitor with a pool.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.

Request Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "id": "b624decf-d5d3-4c66-9a3d-f047e7786181"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {}

Disassociate health monitor from pool

Disassociates a health monitor from a pool.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

LBaaS 2.0 (STABLE)

The Load-Balancer-as-a-Service (LBaaS) version 2.0 extension pairs with the Networking 2.0 API to enable OpenStack projects to manage load balancers for their VMs. With this extension you can load-balance client traffic from one network to application services, such as VMs, on the same network.

Use this extension to create and manage load balancers, listeners, pools, members of a pool, and health monitors and view status of a resource.

Load balancer statuses

Status Description
ACTIVE The resource is ready and active.
PENDING_CREATE The resource is being created.
PENDING_UPDATE The resource is being updated.
PENDING_DELETE The resource is pending deletion.
INACTIVE The resource is not active.
ERROR An object within the service is not working. The error_details attribute provides an explanation for the error, its cause, and possibly a solution.

List load balancers

Lists all load balancers for the project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

The list might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
loadbalancers body array A list of load balancer objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
flavor body string The ID of the flavor.
id body string The ID of the load balancer.
listeners body array The associated listeners, if any.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
operating_status body string The operating status of the load balancer. This value is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
provisioning_status body string The provisioning status of the load balancer. This value is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE or ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_address body string The IP address of the VIP .
vip_subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_network_id is given.
pools body array A list of pool objects.

Response Example

    "loadbalancers": [
            "description": "simple lb",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "project_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
            "tenant_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
            "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
            "listeners": [],
            "vip_address": "",
            "vip_subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
            "id": "a9729389-6147-41a3-ab22-a24aed8692b2",
            "operating_status": "ONLINE",
            "name": "loadbalancer1",
            "flavor": "a7ae5d5a-d855-4f9a-b187-af66b53f4d04",
            "provider": "sample-provider",
            "pools": []

Create a load balancer

Creates a load balancer.

This operation provisions a new load balancer by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object that contains a unique ID and the status of provisioning the load balancer.

In the response, the load balancer provisioning status is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

If the status is PENDING_CREATE, issue GET /lbaas/loadbalancers/loadbalancer_id to view the progress of the provisioning operation. When the load balancer status changes to ACTIVE, the load balancer is successfully provisioned and operational for traffic handling.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

You can configure all documented features of the load balancer at creation time by specifying the additional elements or attributes in the request.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create load balancers for other projects.

Example: Create a load balancer

  • project_id. Admin only. Required to create a load balancer for another project.
  • vip_subnet_id. The network on which to allocate the VIP address for the load balancer. A project can only create load balancer VIPs on networks that the policy authorizes, such as her own networks or shared or provider networks.

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

  • admin_state_up. Default is true.
  • name. Default is an empty string.
  • description. Default is an empty string.

If you own the subnet where you want to create the load balancer VIP, you can specify a vip_address attribute. If you omit the vip_address attribute from the payload, the LBaaS service allocates a VIP address from the subnet of the load balancer VIP.

An optional flavor attribute can be passed to enable dynamic selection of an appropriate provider if configured by the operator. The basic selection algorithm chooses the provider in the first service profile currently associated with flavor.

You can also specify the provider attribute when you create a load balancer. You can set this attribute to any service provider with a LOADBALANCER service type. Setting both a flavor and a provider will result in a conflict error.

Finally, vip_network_id can be used in place of vip_subnet_id. When this option is used, the VIP port is created on the given network using the default behavior. If assigned multiple fixed IPs, an IPv4 addresses is chosen as the VIP in preference to IPv6 addresses.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
flavor (Optional) body string The ID of the flavor.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
provider (Optional) body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
vip_address body string The IP address of the VIP .
vip_subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_network_id is given.

Request Example

    "loadbalancer": {
        "name": "loadbalancer1",
        "description": "simple lb",
        "project_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "tenant_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "vip_subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
        "vip_address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "flavor": "a7ae5d5a-d855-4f9a-b187-af66b53f4d04"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
flavor body string The ID of the flavor.
id body string The ID of the load balancer.
listeners body array The associated listeners, if any.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
operating_status body string The operating status of the load balancer. This value is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
provisioning_status body string The provisioning status of the load balancer. This value is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE or ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_address body string The IP address of the VIP .
vip_network_id (Optional) body string The ID of the network on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_subnet_id is given.
vip_subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_network_id is given.
pools body array A list of pool objects.

Response Example

    "loadbalancer": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "simple lb",
        "id": "a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "listeners": [],
        "name": "loadbalancer1",
        "operating_status": "ONLINE",
        "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
        "project_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "tenant_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "vip_address": "",
        "vip_subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
        "flavor": "a7ae5d5a-d855-4f9a-b187-af66b53f4d04",
        "provider": "sample_provider",
        "pools": []

Show load balancer details

Shows details for a load balancer.

This operation returns a load balancer object, by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the load balancer object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
loadbalancer_id path string The ID of the load balancer.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the load balancer.
listeners body array The associated listeners, if any.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
operating_status body string The operating status of the load balancer. This value is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provisioning_status body string The provisioning status of the load balancer. This value is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE or ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_address body string The IP address of the VIP .
vip_subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_network_id is given.
pools body array A list of pool objects.

Response Example

    "loadbalancer": {
        "description": "simple lb",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "tenant_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
        "listeners": [],
        "vip_address": "",
        "vip_subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
        "id": "a9729389-6147-41a3-ab22-a24aed8692b2",
        "operating_status": "ONLINE",
        "name": "loadbalancer1",
        "pools": []

Update load balancer

Updates a load balancer.

If the request is valid, the service returns the Accepted (202) response code. To confirm the update, check that the load balancer provisioning status is ACTIVE. If the status is PENDING_UPDATE, use a GET operation to poll the load balancer object for changes.

This operation returns the updated load balancer object with the ACTIVE, PENDING_UPDATE, or ERROR provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
loadbalancer_id path string The ID of the load balancer.
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.

