Source code for glance.tests.integration.v2.test_tasks_api

# Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting
# All Rights Reserved.
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
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#    under the License.

import eventlet
from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json
from six.moves import http_client

from glance.api.v2 import tasks
from glance.common import timeutils
from glance.tests.integration.v2 import base

TENANT1 = '6838eb7b-6ded-434a-882c-b344c77fe8df'
TENANT2 = '2c014f32-55eb-467d-8fcb-4bd706012f81'
TENANT3 = '5a3e60e8-cfa9-4a9e-a90a-62b42cea92b8'
TENANT4 = 'c6c87f25-8a94-47ed-8c83-053c25f42df4'

[docs]def minimal_task_headers(owner='tenant1'): headers = { 'X-Auth-Token': 'user1:%s:admin' % owner, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } return headers
def _new_task_fixture(**kwargs): task_data = { "type": "import", "input": { "import_from": "", "import_from_format": "qcow2", "image_properties": { 'disk_format': 'vhd', 'container_format': 'ovf' } } } task_data.update(kwargs) return task_data
[docs]class TestTasksApi(base.ApiTest): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestTasksApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.api_flavor = 'fakeauth' self.registry_flavor = 'fakeauth' def _wait_on_task_execution(self, max_wait=5): """Wait until all the tasks have finished execution and are in state of success or failure. """ start = timeutils.utcnow() # wait for maximum of seconds defined by max_wait while timeutils.delta_seconds(start, timeutils.utcnow()) < max_wait: wait = False # Verify that no task is in status of pending or processing path = "/v2/tasks" res, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, res.status) res_tasks = content_dict['tasks'] if len(res_tasks) != 0: for task in res_tasks: if task['status'] in ('pending', 'processing'): wait = True break if wait: # Bug #1541487: we must give time to the server to execute the # task, but the server is run in the same process than the # test. Use eventlet to give the control to the pending server # task. eventlet.sleep(0.05) continue else: break def _post_new_task(self, **kwargs): task_owner = kwargs.get('owner') headers = minimal_task_headers(task_owner) task_data = _new_task_fixture() task_data['input']['import_from'] = "" body_content = json.dumps(task_data) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'POST', headers=headers, body=body_content) self.assertEqual(http_client.CREATED, response.status) task = json.loads(content) task_id = task['id'] self.assertIsNotNone(task_id) self.assertEqual(task_owner, task['owner']) self.assertEqual(task_data['type'], task['type']) self.assertEqual(task_data['input'], task['input']) self.assertEqual("http://localhost" + path + "/" + task_id, response.webob_resp.headers['Location']) return task, task_data
[docs] def test_all_task_api(self): # 0. GET /tasks # Verify no tasks path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) self.assertFalse(content_dict['tasks']) # 1. GET /tasks/{task_id} # Verify non-existent task task_id = 'NON_EXISTENT_TASK' path = "/v2/tasks/%s" % task_id response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.NOT_FOUND, response.status) # 2. POST /tasks # Create a new task task_owner = 'tenant1' data, req_input = self._post_new_task(owner=task_owner) # 3. GET /tasks/{task_id} # Get an existing task task_id = data['id'] path = "/v2/tasks/%s" % task_id response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) # NOTE(sabari): wait for all task executions to finish before checking # task status. self._wait_on_task_execution(max_wait=10) # 4. GET /tasks # Get all tasks (not deleted) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) self.assertIsNotNone(content) data = json.loads(content) self.assertIsNotNone(data) self.assertEqual(1, len(data['tasks'])) # NOTE(venkatesh) find a way to get expected_keys from tasks controller expected_keys = set(['id', 'expires_at', 'type', 'owner', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'self', 'schema']) task = data['tasks'][0] self.assertEqual(expected_keys, set(task.keys())) self.assertEqual(req_input['type'], task['type']) self.assertEqual(task_owner, task['owner']) self.assertEqual('success', task['status']) self.assertIsNotNone(task['created_at']) self.assertIsNotNone(task['updated_at'])
[docs] def test_task_schema_api(self): # 0. GET /schemas/task # Verify schema for task path = "/v2/schemas/task" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) schema = tasks.get_task_schema() expected_schema = schema.minimal() data = json.loads(content) self.assertIsNotNone(data) self.assertEqual(expected_schema, data) # 1. GET /schemas/tasks # Verify schema for tasks path = "/v2/schemas/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) schema = tasks.get_collection_schema() expected_schema = schema.minimal() data = json.loads(content) self.assertIsNotNone(data) self.assertEqual(expected_schema, data) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()
[docs] def test_create_new_task(self): # 0. POST /tasks # Create a new task with valid input and type task_data = _new_task_fixture() task_owner = 'tenant1' body_content = json.dumps(task_data) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request( path, 'POST', headers=minimal_task_headers(task_owner), body=body_content) self.assertEqual(http_client.CREATED, response.status) data = json.loads(content) task_id = data['id'] self.assertIsNotNone(task_id) self.assertEqual(task_owner, data['owner']) self.assertEqual(task_data['type'], data['type']) self.assertEqual(task_data['input'], data['input']) # 1. POST /tasks # Create a new task with invalid type # Expect BadRequest(400) Error as response task_data = _new_task_fixture(type='invalid') task_owner = 'tenant1' body_content = json.dumps(task_data) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request( path, 'POST', headers=minimal_task_headers(task_owner), body=body_content) self.assertEqual(http_client.BAD_REQUEST, response.status) # 1. POST /tasks # Create a new task with invalid input for type 'import' # Expect BadRequest(400) Error as response task_data = _new_task_fixture(task_input='{something: invalid}') task_owner = 'tenant1' body_content = json.dumps(task_data) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request( path, 'POST', headers=minimal_task_headers(task_owner), body=body_content) self.assertEqual(http_client.BAD_REQUEST, response.status) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()
