- Example#0 - 一个介绍性的范例
- Example#1 - 第一个 PHP 脚本:hello.php
- Example#2 - 从 PHP 获取系统信息
- Example#3 - 打印一个变量(数组元素)
- Example#4 - 流程控制与函数的使用
- Example#5 - 混和 HTML 和 PHP 模式
- Example#6 - 一个简单的 HTML 表单
- Example#7 - 打印来自表单的数据
- Example#8 - PHP 的 Apache 共享模块版本安装说明
- Example#9 - PHP 的 Apache 静态模块版本安装说明
- Example#10 - 重启动 Apache 的示例命令
- Example#11 -
- Example#12 -
- Example#13 -
- Example#14 -
- Example#15 -
- Example#16 -
- Example#17 -
- Example#18 -
- Example#19 -
- Example#20 -
- Example#21 -
- Example#22 -
- Example#23 -
- Example#24 -
- Example#25 -
- Example#26 - Partial lighttpd.conf
- Example#27 - Spawning FastCGI Responders
- Example#28 - Connecting to remote php-fastcgi instances
- Example#29 - 在 OpenBSD 系统下的软件包的安装示例
- Example#30 - Debian 中在 Apache 2 下安装的例子
- Example#31 - 安装完 PHP 后停止并启动 Apache
- Example#32 - 取得 PHP 附加软件包的列表
- Example#33 - 安装 PHP 的 MySQL,cURL 和 GD 支持
- Example#34 - 在 PHP 中激活 MySQL,cURL 和 GD 的配置行
- Example#35 - 下面这行在 Apache 中激活了 PHP 4
- Example#36 - PHP 5 package structure
- Example#37 - CGI and FastCGI settings in php.ini
- Example#38 - Configuring FastCGI extension to handle PHP requests
- Example#39 - Configuring file access permissions
- Example#40 - Configuring FastCGI and PHP recycling
- Example#41 - Configuring FastCGI timeout settings
- Example#42 - Changing the location of php.ini file
- Example#43 - CGI and FastCGI settings in php.ini
- Example#44 - Creating IIS FastCGI process pool
- Example#45 - Creating handler mapping for PHP requests
- Example#46 - Determining the account used as IIS anonymous identity
- Example#47 - Configuring file access permissions
- Example#48 - Set index.php as a default document in IIS
- Example#49 - Configuring FastCGI and PHP recycling
- Example#50 - Configuring FastCGI timeout settings
- Example#51 - Changing the location of php.ini file
- Example#52 - PHP 作为 Apache 1.3.x 的一个模块
- Example#53 - PHP 以 CGI 方式运行在 Apache 1.3.x
- Example#54 - PHP and Apache 2.x as handler
- Example#55 -
- Example#56 - PHP and Apache 2.x as CGI
- Example#57 - Configure Apache to run PHP as FastCGI
- Example#58 - Sambar 的 ISAPI 设置
- Example#59 - 启用
- Example#60 - Registry changes
- Example#61 - 给运行池传递环境变量和设置PHP的配置值
- Example#62 - phpinfo call
- Example#63 - php.ini 例子
- Example#64 - Apache 配置例子
- Example#65 - 高级分离术
- Example#66 - PHP 开始和结束标记
- Example#67 - 整数文字表达
- Example#68 - 八进制数的怪事
- Example#69 - 非法的示例
- Example#70 - Heredoc结构的字符串示例
- Example#71 - Heredoc结构在参数中的示例
- Example#72 - 使用Heredoc结构来初始化静态值
- Example#73 - 在heredoc结构中使用双引号
- Example#74 - Nowdoc结构字符串示例
- Example#75 - 表态数据的示例
- Example#76 - Some string examples
- Example#77 - Using array()
- Example#78 - 集合
- Example#79 - 集合
- Example#80 - 下标从1开始的数组
- Example#81 - 填充数组
- Example#82 - 数组排序
- Example#83 - 递归和多维数组
- Example#84 - Callback function examples
- Example#85 - Callback example using a Closure
- Example#86 - 回调函数(callback)示例
- Example#87 - 未初始化变量的默认值
- Example#88 - 使用 global
- Example#89 - 使用 $GLOBALS 替代 global
- Example#90 - 演示超全局变量和作用域的例子
- Example#91 - 演示需要静态变量的例子
- Example#92 - 使用静态变量的例子
- Example#93 - 静态变量与递归函数
- Example#94 - 声明静态变量
- Example#95 - 一个简单的 HTML 表单
- Example#96 - 从一个简单的 POST HTML 表单访问数据
- Example#97 - 更复杂的表单变量
- Example#98 - 一个 setcookie 的示例
- Example#99 - 合法与非法的常量名
- Example#100 - 定义常量
- Example#101 - 使用关键字 const 定义常量
- Example#102 - 结合方向
- Example#103 - Bit shifting on integers
- Example#104 - 标准数组比较代码
- Example#105 - 赋默认值
- Example#106 - 不清晰的三元运算符行为
- Example#107 - 涉及字符变量的算数运算
- Example#108 - 逻辑运算符示例
- Example#109 - 比较数组
- Example#110 - instanceof 使用示例
- Example#111 - instanceof 与继承类示例
- Example#112 - 使用instanceof检查对象 不是 某一类的实例
- Example#113 - Using instanceof for class
- Example#114 - Using instanceof with other variables
- Example#115 - 避免 PHP 5.0 中 instanceof 引起的类名查找和致命错误问题
- Example#116 - switch 结构
- Example#117 - switch 结构可以用字符串
- Example#118 - 评估一段 PHP 代码的执行时间
- Example#119 - Declaring an encoding for the script.
- Example#120 - 基本的 require 例子
- Example#121 - 基本的 include 例子
- Example#122 - 函数中的包含
- Example#123 - 通过 HTTP 进行的 include
- Example#124 - 比较 include 的返回值
- Example#125 - include 和 return 语句
- Example#126 - 使用输出缓冲来将 PHP 文件包含入一个字符串
- Example#127 - include_once 在 Windows 下不区分大小写
- Example#128 - goto 示例
- Example#129 - goto 跳出循环示例
- Example#130 - 以下写法无效
- Example#131 - 展示函数用途的伪代码
- Example#132 - 条件函数(Conditional functions)
- Example#133 - 函数中的函数
- Example#134 - 递归函数
- Example#135 - 向函数传递数组
- Example#136 - 用引用传递函数参数
- Example#137 - 在函数中使用默认参数
- Example#138 - 使用非标量类型作为默认参数
- Example#139 - 函数默认参数不正确的用法
- Example#140 - 函数默认参数正确的用法
- Example#141 - return 的使用
- Example#142 - 返回一个数组以得到多个返回值
- Example#143 - 从函数返回一个引用
- Example#144 - 可变函数示例
- Example#145 - 可变方法范例
- Example#146 - Anonymous function 示例
- Example#147 - 匿名函数变量赋值示例
- Example#148 - Closures和作用域
- Example#149 - 面向对象语言中的 $this 变量
- Example#150 - 简单的类定义
- Example#151 - 类成员的默认值
- Example#152 - 创建一个实例
- Example#153 - 对象赋值
- Example#154 - 简单的类继承
- Example#155 - 属性声明
- Example#156 - 示例:使用nowdoc初始化属性
- Example#157 - 定义和使用一个类常量
- Example#158 - 静态数据示例
- Example#159 - Autoload 例子
- Example#160 - 使用新标准的构造函数
- Example#161 - Constructors in namespaced classes
- Example#162 - 析构函数示例
- Example#163 - 声明类成员
- Example#164 - 声明类中的方法
- Example#165 - 继承代码示例
- Example#166 - 在类的外部使用 :: 操作符
- Example#167 - :: from inside the class definition
- Example#168 - 调用父类的方法
- Example#169 - 静态成员代码示例
- Example#170 - 静态方法代码示例
- Example#171 - 抽象类代码示例
- Example#172 - 抽象类的例子
- Example#173 - 接口代码示例
- Example#174 - Extendable Interfaces
- Example#175 - 多个接口间的继承
- Example#176 - 使用接口常量
- Example#177 - Trait 例子
- Example#178 - 优先顺序例子
- Example#179 - 另一个优先级顺序的例子
- Example#180 - 多个 Traits 的用法
- Example#181 - 冲突的解决
- Example#182 - 修改方法的可见性
- Example#183 - 从 traits 来组成 traits
- Example#184 - 表示通过抽象方法来进行强制要求
- Example#185 - 静态变量
- Example#186 - 静态方法
- Example#187 - 定义属性
- Example#188 - 解决冲突
- Example#189 - 使用__get(),
__set(), __isset()
和 __unset()进行重载
- Example#190 - 使用 __call()
和 __callStatic() 对方法重载
- Example#191 - 简单的对象迭代
- Example#192 - 实现Iterator接口的迭代
- Example#193 - 通过IteratorAggregate来实现对象迭代
- Example#194 - 调用工厂方法(带参数)
- Example#195 - 单例模式
- Example#196 - Sleep 和 wakeup
- Example#197 - 简单示例
- Example#198 - Using __invoke()
- Example#199 - 使用 __set_state()> (PHP 5.1.0及更高版本支持)
- Example#200 - Final 方法示例
- Example#201 - Final 类示例
- Example#202 - 复制一个对象
- Example#203 - PHP 5的对象比较
- Example#204 - 类型约束示例
- Example#205 - self:: 用法
- Example#206 - static:: 简单用法
- Example#207 - static:: 用于非静态引用
- Example#208 - 转发和非转发调用
- Example#209 - 在魔术方法中使用后期静态绑定
- Example#210 - 引用和对象
- Example#211 - 命名空间语法示例
- Example#212 - 声明单个命名空间
- Example#213 - 声明单个命名空间
- Example#214 - 声明分层次的单个命名空间
- Example#215 - 定义多个命名空间,简单组合语法
- Example#216 - 定义多个命名空间,大括号语法
- Example#217 - 定义多个命名空间和不包含在命名空间中的代码
- Example#218 - 定义多个命名空间和不包含在命名空间中的代码
- Example#219 - 在命名空间内部访问全局类、函数和常量
- Example#220 - 动态访问元素
- Example#221 - 动态访问命名空间的元素
- Example#222 - __NAMESPACE__ 示例, 在命名空间中的代码
- Example#223 - __NAMESPACE__ 示例,全局代码
- Example#224 - 使用__NAMESPACE__动态创建名称
- Example#225 - namespace操作符,命名空间中的代码
- Example#226 - namespace操作符, 全局代码
- Example#227 - 使用use操作符导入/使用别名
- Example#228 - 通过use操作符导入/使用别名,一行中包含多个use语句
- Example#229 - 导入和动态名称
- Example#230 - 导入和完全限定名称
- Example#231 - 使用全局空间说明
- Example#232 - 在命名空间中访问全局类
- Example#233 - 命名空间中后备的全局函数/常量
- Example#234 - 名称解析示例
- Example#235 - Accessing global classes outside a namespace
- Example#236 - Accessing global classes outside a namespace
- Example#237 - Accessing internal classes in namespaces
- Example#238 - Accessing internal classes, functions or constants in namespaces
- Example#239 - Fully Qualified names
- Example#240 - Qualified names
- Example#241 - Unqualified class names
- Example#242 - Unqualified function or constant names
- Example#243 - Dangers of using namespaced names inside a double-quoted string
- Example#244 - Undefined constants
- Example#245 - Undefined constants
- Example#246 - 抛出一个异常
- Example#247 - 嵌套的异常
- Example#248 - 内置的异常处理类
- Example#249 - 扩展 PHP 内置的异常处理类
- Example#250 - Implementing range as a generator
- Example#251 - A simple example of yielding values
- Example#252 - Yielding a key/value pair
- Example#253 - Yielding NULLs
- Example#254 - Yielding values by reference
- Example#255 - The Generator class
- Example#256 - Using Generator::send to inject values
- Example#257 - 对未定义的变量使用引用
- Example#258 - 在函数内引用全局变量
- Example#259 - 引用与 foreach 语句
- Example#260 - $GLOBALS 范例
- Example#261 - $_SERVER 范例
- Example#262 - $_GET 范例
- Example#263 - $_POST 范例
- Example#264 - $_ENV 范例
- Example#265 - $_COOKIE 范例
- Example#266 - $php_errormsg 范例
- Example#267 - $http_response_header 范例
- Example#268 - $argc 范例
- Example#269 - $argv 范例
- Example#270 - Exception::getMessage示例
- Example#271 - Exception::getPrevious示例
- Example#272 - Exception::getCode示例
- Example#273 - Exception::getFile示例
- Example#274 - Exception::getLine示例
- Example#275 - Exception::getTrace示例
- Example#276 - Exception::getTraceAsString示例
- Example#277 - Exception::__toString示例
- Example#278 - 使用set_error_handler函数将错误信息托管至ErrorException
- Example#279 - ErrorException::getSeverity example
- Example#280 - 基本用法
- Example#281 - 基本用法
- Example#282 - Basic usage
- Example#283 - ArrayAccess::offsetExists 范例
- Example#284 - Basic usage
- Example#285 - Closure::bind example
- Example#286 - Closure::bindTo example
- Example#287 - Basic bindto usage example
- Example#288 - Fetch a page and send POST data
- Example#289 - Ignore redirects but fetch headers and content
- Example#290 - Fetch a page and send POST data
- Example#291 - 检测重定向后最终的 URL
- Example#292 - 通过一个 HTTP 请求发送自定义的 HTTP 头
- Example#293 - php://temp/maxmemory
- Example#294 - php://filter/resource=<待过滤的数据流>
- Example#295 - php://filter/read=<读链需要应用的过滤器列表>
- Example#296 - php://filter/write=<写链需要应用的过滤器列表>
- Example#297 - 打印 data:// 的内容
- Example#298 - 获取媒体类型
- Example#299 - 基本用法
- Example#300 - 从一个活动连接中打开字节流
- Example#301 - Traversing a RAR archive
- Example#302 - Opening an encrypted file (header encryption)
- Example#303 - 不对变量进行安全检查会导致……
- Example#304 - ……文件系统攻击
- Example#305 - 更安全的文件名检查
- Example#306 - 更安全的文件名检查
- Example#307 - 会被 Null 字符问题攻击的代码
- Example#308 - 验证输入的正确做法
- Example#309 - 对密码字段进行散列加密
- Example#310 - 一段实现数据分页显示的代码……也可以被用作创建一个超级用户(PostgreSQL系统)。
- Example#311 - 显示文章……以及一些密码(任何数据库系统)
- Example#312 - 从重设密码……到获得更多权限(任何数据库系统)
- Example#313 - 攻击数据库所在主机的操作系统(MSSQL Server)
- Example#314 - 一个实现分页更安全的方法
- Example#315 - 用自定义的 HTML 页面攻击变量
- Example#316 - 利用变量打开调式功能
