OpenStack Release Cycle


What makes a release


  • Release management description:
  • The training concentrates on the common cycle with the development milestones as that is what most students will work with. The other types should be described.
  • Common cycle with intermediary release: - Used for components needing more frequent releases. e.g. Oslo Libraries - Intermediary releases can also be used to time releases near the beginning and end of the release cycle. Horizon plug-ins do this.
  • Trailing the common cycle: - Projects dependent upon the output of a release, like packaging or deploying OpenStack follow this model; e.g. Fuel and Kolla
  • Independent release model: - These projects may hold tools used for OpenStack part aren't part of a production release.


Common cycle with development milestones

Planning - Design

Planning - Discuss


  • Whether a change requires just a blueprint or spec and blueprint depends on the complexity of the change.
  • Start with a blueprint and look to the project team's core members for guidance on whether a spec is needed.

Planning - Target



Implementation - Milestone



  • Spec freeze - Point at which specs must be proposed and reviewed for the release.
  • Feature freeze - Code for new features is no longer accepted.
  • String freeze - Externally visible strings can no longer be changed. Helps translation activities complete on time.
  • Requirements freeze - No longer change requirements to allow downstream packagers time to pull-in and build dependencies.

Release Candidates


  • Code change during the RC phase is a balancing act - Need to balance integrating fixes and code churn - Critical fixes have the highest priority while more minor bug fixes may be safer to hold for the subsequent release.
  • Who is able to approve patches during the RC phase is limited.

Release candidate process

Release day