[docs] def test_tasks_with_filter(self): # 0. GET /v2/tasks # Verify no tasks path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertFalse(content_dict['tasks']) task_ids = [] # 1. Make 2 POST requests on /tasks with various attributes task_owner = TENANT1 data, req_input1 = self._post_new_task(owner=task_owner) task_ids.append(data['id']) task_owner = TENANT2 data, req_input2 = self._post_new_task(owner=task_owner) task_ids.append(data['id']) # 2. GET /tasks # Verify two import tasks path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(2, len(content_dict['tasks'])) # 3. GET /tasks with owner filter # Verify correct task returned with owner params = "owner=%s" % TENANT1 path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(1, len(content_dict['tasks'])) self.assertEqual(TENANT1, content_dict['tasks'][0]['owner']) # Check the same for different owner. params = "owner=%s" % TENANT2 path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(1, len(content_dict['tasks'])) self.assertEqual(TENANT2, content_dict['tasks'][0]['owner']) # 4. GET /tasks with type filter # Verify correct task returned with type params = "type=import" path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) content_dict = json.loads(content) self.assertEqual(2, len(content_dict['tasks'])) actual_task_ids = [task['id'] for task in content_dict['tasks']] self.assertEqual(set(task_ids), set(actual_task_ids)) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()
[docs] def test_limited_tasks(self): """ Ensure marker and limit query params work """ # 0. GET /tasks # Verify no tasks path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) tasks = json.loads(content) self.assertFalse(tasks['tasks']) task_ids = [] # 1. POST /tasks with three tasks with various attributes task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT1) task_ids.append(task['id']) task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT2) task_ids.append(task['id']) task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT3) task_ids.append(task['id']) # 2. GET /tasks # Verify 3 tasks are returned path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(3, len(tasks)) # 3. GET /tasks with limit of 2 # Verify only two tasks were returned params = "limit=2" path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(tasks[0]['id'], actual_tasks[0]['id']) self.assertEqual(tasks[1]['id'], actual_tasks[1]['id']) # 4. GET /tasks with marker # Verify only two tasks were returned params = "marker=%s" % tasks[0]['id'] path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(tasks[1]['id'], actual_tasks[0]['id']) self.assertEqual(tasks[2]['id'], actual_tasks[1]['id']) # 5. GET /tasks with marker and limit # Verify only one task was returned with the correct id params = "limit=1&marker=%s" % tasks[1]['id'] path = "/v2/tasks?%s" % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(1, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(tasks[2]['id'], actual_tasks[0]['id']) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()
[docs] def test_ordered_tasks(self): # 0. GET /tasks # Verify no tasks path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) tasks = json.loads(content) self.assertFalse(tasks['tasks']) task_ids = [] # 1. POST /tasks with three tasks with various attributes task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT1) task_ids.append(task['id']) task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT2) task_ids.append(task['id']) task, _ = self._post_new_task(owner=TENANT3) task_ids.append(task['id']) # 2. GET /tasks with no query params # Verify three tasks sorted by created_at desc # 2. GET /tasks # Verify 3 tasks are returned path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(3, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(task_ids[2], actual_tasks[0]['id']) self.assertEqual(task_ids[1], actual_tasks[1]['id']) self.assertEqual(task_ids[0], actual_tasks[2]['id']) # 3. GET /tasks sorted by owner asc params = 'sort_key=owner&sort_dir=asc' path = '/v2/tasks?%s' % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) expected_task_owners = [TENANT1, TENANT2, TENANT3] expected_task_owners.sort() actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(3, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(expected_task_owners, [t['owner'] for t in actual_tasks]) # 4. GET /tasks sorted by owner desc with a marker params = 'sort_key=owner&sort_dir=desc&marker=%s' % task_ids[0] path = '/v2/tasks?%s' % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(2, len(actual_tasks)) self.assertEqual(task_ids[2], actual_tasks[0]['id']) self.assertEqual(task_ids[1], actual_tasks[1]['id']) self.assertEqual(TENANT3, actual_tasks[0]['owner']) self.assertEqual(TENANT2, actual_tasks[1]['owner']) # 5. GET /tasks sorted by owner asc with a marker params = 'sort_key=owner&sort_dir=asc&marker=%s' % task_ids[0] path = '/v2/tasks?%s' % params response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) actual_tasks = json.loads(content)['tasks'] self.assertEqual(0, len(actual_tasks)) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()
[docs] def test_delete_task(self): # 0. POST /tasks # Create a new task with valid input and type task_data = _new_task_fixture() task_owner = 'tenant1' body_content = json.dumps(task_data) path = "/v2/tasks" response, content = self.http.request( path, 'POST', headers=minimal_task_headers(task_owner), body=body_content) self.assertEqual(http_client.CREATED, response.status) data = json.loads(content) task_id = data['id'] # 1. DELETE on /tasks/{task_id} # Attempt to delete a task path = "/v2/tasks/%s" % task_id response, content = self.http.request(path, 'DELETE', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, response.status) self.assertEqual('GET', response.webob_resp.headers.get('Allow')) self.assertEqual(('GET',), response.webob_resp.allow) self.assertEqual(('GET',), response.allow) # 2. GET /tasks/{task_id} # Ensure that methods mentioned in the Allow header work path = "/v2/tasks/%s" % task_id response, content = self.http.request(path, 'GET', headers=minimal_task_headers()) self.assertEqual(http_client.OK, response.status) self.assertIsNotNone(content) # NOTE(nikhil): wait for all task executions to finish before exiting # else there is a risk of running into deadlock self._wait_on_task_execution()