
Huihoo announces the availability of commercial support for JacORB, an open source, high performance, full of features of CORBA 2.x

OMG CORBA is a classic design of distribute computing. Many companies and institutes have been developed its implementation. So you can see there are so many CORBA products in the market. But,

If you are a software customer, have you ever been worried about the security of the software you bought from software provider by paying so much expensive cost,especially you are the key industry of your country?

If you are a software product manager, have you ever been worried about the product that you have paid so much labor on is too expensive to lose chance in market?

If you are a software developer, will you be excited when you have chance of getting so near touch with the source codes of the middleware you have been using all days?

If …

If I were you, I think I should chose the open-source and free middleware product which has high quality? April 27th 2002: Huihoo announced today that it would provide commercial support for the open source Java ORB known as JacORB. Zero-license fee and high quality service which huihoo can provide will benefit you.

About JacORB

JacORB is an open source implementation of the Object Management Group's (OMG) Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) specification, targeted at developers using the Java language. JacORB was developed by a group of developers led by Gerald Brose, a researcher with the Computer Science Institute of the Freie Universit?t of Berlin, Germany, which has a long tradition of research in distributed object systems. JacORB is designed to be compliant with the CORBA 2.3 Java language mapping and supports commonly used CORBA services. It runs on all platforms that implement the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

About Brose

Gerald Brose is a research scientist at Freie Universit?t Berlin, Germany. He is a member of the Distributed Systems and Software Engineering Lab and currently involved in security research. He has published on distributed systems and security and is the principal author and maintainer of the open source CORBA implementation JacORB.

Mr. Brose is widely published in distributed computing and security. He is a co-author of the popular book "Java Programming with CORBA" published by Wiley and Sons, which is a reference for CORBA users developing applications with the Java language.

JacORB Features

· high-performance, fully multithreaded ORB
· IDL compiler, supports OMG IDL/Java language mapping rev. 2.3, OBV
· native IIOP, GIOP 1.2 and Bidirectional GIOP
· POA (Portable Object Adapter)
· POAMonitor, a GUI tools that lets you inspect your object adapters
· Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) and Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI)
· Dynamic Management of Anys (DynAny)
· Portable Interceptors (standard)
· improved IIOP over SSL, includes KeyStoreManager
· CORBA 2.3 Code set support
· Appligator, an IIOP proxy
· Support for HTTP tunneling
· Domain Manager, an object domain management service, includes a domain browser GUI
· Interface Repository
· IRBrowser, a GUI front end for the Interface Repository
· Implementation Repository
· Implementation Repository Manager, a GUI front end for the Implementation Repository
· IDL and Java source for all CORBA/COSS interfaces
· 100% pure Java, JDK 1.2 compatible, also cooperates with Sun's JDK 1.2 classes (releases prior to 1.4 are compatible with JDK 1.1)
· OMG Services:
   o OMG Interoperable Naming Service
   o NameManager, a GUI browser for the name service (requires Swing or JDK 1.2)
   o COSS Event service
   o Transaction Service, Collection and Concurrency services
   o TradingService (supports trader links), an extension of Mark Spruiell's free JTrader

Huihoo's services for you

Huihoo will be providing two courses for you "Advanced CORBA programmig with Java" and "Advanced CORBA programming with C++". We'll develop some useful tools and more CORBA services on JacORB for our customers. Of course we'll add it to open-source distribution. Huihoo has skilled Java,C++,software engineering CORBA consultants who can provide your software engineers with JacORB product support. We can help you solve your application problems.

About Huihoo

Huihoo was found in 2001.She is consisting of many CORBA and EJB fans all devoting into middleware developping and applying. We have successfully started our own opensource CORBA and EJB opensource products named hORB and hEJB.

Contract huihoo:

Website: http://www.huihoo.com

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]