PHP Manual

Constantes pré-definidas

As contantes abaixo são definidas por esta extensão e somente estarão disponíveis quando a extensão foi compilada com o PHP ou carregada dinamicamente durante a execução.

EXP_GLOB (integer)
Indicates that the pattern is a glob-style string pattern.
EXP_EXACT (integer)
Indicates that the pattern is an exact string.
EXP_REGEXP (integer)
Indicates that the pattern is a regexp-style string pattern.
EXP_EOF (integer)
Value, returned by expect_expectl(), when EOF is reached.
EXP_TIMEOUT (integer)
Value, returned by expect_expectl() upon timeout of seconds, specified in value of expect.timeout
Value, returned by expect_expectl() if no pattern have been matched.

PHP Manual