Using Sandbox for Practice


Sandbox repository


Sandbox Launchpad


Learning example with two Sandboxes


  • Try to emphasize the synergy of using repository integration with bug management to students!

Sandbox Launchpad Bug list


Report a bug - Summary


Report a bug - Details


  • Detailed description should include the OpenStack release that was running, log snippets showing the error, steps to recreate the error and any vendor hardware possibly involved.
  • Details need to be sufficient for a developer to narrow down where the failure occurred and/or recreate the failure.

Bug Report Submission


Bug Assigning



  • Should not take the bug if you are not planning to work on the bug.

Bug Assigned


Local branch creation

$ git checkout -b [BRANCH_NAME]

Working to get a commit


Checking work status

$ git status

Add the file and commit

$ git add [FILE_PATH]
$ git commit -a

Commit log message

$ git log

Uploading to Gerrit

$ git review master

(Note: In some environments need to use 'git-review master')


Sandbox Status

_images/sandbox-gerrit-submission.png _images/sandbox-lp-message-added.png

Invite peer as Reviewer


Added as Reviewer


Reading review invitation


Reviewing with comment

_images/sandbox-reviewer-commenting.png _images/sandbox-reviewer-comment.png

Publish comment


Review Score & Results

_images/sandbox-reviewer-scoring.png _images/sandbox-reviewer-comment-results.png

Check peer's Review


Revising file(s)


Amending the commit

$ git commit -a --amend

Uploading a new patchset

_images/sandbox-committer-git-review-again.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-another-patchset.png

Seeing new comment

_images/sandbox-gerrit-patchsets.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-click-file.png

Comment reply

_images/sandbox-gerrit-checking-comment.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-checking-comment-answer.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-still-draft-comment.png

Publish comment reply

_images/sandbox-gerrit-publish-comment.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-comment-publish-result.png

Review again

_images/sandbox-bug-reporter-review.png _images/sandbox-core-reviewer-score.png


_images/sandbox-scores.png _images/sandbox-gerrit-merged.png

Home Work
