# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Endpoint for heat AWS-compatible CloudWatch API."""
from oslo_log import log as logging
import oslo_messaging as messaging
import six
from heat.api.aws import exception
from heat.api.aws import utils as api_utils
from heat.common import exception as heat_exception
from heat.common.i18n import _
from heat.common import policy
from heat.common import wsgi
from heat.rpc import api as rpc_api
from heat.rpc import client as rpc_client
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class WatchController(object):
"""WSGI controller for CloudWatch resource in heat API.
Implements the API actions.
def __init__(self, options):
self.options = options
self.rpc_client = rpc_client.EngineClient()
self.policy = policy.Enforcer(scope='cloudwatch')
def _enforce(self, req, action):
"""Authorize an action against the policy.json."""
self.policy.enforce(req.context, action)
except heat_exception.Forbidden:
msg = _("Action %s not allowed for user") % action
raise exception.HeatAccessDeniedError(msg)
except Exception:
# We expect policy.enforce to either pass or raise Forbidden
# however, if anything else happens, we want to raise
# HeatInternalFailureError, failure to do this results in
# the user getting a big stacktrace spew as an API response
msg = _("Error authorizing action %s") % action
raise exception.HeatInternalFailureError(msg)
def _reformat_dimensions(dims):
"""Reformat dimensions list into AWS API format.
:param dims: a list of dicts.
newdims = []
for count, d in enumerate(dims, 1):
for key, value in d.items():
newdims.append({'Name': key, 'Value': value})
return newdims
[docs] def delete_alarms(self, req):
"""Implements DeleteAlarms API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'DeleteAlarms')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def describe_alarm_history(self, req):
"""Implements DescribeAlarmHistory API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'DescribeAlarmHistory')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def describe_alarms(self, req):
"""Implements DescribeAlarms API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'DescribeAlarms')
def format_metric_alarm(a):
"""Reformat engine output into the AWS "MetricAlarm" format."""
keymap = {
rpc_api.WATCH_ACTIONS_ENABLED: 'ActionsEnabled',
rpc_api.WATCH_ALARM_ACTIONS: 'AlarmActions',
rpc_api.WATCH_TOPIC: 'AlarmArn',
rpc_api.WATCH_DESCRIPTION: 'AlarmDescription',
rpc_api.WATCH_NAME: 'AlarmName',
rpc_api.WATCH_COMPARISON: 'ComparisonOperator',
rpc_api.WATCH_DIMENSIONS: 'Dimensions',
rpc_api.WATCH_PERIODS: 'EvaluationPeriods',
rpc_api.WATCH_METRIC_NAME: 'MetricName',
rpc_api.WATCH_NAMESPACE: 'Namespace',
rpc_api.WATCH_OK_ACTIONS: 'OKActions',
rpc_api.WATCH_PERIOD: 'Period',
rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_REASON: 'StateReason',
rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_REASON_DATA: 'StateReasonData',
rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_UPDATED_TIME: 'StateUpdatedTimestamp',
rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_VALUE: 'StateValue',
rpc_api.WATCH_STATISTIC: 'Statistic',
rpc_api.WATCH_THRESHOLD: 'Threshold',
rpc_api.WATCH_UNIT: 'Unit',
# AWS doesn't return StackId in the main MetricAlarm
# structure, so we add StackId as a dimension to all responses
# Reformat dimensions list into AWS API format
a[rpc_api.WATCH_DIMENSIONS] = self._reformat_dimensions(
return api_utils.reformat_dict_keys(keymap, a)
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
name = parms['AlarmName']
except KeyError:
name = None
watch_list = self.rpc_client.show_watch(con, watch_name=name)
except messaging.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
res = {'MetricAlarms': [format_metric_alarm(a)
for a in watch_list]}
result = api_utils.format_response("DescribeAlarms", res)
return result
[docs] def describe_alarms_for_metric(self, req):
"""Implements DescribeAlarmsForMetric API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'DescribeAlarmsForMetric')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def disable_alarm_actions(self, req):
"""Implements DisableAlarmActions API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'DisableAlarmActions')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def enable_alarm_actions(self, req):
"""Implements EnableAlarmActions API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'EnableAlarmActions')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_metric_statistics(self, req):
"""Implements GetMetricStatistics API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'GetMetricStatistics')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def list_metrics(self, req):
"""Implements ListMetrics API action.