Request Example

    "loadbalancer": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "description": "simple lb2",
        "name": "loadbalancer2"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
flavor body string The ID of the flavor.
id body string The ID of the load balancer.
listeners body array The associated listeners, if any.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
operating_status body string The operating status of the load balancer. This value is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
provisioning_status body string The provisioning status of the load balancer. This value is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE or ERROR.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_address body string The IP address of the VIP .
vip_subnet_id (Optional) body string The ID of the subnet on which to allocate the virtual IP (VIP) address. This option is required if no vip_network_id is given.
pools body array A list of pool objects.

Response Example

    "loadbalancer": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "description": "simple lb2",
        "id": "a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "listeners": [],
        "name": "loadbalancer2",
        "operating_status": "ONLINE",
        "provisioning_status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "project_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "tenant_id": "b7c1a69e88bf4b21a8148f787aef2081",
        "vip_address": "",
        "vip_subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
        "flavor": "a7ae5d5a-d855-4f9a-b187-af66b53f4d04",
        "provider": "sample_provider",
        "pools": []

Remove load balancer

Removes a load balancer and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data. You cannot recover it.

Example: Delete a load balancer

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
loadbalancer_id path string The ID of the load balancer.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


Show load balancer status tree

Shows the status tree for a load balancer.

This operation returns a status tree for a load balancer object, by load balancer ID. If you are not an administrative user and the load balancer object does not belong to the project, the API returns the Forbidden (403) response code.

If the operation succeeds, the returned element is a status tree that contains the load balancer and all provisioning and operating statuses for its children.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
loadbalancer_id path string The ID of the load balancer.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
statuses body object The status tree of a load balancer object contains all provisioning and operating statuses for its children.
loadbalancer body object A loadbalancer object.
listeners body array The associated listeners, if any.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
healthmonitor body object The associated healthmonitor, if any.
id body string The ID of the load balancer.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
operating_status body string The operating status of the load balancer. This value is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
provisioning_status body string The provisioning status of the load balancer. This value is ACTIVE, PENDING_CREATE or ERROR.

Response Example

    "statuses": {
        "loadbalancer": {
            "name": "lb1",
            "listeners": [
                    "pools": [
                            "name": "pool1",
                            "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE",
                            "health_monitor": {
                                "type": "HTTP",
                                "id": "90f7c765-0bc9-47c4-8513-4cc0c264c8f8",
                                "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"
                            "members": [
                                    "address": "",
                                    "protocol_port": 80,
                                    "id": "32723bee-2484-4de3-b6fc-c0b98d35fc84",
                                    "operating_status": "ONLINE",
                                    "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"
                                    "address": "",
                                    "protocol_port": 80,
                                    "id": "173b8164-0c9a-43ec-ab33-4ae0e7a8f863",
                                    "operating_status": "ONLINE",
                                    "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"
                            "id": "ae6f93b8-a3f6-46cd-bb18-c2ab0308abf7",
                            "operating_status": "ONLINE"
                    "name": "listener1",
                    "id": "c2a41fbe-b70a-4645-bb11-4d3c28f23a25",
                    "operating_status": "ONLINE",
                    "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"
            "id": "a4c19566-6f81-4c96-ac11-33954a9825a2",
            "operating_status": "ONLINE",
            "provisioning_status": "ACTIVE"

List listeners

Lists all listeners.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

This operation lists all listeners that are associated with your project.

The list might be empty.

Example: List listeners

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
listeners body array A list of listeners objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
default_pool_id body string The ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
default_tls_container_ref body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the listener.
loadbalancers body array A list of load balancer objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
sni_container_refs body array A list of references to TLS secrets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "listeners": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "connection_limit": 100,
            "default_pool_id": null,
            "description": "",
            "id": "35cb8516-1173-4035-8dae-0dae3453f37f",
            "loadbalancers": [
                    "id": "a9729389-6147-41a3-ab22-a24aed8692b2"
            "name": "",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "protocol_port": 80,
            "project_id": "3e4d8bec50a845fcb09e03a4375c691d",
            "tenant_id": "3e4d8bec50a845fcb09e03a4375c691d",
            "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
            "sni_container_refs": [

Create listener

Creates a listener.

This operation provisions a new listener by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the request is validated and the provisioning process begins, a response object is returned. The object contains a unique identifier.

At a minimum, you must specify these listener attributes:

  • project_id. Admin only. Required to create a listener for another project.
  • loadbalancer_id. The load balancer on which to provision this listener. A project can only create listeners on load balancers that the policy authorizes. For example, her own load balancers.
  • description. The load balancer description.
  • protocol. The protocol for which the front end listens. Must be HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, or TERMINATED_HTTPS.

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

  • protocol_port. The port on which the front end listens. Must be an integer from 1 to 65535.
  • default_tls_container_ref. The reference to a container that holds TLS secrets. If you also specify sni_container_refs, this container is the default. This parameter is required for the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol.
  • sni_container_refs. A list of references to containers that hold TLS secrets for server name indication (SNI). This parameter is required for the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol.
  • admin_state_up. Default is true.
  • name. Default is an empty string.
  • description. Default is an empty string.
  • connection_limit. Default is -1, which indicates an infinite limit.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

You can configure all documented features of the listener at creation time by specifying the additional elements or attributes in the request.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create listeners for other projects.

To update a listener, the load balancer to which to attach must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
listener body object A listener object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
connection_limit (Optional) body integer The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer. Default is infinite.
default_pool_id (Optional) body string The ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
default_tls_container_ref (Optional) body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
loadbalancer_id body string The ID of the load balancer.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
protocol_port (Optional) body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
sni_container_refs (Optional) body array A list of references to TLS secrets.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "listener": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": 100,
        "description": "listener one",
        "loadbalancer_id": "a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "name": "listener1",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": "80",
        "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "sni_container_refs": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
listener body object A listener object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
default_pool_id body string The ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
default_tls_container_ref body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the listener.
loadbalancers body array A list of load balancer objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
sni_container_refs body array A list of references to TLS secrets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "listener": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": 100,
        "default_pool_id": null,
        "description": "listener one",
        "id": "39de4d56-d663-46e5-85a1-5b9d5fa17829",
        "loadbalancers": [
                "id": "a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c"
        "name": "listener1",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "project_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "tenant_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "sni_container_refs": [

Show listener details

Shows details for a listener.

