This component allow the user to navigate through the map and see information about marked locations.
This locations are obtained with a Pentaho Action that must return a result set with this format:
Locations Result Set
- Column 1
- Location id
- Column 2
- Latitude - empty string if unknown
- Column 3
- Longitude - empty string if unknown
- Column 4
- Location name
- Column 5
- Location value
- Column 6
- Location title - used by MapBubble component
- name
- The name of the component
- type
- listeners
- Array - Parameters who this component will react to
- parameters
- Array of Arrays - Parameters to pass to the xaction
- solution
- Solution where the xaction is
- path
- Path where the xaction file is
- htmlObject
- map. Not optional for now
- executeAtStart
- True to execute the component at start, false otherwise
- preExecution
- Function - Function to be called before the component is executed
- postExecution
- Function - Function to be called after the component is executed
- preChange
- Function - Function to be called before the component is executed. The component will be executed only if the result of preChange equals true.
- postChange
- Function - Function to be called after the component is executed
- messageElementId
- Id of the component (usually a div or a span tag) to be replaced by the map error/info messages
- initPosLon
- Initial longitude position
- initPosLat
- Initial latitude position
- initZoom
- Initial map zoom
- mapDiv
- Name of the traget div to hold the map (default = map)
- showCustomMap
- Turn on custom map support (default = false)
- customMapCode
- JS Code to add the map object and the layers - this is an optional feature and the property does not have to be included
- useMercator
- Depending on the used map server you need to turn off the Mercator transformation for the coordinates (Default = 'true')
- markers
- Markers Array - Marker is represented either as a URL-string or with an array consisting of URL-string, width, height
- expression
- Javascript expression to be evaluated. Returns the correct marker for each position
- showToolTip
- Turn on tool tip support (default = false)