- Example#317 - 用 E_ALL 来查找危险的变量
- Example#318 - 错误使用 register_globals = on 的例子
- Example#319 - 使用会话时同时兼容 register_globals on 和 off 的例子
- Example#320 - 探测有害变量
- Example#321 - 危险的变量用法
- Example#322 - 在服务器端关闭魔术引号
- Example#323 - 在运行时关闭魔术引号
- Example#324 - 把 PHP 隐藏为另一种语言
- Example#325 - 使用未知的扩展名作为 PHP 的扩展名
- Example#326 - 用 HTML 做 PHP 的文件后缀
- Example#327 - Basic HTTP 认证范例
- Example#328 - Digest HTTP 认证范例
- Example#329 - 强迫重新输入用户名和密码的 HTTP 认证的范例
- Example#330 - 一个简单的 XForms 搜索表单
- Example#331 - 使用 XForm 来产生 $_POST
- Example#332 - 文件上传表单
- Example#333 - 使文件上传生效
- Example#334 - 上传一组文件
- Example#335 - 上传多个文件
- Example#336 - 用 PHP 4 来保存 HTTP PUT 文件
- Example#337 - 获取远程文件的标题
- Example#338 - 将数据保存到远程服务器
- Example#339 - 试图以命令行方式运行的 PHP 脚本(script.php)
- Example#340 - 运行 PHP 命令行脚本的批处理文件(script.bat)
- Example#341 - Starting the web server
- Example#342 - Starting with a specific document root directory
- Example#343 - Using a Router Script
- Example#344 - Creating a new zval container
- Example#345 - Displaying zval information
- Example#346 - Increasing refcount of a zval
- Example#347 - Decreasing zval refcount
- Example#348 - Creating a array zval
- Example#349 - Adding already existing element to an array
- Example#350 - Removing an element from an array
- Example#351 - Adding the array itself as an element of it self
- Example#352 - Unsetting $a
- Example#353 - Memory usage example
- Example#354 - GC performance influences
- Example#355 - Running the above script
- Example#356 - Recompiling PHP to enable GC benchmarking
- Example#357 - GC statistics
- Example#358 - An apc.rfc1867 example
- Example#359 - A apc_add example
- Example#360 - apc_bin_load example
- Example#361 - A apc_cache_info example
- Example#362 - apc_cas example
- Example#363 - apc_dec example
- Example#364 - apc_define_constants example
- Example#365 - apc_delete_file example
- Example#366 - A apc_delete example
- Example#367 - apc_exists example
- Example#368 - A apc_fetch example
- Example#369 - apc_inc 范例
- Example#370 - apc_load_constants example
- Example#371 - A apc_sma_info example
- Example#372 - A apc_store example
- Example#373 - A APCIterator::__construct example
- Example#374 - Typical session using tcplisten
- Example#375 - apd_callstack example
- Example#376 - apd_clunk example
- Example#377 - apd_continue example
- Example#378 - apd_croak example
- Example#379 - apd_dump_function_table example
- Example#380 - apd_dump_persistent_resources example
- Example#381 - apd_dump_regular_resources example
- Example#382 - apd_echo example
- Example#383 - apd_get_active_symbols example
- Example#384 - apd_set_pprof_trace example
- Example#385 - apd_set_session_trace_socket example
- Example#386 - apd_set_session_trace example
- Example#387 - apd_set_session example
- Example#388 - override_function example
- Example#389 - rename_function example
- Example#390 - bcompiler_load_exe 例子
- Example#391 - bcompiler_load 例子
- Example#392 - bcompiler_parse_class 例子
- Example#393 - bcompiler_read 例子
- Example#394 - bcompiler_write_class 例子
- Example#395 - bcompiler_write_constant 例子
- Example#396 - bcompiler_write_exe_footer 例子
- Example#397 - bcompiler_write_file 例子
- Example#398 - bcompiler_write_footer 例子
- Example#399 - bcompiler_write_function 例子
- Example#400 - bcompiler_write_functions_from_file 例子
- Example#401 - bcompiler_write_header 例子
- Example#402 - 在脚本中使用错误句柄
- Example#403 - debug_backtrace 范例
- Example#404 - debug_print_backtrace 范例
- Example#405 - An error_get_last 范例
- Example#406 - error_log 范例
- Example#407 - error_reporting 范例
- Example#408 - restore_error_handler 范例
- Example#409 - restore_exception_handler 范例
- Example#410 - 用 set_error_handler 和 trigger_error 进行错误处理
- Example#411 - set_exception_handler 范例
- Example#412 - trigger_error 示例
- Example#413 - Getting the data within the PHP application itself (function)
- Example#414 - Example use of gengraph.php
- Example#415 - Listing data via inclued dumps (configuration)
- Example#416 - inclued_get_data example
- Example#417 - Creating large array in a function
- Example#418 - 输出控制举例
- Example#419 - ob_end_clean example
- Example#420 - ob_end_flush example
- Example#421 - A simple ob_get_clean example
- Example#422 - A simple ob_get_contents example
- Example#423 - ob_get_flush example
- Example#424 - A simple ob_get_length example
- Example#425 - ob_gzhandler example
- Example#426 - ob_list_handlers example
- Example#427 - 用户自定义回调函数的例子
- Example#428 - output_add_rewrite_var example
- Example#429 - output_reset_rewrite_vars example
- Example#430 - assert_options 例子
- Example#431 - 使用自定义处理程序处理失败的断言
- Example#432 - 使用自定义处理器打印描述信息
- Example#433 - dl 例子
- Example#434 - extension_loaded 例子
- Example#435 - 一个 gc_enabled 例子
- Example#436 - get_current_user 例子
- Example#437 - get_defined_constants 例子
- Example#438 - 打印 XML 函数
- Example#439 - get_include_path 例子
- Example#440 - get_included_files 范例
- Example#441 - get_loaded_extensions 范例
- Example#442 - get_magic_quotes_gpc 例子
- Example#443 - get_magic_quotes_runtime 例子
- Example#444 - getenv 例子
- Example#445 - getlastmod 例子
- Example#446 - getopt 例子
- Example#447 - getopt 例子#2
- Example#448 - getopt 例子#3
- Example#449 - getrusage 例子
- Example#450 - ini_get_all 例子
- Example#451 - 禁用 details
- Example#452 - 一些 ini_get 例子
- Example#453 - ini_restore 例子
- Example#454 - 设置一个 ini 选项
- Example#455 - 一个 memory_get_usage 例子
- Example#456 - php_ini_loaded_file 例子
- Example#457 - 列出返回的 ini 文件的简单例子
- Example#458 - php_logo_guid 例子
- Example#459 - php_sapi_name 例子
- Example#460 - 一些 php_uname 的例子
- Example#461 - 一些系统相关常量的例子
- Example#462 - 打印普遍名单
- Example#463 - 打印核心开发者和文档组
- Example#464 - 打印所有贡献者
- Example#465 - phpinfo 范例
- Example#466 - phpversion 范例
- Example#467 - PHP_VERSION_ID 范例和用法
- Example#468 - 设置一个环境变量
- Example#469 - restore_include_path 例子
- Example#470 - set_include_path 例子
- Example#471 - 添加到include path
- Example#472 - set_magic_quotes_runtime 例子
- Example#473 - sys_get_temp_dir 例子
- Example#474 - version_compare examples
- Example#475 - zend_logo_guid 例子
- Example#476 - zend_thread_id 例子
- Example#477 - zend_version 例子
- Example#478 - Custom Superglobals with runkit.superglobal=_FOO,_BAR in php.ini
- Example#479 - Instantiating a restricted sandbox
- Example#480 - Working with variables in a sandbox
- Example#481 - Calling sandbox functions
- Example#482 - Passing arguments to sandbox functions
- Example#483 - Working with variables in a sandbox
- Example#484 - Accessing parental variables
- Example#485 - A runkit_class_adopt example
- Example#486 - A runkit_class_emancipate example
- Example#487 - A runkit_function_add example
- Example#488 - A runkit_function_copy example
- Example#489 - A runkit_function_redefine example
- Example#490 - runkit_method_add example
- Example#491 - runkit_method_copy example
- Example#492 - runkit_method_redefine example
- Example#493 - runkit_method_remove example
- Example#494 - runkit_method_rename example
- Example#495 - runkit_return_value_used example
- Example#496 - Feeding output to a variable
- Example#497 - Enabling and disabling scream at runtime
- Example#498 - Weakref usage example
- Example#499 - WeakRef usage example
- Example#500 - Weakref::acquire example
- Example#501 - Nested acquire/release example
- Example#502 - Weakref::__construct example
- Example#503 - Weakref::release example
- Example#504 - Weakmap usage example
- Example#505 - wincache.ignorelist example
- Example#506 - Authentication configuration for wincache.php
- Example#507 - Enabling WinCache session handler
- Example#508 - Enabling WinCache functions reroutes
- Example#509 - Reroute.ini file content
- Example#510 - A wincache_fcache_fileinfo example
- Example#511 - A wincache_fcache_meminfo example
- Example#512 - Using wincache_lock
- Example#513 - A wincache_ocache_fileinfo example
- Example#514 - A wincache_ocache_meminfo example
- Example#515 - A wincache_refresh_if_changed example
- Example#516 - A wincache_rplist_fileinfo example
- Example#517 - A wincache_rplist_meminfo example
- Example#518 - A wincache_scache_info example
- Example#519 - A wincache_scache_meminfo example
- Example#520 - wincache_ucache_add with key as a string
- Example#521 - wincache_ucache_add with key as an array
- Example#522 - Using wincache_ucache_cas
- Example#523 - using wincache_ucache_clear
- Example#524 - Using wincache_ucache_dec
- Example#525 - Using wincache_ucache_delete with key as a string
- Example#526 - Usingwincache_ucache_delete with key as an array
- Example#527 - Using wincache_ucache_delete with key as an array where some elements cannot be deleted
- Example#528 - Using wincache_ucache_exists
- Example#529 - wincache_ucache_get with key as a string
- Example#530 - wincache_ucache_get with key as an array
- Example#531 - Using wincache_ucache_inc
- Example#532 - Using wincache_ucache_info
- Example#533 - A wincache_ucache_meminfo example
- Example#534 - wincache_ucache_set with key as a string
- Example#535 - wincache_ucache_set with key as an array
- Example#536 - Using wincache_unlock
- Example#537 - Xhprof 范例,可选使用图形界面
- Example#538 - xhprof_disable 范例
- Example#539 - xhprof_enable 范例
- Example#540 - xhprof_sample_disable 范例
- Example#541 - id3_get_frame_long_name example
- Example#542 - id3_get_frame_short_name example
- Example#543 - id3_get_genre_id example
- Example#544 - id3_get_genre_list example
- Example#545 - id3_get_genre_name example
- Example#546 - id3_get_tag example
- Example#547 - id3_get_tag example
- Example#548 - id3_get_version example
- Example#549 - id3_remove_tag example
- Example#550 - id3_set_tag example
- Example#551 - Opens a new MP3 file and read the title
- Example#552 - Reading an OGG/Vorbis file
- Example#553 - Encode an audio file to OGG/Vorbis
- Example#554 - KADM5 extension overview example
- Example#555 - Example of changing principal's password
- Example#556 - Example of principal's creation
- Example#557 - kadm5_delete_principal example
- Example#558 - kadm5_get_policies example
- Example#559 - kadm5_get_principal example
- Example#560 - kadm5_get_principals example
- Example#561 - KADM5 initialization example
- Example#562 - Example of modifying principal
- Example#563 - radius_acct_open example
- Example#564 - radius_add_server example
- Example#565 - radius_auth_open example
- Example#566 - radius_create_request example
- Example#567 - radius_cvt_addr example
- Example#568 - radius_cvt_int example
- Example#569 - radius_cvt_string example
