Source code for ceilometer.objectstore.swift

# Copyright 2012 eNovance
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Common code for working with object stores

from __future__ import absolute_import

from keystoneauth1 import exceptions
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log
import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse
from swiftclient import client as swift
from swiftclient.exceptions import ClientException

from ceilometer.agent import plugin_base
from ceilometer import keystone_client
from ceilometer import sample

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

OPTS = [
               help="Swift reseller prefix. Must be on par with "
               "reseller_prefix in proxy-server.conf."),

               help='Swift service type.'),

class _Base(plugin_base.PollsterBase):

    METHOD = 'head'
    _ENDPOINT = None

    def default_discovery(self):
        return 'tenant'

    def CACHE_KEY_METHOD(self):
        return 'swift.%s_account' % self.METHOD

    def _get_endpoint(conf, ksclient):
        # we store the endpoint as a base class attribute, so keystone is
        # only ever called once
        if _Base._ENDPOINT is None:
                creds = conf.service_credentials
                _Base._ENDPOINT = keystone_client.get_service_catalog(
            except exceptions.EndpointNotFound as e:
      "Swift endpoint not found: %s", e)
        return _Base._ENDPOINT

    def _iter_accounts(self, ksclient, cache, tenants):
        if self.CACHE_KEY_METHOD not in cache:
            cache[self.CACHE_KEY_METHOD] = list(self._get_account_info(
                ksclient, tenants))
        return iter(cache[self.CACHE_KEY_METHOD])

    def _get_account_info(self, ksclient, tenants):
        endpoint = self._get_endpoint(self.conf, ksclient)
        if not endpoint:
            raise StopIteration()

        swift_api_method = getattr(swift, '%s_account' % self.METHOD)
        for t in tenants:
                yield (, swift_api_method(
            except ClientException as e:
                if e.http_status == 404:
                    LOG.warning("Swift tenant id %s not found.",
                    raise e

    def _neaten_url(endpoint, tenant_id, reseller_prefix):
        """Transform the registered url to standard and valid format."""
        return urlparse.urljoin(endpoint.split('/v1')[0].rstrip('/') + '/',
                                'v1/' + reseller_prefix + tenant_id)

[docs]class ObjectsPollster(_Base): """Collect the total objects count for each project"""
[docs] def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): tenants = resources for tenant, account in self._iter_accounts(manager.keystone, cache, tenants): yield sample.Sample( name='storage.objects', type=sample.TYPE_GAUGE, volume=int(account['x-account-object-count']), unit='object', user_id=None, project_id=tenant, resource_id=tenant, resource_metadata=None, )
[docs]class ObjectsSizePollster(_Base): """Collect the total objects size of each project"""
[docs] def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): tenants = resources for tenant, account in self._iter_accounts(manager.keystone, cache, tenants): yield sample.Sample( name='storage.objects.size', type=sample.TYPE_GAUGE, volume=int(account['x-account-bytes-used']), unit='B', user_id=None, project_id=tenant, resource_id=tenant, resource_metadata=None, )
[docs]class ObjectsContainersPollster(_Base): """Collect the container count for each project"""
[docs] def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): tenants = resources for tenant, account in self._iter_accounts(manager.keystone, cache, tenants): yield sample.Sample( name='storage.objects.containers', type=sample.TYPE_GAUGE, volume=int(account['x-account-container-count']), unit='container', user_id=None, project_id=tenant, resource_id=tenant, resource_metadata=None, )
[docs]class ContainersObjectsPollster(_Base): """Collect the objects count per container for each project""" METHOD = 'get'
[docs] def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): tenants = resources for tenant, account in self._iter_accounts(manager.keystone, cache, tenants): containers_info = account[1] for container in containers_info: yield sample.Sample( name='storage.containers.objects', type=sample.TYPE_GAUGE, volume=int(container['count']), unit='object', user_id=None, project_id=tenant, resource_id=tenant + '/' + container['name'], resource_metadata=None, )
[docs]class ContainersSizePollster(_Base): """Collect the total objects size per container for each project""" METHOD = 'get'
[docs] def get_samples(self, manager, cache, resources): tenants = resources for tenant, account in self._iter_accounts(manager.keystone, cache, tenants): containers_info = account[1] for container in containers_info: yield sample.Sample( name='storage.containers.objects.size', type=sample.TYPE_GAUGE, volume=int(container['bytes']), unit='B', user_id=None, project_id=tenant, resource_id=tenant + '/' + container['name'], resource_metadata=None, )

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