Source code for glance.db.sqlalchemy.alembic_migrations.data_migrations.ocata_migrate01_community_images

# Copyright 2016 Rackspace
# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

from sqlalchemy import MetaData, select, Table, and_, not_

[docs]def has_migrations(engine): """Returns true if at least one data row can be migrated. There are rows left to migrate if: #1 There exists a row with visibility not set yet. Or #2 There exists a private image with active members but its visibility isn't set to 'shared' yet. Note: This method can return a false positive if data migrations are running in the background as it's being called. """ meta = MetaData(engine) images = Table('images', meta, autoload=True) rows_with_null_visibility = (select([]) .where(images.c.visibility == None) .limit(1) .execute()) if rows_with_null_visibility.rowcount == 1: return True image_members = Table('image_members', meta, autoload=True) rows_with_pending_shared = (select([]) .where(and_( images.c.visibility == 'private', select([image_members.c.image_id]) .distinct() .where(not_(image_members.c.deleted)))) ) .limit(1) .execute()) if rows_with_pending_shared.rowcount == 1: return True return False
def _mark_all_public_images_with_public_visibility(images): migrated_rows = (images .update().values(visibility='public') .where(images.c.is_public) .execute()) return migrated_rows.rowcount def _mark_all_non_public_images_with_private_visibility(images): migrated_rows = (images .update().values(visibility='private') .where(not_(images.c.is_public)) .execute()) return migrated_rows.rowcount def _mark_all_private_images_with_members_as_shared_visibility(images, image_members): migrated_rows = (images .update().values(visibility='shared') .where(and_(images.c.visibility == 'private', select([image_members.c.image_id]) .distinct() .where(not_(image_members.c.deleted))))) .execute()) return migrated_rows.rowcount def _migrate_all(engine): meta = MetaData(engine) images = Table('images', meta, autoload=True) image_members = Table('image_members', meta, autoload=True) num_rows = _mark_all_public_images_with_public_visibility(images) num_rows += _mark_all_non_public_images_with_private_visibility(images) num_rows += _mark_all_private_images_with_members_as_shared_visibility( images, image_members) return num_rows
[docs]def migrate(engine): """Set visibility column based on is_public and image members.""" return _migrate_all(engine)