- Example#570 - radius_get_attr example
- Example#571 - radius_get_vendor_attr example
- Example#572 - radius_put_attr example
- Example#573 - radius_put_int example
- Example#574 - radius_put_string example
- Example#575 - radius_put_vendor_attr example
- Example#576 - cal_days_in_month example
- Example#577 - cal_from_jd example
- Example#578 - cal_info example
- Example#579 - easter_date example
- Example#580 - easter_days example
- Example#581 - Calendar functions
- Example#582 - jdtojewish Example
- Example#583 - DateTime::add example
- Example#584 - Further DateTime::add examples
- Example#585 - Beware when adding months
- Example#586 - DateTime::__construct example
- Example#587 - Intricacies of DateTime::__construct
- Example#588 - DateTime::createFromFormat example
- Example#589 - Intricacies of DateTime::createFromFormat
- Example#590 - DateTime::diff example
- Example#591 - DateTime object comparison
- Example#592 - DateTime::format example
- Example#593 - DateTime::getLastErrors example
- Example#594 - DateTime::getOffset example
- Example#595 - DateTime::getTimestamp example
- Example#596 - DateTime::getTimezone example
- Example#597 - DateTime::modify example
- Example#598 - Beware when adding or subtracting months
- Example#599 - DateTime::setDate example
- Example#600 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
- Example#601 - DateTime::setISODate example
- Example#602 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
- Example#603 - Finding the month a week is in
- Example#604 - DateTime::setTime example
- Example#605 - Values exceeding ranges are added to their parent values
- Example#606 - DateTime::setTimestamp example
- Example#607 - DateTime::setTimestamp alternative in PHP 5.2
- Example#608 - DateTime::setTimeZone example
- Example#609 - DateTime::sub example
- Example#610 - Further DateTime::sub examples
- Example#611 - Beware when subtracting months
- Example#612 - Catching errors when instantiating DateTimeZone
- Example#613 - DateTimeZone::getLocation example
- Example#614 - DateTimeZone::getOffset examples
- Example#615 - A timezone_transitions_get example
- Example#616 - A timezone_abbreviations_list example
- Example#617 - A timezone_identifiers_list example
- Example#618 - DateInterval example
- Example#619 - Parsing valid date intervals
- Example#620 - DateInterval example
- Example#621 - DateInterval and carry over points
- Example#622 - DateInterval and
DateTime::diff with the %a and %d modifiers
- Example#623 - DatePeriod example
- Example#624 - DatePeriod example with DatePeriod::EXCLUDE_START_DATE
- Example#625 - checkdate 例子
- Example#626 - 获取默认时区
- Example#627 - 获取一个时区的简写
- Example#628 - 获取默认时区
- Example#629 - date_parse_from_format example
- Example#630 - A date_parse example
- Example#631 - A date_sun_info example
- Example#632 - date_sunrise 例子
- Example#633 - date_sunset 例子
- Example#634 - date 例子
- Example#635 - 在 date 中转义字符
- Example#636 - date 和 mktime 例子
- Example#637 - date 格式举例
- Example#638 - date examples
- Example#639 - Escaping characters in date
- Example#640 - date and mktime example
- Example#641 - date Formatting
- Example#642 - getdate 例子
- Example#643 - gettimeofday 例子
- Example#644 - gmdate 例子
- Example#645 - gmmktime 在 Windows 中的边界
- Example#646 - gmstrftime 例子
- Example#647 - localtime 例子
- Example#648 - 用 microtime 对脚本的运行计时
- Example#649 - 基本例子
- Example#650 - mktime 例子
- Example#651 - 下个月的最后一天
- Example#652 - strftime 区域的例子
- Example#653 - ISO 8601:1988 week number example
- Example#654 - %e 修改器跨平台兼容的例子
- Example#655 - 显示所有已知和未知的格式
- Example#656 - strptime 例子
- Example#657 - strtotime 例子
- Example#658 - 失败检查
- Example#659 - time 例子
- Example#660 - A timezone_name_from_abbr example
- Example#661 - Getting the timezonedb version
- Example#662 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
- Example#663 - ncurses_getmouse example
- Example#664 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
- Example#665 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
- Example#666 - ncurses_mousemask example
- Example#667 - Writing a string with a specified color to the screen
- Example#668 - Newt Usage Example
- Example#669 - A newt_button example
- Example#670 - A newt_draw_root_text example
- Example#671 - A newt_form_add_component example
- Example#672 - A newt_form_add_components example
- Example#673 - A newt_form example
- Example#674 - A newt_get_screen_size example
- Example#675 - A newt_win_entries example
- Example#676 - Readline Callback Interface Example
- Example#677 - readline Example
- Example#678 - bzip2 小例子
- Example#679 - 压缩数据
- Example#680 - 解压一个字符串
- Example#681 - bzerror 范例
- Example#682 - bzopen 范例
- Example#683 - bzread 范例
- Example#684 - bzwrite 范例
- Example#685 - Using an external file
- Example#686 - Using a file within a phar archive
- Example#687 - Converting a phar archive from phar to tar file format
- Example#688 - phar.extract_list usage example
- Example#689 - phar.cache_list usage example
- Example#690 - A Phar::addEmptyDir example
- Example#691 - A Phar::addFile example
- Example#692 - A Phar::addFromString example
- Example#693 - A Phar::apiVersion example
- Example#694 - A Phar::buildFromDirectory example
- Example#695 - A Phar::buildFromIterator with SplFileInfo
- Example#696 - A Phar::buildFromIterator with other iterators
- Example#697 - A Phar::canCompress example
- Example#698 - A Phar::canWrite example
- Example#699 - A Phar::compress example
- Example#700 - A Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2 example
- Example#701 - A Phar::compressAllFilesGZ example
- Example#702 - A Phar::compressFiles example
- Example#703 - A Phar::__construct example
- Example#704 - A Phar::convertToData example
- Example#705 - A Phar::convertToExecutable example
- Example#706 - A Phar::copy example
- Example#707 - A Phar::count example
- Example#708 - A Phar::createDefaultStub example
- Example#709 - A Phar::decompress example
- Example#710 - A Phar::decompressFiles example
- Example#711 - A Phar::delMetaData example
- Example#712 - A Phar::delete example
- Example#713 - A Phar::extractTo example
- Example#714 - A Phar::getMetadata example
- Example#715 - A Phar::getStub example
- Example#716 - A Phar::hasMetadata example
- Example#717 - A Phar::interceptFileFuncs example
- Example#718 - A Phar::interceptFileFuncs example
- Example#719 - A Phar::isBuffering example
- Example#720 - A Phar::isCompressed example
- Example#721 - A Phar::loadPhar example
- Example#722 - A Phar::mapPhar example
- Example#723 - A Phar::mount example
- Example#724 - A Phar::mungServer example
- Example#725 - A Phar::offsetExists example
- Example#726 - Phar::offsetGet example
- Example#727 - A Phar::offsetSet example
- Example#728 - A Phar::offsetUnset example
- Example#729 - A Phar::running example
- Example#730 - A Phar::setAlias example
- Example#731 - A Phar::setDefaultStub example
- Example#732 - A Phar::setMetadata example
- Example#733 - A Phar::setStub example
- Example#734 - A Phar::startBuffering example
- Example#735 - A Phar::stopBuffering example
- Example#736 - A Phar::uncompressAllFiles example
- Example#737 - A Phar::unlinkArchive example
- Example#738 - A Phar::webPhar example
- Example#739 - A PharData::addEmptyDir example
- Example#740 - A PharData::addFile example
- Example#741 - A PharData::addFromString example
- Example#742 - A PharData::buildFromDirectory example
- Example#743 - A PharData::buildFromIterator with SplFileInfo
- Example#744 - A PharData::buildFromIterator with other iterators
- Example#745 - A PharData::compress example
- Example#746 - A PharData::compressFiles example
- Example#747 - A PharData::__construct example
- Example#748 - A PharData::convertToData example
- Example#749 - A PharData::convertToExecutable example
- Example#750 - A PharData::copy example
- Example#751 - A PharData::decompress example
- Example#752 - A PharData::decompressFiles example
- Example#753 - A PharData::delMetaData example
- Example#754 - A PharData::delete example
- Example#755 - A PharData::extractTo example
- Example#756 - A PharData::offsetSet example
- Example#757 - A PharData::offsetUnset example
- Example#758 - A Phar::setMetadata example
- Example#759 - A PharFileInfo::chmod example
- Example#760 - A PharFileInfo::compress example
- Example#761 - A PharFileInfo::__construct example
- Example#762 - A PharFileInfo::decompress example
- Example#763 - A PharFileInfo::delMetaData example
- Example#764 - A PharFileInfo::getCRC32 example
- Example#765 - A PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize example
- Example#766 - A PharFileInfo::getMetadata example
- Example#767 - A PharFileInfo::getPharFlags example
- Example#768 - A PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked example
- Example#769 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressed example
- Example#770 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressedBZIP2 example
- Example#771 - A PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ example
- Example#772 - A PharFileInfo::setCompressedBZIP2 example
- Example#773 - A PharFileInfo::setCompressedGZ example
- Example#774 - A PharFileInfo::setMetadata example
- Example#775 - A PharFileInfo::setUncompressed example
- Example#776 - Rar installation
- Example#777 - On-the-fly decompression
- Example#778 - RAR extension filesystem extraction example
- Example#779 - 面向对象风格
- Example#780 - 过程化风格
- Example#781 - 面向对象风格
- Example#782 - 过程化风格
- Example#783 - 面向对象风格
- Example#784 - 过程化风格
- Example#785 - 面向对象风格
- Example#786 - 过程化风格
- Example#787 - 面向对象风格
- Example#788 - 过程化风格
- Example#789 - 面向对象风格
- Example#790 - 过程化风格
- Example#791 - 面向对象风格
- Example#792 - 过程化风格
- Example#793 - Volume Callback
- Example#794 - 面向对象风格
- Example#795 - 过程化风格
- Example#796 - RarArchive::__toString example
- Example#797 - RarEntry::extract example
- Example#798 - How to extract all files in archive:
- Example#799 - RarEntry::getAttr example
- Example#800 - RarEntry::getHostOs example (version >= 2.0.0)
- Example#801 - RarEntry::getHostOs example (version <= 1.0.0)
- Example#802 - RarEntry::getMethod example
- Example#803 - RarEntry::getName example
- Example#804 - RarEntry::getPackedSize example
- Example#805 - RarEntry::getStream example
- Example#806 - RarEntry::getUnpackedSize example
- Example#807 - RarEntry::getVersion example
- Example#808 - RarException::isUsingExceptions example