This operation returns a listener object, by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the listener object does not belong to your account, the API returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Example: Show listener details

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
listener_id path string The ID of the listener.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
listener body object A listener object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
id body string The ID of the listener.
default_pool_id body string The ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
default_tls_container_ref body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
loadbalancers body array A list of load balancer objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
sni_container_refs body array A list of references to TLS secrets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "listener": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "connection_limit": 100,
        "default_pool_id": null,
        "description": "",
        "id": "35cb8516-1173-4035-8dae-0dae3453f37f",
        "loadbalancers": [
                "id": "a9729389-6147-41a3-ab22-a24aed8692b2"
        "name": "",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "project_id": "3e4d8bec50a845fcb09e03a4375c691d",
        "tenant_id": "3e4d8bec50a845fcb09e03a4375c691d",
        "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "sni_container_refs": [

Update listener

Updates a listener.

This operation updates the attributes of a listener. Upon successful validation of the request, the service returns the HTTP Accepted (202) response code.

Note: You cannot update the listener_id, project_id, loadbalancer_id, loadbalancers, default_pool_id, protocol, and protocol_port attributes. Attempting to update an immutable attribute results in the HTTP Immutable (422) response code.

Note: You cannot update a listener if the load balancer to which the listener is attached does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 401, 404, 422


Name In Type Description
listener_id path string The ID of the listener.
listener body object A listener object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
connection_limit (Optional) body integer The maximum number of connections permitted for this load balancer. Default is infinite.
default_tls_container_ref (Optional) body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
sni_container_refs (Optional) body array A list of references to TLS secrets.

Request Example

    "listener": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "connection_limit": 200,
        "description": "listener two",
        "name": "listener2",
        "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "sni_container_refs": [

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
listener body object A listener object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
connection_limit body integer The maximum number of connections allowed for the VIP. Value is -1 if the limit is not set. Default is infinite.
default_pool_id body string The ID of default pool. Must have compatible protocol with listener.
default_tls_container_ref body string A reference to a container of TLS secrets.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
id body string The ID of the listener.
loadbalancers body array A list of load balancer objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
sni_container_refs body array A list of references to TLS secrets.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "listener": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "connection_limit": 200,
        "default_pool_id": null,
        "description": "listener two",
        "id": "39de4d56-d663-46e5-85a1-5b9d5fa17829",
        "loadbalancers": [
                "id": "a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c"
        "name": "listener2",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "protocol_port": 80,
        "project_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "tenant_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
        "default_tls_container_ref": "https://barbican.endpoint/containers/a36c20d0-18e9-42ce-88fd-82a35977ee8c",
        "sni_container_refs": [

Remove listener

Removes a listener.

This operation removes a listener and its associated configuration from the project. The API immediately purges any and all configuration data. You cannot recover it.

You cannot delete a listener if the load balancer to which it is attached does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Example: Delete a listener

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404, 409


Name In Type Description
listener_id path string The ID of the listener.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List pools

Lists all pools that are associated with your project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

The list might be empty.

Example: List pools

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pools body array A list of pool objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pools": [
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
            "protocol": "HTTP",
            "description": "",
            "health_monitors": [
            "members": [
            "status_description": null,
            "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
            "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba",
            "name": "pool1",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
            "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "health_monitors_status": [
                    "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                    "status": "ACTIVE",
                    "status_description": null
            "provider": "haproxy"

Create pool

Creates a pool.

This operation provisions a pool by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, the API returns a response object, which contains a unique ID.

At a minimum, you must specify these pool attributes:

  • project_id. Admin only. Required to create a pool for another project.
  • protocol. The protocol for which this pool and its members listen. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
  • lb_algorithm. The load-balancer algorithm, such as ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS, and SOURCE_IP, that distributes traffic to the pool members. The load-balancer provider must support this algorithm.
  • listener_id. The ID of the listener in which this pool becomes the default pool. Each listener has only one default pool.

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

  • admin_state_up. Default is true.
  • name. Default is an empty string.
  • description. Default is an empty string.
  • session_persistence. Default is an empty dictionary.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

Users can configure all documented features at creation time by providing the additional elements or attributes in the request.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create pools for other projects.

To update a pool, the load balancer to which to attach must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
listener_id body string The ID of the listener.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
protocol (Optional) body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "pool": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "description": "simple pool",
        "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "name": "my-pool",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "subnet_id": "e301aed0-d9e7-498a-977c-1bbfaf14ed5d",
        "listener_id": "39de4d56-d663-46e5-85a1-5b9d5fa17829"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "status": "PENDING_CREATE",
        "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "description": "simple pool",
        "health_monitors": [],
        "members": [],
        "status_description": null,
        "id": "af95e0ce-8a26-4f29-9524-db41e7769c73",
        "vip_id": null,
        "name": "my-pool",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": "e301aed0-d9e7-498a-977c-1bbfaf14ed5d",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "health_monitors_status": [],
        "provider": "haproxy"

Show pool details

Shows details for a pool.

This operation shows details for a pool, by ID. If you are not an administrative user and the pool object does not belong to your project, the call returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

If this operation succeeds, it returns a pool element.

Example: Show pool details

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 403


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "description": "",
        "health_monitors": [
        "members": [
        "status_description": null,
        "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba",
        "name": "pool1",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "health_monitors_status": [
                "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "provider": "haproxy"

Update pool

Updates a pool.

This operation updates the attributes of a pool. Upon successful validation of the request, the service returns the HTTP Accepted (202) response code.

Note: You cannot update the pool ID, project_id, listener_id, listeners, health_monitor_id, protocol, and members immutable attributes. If you try to update any of these attributes, the service returns the HTTP Immutable (422) response code .

Note: You cannot update a pool if the load balancer to which it is attached does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 401, 404, 422


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up (Optional) body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false). Default is true.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.

Request Example

    "pool": {
        "name": "SuperPool"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
pool body object A pool object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
health_monitors body array List of health monitors that are associated with the pool.
health_monitors_status body string The statuses of the health monitors that are associated with the pool.
id body string The ID of the pool.
lb_algorithm body string The load-balancer algorithm, which is round-robin (ROUND_ROBIN), least-connections (LEAST_CONNECTIONS), source IP (SOURCE_IP), and so on, that is used to distribute traffic to the pool members. This value, which must be supported, is dependent on the load-balancer provider. The round-robin algorithm must be supported.
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
status body string The status of the pool. Indicates whether the pool is operational.
status_description body string Human-readable description of the status.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol body string The IP protocol. Valid value is icmp, tcp, udp, or null. No default.
provider body string Provider name of the load balancer service.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
vip_id body string The ID of the virtual IP (VIP) address.

