


(no version information, might be only in CVS)

maxdb->real_connect -- Opens a connection to a MaxDB server


Procedural style

bool maxdb_real_connect ( resource link [, string hostname [, string username [, string passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]] )

Object oriented style (method)

class maxdb {

bool real_connect ( [string hostname [, string username [, string passwd [, string dbname [, int port [, string socket]]]]]] )


maxdb_real_connect() attempts to establish a connection to a MaxDB database engine running on hostname.

This function differs from maxdb_connect():


如果成功则返回 TRUE,失败则返回 FALSE


maxdb_connect(), maxdb_init(), maxdb_options(), maxdb_ssl_set(), maxdb_close().


例子 1. Object oriented style


/* create a connection object which is not connected */
$maxdb = maxdb_init();

/* set connection options */
$maxdb->options(MAXDB_UNICODE, "FALSE");
$maxdb->options(MAXDB_TIMEOUT, 5);

/* connect to server */
$maxdb->real_connect('localhost', 'MONA', 'RED', 'DEMODB');

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", maxdb_connect_error());

printf ("Connection: %s\n.", $maxdb->host_info);


例子 2. Procedural style


/* create a connection object which is not connected */
$link = maxdb_init();

/* set connection options */
maxdb_options($link, MAXDB_UNICODE, "FALSE");
maxdb_options($link, MAXDB_TIMEOUT, 5);

/* connect to server */
maxdb_real_connect($link, 'localhost', 'MONA', 'RED', 'DEMODB');

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", maxdb_connect_error());

printf ("Connection: %s\n.", maxdb_get_host_info($link));


The above examples would produce the following output:

Connection: localhost <...>