- Example#809 - RarException::setUsingExceptions example
- Example#810 - Create a Zip archive
- Example#811 - Dump the archive details and listing
- Example#812 - Zip stream wrapper, read an OpenOffice meta info
- Example#813 - Zip Usage Example
- Example#814 - Create a new directory in an archive
- Example#815 - Open and extract
- Example#816 - Add an entry to a new archive
- Example#817 - Add file to a directory inside an archive
- Example#818 - Delete file from archive using its index
- Example#819 - Deleting a file and directory from an archive, using names
- Example#820 - Extract all entries
- Example#821 - Extract two entries
- Example#822 - Dump an archive comment
- Example#823 - Dump an entry comment
- Example#824 - Dump an entry comment
- Example#825 - Get the file contents
- Example#826 - Get the file contents
- Example#827 - Convert an image from a zip entry
- Example#828 - getnameindex example
- Example#829 - Get the entry contents with fread and store it
- Example#830 - Same as the previous example but with fopen and the zip
stream wrapper
- Example#831 - Stream wrapper and image, can be used with the xml function
as well
- Example#832 - Create an archive and then use it with ZipArchive::locateName
- Example#833 - Open and extract
- Example#834 - Create an archive
- Example#835 - Rename one entry
- Example#836 - Rename one entry
- Example#837 - Create an archive and set a comment
- Example#838 - Open an archive and set a comment for an entry
- Example#839 - Open an archive and set a comment for an entry
- Example#840 - Dump the stat info of an entry
- Example#841 - Dump the stat info of an entry
- Example#842 - Small Zlib Example
- Example#843 - gzclose example
- Example#844 - gzcompress example
- Example#845 - gzdeflate example
- Example#846 - Creating a gzip file
- Example#847 - gzeof example
- Example#848 - gzfile example
- Example#849 - gzgetc example
- Example#850 - gzgets example
- Example#851 - gzgetss example
- Example#852 - gzinflate example
- Example#853 - gzopen Example
- Example#854 - gzpassthru example
- Example#855 - gzread example
- Example#856 - gzseek example
- Example#857 - gzuncompress example
- Example#858 - gzwrite example
- Example#859 - CrackLib example
- Example#860 - hash_algos example
- Example#861 - hash_copy example
- Example#862 - Using hash_file
- Example#863 - hash_final example
- Example#864 - hash_hmac_file example
- Example#865 - hash_hmac example
- Example#866 - Incremental hashing example
- Example#867 - hash_pbkdf2 example, basic usage
- Example#868 - hash_update_stream example
- Example#869 - A hash example
- Example#870 - Encrypt an input value with TripleDES under 2.4.x and higher in ECB mode
- Example#871 - mcrypt_create_iv Example
- Example#872 - mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name example
- Example#873 - mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name example
- Example#874 - mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes example
- Example#875 - mcrypt_encrypt Example
- Example#876 - mcrypt_get_block_size example
- Example#877 - mcrypt_get_cipher_name Example
- Example#878 - mcrypt_get_iv_size Example
- Example#879 - mcrypt_get_key_size Example
- Example#880 - mcrypt_list_algorithms Example
- Example#881 - mcrypt_list_modes Example
- Example#882 - mcrypt_module_open Examples
- Example#883 - Using mcrypt_module_open in encryption
- Example#884 - mcrypt_module_self_test example
- Example#885 - mdecrypt_generic Example
- Example#886 - Computes the MD5 digest and hmac and print it out as hex
- Example#887 - Traversing all hashes
- Example#888 - mhash_get_block_size Example
- Example#889 - mhash_get_hash_name Example
- Example#890 - openssl_cipher_iv_length example
- Example#891 - Creating a self-signed-certificate
- Example#892 - openssl_csr_sign example - signing a
CSR (how to implement your own CA)
- Example#893 - openssl_error_string example
- Example#894 - openssl_get_cipher_methods example
- Example#895 - openssl_get_md_methods example
- Example#896 - openssl_open example
- Example#897 - openssl_pkcs7_decrypt example
- Example#898 - openssl_pkcs7_encrypt example
- Example#899 - openssl_pkcs7_sign example
- Example#900 - openssl_random_pseudo_bytes example
- Example#901 - openssl_seal example
- Example#902 - openssl_sign example
- Example#903 - openssl_verify example
- Example#904 - password_hash example
- Example#905 - password_verify example
- Example#906 - DBA example
- Example#907 - Traversing a database
- Example#908 - dba_handlers Example
- Example#909 - dbx_close example
- Example#910 - dbx_compare example
- Example#911 - dbx_connect example
- Example#912 - dbx_error example
- Example#913 - dbx_escape_string example
- Example#914 - How to handle the returned value
- Example#915 - lists each field's name and type
- Example#916 - outputs the content of data property into HTML table
- Example#917 - How to handle UNBUFFERED queries
- Example#918 - How to handle the returned value
- Example#919 - dbx_sort example
- Example#920 - DSN-less connections
- Example#921 - odbc_execute and odbc_prepare example
- Example#922 - odbc_fetch_into examples
- Example#923 - odbc_next_result
- Example#924 - odbc_execute and odbc_prepare example
- Example#925 - odbc_result examples
- Example#926 - odbc_setoption examples
- Example#927 - using PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME
- Example#928 - Connecting to MySQL
- Example#929 - Handling connection errors
- Example#930 - Closing a connection
- Example#931 - Persistent connections
- Example#932 - Executing a batch in a transaction
- Example#933 - Repeated inserts using prepared statements
- Example#934 - Repeated inserts using prepared statements
- Example#935 - Fetching data using prepared statements
- Example#936 - Calling a stored procedure with an output parameter
- Example#937 - Calling a stored procedure with an input/output parameter
- Example#938 - Invalid use of placeholder
- Example#939 - Create a PDO instance and set the error mode
- Example#940 - Create a PDO instance and set the error mode from the constructor
- Example#941 - Displaying an image from a database
- Example#942 - Inserting an image into a database
- Example#943 - Inserting an image into a database: Oracle
- Example#944 - Roll back a transaction
- Example#945 - Committing a basic transaction
- Example#946 - Committing a DDL transaction
- Example#947 - Create a PDO instance via driver invocation
- Example#948 - Create a PDO instance via URI invocation
- Example#949 - Create a PDO instance using an alias
- Example#950 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE code
- Example#951 - Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
- Example#952 - Issuing a DELETE statement
- Example#953 - Retrieving database connection attributes
- Example#954 - A PDO::getAvailableDrivers example
- Example#955 - Prepare an SQL statement with named parameters
- Example#956 - Prepare an SQL statement with question mark parameters
- Example#957 - Demonstrate PDO::query
- Example#958 - Quoting a normal string
- Example#959 - Quoting a dangerous string
- Example#960 - Quoting a complex string
- Example#961 - Roll back a transaction
- Example#962 - Binding result set output to PHP variables
- Example#963 - Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
- Example#964 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
- Example#965 - Call a stored procedure with an INOUT parameter
- Example#966 - Execute a prepared statement with named placeholders
- Example#967 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
- Example#968 - A PDOStatement::closeCursor example
- Example#969 - Counting columns
- Example#970 - PDOStatement::debugDumpParams example with named parameters
- Example#971 - PDOStatement::debugDumpParams example with unnamed parameters
- Example#972 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE code
- Example#973 - Displaying errorInfo() fields for a PDO_ODBC connection to a DB2 database
- Example#974 - Execute a prepared statement with bound variables
- Example#975 - Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (named parameters)
- Example#976 - Execute a prepared statement with an array of insert values (placeholders)
- Example#977 - Execute a prepared statement with question mark placeholders
- Example#978 - Execute a prepared statement using array for IN clause
- Example#979 - Fetching rows using different fetch styles
- Example#980 - Fetching rows with a scrollable cursor
- Example#981 - Fetch all remaining rows in a result set
- Example#982 - Fetching all values of a single column from a result set
- Example#983 - Grouping all values by a single column
- Example#984 - Instantiating a class for each result
- Example#985 - Calling a function for each result
- Example#986 - Return first column of the next row
- Example#987 - Retrieving column metadata
- Example#988 - Fetching multiple rowsets returned from a stored procedure
- Example#989 - Return the number of deleted rows
- Example#990 - Counting rows returned by a SELECT statement
- Example#991 - Setting the fetch mode
- Example#992 - Insert LOBs in CUBRID PDO
- Example#993 - Fetch LOBs in CUBRID PDO
- Example#994 - PDO_CUBRID DSN examples
- Example#995 - A PDO::cubrid_schema example
- Example#996 - PDO_DBLIB DSN examples
- Example#997 - PDO_FIREBIRD DSN examples
- Example#998 - PDO_IBM DSN example using db2cli.ini
- Example#999 - PDO_IBM DSN example using a connection string
- Example#1000 - PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using odbc.ini
- Example#1001 - PDO_INFORMIX DSN example using a connection string
- Example#1002 - Forcing queries to be buffered in mysql
- Example#1003 - Setting the connection character set to UTF-8 prior to PHP 5.3.6
- Example#1004 - PDO_MYSQL DSN examples
- Example#1005 - PDO_SQLSRV DSN examples
- Example#1006 - PDO_OCI DSN examples
- Example#1007 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (ODBC driver manager)
- Example#1008 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (IBM DB2 uncataloged connection)
- Example#1009 - PDO_ODBC DSN example (Microsoft Access uncataloged connection)
- Example#1010 - PDO_PGSQL DSN examples
- Example#1011 - A PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate example
- Example#1012 - A PDO::pgsqlLOBOpen example
- Example#1013 - A PDO::pgsqlLOBUnlink example
- Example#1014 - PDO_SQLITE DSN examples
- Example#1015 - max_length aggregation function example
