DESCRIPTION ----------------- This sub-project of CDF is designed as a Pentaho Platform 2.1 plugin. See the following doc for plugin API details: The goal of this project is to have CDF be a runtime drop-in to the BI Platform, with zero changes to the webapp. BUILD AND INSTALL ----------------- To build dist/, dist/ and dist/, run "ant dist". The plugin must be installed in the pentaho-solutions/system/pentaho-cdf folder. In order for the MetaLayer to be functional, you must install the pentaho-cdf solution folder "cdf" within pentaho-solutions. Note that at this time there are some security implications, so it does not come installed by default. IMPORTANT NOTE ----------------- Hibernate SchemaUpdate doesn't create the index on page automatically per . If you have lots of comments generated by the CDF commentComponent you may want to create that index in the cdf_comments table, page column XCDF File Format ---------------- The XCDF file format is XML, and contains a root element "cdf". The child elements supported are: title - the Title displayed in the Pentaho User Console author - the Author displayed in the Pentaho User Console description - the Discription displayed in the Pentaho User Console icon - the Icon displayed in the Pentaho User Console template - the html template file to render, this contains the CDF widgets. Dashboard Title CDF Developer A Dashboard TODO: - complete implementation of entire widget set (requires additional examples of widgets / etc) - I18N .xcdf files - incorporate patched chart changes to the platform.