Response Example

    "pool": {
        "status": "PENDING_UPDATE",
        "lb_algorithm": "ROUND_ROBIN",
        "protocol": "HTTP",
        "description": "",
        "health_monitors": [
        "members": [
        "status_description": null,
        "id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "vip_id": "388c739a-6a57-4e74-bc7b-a5cd60248bba",
        "name": "SuperPool",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "subnet_id": "aa547115-d710-4d6d-bb2c-b038d9c2704b",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "health_monitors_status": [
                "monitor_id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412",
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null
        "provider": "haproxy"

Remove pool

Removes a pool.

This operation removes a pool and its associated configuration from the project. The API immediately purges any and all configuration data. You cannot recover it.

You cannot delete a pool if the load balancer to which it is attached does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List pool members

Lists members of a pool.

Lists all members that are associated with a pool that is associated with your project. The list of members includes only members that belong to the pool object identified by pool_id.

The list might be empty.

Example: List pool members

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
members body array The list of members that belong to the pool.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "members": [
            "address": "",
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "id": "9a7aff27-fd41-4ec1-ba4c-3eb92c629313",
            "protocol_port": 80,
            "subnet_id": "013d3059-87a4-45a5-91e9-d721068ae0b2",
            "project_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
            "tenant_id": "1a3e005cf9ce40308c900bcb08e5320c",
            "weight": 1

Add member to pool

Adds a member to a pool.

This operation provisions a member and adds it to a pool by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and starts the provisioning process, it returns a response object, which contains a unique ID.

At a minimum, you must specify these pool attributes:

  • project_id. Admin only. Required to create a pool for another project.
  • address. The IP address of the member to receive traffic from the load balancer.
  • protocol_port The port on which the member listens for traffic.

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request:

  • admin_state_up. Default is true.
  • weight. Default is 1.

If you omit the subnet_id parameter, LBaaS uses the vip_subnet_id parameter value for the subnet UUID.

If the request fails due to incorrect data, the service returns the HTTP Bad Request (400) response code with information about the failure in the response body. Validation errors require that you correct the error and submit the request again.

To configure all documented member features at creation time, specify additional elements or attributes in the request.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create members for other projects.

To update a member, the load balancer must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
address body string The IP address of the member.
member body object A member object.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
subnet_id (Optional) body string If you omit this parameter, LBaaS uses the vip_subnet_id parameter value for the subnet UUID.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.

Request Example

    "member": {
        "address": "",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "protocol_port": "90",
        "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332",
        "weight": "1"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "weight": 1,
        "address": "",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "subnet_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"

Show pool member details

Shows details for a pool member.

This operation returns a member object identified by member_id that belongs to a pool object identified by pool_id. If you are not an administrative user and the pool or member object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

If this operation succeeds, it returns a pool element.

Example: Show pool member details

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
member_id path string The ID for the member.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "weight": 1,
        "address": "",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "subnet_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"

Update pool member

Updates attributes for a pool member.

Upon successful validation of the request, the service returns the HTTP OK (200) response code.

Note: You cannot update the member ID, project_id, address, protocol_port, and subnet_id attributes. If you attempt to update any of these attributes, the service returns the HTTP Immutable (422) response code.

Note: You cannot update a member if the attached load balancer does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 404, 422


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
member_id path string The ID for the member.
member body object A member object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
weight (Optional) body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256. The default is 1.

Request Example

    "member": {
        "weight": 5

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
member body object A member object.
address body string The IP address of the member.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
id body string The ID of the member.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
protocol_port body integer The TCP or UDP port on which to listen.
subnet_id body string The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
weight body integer The weight of a member determines the portion of requests or connections it services compared to the other members of the pool. For example, a member with a weight of 10 receives five times as much traffic as a member with a weight of 2. A value of 0 means the member does not participate in load- balancing but still accepts persistent connections. A valid value is from 0 to 256.

Response Example

    "member": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "weight": 5,
        "address": "",
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "protocol_port": 90,
        "id": "cf024846-7516-4e3a-b0fb-6590322c836f",
        "subnet_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"

Remove member from pool

Removes a member from a pool and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data. You cannot recover it.

You cannot delete a member if the attached load balancer does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Example: Remove a member from a pool

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
member_id path string The ID for the member.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.


List health monitors

Lists health monitors.

This operation lists all health monitors that are associated with your project.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

This operation returns a list, which might be empty.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitors body array A list of health_monitor objects.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitors": [
            "admin_state_up": true,
            "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
            "delay": 1,
            "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
            "max_retries": 5,
            "http_method": "GET",
            "timeout": 1,
            "pools": [
                    "status": "ACTIVE",
                    "status_description": null,
                    "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"
            "url_path": "/index.html",
            "type": "HTTP",
            "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412"

Create health monitor

Creates a health monitor.

This operation provisions a health monitor by using the configuration that you define in the request object. After the API validates the request and start the provisioning process, it returns a response object. The object contains a unique identifier.

At a minimum, you must specify these health monitor attributes:

  • project_id. Admin only. Required to create a health monitor for another project.
  • type. The type of health monitor. A valid value is TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
  • delay. The interval, in seconds, between health checks.
  • timeout. The time, in seconds, after which a health check times out.
  • max_retries. Number of failed health checks before marked as OFFLINE.
  • pool_id. The pool to monitor.

Some attributes receive default values if you omit them from the request, and are only useful when you specify a health monitor type of HTTP(S):

  • http_method. Default is GET.
  • url_path. Default is /.
  • expected_codes. The expected HTTP status codes to get from a successful health check. Default is 200.
  • admin_state_up. Default is true.

If the API cannot fulfill the request due to insufficient data or data that is not valid, it returns the Bad Request (400) response code with information about the nature of the failure in the response body. Failures in the validation process are non- recoverable and require that you correct the cause of the failure and submit the request again.