- Example#1016 - PDO::sqliteCreateFunction example
- Example#1017 - DSN examples for PDO_4D
- Example#1018 - Basic example with PDO_4D
- Example#1019 - Accessing 4D language from pdo_4d
- Example#1020 - Escaping 4D table names
- Example#1021 - Example of Data Retrieval
- Example#1022 - Example of Data Insertion
- Example#1023 - cubrid_bind example
- Example#1024 - cubrid_bind BLOB/CLOB example
- Example#1025 - cubrid_bind BLOB/CLOB example
- Example#1026 - cubrid_close_prepare example
- Example#1027 - cubrid_close_request example
- Example#1028 - cubrid_col_get example
- Example#1029 - cubrid_col_size example
- Example#1030 - cubrid_column_names example
- Example#1031 - cubrid_column_types example
- Example#1032 - cubrid_commit example
- Example#1033 - cubrid_connect_with_url url without properties example
- Example#1034 - cubrid_connect_with_url url with properties example
- Example#1035 - cubrid_connect example
- Example#1036 - cubrid_current_oid example
- Example#1037 - cubrid_disconnect example
- Example#1038 - cubrid_drop example
- Example#1039 - cubrid_error_code_facility example
- Example#1040 - cubrid_error_code example
- Example#1041 - cubrid_error_msg example
- Example#1042 - cubrid_execute example
- Example#1043 - cubrid_fetch example
- Example#1044 - cubrid_free_result example
- Example#1045 - cubrid_get_charset example
- Example#1046 - cubrid_get_class_name example
- Example#1047 - cubrid_get_client_info example
- Example#1048 - cubrid_get_db_parameter example
- Example#1049 - cubrid_get_query_timeout example
- Example#1050 - cubrid_get_server_info example
- Example#1051 - cubrid_get example
- Example#1052 - cubrid_insert_id example
- Example#1053 - cubrid_is_instance example
- Example#1054 - cubrid_lob_close example
- Example#1055 - cubrid_lob_export example
- Example#1056 - cubrid_lob_get example
- Example#1057 - cubrid_lob_send example
- Example#1058 - cubrid_lob_size example
- Example#1059 - cubrid_lob2_bind example
- Example#1060 - cubrid_lob2_export example
- Example#1061 - cubrid_lob2_export example
- Example#1062 - cubrid_lob2_read example 1
- Example#1063 - cubrid_lob2_read example 2
- Example#1064 - cubrid_lob2_seek64 example
- Example#1065 - cubrid_lob2_seek example
- Example#1066 - cubrid_lob2_write example 1
- Example#1067 - cubrid_lob2_write example 2
- Example#1068 - cubrid_lock_read example
- Example#1069 - cubrid_lock_write example
- Example#1070 - cubrid_move_cursor example
- Example#1071 - cubrid_next_result example
- Example#1072 - cubrid_num_cols example
- Example#1073 - cubrid_num_rows example
- Example#1074 - cubrid_connect_with_url url without properties example
- Example#1075 - cubrid_connect_with_url url with properties example
- Example#1076 - cubrid_connect example
- Example#1077 - cubrid_prepare example
- Example#1078 - cubrid_put example
- Example#1079 - cubrid_rollback example
- Example#1080 - cubrid_schema example
- Example#1081 - cubrid_seq_drop example
- Example#1082 - cubrid_seq_insert example
- Example#1083 - cubrid_seq_put example
- Example#1084 - cubrid_set_add example
- Example#1085 - cubrid_get_db_parameter example
- Example#1086 - cubrid_set_drop example
- Example#1087 - cubrid_version example
- Example#1088 - cubrid_affected_rows example
- Example#1089 - cubrid_client_encoding example
- Example#1090 - cubrid_close example
- Example#1091 - cubrid_data_seek example
- Example#1092 - cubrid_db_name example
- Example#1093 - cubrid_errno example
- Example#1094 - cubrid_error example
- Example#1095 - cubrid_fetch_array example
- Example#1096 - cubrid_fetch_assoc example
- Example#1097 - cubrid_fetch_field example
- Example#1098 - cubrid_fetch_lengths example
- Example#1099 - cubrid_fetch_object example
- Example#1100 - cubrid_fetch_row example
- Example#1101 - cubrid_field_flags example
- Example#1102 - cubrid_field_len example
- Example#1103 - cubrid_field_name example
- Example#1104 - cubrid_field_seek example
- Example#1105 - cubrid_field_table example
- Example#1106 - cubrid_field_type example
- Example#1107 - cubrid_list_dbs example
- Example#1108 - cubrid_num_fields example
- Example#1109 - cubrid_ping example
- Example#1110 - Invalid Query
- Example#1111 - Valid Query
- Example#1112 - cubrid_real_escape_string example
- Example#1113 - cubrid_result example
- Example#1114 - cubrid_unbuffered_query example
- Example#1115 - cubrid_load_from_glo example
- Example#1116 - cubrid_new_glo example
- Example#1117 - cubrid_save_to_glo example
- Example#1118 - cubrid_send_glo example
- Example#1119 - Inserting a record in a dBase database
- Example#1120 - Closing a dBase database file
- Example#1121 - Creating a dBase database file
- Example#1122 - Showing header information for a dBase database file
- Example#1123 - Listing all the registered members in the database
- Example#1124 - dbase_numfields Example
- Example#1125 - Looping over all the records of the database
- Example#1126 - Opening a dBase database file
- Example#1127 - Emptying a dBase database
- Example#1128 - Updating a record in the database
- Example#1129 - ibase_blob_get example
- Example#1130 - ibase_blob_import example
- Example#1131 - ibase_connect example
- Example#1132 - ibase_execute example
- Example#1133 - ibase_fetch_object example
- Example#1134 - ibase_field_info example
- Example#1135 - ibase_name_result example
- Example#1136 - ibase_num_fields example
- Example#1137 - ibase_query example
- Example#1138 - ibase_set_event_handler example
- Example#1139 - ibase_timefmt example
- Example#1140 - fbsql_close example
- Example#1141 - fbsql_connect example
- Example#1142 - fbsql_create_blob example
- Example#1143 - fbsql_create_clob example
- Example#1144 - fbsql_create_db example
- Example#1145 - fbsql_data_seek example
- Example#1146 - fbsql_create_clob example
- Example#1147 - fbsql_errno Example
- Example#1148 - fbsql_error Example
- Example#1149 - fbsql_fetch_array example
- Example#1150 - fbsql_fetch_assoc example
- Example#1151 - fbsql_fetch_field example
- Example#1152 - fbsql_fetch_object example
- Example#1153 - fbsql_field_name example
- Example#1154 - fbsql_field_type example
- Example#1155 - fbsql_list_dbs example
- Example#1156 - fbsql_list_fields example
- Example#1157 - fbsql_next_result example
- Example#1158 - fbsql_num_rows example
- Example#1159 - fbsql_query example
- Example#1160 - fbsql_query example
- Example#1161 - fbsql_read_blob example
- Example#1162 - fbsql_read_clob example
- Example#1163 - fbsql_table_name example
- Example#1164 - Retrieving the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection
- Example#1165 - Setting the AUTOCOMMIT value for a connection
- Example#1166 - Binding PHP variables to a prepared statement
- Example#1167 - Calling stored procedures with IN and OUT parameters
- Example#1168 - Inserting a binary large object (BLOB) directly from a file
- Example#1169 - A db2_client_info example
- Example#1170 - Closing a connection
- Example#1171 - Retrieving an SQLSTATE value for a failed connection attempt
- Example#1172 - Retrieving the error message returned by a failed connection attempt
- Example#1173 - Creating a cataloged connection
- Example#1174 - Creating an uncataloged connection
- Example#1175 - Creating a connection with autocommit off by default
- Example#1176 - i5/OS best performance
- Example#1177 - Using trusted context
- Example#1178 - A db2_escape_string example
- Example#1179 - Creating a table with db2_exec
- Example#1180 - Executing a SELECT statement with a scrollable cursor
- Example#1181 - Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet
- Example#1182 - Performing a "JOIN" with XML data
- Example#1183 - Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document
- Example#1184 - Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers
- Example#1185 - Calling a stored procedure with an OUT parameter
- Example#1186 - Returning XML data as an SQL ResultSet
- Example#1187 - Performing a "JOIN" with XML data
- Example#1188 - Returning SQL data as part of a larger XML document
- Example#1189 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
- Example#1190 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_array
from a scrollable cursor
- Example#1191 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
- Example#1192 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_assoc
from a scrollable cursor
- Example#1193 - Iterating through a forward-only cursor
- Example#1194 - Retrieving specific rows with db2_fetch_both
from a scrollable cursor
- Example#1195 - A db2_fetch_object example
- Example#1196 - Iterating through a result set
- Example#1197 - i5/OS recommended alternatives to db2_fetch_row/db2_result
- Example#1198 - Setting and retrieving parameters through a connection resource
- Example#1199 - A db2_last_insert_id example
- Example#1200 - Iterating through different types of data
- Example#1201 - Calling a stored procedure that returns multiple result sets
- Example#1202 - Retrieving the number of fields in a result set
- Example#1203 - Closing a persistent connection
- Example#1204 - A db2_pconnect example
- Example#1205 - Using trusted context
- Example#1206 - Preparing and executing an SQL statement with parameter markers
- Example#1207 - A db2_result example
- Example#1208 - Rolling back a DELETE statement
- Example#1209 - A db2_server_info example
- Example#1210 - Setting one parameter with a connection resource
- Example#1211 - Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource
- Example#1212 - Setting multiple parameters with an invalid key
- Example#1213 - Setting multiple parameters with an invalid value
- Example#1214 - Setting multiple parameters with a connection resource and the wrong type
- Example#1215 - Setting multiple parameters with the wrong resource
- Example#1216 - Putting it all together
- Example#1217 - i5/OS cursors are read-only
- Example#1218 - Informix affected rows
- Example#1219 - Closing a Informix connection
- Example#1220 - Connect to a Informix database
- Example#1221 - ifx_do Example
- Example#1222 - ifx_errormsg example
- Example#1223 - Informix fetch rows
- Example#1224 - Informix SQL fieldproperties
- Example#1225 - Fieldnames and SQL fieldtypes
- Example#1226 - Retrieve Informix sqlca.sqlerrd[x] values
- Example#1227 - Informix results as HTML table
- Example#1228 - ifx_num_fields Example
- Example#1229 - Show all rows of the "orders" table as a HTML table
