(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)
MongoCollection::toIndexString — Converts keys specifying an index to its identifying string
Field or fields to convert to the identifying string
Returns a string that describes the index.
Exemplo #1 MongoCollection::toIndexString() example
This example shows how you can create an index name out of of keys. Because this is a protected (static) method, you need to overload it in a child class first.
// Create inheritec class to make the method "public".
class MyCollection extends MongoCollection
static public function toIndexString($a)
return parent::toIndexString($a);
echo MyCollection::toIndexString("foo")), "\n";
// Outputs: foo_1
echo MyCollection::toIndexString(array('name' => 1, 'age' => -1)), "\n";
// Outputs: name_1_age_-1
MongoDB core docs on » indexes.