You can configure all documented features of the health monitor at creation time by specifying the additional elements or attributes in the request.

Administrative users can specify a project ID that is different than their own to create health monitors for other projects.

To update a health monitor, the load balancer to which to attach must have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes (Optional) body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pool_id path string The ID for the pool.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path (Optional) body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. A valid value is a string that begins with a forward slash (/).

Request Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "pool_id": "74aa2010-a59f-4d35-a436-60a6da882819",
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "delay": "1",
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "http_method": "GET",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "timeout": 1,
        "type": "HTTP",
        "url_path": "/index.html"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "delay": 1,
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "http_method": "GET",
        "timeout": 1,
        "pools": [
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null,
                "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"
        "url_path": "/index.html",
        "type": "HTTP",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412"

Show health monitor details

Shows details for a health monitor.

This operation returns a health monitor object, by health monitor ID. If you are not an administrative user and the health monitor object does not belong to your project, the service returns the HTTP Forbidden (403) response code.

Example: Show health monitor details

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "delay": 1,
        "expected_codes": "200,201,202",
        "max_retries": 5,
        "http_method": "GET",
        "timeout": 1,
        "pools": [
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null,
                "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"
        "url_path": "/index.html",
        "type": "HTTP",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412"

Update health monitor

Updates a health monitor.

Upon successful validation of the request, the service returns the HTTP Accepted (202) response code.

Note: The health monitor ID, project_id, pool_id, and type are immutable attributes and cannot be updated. If you specify an unsupported attribute, the service returns the HTTP Immutable (422) response code.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 401, 404, 422


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes (Optional) body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
url_path (Optional) body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. A valid value is a string that begins with a forward slash (/).

Request Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "delay": "2",
        "expected_codes": "200",
        "http_method": "POST",
        "max_retries": 2,
        "timeout": 2,
        "url_path": "/page.html"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
health_monitor body object A health_monitor object.
admin_state_up body boolean The administrative state of the resource, which is up (true) or down (false).
delay body integer The time, in seconds, between sending probes to members.
expected_codes body string

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. Specify one of the following values:

  • A single value, such as 200
  • A list, such as 200, 202
  • A range, such as 200-204

The default is 200.

http_method body string The HTTP method that the monitor uses for requests.
max_retries body integer The number of allowed connection failures before changing the status of the member to INACTIVE. A valid value is from 1 to 10.
id body string The ID of the associated health monitor.
pools body array List of pools that are associated with the health monitor.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
timeout body integer The maximum time, in seconds, that a monitor waits to connect before it times out. This value must be less than the delay value.
type body string The type of probe sent by the load balancer to verify the member state. A valid value is PING, TCP, HTTP, or HTTPS.
url_path body string The HTTP path of the request sent by the monitor to test the health of a member. Must be a string that begins with a forward slash (/). The default is /.

Response Example

    "health_monitor": {
        "admin_state_up": false,
        "project_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "tenant_id": "eabfefa3fd1740a88a47ad98e132d238",
        "delay": 2,
        "expected_codes": "200",
        "max_retries": 2,
        "http_method": "POST",
        "timeout": 2,
        "pools": [
                "status": "ACTIVE",
                "status_description": null,
                "pool_id": "5a9a3e9e-d1aa-448e-af37-a70171f2a332"
        "url_path": "/page.html",
        "type": "HTTP",
        "id": "b7633ade-24dc-4d72-8475-06aa22be5412"

Remove health monitor

Removes a health monitor and its associated configuration from the project.

The API immediately purges any and all configuration data. You cannot recover it.

You cannot delete a health monitor if the attached load balancer does not have an ACTIVE provisioning status.

Example: Delete a health monitor

Normal response codes: 204

Error response codes: 401, 404


Name In Type Description
health_monitor_id path string The ID for the health monitor.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Logging Resource (networking-midonet)

Logging Resources


Currently this extension logging-resource is only available for networking-midonet.

Lists, shows information for, creates, updates and deletes logging resources.


List Logging Resources

Lists logging resources.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.


Name In Type Description
logging_resources body array A list of logging_resource objects.
id body string The ID of the logging resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
firewall_logs body array A list of firewall_log objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled.

Response Example

    "logging_resources": [
            "description": "my log",
            "enabled": true,
            "firewall_logs": [],
            "id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
            "name": "log",
            "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
            "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"
            "description": "my log2",
            "enabled": true,
            "firewall_logs": [],
            "id": "335c7b7d-c4a9-423a-9c24-9f4982f31e24",
            "name": "log2",
            "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
            "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Create Logging Resource

Creates a logging resource.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403


Name In Type Description
logging_resource body object A logging_resource object.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource. Default is an empty string.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled. Default is false.

Request Example

    "logging_resource": {
        "description": "my log",
        "enabled": true,
        "name": "log"


Name In Type Description
logging_resource body object A logging_resource object.
id body string The ID of the logging resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
firewall_logs body array A list of firewall_log objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled.

Response Example

    "logging_resource": {
        "description": "my log",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_logs": [],
        "id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
        "name": "log",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Show Logging Resource Details

Shows details for a logging resource.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.


Name In Type Description
logging_resource body object A logging_resource object.
id body string The ID of the logging resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
firewall_logs body array A list of firewall_log objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled.

Response Example

    "logging_resource": {
        "description": "my log",
        "enabled": true,
        "firewall_logs": [
                "description": "",
                "firewall_id": "682cfe44-5fcf-4c16-982e-1176493f6825",
                "fw_event": "ALL",
                "id": "1ee6fea7-c294-418e-9b97-06db48e3f3d5",
                "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
                "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
                "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"
        "id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
        "name": "log",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Update Logging Resource

Updates a logging resource.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
logging_resource body object A logging_resource object.
name (Optional) body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource.
enabled (Optional) body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled.

Request Example

    "logging_resource": {
        "description": "my log2",
        "enabled": false


Name In Type Description
logging_resource body object A logging_resource object.
id body string The ID of the logging resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
firewall_logs body array A list of firewall_log objects.
name body string Human-readable name of the resource.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
enabled body boolean Indicates whether this logging resource is enabled or disabled.