- Example#1230 - Insert some values into the "catalog" table
- Example#1231 - Example usage of PassEnv for Ingres
- Example#1232 - Simple Ingres Example
- Example#1233 - ingres_charset - Get the installation character set
- Example#1234 - Open a connection to an Ingres database
- Example#1235 - Get cursor name for a query resource
- Example#1236 - Get the last Ingres error number generated
- Example#1237 - Get a message for the last error generated
- Example#1238 - Get the last SQLSTATE error code generated
- Example#1239 - Escape special characters for use in a query
- Example#1240 - Fetch a row of result into an array
- Example#1241 - Fetch a row into an associative array
- Example#1242 - Fetch a row into an object
- Example#1243 - Get the return value from a procedure call
- Example#1244 - Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array
- Example#1245 - Free a result resource
- Example#1246 - Send a simple select
- Example#1247 - Passing query parameters to ingres_query
- Example#1248 - Inserting a BLOB with parameter types
- Example#1249 - Position the cursor on the 3rd row
- Example#1250 - Set date_format to ISO4
- Example#1251 - Set timezone to HONG-KONG
- Example#1252 - Issue a simple un-buffered select
- Example#1253 - Passing query parameters to ingres_unbuffered_query
- Example#1254 - Inserting a BLOB with parameter types
- Example#1255 - MaxDB extension overview example
- Example#1256 - Example for use of SELECT INTO statements
- Example#1257 - Example fore using database procedures
- Example#1258 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1259 - 过程化风格
- Example#1260 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1261 - 过程化风格
- Example#1262 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1263 - 过程化风格
- Example#1264 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1265 - 过程化风格
- Example#1266 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1267 - 过程化风格
- Example#1268 - maxdb_connect_errno sample
- Example#1269 - maxdb_connect_error sample
- Example#1270 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1271 - 过程化风格
- Example#1272 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1273 - 过程化风格
- Example#1274 - 过程化风格
- Example#1275 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1276 - 过程化风格
- Example#1277 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1278 - 过程化风格
- Example#1279 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1280 - 过程化风格
- Example#1281 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1282 - 过程化风格
- Example#1283 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1284 - 过程化风格
- Example#1285 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1286 - 过程化风格
- Example#1287 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1288 - 过程化风格
- Example#1289 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1290 - 过程化风格
- Example#1291 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1292 - 过程化风格
- Example#1293 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1294 - 过程化风格
- Example#1295 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1296 - 过程化风格
- Example#1297 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1298 - 过程化风格
- Example#1299 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1300 - 过程化风格
- Example#1301 - maxdb_get_client_info
- Example#1302 - maxdb_get_client_version
- Example#1303 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1304 - 过程化风格
- Example#1305 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1306 - 过程化风格
- Example#1307 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1308 - 过程化风格
- Example#1309 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1310 - 过程化风格
- Example#1311 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1312 - 过程化风格
- Example#1313 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1314 - 过程化风格
- Example#1315 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1316 - 过程化风格
- Example#1317 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1318 - 过程化风格
- Example#1319 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1320 - 过程化风格
- Example#1321 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1322 - 过程化风格
- Example#1323 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1324 - 过程化风格
- Example#1325 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1326 - 过程化风格
- Example#1327 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1328 - 过程化风格
- Example#1329 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1330 - 过程化风格
- Example#1331 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1332 - 过程化风格
- Example#1333 - 过程化风格
- Example#1334 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1335 - 过程化风格
- Example#1336 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1337 - 过程化风格
- Example#1338 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1339 - 过程化风格
- Example#1340 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1341 - 过程化风格
- Example#1342 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1343 - 过程化风格
- Example#1344 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1345 - 过程化风格
- Example#1346 - 过程化风格 (SELECT INTO)
- Example#1347 - 过程化风格 (DB procedure)
- Example#1348 - 面向对象风格 (extended syntax)
- Example#1349 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1350 - 过程化风格
- Example#1351 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1352 - 过程化风格
- Example#1353 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1354 - 过程化风格
- Example#1355 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1356 - 过程化风格
- Example#1357 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1358 - 过程化风格
- Example#1359 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1360 - 过程化风格
- Example#1361 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1362 - 过程化风格
- Example#1363 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1364 - 过程化风格
- Example#1365 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1366 - 过程化风格
- Example#1367 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1368 - 过程化风格
- Example#1369 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1370 - 过程化风格
- Example#1371 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1372 - 过程化风格
- Example#1373 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1374 - 过程化风格
- Example#1375 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1376 - 过程化风格
- Example#1377 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1378 - 过程化风格
- Example#1379 -
- Example#1380 -
- Example#1381 -
- Example#1382 -
- Example#1383 -
- Example#1384 -
- Example#1385 -
- Example#1386 -
- Example#1387 -
- Example#1388 -
- Example#1389 -
- Example#1390 -
- Example#1391 -
- Example#1392 -
- Example#1393 -
- Example#1394 - Connection URI read preferences with query string syntax
- Example#1395 - Setting read preferences with array syntax for tag sets
- Example#1396 - Unacknowledged WriteConcern, followed with Acknowledged Write
- Example#1397 - Acknowledged Writes
- Example#1398 - Majority Acknowledged Write
- Example#1399 - Acknowledged and Journaled Write
- Example#1400 - Authenticating against the "admin" database
- Example#1401 - Authenticating against normal databases
- Example#1402 - ReplicaSet seedlist
- Example#1403 -
- Example#1404 -
- Example#1405 -
- Example#1406 -
- Example#1407 -
- Example#1408 - Inheriting ReadPreferences from the Database level down to the Cursor
- Example#1409 -
- Example#1410 -
- Example#1411 -
- Example#1412 -
- Example#1413 -
- Example#1414 -
- Example#1415 -
- Example#1416 - MongoClient basic usage
- Example#1417 - MongoClient::close example
- Example#1418 - MongoClient::__construct replica set example
- Example#1419 - Connecting to a domain socket
- Example#1420 - MongoClient::__construct authentication example
- Example#1421 - MongoClient::__construct read preference example
- Example#1422 - MongoClient::getConnections example
- Example#1423 - MongoClient::getReadPreference return value example
- Example#1424 - MongoClient::listDBs example
- Example#1425 - MongoClient::selectCollection example
- Example#1426 - MongoClient::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
- Example#1427 - Selecting a database
- Example#1428 - MongoDB::command "distinct" example
- Example#1429 - MongoDB::command "distinct" example
- Example#1430 - MongoDB::command MapReduce example
- Example#1431 - MongoDB::createCollection capped collection example
- Example#1432 - MongoDB::createDBRef example
- Example#1433 - MongoDB::createDBRef example
- Example#1434 - MongoDB::drop example
- Example#1435 - Simple MongoDB::execute example
- Example#1436 - Parameter MongoDB::execute example
- Example#1437 - Scope example
- Example#1438 - MongoDB::getCollectionNames example
- Example#1439 - MongoDB::getDBRef example
- Example#1440 - MongoDB::getGridFS example
- Example#1441 - MongoDB::getReadPreference return value example
- Example#1442 - MongoDB::lastError NULL error example
- Example#1443 - MongoDB::lastError duplicate key example
- Example#1444 - MongoDB::listCollections example
- Example#1445 - MongoDB::repair example
- Example#1446 - MongoDB::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
- Example#1447 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
- Example#1448 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
- Example#1449 - MongoCollection::aggregate example
- Example#1450 - MongoCollection::batchInsert example
- Example#1451 - MongoCollection::batchInsert example with
ignoring errors
- Example#1452 - MongoCollection::count example
- Example#1453 - MongoCollection::createDBRef example
- Example#1454 - MongoCollection::deleteIndex example
- Example#1455 - MongoCollection::deleteIndexes example
- Example#1456 - MongoCollection::distinct example
- Example#1457 - MongoCollection::distinct example on a embedded document
- Example#1458 - MongoCollection::drop example
- Example#1459 - MongoCollection::ensureIndex example
- Example#1460 - Drop duplicates example
- Example#1461 - Geospatial Indexing
- Example#1462 - MongoCollection::find example
- Example#1463 - MongoCollection::find example
- Example#1464 - MongoCollection::find example using $where
- Example#1465 - MongoCollection::find example using $in
- Example#1466 - Getting results as an array
- Example#1467 - MongoCollection::findAndModify example
- Example#1468 - MongoCollection::findAndModify error handling
- Example#1469 - MongoCollection::findOne document by its id.
- Example#1470 - MongoCollection::findOne document by some condition.
