Source code for ceilometer.tests.unit.dispatcher.test_file

# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
import logging.handlers
import os
import tempfile

from oslotest import base

from ceilometer.dispatcher import file
from ceilometer.publisher import utils
from ceilometer import service

[docs]class TestDispatcherFile(base.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestDispatcherFile, self).setUp() self.CONF = service.prepare_service([], [])
[docs] def test_file_dispatcher_with_all_config(self): # Create a temporaryFile to get a file name tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r') filename = tf.close() self.CONF.dispatcher_file.file_path = filename self.CONF.dispatcher_file.max_bytes = 50 self.CONF.dispatcher_file.backup_count = 5 dispatcher = file.FileDispatcher(self.CONF) # The number of the handlers should be 1 self.assertEqual(1, len(dispatcher.log.handlers)) # The handler should be RotatingFileHandler handler = dispatcher.log.handlers[0] self.assertIsInstance(handler, logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler) msg = {'counter_name': 'test', 'resource_id':, 'counter_volume': 1, } msg['message_signature'] = utils.compute_signature( msg, self.CONF.publisher.telemetry_secret, ) # The record_metering_data method should exist # and not produce errors. dispatcher.record_metering_data(msg) # After the method call above, the file should have been created. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(handler.baseFilename))
[docs] def test_file_dispatcher_with_path_only(self): # Create a temporaryFile to get a file name tf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('r') filename = tf.close() self.CONF.dispatcher_file.file_path = filename self.CONF.dispatcher_file.max_bytes = 0 self.CONF.dispatcher_file.backup_count = 0 dispatcher = file.FileDispatcher(self.CONF) # The number of the handlers should be 1 self.assertEqual(1, len(dispatcher.log.handlers)) # The handler should be RotatingFileHandler handler = dispatcher.log.handlers[0] self.assertIsInstance(handler, logging.FileHandler) msg = {'counter_name': 'test', 'resource_id':, 'counter_volume': 1, } msg['message_signature'] = utils.compute_signature( msg, self.CONF.publisher.telemetry_secret, ) # The record_metering_data method should exist and not produce errors. dispatcher.record_metering_data(msg) # After the method call above, the file should have been created. self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(handler.baseFilename))
[docs] def test_file_dispatcher_with_no_path(self): self.CONF.dispatcher_file.file_path = None dispatcher = file.FileDispatcher(self.CONF) # The log should be None self.assertIsNone(dispatcher.log)

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