Response Example

    "logging_resource": {
        "description": "my log2",
        "enabled": false,
        "firewall_logs": [
                "description": "",
                "firewall_id": "682cfe44-5fcf-4c16-982e-1176493f6825",
                "fw_event": "ALL",
                "id": "1ee6fea7-c294-418e-9b97-06db48e3f3d5",
                "logging_resource_id": "335c7b7d-c4a9-423a-9c24-9f4982f31e24",
                "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
                "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"
        "id": "335c7b7d-c4a9-423a-9c24-9f4982f31e24",
        "name": "log2",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Delete Logging Resource

Deletes a logging resource.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Firewall Logs


Currently this extension logging-resource is only available for networking-midonet.

Lists, shows information for, creates, updates and deletes firewall logs.


List Firewall Logs

Lists firewall logs.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.


Name In Type Description
firewall_logs body array A list of firewall_log objects.
logging_resource_id body string The ID of the logging resource.
id body string The ID of the firewall log resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
fw_event body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL.
firewall_id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall_logs": [
            "description": "my firewall log 2",
            "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
            "fw_event": "ACCEPT",
            "id": "3969b708-d600-4343-93b9-01645f8e9a8a",
            "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
            "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
            "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"
            "description": "my firewall log",
            "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
            "fw_event": "DROP",
            "id": "deb19331-e5d5-4a80-a37f-5e5ad407b353",
            "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
            "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
            "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Create Firewall Log

Creates a firewall log.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
firewall_log body object A firewall_log object.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource. Default is an empty string.
fw_event (Optional) body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL. Default is ALL.
firewall_id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.

Request Example

    "firewall_log": {
        "description": "my firewall log",
        "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
        "fw_event": "DROP"


Name In Type Description
firewall_log body object A firewall_log object.
logging_resource_id body string The ID of the logging resource.
id body string The ID of the firewall log resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
fw_event body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL.
firewall_id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall_log": {
        "description": "my firewall log",
        "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
        "fw_event": "DROP",
        "id": "deb19331-e5d5-4a80-a37f-5e5ad407b353",
        "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Show Firewall Log Details

Shows details for a firewall log.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
firewall_log_id path string The ID of the firewall log resource.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.


Name In Type Description
firewall_log body object A firewall_log object.
logging_resource_id body string The ID of the logging resource.
id body string The ID of the firewall log resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
fw_event body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL.
firewall_id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall_log": {
        "description": "my firewall log 3",
        "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
        "fw_event": "ALL",
        "id": "3969b708-d600-4343-93b9-01645f8e9a8a",
        "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Update Firewall Log

Updates a firewall log.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
firewall_log_id path string The ID of the firewall log resource.
firewall_log body object A firewall_log object.
description (Optional) body string A human-readable description for the resource.
fw_event (Optional) body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL.

Request Example

    "firewall_log": {
        "description": "my firewall log 3",
        "fw_event": "ALL"


Name In Type Description
firewall_log body object A firewall_log object.
logging_resource_id body string The ID of the logging resource.
id body string The ID of the firewall log resource.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.
description body string A human-readable description for the resource.
fw_event body string Type of firewall events to log. ACCEPT, DROP, or ALL.
firewall_id body string The ID of the FWaaS v1 firewall.

Response Example

    "firewall_log": {
        "description": "my firewall log 3",
        "firewall_id": "a6564146-f8b3-49c3-add1-fb213455d5a8",
        "fw_event": "ALL",
        "id": "3969b708-d600-4343-93b9-01645f8e9a8a",
        "logging_resource_id": "13b64f3c-20af-4741-b230-658ab7d5b257",
        "project_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb",
        "tenant_id": "8d018258316e4f22890561e8780c85bb"

Delete Firewall Log

Deletes a firewall log.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
logging_resource_id path string The ID of the logging resource.
firewall_log_id path string The ID of the firewall log resource.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Router interface floating IP (networking-midonet)

Router Interface floating IP


Currently this extension router-interface-fip is only available for networking-midonet.

This extension router-interface-fip indicates the ability to associate floating IPs to internal interfaces of a router. (Without this extension, floating IPs can be associated only to the gateway interface of a router.)

This extension does not introduce any resources or attributes.

FIP64 (networking-midonet)



Currently this extension fip64 is only available for networking-midonet.

This extension fip64 provides NAT64 functionality by allowing to associate IPv6 floating IPs to IPv4 fixed IPs. (Without this extension, floating IPs are limited to IPv4.)

This extension does not introduce any resources or attributes.

BGP/MPLS VPN Interconnection

BGP - MPLS VPN Overview

The bgpvpn extension implements the BGP VPN Interconnection API which provides the ability to associate OpenStack networks and/or routers with Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) via Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peering. BGP-MPLS VPNs are commonly provided by telecommunications service providers to customers in addition to or instead of Internet connectivity for Wide Area Networking. This API enables the interconnection of with these WANs using Route Targets to indicate the desired network(s).

On Route Targets

route_targets, import_targets, export_targets attributes

  • The set of RTs used for import is the union of route_targets and import_targets.
  • The set of RTs used for export is the union of route_targets and export_targets.

At least one of route_targets, import_targets or export_targets options will typically be defined, but the API will not enforce that and all lists can be empty.

For instance, in the very typical use case where the BGP VPN uses a single Route Target for both import and export, the route_targets parameter alone is enough and will contain one Route target.

On Route Distinguishers (RDs)

The route_distinguishers parameter is optional and provides an indication of the RDs that shall be used for routes announced for Neutron networks. The contract is that when a list of RDs is specified, the backend will use, for a said advertisement of a route, one of these RDs. The motivation for having a list rather than only one RD is to allow the support for multihoming a VPN prefix (typically for resiliency, load balancing or anycast). A backend may or may not support this behavior, and should report an API error in the latter case. When not specified, the backend will use automatically-assigned RDs (for instance <ip>:<number> RDs derived from the Provider Edge (PE) IP).

Valid strings for Route Distinguishers and Route Targets

Valid strings for a Route Target or a Route Distinguisher are the following:

  • <2-byte AS#>:<32bit-number>
  • <4-byte AS#>:<16bit-number>
  • <4-byte IPv4>:<16bit-number>

BGP - MPLS VPN Caveats

Association constraints

A given BGP VPN can be associated to multiple networks and/or multiple routers.