- Example#1471 - MongoCollection::getDBRef example
- Example#1472 - MongoCollection::getIndexInfo example
- Example#1473 - MongoCollection::getName example
- Example#1474 - MongoCollection::getReadPreference return value example
- Example#1475 - MongoCollection::group example
- Example#1476 - MongoCollection::group example
- Example#1477 - Passing a keys function
- Example#1478 - MongoCollection::insert _id example
- Example#1479 - MongoCollection::insert acknowledged write example
- Example#1480 - MongoCollection::remove with justOne example
- Example#1481 - MongoCollection::save example
- Example#1482 - MongoCollection::setReadPreference tag set array syntax example
- Example#1483 - MongoCollection::toIndexString example
- Example#1484 - MongoCollection::__toString example
- Example#1485 - MongoCollection::update
- Example#1486 - MongoCollection::update upsert examples
- Example#1487 - MongoCollection::update multiple example
- Example#1488 - MongoCursor basic usage
- Example#1489 - Iterating over MongoCursor
- Example#1490 - Adding options to MongoCursor
- Example#1491 - MongoCursor::addOption example
- Example#1492 - MongoCursor::awaitData example
- Example#1493 - MongoCursor::batchSize and combinations with
- Example#1494 - MongoCursor::count example
- Example#1495 - MongoCursor::doQuery example
- Example#1496 - MongoCursor::explain example
- Example#1497 - MongoCursor::getReadPreference return value example
- Example#1498 - MongoCursor::info example
- Example#1499 - MongoCursor::setFlag example
- Example#1500 - MongoCursor::setReadPreference tag set array syntaxexample
- Example#1501 - MongoCursor::slaveOkay example
- Example#1502 - MongoCursor::sort example
- Example#1503 - MongoCursor::tailable example
- Example#1504 - MongoCursor::timeout example
- Example#1505 - MongoId::__construct example
- Example#1506 - Parameter example
- Example#1507 - MongoId::__toString example
- Example#1508 - MongoCode::__construct example
- Example#1509 - Using MongoCode with $where
- Example#1510 - MongoCode::__toString example
- Example#1511 - Storing dates with MongoDate
- Example#1512 - MongoDate::__construct example
- Example#1513 - MongoRegex::__construct example
- Example#1514 - MongoRegex::__toString example
- Example#1515 -
- Example#1516 - Linking documents
- Example#1517 - Creating MongoDBRef links
- Example#1518 - MongoDBRef::create example
- Example#1519 - MongoCollection::createDBRef example
- Example#1520 - MongoGridFS::findOne example
- Example#1521 - MongoGridFS::storeBytes with additional metadata
- Example#1522 - MongoGridFS::storeFile with additional metadata
- Example#1523 - MongoGridFS::storeUpload HTML form example
- Example#1524 - MongoGridFSFile::getBytes example
- Example#1525 - MongoGridFSFile::getResource example
- Example#1526 - MongoGridFSFile::write example
- Example#1527 - MongoLog::setCallback example
- Example#1528 - Changing pool size
- Example#1529 - Mongo::setPoolSize example
- Example#1530 - Changing pool size
- Example#1531 - Mongo::setPoolSize example
- Example#1532 - mSQL usage example
- Example#1533 - msql_fetch_array example
- Example#1534 - msql_fetch_object example
- Example#1535 - msql_fetch_row example
- Example#1536 - msql_query example
- Example#1537 - mssql_bind example
- Example#1538 - mssql_close example
- Example#1539 - mssql_connect example
- Example#1540 - mssql_data_seek example
- Example#1541 - mssql_execute example
- Example#1542 - mssql_fetch_array example
- Example#1543 - mssql_fetch_assoc example
- Example#1544 - mssql_fetch_batch example
- Example#1545 - mssql_fetch_field example
- Example#1546 - mssql_fetch_object example
- Example#1547 - mssql_fetch_row example
- Example#1548 - mssql_field_length example
- Example#1549 - mssql_field_name example
- Example#1550 - Using mssql_field_seek on the example for mssql_fetch_field
- Example#1551 - mssql_field_type example
- Example#1552 - mssql_free_result example
- Example#1553 - mssql_free_statement example
- Example#1554 - mssql_get_last_message example
- Example#1555 - mssql_guid_string example
- Example#1556 - mssql_init example
- Example#1557 - mssql_min_error_severity example
- Example#1558 - mssql_min_message_severity example
- Example#1559 - mssql_next_result example
- Example#1560 - mssql_num_fields example
- Example#1561 - mssql_num_rows example
- Example#1562 - mssql_pconnect using the new_link parameter
- Example#1563 - mssql_query example
- Example#1564 - mssql_result example
- Example#1565 - Faster alternative to above example
- Example#1566 - mssql_rows_affected example
- Example#1567 - mssql_select_db example
- Example#1568 - Escaping the database name with square brackets
- Example#1569 - Comparing the three MySQL APIs
- Example#1570 - Configure commands for using mysqlnd or libmysql
- Example#1571 - Unbuffered query example: mysqli
- Example#1572 - Unbuffered query example: pdo_mysql
- Example#1573 - Unbuffered query example: mysql
- Example#1574 - Problems with setting the character set with SQL
- Example#1575 - Setting the character set example: mysqli
- Example#1576 - Setting the character set example: pdo_mysql
- Example#1577 - Setting the character set example: mysql
- Example#1578 - MySQL 扩展概述范例
- Example#1579 - mysql_affected_rows 例子
- Example#1580 - 使用事务处理的 mysql_affected_rows 例子
- Example#1581 - mysql_client_encoding 例子
- Example#1582 - mysql_close 例子
- Example#1583 - mysql_connect 例子
- Example#1584 - mysql_connect 例子:使用 hostname:port 语法
- Example#1585 - mysql_connect 例子:使用 ":/path/to/socket" 语法
- Example#1586 - 替代 mysql_create_db 的例子
- Example#1587 - mysql_data_seek 例子
- Example#1588 - mysql_db_name 例子
- Example#1589 - mysql_drop_db alternative example
- Example#1590 - mysql_errno 例子
- Example#1591 - mysql_error 例子
- Example#1592 - mysql_escape_string 例子
- Example#1593 - 相同字段名的查询
- Example#1594 - mysql_fetch_array 使用 MYSQL_NUM
- Example#1595 - mysql_fetch_array 使用 MYSQL_ASSOC
- Example#1596 - mysql_fetch_array 使用 MYSQL_BOTH
- Example#1597 - Query with aliased duplicate field names
- Example#1598 - mysql_fetch_array with MYSQL_NUM
- Example#1599 - mysql_fetch_array with MYSQL_ASSOC
- Example#1600 - mysql_fetch_array with MYSQL_BOTH
- Example#1601 - 扩展的 mysql_fetch_assoc 例子
- Example#1602 - An expanded mysql_fetch_assoc example
- Example#1603 - mysql_fetch_field
- Example#1604 - mysql_fetch_field example
- Example#1605 - mysql_fetch_object 例子
- Example#1606 - mysql_fetch_object example
- Example#1607 - mysql_fetch_object example
- Example#1608 - Fetching one row with mysql_fetch_row
- Example#1609 - mysql_field_name 例子
- Example#1610 - mysql_field_name example
- Example#1611 - mysql_field_type 例子
- Example#1612 - mysql_field_type example
- Example#1613 - A mysql_free_result example
- Example#1614 - mysql_get_client_info 例子
- Example#1615 - mysql_get_host_info 例子
- Example#1616 - mysql_get_proto_info 例子
- Example#1617 - mysql_get_server_info 例子
- Example#1618 - 相关的 MySQL 语句
- Example#1619 - mysql_insert_id 例子
- Example#1620 - mysql_list_dbs 例子
- Example#1621 - mysql_list_fields 例子
- Example#1622 - mysql_list_processes 例子
- Example#1623 - mysql_list_tables 例子
- Example#1624 - mysql_num_rows 例子
- Example#1625 - mysql_query 例子
- Example#1626 - mysql_query
- Example#1627 - mysql_real_escape_string 例子
- Example#1628 - mysql_result 例子
- Example#1629 - mysql_select_db 例子
- Example#1630 - mysql_select_db example
- Example#1631 - mysql_stat 例子
- Example#1632 - mysql_tablename 例子
- Example#1633 - mysql_thread_id 例子
- Example#1634 - Easy migration from the old mysql extension
- Example#1635 - Object-oriented and procedural interface
- Example#1636 - Bad coding style
- Example#1637 - Special meaning of localhost
- Example#1638 - Setting defaults
- Example#1639 - Connecting to MySQL
- Example#1640 - Navigation through buffered results
- Example#1641 - Navigation through unbuffered results
- Example#1642 - Text protocol returns strings by default
- Example#1643 - Native data types with mysqlnd and connection option
- Example#1644 - First stage: prepare
- Example#1645 - Second stage: bind and execute
- Example#1646 - INSERT prepared once, executed multiple times
- Example#1647 - Less round trips using multi-INSERT SQL
- Example#1648 - Native datatypes
- Example#1649 - Output variable binding
- Example#1650 - Using mysqli_result to fetch results
- Example#1651 - Buffered result set for flexible read out
- Example#1652 - Calling a stored procedure
- Example#1653 - Using session variables
- Example#1654 - Fetching results from stored procedures
- Example#1655 - Stored Procedures and Prepared Statements
- Example#1656 - Stored Procedures and Prepared Statements using bind API
- Example#1657 - Multiple Statements
- Example#1658 - SQL Injection
- Example#1659 - Setting auto commit mode with SQL and through the API
- Example#1660 - Commit and rollback
- Example#1661 - Accessing result set meta data
- Example#1662 - Prepared statements metadata
- Example#1663 - $mysqli->affected_rows example
- Example#1664 - mysqli::autocommit example
- Example#1665 - mysqli::change_user example
- Example#1666 - mysqli::character_set_name example
- Example#1667 - mysqli_get_client_info
- Example#1668 - mysqli_get_client_version
- Example#1669 - mysqli::commit example
- Example#1670 - $mysqli->connect_errno example
- Example#1671 - $mysqli->connect_error example
- Example#1672 - mysqli::__construct example
- Example#1673 - Generating a Trace File
- Example#1674 - mysqli->errno example
- Example#1675 - $mysqli->error_list example
- Example#1676 - $mysqli->error example
- Example#1677 - $mysqli->field_count example
- Example#1678 - mysqli::get_charset example
- Example#1679 - mysqli_get_client_info
- Example#1680 - A mysqli_get_client_stats example
- Example#1681 - mysqli_get_client_version
- Example#1682 - A mysqli_get_connection_stats example
- Example#1683 - $mysqli->host_info example
- Example#1684 - $mysqli->protocol_version example
- Example#1685 - $mysqli->server_info example
- Example#1686 - $mysqli->server_version example
- Example#1687 - $mysqli->info example
- Example#1688 - $mysqli->insert_id example
- Example#1689 - mysqli::kill example
- Example#1690 - mysqli::multi_query example
- Example#1691 - mysqli::ping example
- Example#1692 - A mysqli_poll example
- Example#1693 - mysqli::prepare example
- Example#1694 - mysqli::query example
- Example#1695 - mysqli::real_connect example
- Example#1696 - mysqli::real_escape_string example
- Example#1697 - mysqli::rollback example
- Example#1698 - mysqli::select_db example
- Example#1699 - mysqli::set_charset example
- Example#1700 - mysqli::set_local_infile_handler example
- Example#1701 - $mysqli->sqlstate example
- Example#1702 - mysqli::stat example
- Example#1703 - $mysqli->thread_id example
- Example#1704 - mysqli::use_result example
- Example#1705 - $mysqli->warning_count example
- Example#1706 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1707 - 过程化风格
- Example#1708 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1709 - 过程化风格
- Example#1710 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1711 - 过程化风格
- Example#1712 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1713 - 过程化风格
- Example#1714 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1715 - 过程化风格
- Example#1716 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1717 - 过程化风格
- Example#1718 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1719 - 过程化风格
- Example#1720 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1721 - 过程化风格
- Example#1722 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1723 - 过程化风格
- Example#1724 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1725 - 过程化风格
- Example#1726 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1727 - 过程化风格
- Example#1728 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1729 - 过程化风格
- Example#1730 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1731 - 过程化风格
- Example#1732 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1733 - 过程化风格
- Example#1734 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1735 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1736 - 过程化风格
- Example#1737 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1738 - 过程化风格
- Example#1739 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1740 - 过程化风格
- Example#1741 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1742 - 过程化风格
- Example#1743 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1744 - 过程化风格
- Example#1745 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1746 - 过程化风格
- Example#1747 - A mysqli_result example comparing iterator usage
- Example#1748 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1749 - 过程化风格
- Example#1750 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1751 - 过程化风格
- Example#1752 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1753 - 过程化风格
- Example#1754 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1755 - 过程化风格
- Example#1756 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1757 - 过程化风格
- Example#1758 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1759 - 过程化风格
- Example#1760 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1761 - 过程化风格
- Example#1762 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1763 - 过程化风格
- Example#1764 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1765 - 过程化风格
- Example#1766 - 面向对象风格
- Example#1767 - 过程化风格
- Example#1768 - 一个mysqli_get_cache_stats的示例
- Example#1769 -
- Example#1770 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
- Example#1771 - Minimal plugin-specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
- Example#1772 - Recommended minimal plugin-specific config (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
- Example#1773 - Using one server as a master and as a slave (testing only!)
