(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)
Locale::getDisplayScript -- locale_get_display_script — Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input locale
Estilo orientado à objeto
[, string $in_locale
] )Estilo procedural
[, string $in_locale
] )
Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input
locale. If is NULL
then the default locale is used.
The locale to return a display script for
Optional format locale to use to display the script name
Display name of the script for the $locale in the format appropriate for $in_locale.
Exemplo #1 locale_get_display_script() example
echo locale_get_display_script('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'en');
echo ";\n";
echo locale_get_display_script('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'fr');
echo ";\n";
echo locale_get_display_script('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'de');
Exemplo #2 OO example
echo Locale::getDisplayScript('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'en');
echo ";\n";
echo Locale::getDisplayScript('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'fr');
echo ";\n";
echo Locale::getDisplayScript('sl-Latn-IT-nedis', 'de');
O exemplo acima irá imprimir:
Latin; latin; Lateinisch