* v3.2 * NEW FEATURES: o New OpenFashChart Component. o JfreeChart Caption feature: Zoom , Export Chart (Excel,CSV), Change Type (BarChart,PieChart) and Show pivot details. o DialChart now supports float values. o Navigate Component: + Render Optimization. + Current template included in folder links. o ContentList Component new mode that shows parent folders o OlapUtils Improvements: + Exclude optimization. + DrillUp Support. + Allow single filter reset. o Implemented array support in parameters (Now non scalar parameters are sent to Pentaho as multi key/values) o Allow the MonthpickerComponent to display the months within the max and min date range. o ToggleButtonsComponents with query definition. * BUG FIXES: o Timeplot: + Timeplot error for datasources with NAN(not a number) values. + Plots after the seventh plot have always the same plotcolor. o JfrreChartComponent: + An error is thrown when no data exists. + Miscalculated topCount for category datasets. + Values enconding problem o OlapUtils: + Dimension analysis error. + Exclude after expand not working. o Unable to close window for ExecuteXaction component. o Unable to change checkBox previous selected value. * v3.1 o Moved to the plugin architecture o Released with pentaho 3.0 * v3.0 - Moved all new trunk/ functionalities into stable release * v2.1-RC1 o Same features as 2.0.1 but compatible with pentaho 2.0-RC1 o Removed dashboard links since they don't make sense to use with mantle * v2.0.1 o Html selectors lacked enclosing quotes o preExpressions are now optional o Fixed bug in selectors regarding names with spaces included o Implemented preChange and postChange in selector (thanks to Kevin Haas) o For selectors, a fixed array of values are now accepted in the parameter 'valuesArray' o Added pivot component o Removed the url-template bug in samples_broadcast example (thanks to Maria Roldan) o Added 2 new steel-wheels alike example (thanks to Harris Ward) o CBF 2.0 compatible * v2.0.0 o Initial release