To avoid any ambiguity on semantics in particular the context of processing associated to a router (e.g. NAT or FWaaS), if a given subnet in a network is bound to a router, this API does not allow to both associate the network to an L3 BGP VPN and the router to the same or to a distinct L3 BGP VPN.

Moreover, for BGP VPNs of type L3, there are possible cases of IP prefix overlaps that can’t be detected by the service plugin before BGP routes are received, for which the behavior is left undefined by these specifications (i.e. which of the overlapping routes is being used) and will depend on the backend. This applies for both router associations and network associations in the case where traffic is forwarded by a router and the destination IP belongs both to a prefix of a BGP VPN associated with the router or with the network originating the traffic, and to a prefix of a subnet bound to the router; in such a case whether the traffic will be delivered to the subnet or to the BGP VPN is not defined by this API.

Connectivity Impact inside Openstack Neutron

Creating two BGP VPNs with RTs resulting in both VPNs to exchange routes, and then associating these two BGP VPNs to two networks, will result in establishing interconnectivity between these two networks, this simply being the result of applying BGP VPN Route Target semantics (i.e. without making prefixes to OpenStack networks a particular case).

This similarly applies to router associations.


A new BGPVPN resource is introduced. It contains a set of parameters for a BGP-based VPN.

A BGPVPN is created by the admin and given to a tenant who can then associate it to Networks or Routers.

The BGP VPNs API lists, shows details for, creates, updates, and deletes BGP VPNs.



Lists BGP VPNs to which the project has access.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403


Name In Type Description
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bgpvpns body array A list of bgpvpn objects. Each bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
id body string The ID of the BGP VPN.
name body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
type body string Selection of the type of VPN and the technology behind it. Allowed values are l2 or l3. The default is l3. l2 indicates a Layer 2 (i.e. bridged) attachment and l3 indicates a Layer 3 (i.e. routed) attachment.
route_distinguishers body array List of route distinguisher strings. If this parameter is specified, one of these RDs will be used to advertise VPN routes.
route_targets body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.
networks body array This read-only list of network IDs reflects the associations defined by Network association API resources.
routers body array This read-only list of router IDs reflects the associations defined by Router association API resources.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "bgpvpns": [
      "export_targets": [
      "name": "",
      "routers": [],
      "route_distinguishers": [
      "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "import_targets": [
      "route_targets": [
      "type": "l3",
      "id": "0f9d472a-908f-40f5-8574-b4e8a63ccbf0",
      "networks": []


Creates a BGP VPN.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn body object A bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
name (Optional) body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
route_distinguishers (Optional) body array List of route distinguisher strings. If this parameter is specified, one of these RDs will be used to advertise VPN routes.
route_targets (Optional) body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets (Optional) body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets (Optional) body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.
tenant_id (Optional) body string The ID of the tenant who owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a tenant ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
project_id (Optional) body string The ID of the project that owns the resource. Only administrative users can specify a project ID other than their own. You cannot change this value through authorization policies.
type (Optional) body string Selection of the type of VPN and the technology behind it. Allowed values are l2 or l3. The default is l3. l2 indicates a Layer 2 (i.e. bridged) attachment and l3 indicates a Layer 3 (i.e. routed) attachment.

Request Example

  "bgpvpn": {
    "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "route_targets": "64512:1444",
    "import_targets": "64512:1555",
    "export_targets": "64512:1666",
    "route_distinguishers": ["64512:1777", "64512:1888", "64512:1999"],
    "type": "l3"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bgpvpn body object A bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
id body string The ID of the BGP VPN.
name body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
type body string Selection of the type of VPN and the technology behind it. Allowed values are l2 or l3. The default is l3. l2 indicates a Layer 2 (i.e. bridged) attachment and l3 indicates a Layer 3 (i.e. routed) attachment.
route_targets body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.
networks body array This read-only list of network IDs reflects the associations defined by Network association API resources.
routers body array This read-only list of router IDs reflects the associations defined by Router association API resources.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "bgpvpn": {
    "export_targets": [
    "name": "",
    "routers": [],
    "route_distinguishers": [
    "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "import_targets": [
    "route_targets": [
    "type": "l3",
    "id": "0f9d472a-908f-40f5-8574-b4e8a63ccbf0",
    "networks": []

Show BGP VPN details

Shows details for a BGP VPN.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bgpvpn body object A bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
id body string The ID of the BGP VPN.
name body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
type body string Selection of the type of VPN and the technology behind it. Allowed values are l2 or l3. The default is l3. l2 indicates a Layer 2 (i.e. bridged) attachment and l3 indicates a Layer 3 (i.e. routed) attachment.
route_distinguishers body array List of route distinguisher strings. If this parameter is specified, one of these RDs will be used to advertise VPN routes.
route_targets body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.
networks body array This read-only list of network IDs reflects the associations defined by Network association API resources.
routers body array This read-only list of router IDs reflects the associations defined by Router association API resources.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "bgpvpn": {
       "id": "460ac411-3dfb-45bb-8116-ed1a7233d143",
       "name": "foo",
       "route_targets": ["64512:1444"],
       "export_targets": [],
       "import_targets": [],
       "type": "l3",
       "tenant_id": "f94ea398564d49dfb0d542f086c68ce7",
       "project_id": "f94ea398564d49dfb0d542f086c68ce7",
       "routers": [],
       "route_distinguishers": [],
       "networks": [

Update a BGP VPN

Updates a BGP VPN.

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


A non-admin user can only update the name parameter. All other updates require admin privileges.

Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
bgpvpn body object A bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
name (Optional) body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
route_distinguishers (Optional) body array List of route distinguisher strings. If this parameter is specified, one of these RDs will be used to advertise VPN routes.
route_targets (Optional) body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets (Optional) body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets (Optional) body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.

