3.3. Checking Out a Module

Now it's time to checkout the phpdoc module first. Incidently, a module is a collection of source directories and files. Usually it's simply a directory tree in the CVS repository.

cd to a directory you wish to store the phpdoc tree under. Wherever you decide to put it, a phpdoc directory will be created there. Issue the following command:

$ cvs checkout phpdoc

After some status information about the checkout scrolls by, you should have a full working copy of the phpdoc module. Be prepared to wait for a long time for this to complete, as the module contains many small files.

Note: You are not completely free to decide where this phpdoc directory should be. See the Tools and Setup Instructions section for more precise information about whether the place of this phpdoc directory is restricted on your system or not.

If you would like to work with a translation group, checking out the phpdoc module is not enough (though required), as it only contains the files needed for building the manual, and the English version of the source files. There are other modules for translations, named after the language code of the translation, with the pattern: phpdoc-LANGCODE-dir. LANGCODE is most of the time a two letter code, but there can be exceptions. So if you would like to work for the Italian translation group, you need to check out the phpdoc-it-dir module too. The place where you should check out this module is strictly defined. You should check out any translation's module under the phpdoc directory you have created above with your previous checkout. So go to the phpdoc folder and issue a command like:

$ cvs checkout phpdoc-it-dir

Substitute the "it" part with your language code. You can check out any number of translations as you need, and you need not check out any translation if you would not like to work with it. To work with the English files, no translation module needs to be checked out.

Note: Brazilian Portuguese: The format of this translations name differs from the rest in that it's called pt_BR.

You also have the ability of checking out the complete build infrastructure and all the languages. You can do this with:

$ cvs checkout phpdoc-all

The result of this command will be a phpdoc-all folder with all the stuff you requested.