Lists metric datapoints associated with a particular alarm,
or all alarms if none specified.
self._enforce(req, 'ListMetrics')
def format_metric_data(d, fil=None):
"""Reformat engine output into the AWS "Metric" format.
Takes an optional filter dict, which is traversed
so a metric dict is only returned if all keys match
the filter dict.
fil = fil or {}
dimensions = [
{'AlarmName': d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA_ALARM]},
{'Timestamp': d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA_TIME]}
for key in d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA]:
dimensions.append({key: d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA][key]})
newdims = self._reformat_dimensions(dimensions)
result = {
'MetricName': d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA_METRIC],
'Dimensions': newdims,
'Namespace': d[rpc_api.WATCH_DATA_NAMESPACE],
for f in fil:
value = result[f]
if value != fil[f]:
# Filter criteria not met, return None
except KeyError:
LOG.warning("Invalid filter key %s, ignoring", f)
return result
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
# FIXME : Don't yet handle filtering by Dimensions
filter_result = dict((k, v) for (k, v) in six.iteritems(parms) if k in
("MetricName", "Namespace"))
LOG.debug("filter parameters : %s" % filter_result)
# Engine does not currently support query by namespace/metric
# so we pass None/None and do any filtering locally
null_kwargs = {'metric_namespace': None,
'metric_name': None}
watch_data = self.rpc_client.show_watch_metric(con,
except messaging.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
res = {'Metrics': []}
for d in watch_data:
metric = format_metric_data(d, filter_result)
if metric:
result = api_utils.format_response("ListMetrics", res)
return result
[docs] def put_metric_alarm(self, req):
"""Implements PutMetricAlarm API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'PutMetricAlarm')
return exception.HeatAPINotImplementedError()
[docs] def put_metric_data(self, req):
"""Implements PutMetricData API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'PutMetricData')
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
namespace = api_utils.get_param_value(parms, 'Namespace')
# Extract data from the request so we can pass it to the engine
# We have to do this in two passes, because the AWS
# query format nests the dimensions within the MetricData
# query-parameter-list (see AWS PutMetricData docs)
# extract_param_list gives a list-of-dict, which we then
# need to process (each dict) for dimensions
metric_data = api_utils.extract_param_list(parms, prefix='MetricData')
if not len(metric_data):
LOG.error("Request does not contain required MetricData")
return exception.HeatMissingParameterError(_("MetricData list"))
watch_name = None
dimensions = []
for p in metric_data:
dimension = api_utils.extract_param_pairs(p,
if 'AlarmName' in dimension:
watch_name = dimension['AlarmName']
# Extract the required data from the metric_data
# and format dict to pass to engine
data = {'Namespace': namespace,
api_utils.get_param_value(metric_data[0], 'MetricName'): {
'Unit': api_utils.get_param_value(metric_data[0], 'Unit'),
'Value': api_utils.get_param_value(metric_data[0],
'Dimensions': dimensions}}
self.rpc_client.create_watch_data(con, watch_name, data)
except messaging.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
result = {'ResponseMetadata': None}
return api_utils.format_response("PutMetricData", result)
[docs] def set_alarm_state(self, req):
"""Implements SetAlarmState API action."""
self._enforce(req, 'SetAlarmState')
# Map from AWS state names to those used in the engine
state_map = {'OK': rpc_api.WATCH_STATE_OK,
con = req.context
parms = dict(req.params)
# Get mandatory parameters
name = api_utils.get_param_value(parms, 'AlarmName')
state = api_utils.get_param_value(parms, 'StateValue')
if state not in state_map:
msg = _('Invalid state %(state)s, '
'expecting one of %(expect)s') % {
'state': state,
'expect': list(state_map.keys())}
return exception.HeatInvalidParameterValueError(msg)
LOG.debug("setting %(name)s to %(state)s" % {
'name': name, 'state': state_map[state]})
self.rpc_client.set_watch_state(con, watch_name=name,
except messaging.RemoteError as ex:
return exception.map_remote_error(ex)
return api_utils.format_response("SetAlarmState", "")
[docs]def create_resource(options):
"""Watch resource factory method."""
deserializer = wsgi.JSONRequestDeserializer()
return wsgi.Resource(WatchController(options), deserializer)