Source code for watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies.uniform_airflow

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# Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corp
# Authors: Junjie-Huang <[email protected]>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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[PoC]Uniform Airflow using live migration


It is a migration strategy based on the airflow of physical
servers. It generates solutions to move VM whenever a server's
airflow is higher than the specified threshold.


* Hardware: compute node with NodeManager 3.0 support
* Software: Ceilometer component ceilometer-agent-compute running
  in each compute node, and Ceilometer API can report such telemetry
  "airflow, system power, inlet temperature" successfully.
* You must have at least 2 physical compute nodes to run this strategy


- This is a proof of concept that is not meant to be used in production.
- We cannot forecast how many servers should be migrated. This is the
  reason why we only plan a single virtual machine migration at a time.
  So it's better to use this algorithm with `CONTINUOUS` audits.
- It assumes that live migrations are possible.

import datetime

from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log

from watcher._i18n import _
from watcher.common import exception as wexc
from watcher.datasource import ceilometer as ceil
from watcher.datasource import gnocchi as gnoc
from watcher.decision_engine.model import element
from watcher.decision_engine.strategy.strategies import base

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UniformAirflow(base.BaseStrategy): """[PoC]Uniform Airflow using live migration *Description* It is a migration strategy based on the airflow of physical servers. It generates solutions to move VM whenever a server's airflow is higher than the specified threshold. *Requirements* * Hardware: compute node with NodeManager 3.0 support * Software: Ceilometer component ceilometer-agent-compute running in each compute node, and Ceilometer API can report such telemetry "airflow, system power, inlet temperature" successfully. * You must have at least 2 physical compute nodes to run this strategy *Limitations* - This is a proof of concept that is not meant to be used in production. - We cannot forecast how many servers should be migrated. This is the reason why we only plan a single virtual machine migration at a time. So it's better to use this algorithm with `CONTINUOUS` audits. - It assumes that live migrations are possible. """ # choose 300 seconds as the default duration of meter aggregation PERIOD = 300 METRIC_NAMES = dict( ceilometer=dict( # The meter to report Airflow of physical server in ceilometer host_airflow='hardware.ipmi.node.airflow', # The meter to report inlet temperature of physical server # in ceilometer host_inlet_temp='hardware.ipmi.node.temperature', # The meter to report system power of physical server in ceilometer host_power='hardware.ipmi.node.power'), gnocchi=dict( # The meter to report Airflow of physical server in gnocchi host_airflow='hardware.ipmi.node.airflow', # The meter to report inlet temperature of physical server # in gnocchi host_inlet_temp='hardware.ipmi.node.temperature', # The meter to report system power of physical server in gnocchi host_power='hardware.ipmi.node.power'), ) MIGRATION = "migrate" def __init__(self, config, osc=None): """Using live migration :param config: A mapping containing the configuration of this strategy :type config: dict :param osc: an OpenStackClients object """ super(UniformAirflow, self).__init__(config, osc) # The migration plan will be triggered when the airflow reaches # threshold self.meter_name_airflow = self.METRIC_NAMES[ self.config.datasource]['host_airflow'] self.meter_name_inlet_t = self.METRIC_NAMES[ self.config.datasource]['host_inlet_temp'] self.meter_name_power = self.METRIC_NAMES[ self.config.datasource]['host_power'] self._ceilometer = None self._gnocchi = None self._period = self.PERIOD @property def ceilometer(self): if self._ceilometer is None: self._ceilometer = ceil.CeilometerHelper(osc=self.osc) return self._ceilometer @ceilometer.setter def ceilometer(self, c): self._ceilometer = c @property def gnocchi(self): if self._gnocchi is None: self._gnocchi = gnoc.GnocchiHelper(osc=self.osc) return self._gnocchi @gnocchi.setter def gnocchi(self, g): self._gnocchi = g