Request Example

    "bgpvpn": {
       "name": "foo",
       "route_targets": ["64512:1444"],
       "export_targets": [],
       "import_targets": []

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
bgpvpn body object A bgpvpn object represents an MPLS network with which Neutron routers and/or networks may be associated
id body string The ID of the BGP VPN.
name body string The user meaningful name of the BGP VPN.
type body string Selection of the type of VPN and the technology behind it. Allowed values are l2 or l3. The default is l3. l2 indicates a Layer 2 (i.e. bridged) attachment and l3 indicates a Layer 3 (i.e. routed) attachment.
route_distinguishers body array List of route distinguisher strings. If this parameter is specified, one of these RDs will be used to advertise VPN routes.
route_targets body array Route Targets that will be both imported and used for export.
import_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be imported.
export_targets body array Additional Route Targets that will be used for export.
networks body array This read-only list of network IDs reflects the associations defined by Network association API resources.
routers body array This read-only list of router IDs reflects the associations defined by Router association API resources.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "bgpvpn": {
    "export_targets": [],
    "name": "",
    "routers": [],
    "route_distinguishers": [
    "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "import_targets": [],
    "route_targets": ["64512:1444"],
    "type": "l3",
    "id": "4d627abf-06dd-45ab-920b-8e61422bb984",
    "networks": []

Delete BGP VPN

Deletes a BGP VPN and its network and/or router associations.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Network Associations

Associating a BGPVPN to a Network can be done for both BGPVPN of type L2 and of type L3. For type L3, the semantic is that all Subnets bound to the Network will be interconnected with the BGP VPN (and thus between themselves).

A given Network can be associated with multiple BGPVPNs.

Associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to a Network is done by manipulating a Network association API resource as a sub-resource of the BGPVPN resource:


List Network Associations

Lists network associations for a given BGP VPN.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network_associations body object A list of network_association objects which represent bindings of MPLS networks to Neutron networks.
id body string The ID of an association between a network and a BGP VPN.
network_id body string The ID of a Neutron network with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "network_associations": [
      "network_id": "8c5d88dc-60ac-4b02-a65a-36b65888ddcd",
      "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "id": "96227c78-6a0c-4d9d-b441-c4b8f6fb6c4a"
      "network_id": "a4f2b8df-cb42-4893-a333-d0b5c36ade17",
      "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "id": "1b09fd12-c769-4be7-9c26-dececa474acf"

Create Network Association

Creates a network association for a given BGP VPN

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
network_association body object A network_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron network.
network_id body string The ID of a Neutron network with which to associate the BGP VPN.

Request Example

  "network_association": {
    "network_id": "8c5d88dc-60ac-4b02-a65a-36b65888ddcd"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network_association body object A network_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron network.
id body string The ID of an association between a network and a BGP VPN.
network_id body string The ID of a Neutron network with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "network_association": {
    "network_id": "8c5d88dc-60ac-4b02-a65a-36b65888ddcd",
    "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "id": "73238ca1-e05d-4c7a-b4d4-70407b4b8730"

Show Network Association details

Shows details for a network association.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
network_association_id path string The ID of an association between a network and a BGP VPN.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
network_association body object A network_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron network.
id body string The ID of an association between a network and a BGP VPN.
network_id body string The ID of a Neutron network with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

          "id": "1b09fd12-c769-4be7-9c26-dececa474acf",
          "network_id": "a4f2b8df-cb42-4893-a333-d0b5c36ade17",
          "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
          "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9"

Delete Network Association

Deletes a network association.

Normal response codes: 202, 204

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
network_association_id path string The ID of an association between a network and a BGP VPN.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Router Associations

Associating a BGPVPN to a Router can be done only for BGPVPN of type L3. The semantic is that all Subnets bound to the Router will be interconnected with the BGPVPN.

A said Router can be associated with multiple BGPVPNs.

Associating or disassociating a BGPVPN to a Router is done by manipulating a Router association API resource as a sub-resource of the BGPVPN resource:


List Router Associations

Lists router associations for a given BGP VPN.

Use the fields query parameter to control which fields are returned in the response body. Additionally, you can filter results by using query string parameters. For information, see Filtering and Column Selection.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
fields (Optional) query string The fields that you want the server to return. If no fields query parameter is specified, the networking API returns all attributes allowed by the policy settings. By using fields parameter, the API returns only the requested set of attributes. fields parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, if you specify fields=id&fields=name in the request URL, only id and name attributes will be returned.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router_associations body object A list of router_association objects which represent bindings of MPLS networks to Neutron routers.
id body string The ID of an association between a router and a BGP VPN.
router_id body string The ID of a Neutron router with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "router_associations": [
      "router_id": "61222227-49eb-4dcc-b2d6-66bbfb2fdd7a",
      "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
      "id": "95277be7-a231-4e96-9625-8f9fe41de9d6"

Create Router Association

Creates a router association for a given BGP VPN

Normal response codes: 201

Error response codes: 400, 401, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
router_association body object A router_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron router.
router_id body string The ID of a Neutron router with which to associate the BGP VPN.

Request Example

  "router_association": {
    "router_id": "b58a6241-6e49-4b11-87c6-8e0606dde796"

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router_association body object A router_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron router.
id body string The ID of an association between a router and a BGP VPN.
router_id body string The ID of a Neutron router with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

  "router_association": {
    "router_id": "46a1a80b-7c42-4c45-88fd-b531e636969f",
    "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
    "id": "c63149a0-a0b3-4ca7-aba4-9aaa1b39d7f3"

Show Router Association details

Shows details for a router association.

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
router_association_id path string The ID of an association between a router and a BGP VPN.

Response Parameters

Name In Type Description
router_association body object A router_association object represents the binding of an MPLS network to a Neutron router.
id body string The ID of an association between a router and a BGP VPN.
router_id body string The ID of a Neutron router with which to associate the BGP VPN.
tenant_id body string The ID of the project.
project_id body string The ID of the project.

Response Example

    "router_association": {
          "id": "c63149a0-a0b3-4ca7-aba4-9aaa1b39d7f3",
          "router_id": "46a1a80b-7c42-4c45-88fd-b531e636969f",
          "tenant_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9",
          "project_id": "b7549121395844bea941bb92feb3fad9"

Delete Router Association

Deletes a router association.

Normal response codes: 202

Error response codes: 400, 401, 403, 404


Name In Type Description
bgpvpn_id path string The ID of the BGP VPN.
router_association_id path string The ID of an association between a router and a BGP VPN.


There is no body content for the response of a successful DELETE request.

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Except where otherwise noted, this document is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. See all OpenStack Legal Documents.