警告 |
本扩展模块是实验性的。本模块的行为,包括其函数的名称以及其它任何关于此模块的文档可能会在没有通知的情况下随 PHP 以后的发布而改变。使用本扩展模块风险自担。 |
On Windows, PDO_ODBC is built into the PHP core by default. It is linked against the Windows ODBC Driver Manager so that PHP can connect to any database cataloged as a System DSN, and is the recommended driver for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
这些函数的行为受 php.ini 的影响。
表格 1. PDO_ODBC Configuration Options
Name | Default | Changeable | Changelog |
pdo_odbc.connection_pooling | "strict" | PHP_INI_ALL |
Whether to pool ODBC connections. Can be one of "strict", "relaxed" or "off" (equals to ""). The parameter describes how strict the connection manager should be when matching connection parameters to existing pooled connections. strict is the recommend default, and will result in the use of cached connections only when all the connection parameters match exactly. relaxed will result in the use of cached connections when similar connection parameters are used. This can result in increased use of the cache, at the risk of bleeding connection information between (for example) virtual hosts.
This setting can only be changed from the php.ini file, and affects the entire process; any other modules loaded into the process that use the same ODBC libraries will be affected too, including the Unified ODBC extension.
警告 |
relaxed matching should not be used on a shared server, for security reasons. |
提示: Leave this setting at the default strict setting unless you have good reason to change it.