Source code for

# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
#    a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
#    under the License.

import uuid

from oslo_utils import timeutils

from keystone import assignment
from keystone.common import controller
from keystone.common import dependency
from keystone.common import driver_hints
from keystone.common import utils
from keystone.common import validation
from keystone import exception
from keystone.i18n import _
from import schema

def _trustor_trustee_only(trust, user_id):
    if user_id not in [trust.get('trustee_user_id'),
        raise exception.ForbiddenAction(
            action=_('Requested user has no relation to this trust'))

[docs]@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'identity_api', 'resource_api', 'role_api', 'token_provider_api', 'trust_api') class TrustV3(controller.V3Controller): collection_name = "trusts" member_name = "trust"
[docs] @classmethod def base_url(cls, context, path=None): """Construct a path and pass it to V3Controller.base_url method.""" # NOTE(stevemar): Overriding path to /OS-TRUST/trusts so that # V3Controller.base_url handles setting the self link correctly. path = '/OS-TRUST/' + cls.collection_name return super(TrustV3, cls).base_url(context, path=path)
[docs] def get_trust(self, request, trust_id): trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) _trustor_trustee_only(trust, request.context.user_id) self._fill_in_roles(request.context_dict, trust) return TrustV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, trust)
def _fill_in_roles(self, context, trust): if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: trust['expires_at'] = (utils.isotime (trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True)) trust_full_roles = [] for trust_role in trust.get('roles', []): if isinstance(trust_role, dict): trust_role = trust_role['id'] try: matching_role = self.role_api.get_role(trust_role) full_role = assignment.controllers.RoleV3.wrap_member( context, matching_role)['role'] trust_full_roles.append(full_role) except exception.RoleNotFound: pass trust['roles'] = trust_full_roles trust['roles_links'] = { 'self': (self.base_url(context) + "/%s/roles" % trust['id']), 'next': None, 'previous': None} def _normalize_role_list(self, trust_roles): roles = [{'id': role['id']} for role in trust_roles if 'id' in role] names = [role['name'] for role in trust_roles if 'id' not in role] if len(names): # Long way for name in names: hints = driver_hints.Hints() hints.add_filter("name", name, case_sensitive=True) found_roles = self.role_api.list_roles(hints) if len(found_roles) == 1: roles.append({'id': found_roles[0]['id']}) else: raise exception.RoleNotFound(_("role %s is not defined") % name) return roles def _find_redelegated_trust(self, request): # Check if delegated via trust if request.context.is_delegated_auth: # Redelegation case src_trust_id = request.context.trust_id if not src_trust_id: action = _('Redelegation allowed for delegated by trust only') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) redelegated_trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(src_trust_id) else: redelegated_trust = None return redelegated_trust
[docs] @controller.protected() def create_trust(self, request, trust): """Create a new trust. The user creating the trust must be the trustor. """ validation.lazy_validate(schema.trust_create, trust) redelegated_trust = self._find_redelegated_trust(request) if trust.get('project_id') and not trust.get('roles'): action = _('At least one role should be specified') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) # the creating user must be the trustor if request.context.user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id'): action = _("The authenticated user should match the trustor") raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) # ensure trustee exists self.identity_api.get_user(trust['trustee_user_id']) # Normalize roles normalized_roles = self._normalize_role_list(trust.get('roles', [])) trust['roles'] = normalized_roles self._require_trustor_has_role_in_project(trust) trust['expires_at'] = self._parse_expiration_date( trust.get('expires_at')) trust_id = uuid.uuid4().hex new_trust = self.trust_api.create_trust( trust_id, trust, normalized_roles, redelegated_trust, initiator=request.audit_initiator ) self._fill_in_roles(request.context_dict, new_trust) return TrustV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, new_trust)
def _get_trustor_roles(self, trust): original_trust = trust.copy() while original_trust.get('redelegated_trust_id'): original_trust = self.trust_api.get_trust( original_trust['redelegated_trust_id']) if not self._attribute_is_empty(trust, 'project_id'): self.resource_api.get_project(original_trust['project_id']) # Get a list of roles including any domain specific roles assignment_list = self.assignment_api.list_role_assignments( user_id=original_trust['trustor_user_id'], project_id=original_trust['project_id'], effective=True, strip_domain_roles=False) return list(set([x['role_id'] for x in assignment_list])) else: return [] def _require_trustor_has_role_in_project(self, trust): trustor_roles = self._get_trustor_roles(trust) for trust_role in trust['roles']: matching_roles = [x for x in trustor_roles if x == trust_role['id']] if not matching_roles: raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=trust_role['id']) def _parse_expiration_date(self, expiration_date): if expiration_date is None: return None if not expiration_date.endswith('Z'): expiration_date += 'Z' try: expiration_time = timeutils.parse_isotime(expiration_date) except ValueError: raise exception.ValidationTimeStampError() if timeutils.is_older_than(expiration_time, 0): raise exception.ValidationExpirationError() return expiration_time
[docs] @controller.protected() def list_trusts(self, request): trusts = [] trustor_user_id = request.params.get('trustor_user_id') trustee_user_id = request.params.get('trustee_user_id') if not request.params: self.assert_admin(request) trusts += self.trust_api.list_trusts() action = _('Cannot list trusts for another user') if trustor_user_id: if trustor_user_id != request.context.user_id: raise exception.Forbidden(action=action) trusts += self.trust_api.list_trusts_for_trustor(trustor_user_id) if trustee_user_id: if trustee_user_id != request.context.user_id: raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) trusts += self.trust_api.list_trusts_for_trustee(trustee_user_id) for trust in trusts: # get_trust returns roles, list_trusts does not # It seems in some circumstances, roles does not # exist in the query response, so check first if 'roles' in trust: del trust['roles'] if trust.get('expires_at') is not None: trust['expires_at'] = utils.isotime(trust['expires_at'], subsecond=True) return TrustV3.wrap_collection(request.context_dict, trusts)
[docs] @controller.protected() def delete_trust(self, request, trust_id): trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) if (request.context.user_id != trust.get('trustor_user_id') and not request.context.is_admin): action = _('Only admin or trustor can delete a trust') raise exception.ForbiddenAction(action=action) self.trust_api.delete_trust( trust_id, initiator=request.audit_initiator )
[docs] @controller.protected() def list_roles_for_trust(self, request, trust_id): trust = self.get_trust(request, trust_id)['trust'] _trustor_trustee_only(trust, request.context.user_id) return {'roles': trust['roles'], 'links': trust['roles_links']}
[docs] @controller.protected() def get_role_for_trust(self, request, trust_id, role_id): """Get a role that has been assigned to a trust.""" trust = self.trust_api.get_trust(trust_id) _trustor_trustee_only(trust, request.context.user_id) if not any(role['id'] == role_id for role in trust['roles']): raise exception.RoleNotFound(role_id=role_id) role = self.role_api.get_role(role_id) return assignment.controllers.RoleV3.wrap_member(request.context_dict, role)