This is a component that can easily generate a chart whithout needing a
xaction file. The resultset is returned from a mdx or sql query or a
kettle transformation. In case of mdx queries, a role will be passed to
mondrian if the session variable 'role' is defined, allowing row level
Kettle transformations need to use db repository.
- name
- The name of the component
- type
- listeners
- Array - Parameters who this component will react to
- chartDefinition
- MetaLayer object with the definition of chart (see MetaLayer options)
- htmlObject
- Id of the component (usually a div or a span tag) to be replaced by the result
- refreshPeriod
- Time in seconds for this component to refresh. Default is 0 (disabled)
- executeAtStart
- True to execute the component at start, false otherwise
- tooltip
- Tooltip to be displayed when mouse hovers
- preExecution
- Function - Function to be called before the component is executed
- postExecution
- Function - Function to be called after the component is executed
MetaLayer options
The options related to charts map the ones described in pentaho wiki.
- queryType
- Type of query to read results from. Can be sql, mdx or kettle. Default: mdx
- jndi
- Connection to use for the query
- query
- sql, or mdx Query to execute
- cube
- Cube name to use when queryType is mdx
- catalog
- Mondrian schema to use when queryType is mdx
- transformation
- Kettle transformation to use
- directory
- Kettle db repository directory
- importStep
- Kettle transformation's import step
- parameterN
- with N being 0 to 10 (eg: parameter0), this are the parameters passed
to the kettle transformation
- width
- Width of the chart. Default: 200
- height
- Height of the chart. Default: 200
- byRow
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- chartType
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: AreaChart
- title
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation
- subtitle
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default:
- rangeTitle
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default:
- datasetType
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: CategoryDataset
- domainPeriodType
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: Day
- orientation
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: vertical
- is3d
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- isStacked
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- domainTickFontSize
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 10
- domainLabelRotationDir
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: down
- domainLabelRotation
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: .9
- urlTemplate
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: javascript:;
- useBaseUrl
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- urlTarget
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: _self
- parameterName
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default:
- seriesName
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default:
- includeLegend
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: true
- legendFontFamily
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: Helvetica
- legendFontSize
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 12
- legendFontIsBold
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- legendFontIsItalic
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: false
- foregroundAlpha
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 1
- backgroundAlpha
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 1
- interiorGap
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 0.25
- maxBarWidth
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 1
- backgroundColor
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: #FFFFFF
- plotbgcolor
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: #FFFFFF
- topCount
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: 0
- topCountAxis
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: rows
- tooltipContent
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: ({1},{0}) = {2})
- tooltipYContent
- Please check jFreeChart action documentation. Default: ###,###,##0.###