[docs] @classmethod def get_name(cls): return "uniform_airflow"
[docs] @classmethod def get_display_name(cls): return _("Uniform airflow migration strategy")
[docs] @classmethod def get_translatable_display_name(cls): return "Uniform airflow migration strategy"
[docs] @classmethod def get_goal_name(cls): return "airflow_optimization"
@property def granularity(self): return self.input_parameters.get('granularity', 300)
[docs] @classmethod def get_schema(cls): # Mandatory default setting for each element return { "properties": { "threshold_airflow": { "description": ("airflow threshold for migration, Unit is " "0.1CFM"), "type": "number", "default": 400.0 }, "threshold_inlet_t": { "description": ("inlet temperature threshold for " "migration decision"), "type": "number", "default": 28.0 }, "threshold_power": { "description": ("system power threshold for migration " "decision"), "type": "number", "default": 350.0 }, "period": { "description": "aggregate time period of ceilometer", "type": "number", "default": 300 }, "granularity": { "description": "The time between two measures in an " "aggregated timeseries of a metric.", "type": "number", "default": 300 }, }, }
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_opts(cls): return [ cfg.StrOpt( "datasource", help="Data source to use in order to query the needed metrics", default="ceilometer", choices=["ceilometer", "gnocchi"]) ]
[docs] def calculate_used_resource(self, node): """Compute the used vcpus, memory and disk based on instance flavors""" instances = self.compute_model.get_node_instances(node) vcpus_used = 0 memory_mb_used = 0 disk_gb_used = 0 for instance in instances: vcpus_used += instance.vcpus memory_mb_used += instance.memory disk_gb_used += instance.disk return vcpus_used, memory_mb_used, disk_gb_used
[docs] def choose_instance_to_migrate(self, hosts): """Pick up an active instance instance to migrate from provided hosts :param hosts: the array of dict which contains node object """ instances_tobe_migrate = [] for nodemap in hosts: source_node = nodemap['node'] source_instances = self.compute_model.get_node_instances( source_node) if source_instances: if self.config.datasource == "ceilometer": inlet_t = self.ceilometer.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=source_node.uuid, meter_name=self.meter_name_inlet_t, period=self._period, aggregate='avg') power = self.ceilometer.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=source_node.uuid, meter_name=self.meter_name_power, period=self._period, aggregate='avg') elif self.config.datasource == "gnocchi": stop_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = stop_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(self._period)) inlet_t = self.gnocchi.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=source_node.uuid, metric=self.meter_name_inlet_t, granularity=self.granularity, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, aggregation='mean') power = self.gnocchi.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=source_node.uuid, metric=self.meter_name_power, granularity=self.granularity, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, aggregation='mean') if (power < self.threshold_power and inlet_t < self.threshold_inlet_t): # hardware issue, migrate all instances from this node for instance in source_instances: instances_tobe_migrate.append(instance) return source_node, instances_tobe_migrate else: # migrate the first active instance for instance in source_instances: if (instance.state != element.InstanceState.ACTIVE.value): "Instance not active, skipped: %s", instance.uuid) continue instances_tobe_migrate.append(instance) return source_node, instances_tobe_migrate else:"Instance not found on node: %s", source_node.uuid)
