Source code for glance.common.property_utils

#    Copyright 2013 Rackspace
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import re
import sys

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_policy import policy
from six.moves import configparser

import glance.api.policy
from glance.common import exception
from glance.i18n import _, _LE, _LW

# SafeConfigParser was deprecated in Python 3.2
if sys.version_info >= (3, 2):
    CONFIG = configparser.ConfigParser()
    CONFIG = configparser.SafeConfigParser()

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

property_opts = [
The location of the property protection file.

Provide a valid path to the property protection file which contains
the rules for property protections and the roles/policies associated
with them.

A property protection file, when set, restricts the Glance image
properties to be created, read, updated and/or deleted by a specific
set of users that are identified by either roles or policies.
If this configuration option is not set, by default, property
protections won't be enforced. If a value is specified and the file
is not found, the glance-api service will fail to start.
More information on property protections can be found at:

Possible values:
    * Empty string
    * Valid path to the property protection configuration file

Related options:
    * property_protection_rule_format

               choices=('roles', 'policies'),
Rule format for property protection.

Provide the desired way to set property protection on Glance
image properties. The two permissible values are ``roles``
and ``policies``. The default value is ``roles``.

If the value is ``roles``, the property protection file must
contain a comma separated list of user roles indicating
permissions for each of the CRUD operations on each property
being protected. If set to ``policies``, a policy defined in
policy.json is used to express property protections for each
of the CRUD operations. Examples of how property protections
are enforced based on ``roles`` or ``policies`` can be found at:

Possible values:
    * roles
    * policies

Related options:
    * property_protection_file



# NOTE (spredzy): Due to the particularly lengthy name of the exception
# and the number of occurrence it is raise in this file, a variable is
# created
InvalidPropProtectConf = exception.InvalidPropertyProtectionConfiguration

[docs]def is_property_protection_enabled(): if CONF.property_protection_file: return True return False
[docs]class PropertyRules(object): def __init__(self, policy_enforcer=None): self.rules = [] self.prop_exp_mapping = {} self.policies = [] self.policy_enforcer = policy_enforcer or glance.api.policy.Enforcer() self.prop_prot_rule_format = CONF.property_protection_rule_format self.prop_prot_rule_format = self.prop_prot_rule_format.lower() self._load_rules() def _load_rules(self): try: conf_file = CONF.find_file(CONF.property_protection_file) except Exception as e: msg = (_LE("Couldn't find property protection file %(file)s: " "%(error)s.") % {'file': CONF.property_protection_file, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise InvalidPropProtectConf() if self.prop_prot_rule_format not in ['policies', 'roles']: msg = _LE("Invalid value '%s' for " "'property_protection_rule_format'. " "The permitted values are " "'roles' and 'policies'") % self.prop_prot_rule_format LOG.error(msg) raise InvalidPropProtectConf() operations = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'] properties = CONFIG.sections() for property_exp in properties: property_dict = {} compiled_rule = self._compile_rule(property_exp) for operation in operations: permissions = CONFIG.get(property_exp, operation) if permissions: if self.prop_prot_rule_format == 'policies': if ',' in permissions: LOG.error( _LE("Multiple policies '%s' not allowed " "for a given operation. Policies can be " "combined in the policy file"), permissions) raise InvalidPropProtectConf() self.prop_exp_mapping[compiled_rule] = property_exp self._add_policy_rules(property_exp, operation, permissions) permissions = [permissions] else: permissions = [permission.strip() for permission in permissions.split(',')] if '@' in permissions and '!' in permissions: msg = (_LE( "Malformed property protection rule in " "[%(prop)s] %(op)s=%(perm)s: '@' and '!' " "are mutually exclusive") % dict(prop=property_exp, op=operation, perm=permissions)) LOG.error(msg) raise InvalidPropProtectConf() property_dict[operation] = permissions else: property_dict[operation] = [] LOG.warn( _LW('Property protection on operation %(operation)s' ' for rule %(rule)s is not found. No role will be' ' allowed to perform this operation.') % {'operation': operation, 'rule': property_exp}) self.rules.append((compiled_rule, property_dict)) def _compile_rule(self, rule): try: return re.compile(rule) except Exception as e: msg = (_LE("Encountered a malformed property protection rule" " %(rule)s: %(error)s.") % {'rule': rule, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise InvalidPropProtectConf() def _add_policy_rules(self, property_exp, action, rule): """Add policy rules to the policy enforcer. For example, if the file listed as property_protection_file has: [prop_a] create = glance_creator then the corresponding policy rule would be: "prop_a:create": "rule:glance_creator" where glance_creator is defined in policy.json. For example: "glance_creator": "role:admin or role:glance_create_user" """ rule = "rule:%s" % rule rule_name = "%s:%s" % (property_exp, action) rule_dict = policy.Rules.from_dict({ rule_name: rule }) self.policy_enforcer.add_rules(rule_dict) def _check_policy(self, property_exp, action, context): try: action = ":".join([property_exp, action]) self.policy_enforcer.enforce(context, action, {}) except exception.Forbidden: return False return True
[docs] def check_property_rules(self, property_name, action, context): roles = context.roles if not self.rules: return True if action not in ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete']: return False for rule_exp, rule in self.rules: if break else: # no matching rules return False rule_roles = rule.get(action) if rule_roles: if '!' in rule_roles: return False elif '@' in rule_roles: return True if self.prop_prot_rule_format == 'policies': prop_exp_key = self.prop_exp_mapping[rule_exp] return self._check_policy(prop_exp_key, action, context) if set(roles).intersection(set([role.lower() for role in rule_roles])): return True return False