[docs] def filter_destination_hosts(self, hosts, instances_to_migrate): """Find instance and host with sufficient available resources""" # large instances go first instances_to_migrate = sorted( instances_to_migrate, reverse=True, key=lambda x: (x.vcpus)) # find hosts for instances destination_hosts = [] for instance_to_migrate in instances_to_migrate: required_cores = instance_to_migrate.vcpus required_disk = instance_to_migrate.disk required_mem = instance_to_migrate.memory dest_migrate_info = {} for nodemap in hosts: host = nodemap['node'] if 'cores_used' not in nodemap: # calculate the available resources nodemap['cores_used'], nodemap['mem_used'],\ nodemap['disk_used'] = self.calculate_used_resource( host) cores_available = (host.vcpus - nodemap['cores_used']) disk_available = (host.disk - nodemap['disk_used']) mem_available = ( host.memory - nodemap['mem_used']) if (cores_available >= required_cores and disk_available >= required_disk and mem_available >= required_mem): dest_migrate_info['instance'] = instance_to_migrate dest_migrate_info['node'] = host nodemap['cores_used'] += required_cores nodemap['mem_used'] += required_mem nodemap['disk_used'] += required_disk destination_hosts.append(dest_migrate_info) break # check if all instances have target hosts if len(destination_hosts) != len(instances_to_migrate): LOG.warning("Not all target hosts could be found; it might " "be because there is not enough resource") return None return destination_hosts
[docs] def group_hosts_by_airflow(self): """Group hosts based on airflow meters""" nodes = self.compute_model.get_all_compute_nodes() if not nodes: raise wexc.ClusterEmpty() overload_hosts = [] nonoverload_hosts = [] for node_id in nodes: airflow = None node = self.compute_model.get_node_by_uuid( node_id) resource_id = node.uuid if self.config.datasource == "ceilometer": airflow = self.ceilometer.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=resource_id, meter_name=self.meter_name_airflow, period=self._period, aggregate='avg') elif self.config.datasource == "gnocchi": stop_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start_time = stop_time - datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(self._period)) airflow = self.gnocchi.statistic_aggregation( resource_id=resource_id, metric=self.meter_name_airflow, granularity=self.granularity, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, aggregation='mean') # some hosts may not have airflow meter, remove from target if airflow is None: LOG.warning("%s: no airflow data", resource_id) continue LOG.debug("%s: airflow %f" % (resource_id, airflow)) nodemap = {'node': node, 'airflow': airflow} if airflow >= self.threshold_airflow: # mark the node to release resources overload_hosts.append(nodemap) else: nonoverload_hosts.append(nodemap) return overload_hosts, nonoverload_hosts
[docs] def pre_execute(self): LOG.debug("Initializing Uniform Airflow Strategy") if not self.compute_model: raise wexc.ClusterStateNotDefined() if self.compute_model.stale: raise wexc.ClusterStateStale() LOG.debug(self.compute_model.to_string())
[docs] def do_execute(self): self.threshold_airflow = self.input_parameters.threshold_airflow self.threshold_inlet_t = self.input_parameters.threshold_inlet_t self.threshold_power = self.input_parameters.threshold_power self._period = self.input_parameters.period source_nodes, target_nodes = self.group_hosts_by_airflow() if not source_nodes: LOG.debug("No hosts require optimization") return self.solution if not target_nodes: LOG.warning("No hosts currently have airflow under %s, " "therefore there are no possible target " "hosts for any migration", self.threshold_airflow) return self.solution # migrate the instance from server with largest airflow first source_nodes = sorted(source_nodes, reverse=True, key=lambda x: (x["airflow"])) instances_to_migrate = self.choose_instance_to_migrate(source_nodes) if not instances_to_migrate: return self.solution source_node, instances_src = instances_to_migrate # sort host with airflow target_nodes = sorted(target_nodes, key=lambda x: (x["airflow"])) # find the hosts that have enough resource # for the instance to be migrated destination_hosts = self.filter_destination_hosts( target_nodes, instances_src) if not destination_hosts: LOG.warning("No target host could be found; it might " "be because there is not enough resources") return self.solution # generate solution to migrate the instance to the dest server, for info in destination_hosts: instance = info['instance'] destination_node = info['node'] if self.compute_model.migrate_instance( instance, source_node, destination_node): parameters = {'migration_type': 'live', 'source_node': source_node.uuid, 'destination_node': destination_node.uuid} self.solution.add_action(action_type=self.MIGRATION, resource_id=instance.uuid, input_parameters=parameters)
[docs] def post_execute(self): self.solution.model = self.compute_model # TODO(v-francoise): Add the indicators to the solution LOG.debug(self.compute_model.to_string())