- Example#1774 - Plugin specific configuration file (mysqlnd_ms_plugin.ini)
- Example#1775 - Opening a load balanced connection
- Example#1776 - Executing statements
- Example#1777 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
- Example#1778 - Pitfall: connection state and SQL user variables
- Example#1779 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
- Example#1780 - SQL hints to prevent connection switches
- Example#1781 - Fighting replication lag
- Example#1782 - Table creation on a slave
- Example#1783 - Plugin config with one slave and one master
- Example#1784 - Using SQL hints for transactions
- Example#1785 - Transaction aware load balancing: trx_stickiness setting
- Example#1786 - Transaction aware
- Example#1787 - Session consistency: read your writes
- Example#1788 - Requesting session consistency
- Example#1789 - Maximum age/slave lag
- Example#1790 - Limiting slave lag
- Example#1791 - Fail over not set
- Example#1792 - No slave within time limit
- Example#1793 - Create counter table on master
- Example#1794 - Plugin config: SQL for client-side GTID injection
- Example#1795 - Transparent global transaction ID injection
- Example#1796 - Plugin config: SQL for fetching GTID
- Example#1797 - Obtaining GTID after injection
- Example#1798 - Plugin config: Checking for a certain GTID
- Example#1799 - Session consistency service level and GTID combined
- Example#1800 - Plugin config: using MySQL 5.6.5-m8 built-in GTID feature
- Example#1801 - Recap: quality of service to request read your writes
- Example#1802 - Plugin config: no special entries for caching
- Example#1803 - Caching a slave request
- Example#1804 - Read your writes and caching combined
- Example#1805 - Manual failover, automatic optional
- Example#1806 - Manual failover
- Example#1807 - Provoking a connection error
- Example#1808 - Connection error on query execution
- Example#1809 - Provoking a connection error
- Example#1810 - Most basic failover
- Example#1811 - Converting a PHP array (hash) into JSON format
- Example#1812 - Using section names example
- Example#1813 - List of anonymous slaves
- Example#1814 - Master list using symbolic names
- Example#1815 - Keywords to configure a server
- Example#1816 - New roundrobin filter, old functionality
- Example#1817 - The user filter replaces mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server
- Example#1818 - Invalid filter sequence
- Example#1819 - Random load balancing with random filter
- Example#1820 - Random once load balancing with random filter
- Example#1821 - Referencing error
- Example#1822 - Assigning a weight for load balancing
- Example#1823 - roundrobin filter
- Example#1824 - Setting a callback
- Example#1825 - Using a callback
- Example#1826 - Returning random masters and slaves
- Example#1827 - Global limit on slave lag
- Example#1828 - Optional master failover when failing to connect to slave (PECL/mysqlnd_ms < 1.4.0)
- Example#1829 - New syntax since 1.4.0
- Example#1830 - Disabling lazy connection
- Example#1831 - String escaping on a lazy connection handle
- Example#1832 - Master on write for consistent reads
- Example#1833 - Using master to execute transactions
- Example#1834 - Using section names example
- Example#1835 - List-like syntax
- Example#1836 - Verify plugin activity in a non-threaded deployment model
- Example#1837 - Recording statistics during shutdown
- Example#1838 - Example demonstrating the usage of mysqlnd_ms constants
- Example#1839 - mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid example
- Example#1840 - mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection example
- Example#1841 - mysqlnd_ms_get_stats example
- Example#1842 - mysqlnd_ms_match_wild example
- Example#1843 - mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select example
- Example#1844 - mysqlnd_ms_set_qos example
- Example#1845 - mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server example
- Example#1846 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
- Example#1847 - Using the MYSQLND_QC_ENABLE_SWITCH SQL hint
- Example#1848 - Using the MYSQLND_QC_DISABLE_SWITCH SQL hint
- Example#1849 - Example showing which type of statements are not cached
- Example#1850 - Enabling caching for all statements using the mysqlnd_qc.cache_no_table ini setting
- Example#1851 - Setting the TTL with the mysqlnd_qc.ttl ini setting
- Example#1852 - Setting TTL with SQL hints
- Example#1853 - Setting a callback with mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select
- Example#1854 - Enabling the slam defense mechanism
- Example#1855 - Collecting a query trace
- Example#1856 - Setting the backtrace depth with the mysqlnd_qc.query_trace_bt_depth ini setting
- Example#1857 - Collecting statistics data with the mysqlnd_qc.time_statistics ini setting
- Example#1858 - Example mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info usage
- Example#1859 - Example mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log usage
- Example#1860 - Using a user-defined storage handler
- Example#1861 - Using SQL hint constants
- Example#1862 - Example mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition usage
- Example#1863 - mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlers example
- Example#1864 - mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info example
- Example#1865 - mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats example
- Example#1866 - mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log example
- Example#1867 - mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log example
- Example#1868 - mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition example
- Example#1869 - mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select example
- Example#1870 - mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler example
- Example#1871 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
- Example#1872 - Pseudo-code: what a built-in class does
- Example#1873 - Installing a proxy
- Example#1874 - Proxy registration, mysqlnd_uh.enable=1
- Example#1875 - Proxy installation disabled
- Example#1876 - Connection proxy
- Example#1877 - Prepared statement proxy
- Example#1878 - Basic Monitoring
- Example#1879 - MysqlndUhConnection::changeUser example
- Example#1880 - MysqlndUhConnection::charsetName example
- Example#1881 - MysqlndUhConnection::close example
- Example#1882 - MysqlndUhConnection::connect example
- Example#1883 - MysqlndUhConnection::endPSession example
- Example#1884 - MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString example
- Example#1885 - MysqlndUhConnection::getAffectedRows example
- Example#1886 - MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber example
- Example#1887 - MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorString example
- Example#1888 - MysqlndUhConnection::getFieldCount example
- Example#1889 - MysqlndUhConnection::getHostInformation example
- Example#1890 - MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertId example
- Example#1891 - MysqlndUhConnection::getLastMessage example
- Example#1892 - MysqlndUhConnection::getProtocolInformation example
- Example#1893 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerInformation example
- Example#1894 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerStatistics example
- Example#1895 - MysqlndUhConnection::getServerVersion example
- Example#1896 - MysqlndUhConnection::getSqlstate example
- Example#1897 - MysqlndUhConnection::getStatistics example
- Example#1898 - MysqlndUhConnection::getThreadId example
- Example#1899 - MysqlndUhConnection::getWarningCount example
- Example#1900 - MysqlndUhConnection::init example
- Example#1901 - MysqlndUhConnection::kill example
- Example#1902 - MysqlndUhConnection::listFields example
- Example#1903 - MysqlndUhConnection::listMethod example
- Example#1904 - MysqlndUhConnection::moreResults example
- Example#1905 - MysqlndUhConnection::nextResult example
- Example#1906 - MysqlndUhConnection::ping example
- Example#1907 - MysqlndUhConnection::query example
- Example#1908 - MysqlndUhConnection::queryReadResultsetHeader example
- Example#1909 - MysqlndUhConnection::reapQuery example
- Example#1910 - MysqlndUhConnection::refreshServer example
- Example#1911 - MysqlndUhConnection::restartPSession example
- Example#1912 - MysqlndUhConnection::selectDb example
- Example#1913 - MysqlndUhConnection::sendClose example
- Example#1914 - MysqlndUhConnection::sendQuery example
- Example#1915 - MysqlndUhConnection::serverDumpDebugInformation example
- Example#1916 - MysqlndUhConnection::setAutocommit example
- Example#1917 - MysqlndUhConnection::setCharset example
- Example#1918 - MysqlndUhConnection::setClientOption example
- Example#1919 - MysqlndUhConnection::setServerOption example
- Example#1920 - MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommand example
- Example#1921 - MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommandHandleResponse example
- Example#1922 - MysqlndUhConnection::sslSet example
- Example#1923 - MysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit example
- Example#1924 - MysqlndUhConnection::storeResult example
- Example#1925 - MysqlndUhConnection::txCommit example
- Example#1926 - MysqlndUhConnection::txRollback example
- Example#1927 - MysqlndUhConnection::useResult example
- Example#1928 - MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::execute example
- Example#1929 - MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::prepare example
- Example#1930 - mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlnd example
- Example#1931 - mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy example
- Example#1932 - Enabling the plugin (php.ini)
- Example#1933 - SQL table used for the Quickstart
- Example#1934 - Basic example.
- Example#1935 - mysqlnd_memcache_get_config example
- Example#1936 - mysqlnd_memcache_set example with
var_dump as a simple debugging callback.
- Example#1937 - Basic query
- Example#1938 - Inserting with bind variables
- Example#1939 - Inserting data into a CLOB column
- Example#1940 - Using a PL/SQL stored function
- Example#1941 - Using a PL/SQL stored procedure
- Example#1942 - Calling a PL/SQL function that returns a REF CURSOR
- Example#1943 - oci_bind_array_by_name example
- Example#1944 - oci_bind_by_name 例子
- Example#1945 - oci_bind_by_name 例子
- Example#1946 - oci_bind_by_name 例子
- Example#1947 - Inserting data with oci_bind_by_name
- Example#1948 - Binding once for multiple executions
- Example#1949 - Binding with a foreach loop
- Example#1950 - Binding in a WHERE clause
- Example#1951 - Binding with a LIKE clause
- Example#1952 - Binding with REGEXP_LIKE
- Example#1953 - Binding Multiple Values in an IN Clause
- Example#1954 - Binding a ROWID returned by a query
- Example#1955 - Binding a ROWID on INSERT
- Example#1956 - Binding for a PL/SQL stored function
- Example#1957 - Binding parameters for a PL/SQL stored procedure
- Example#1958 - Binding a CLOB column
- Example#1959 - oci_client_version example
- Example#1960 - Closing a connection
- Example#1961 - Database connections are not closed until all references are closed
- Example#1962 - Closing a connection opened more than once
- Example#1963 - Connections are closed when variables go out of scope
- Example#1964 - oci_commit 例子
- Example#1965 - oci_commit example
- Example#1966 - oci_connect 例子
- Example#1967 - Basic oci_connect using Easy Connect syntax
- Example#1968 - Basic oci_connect using a Network Connect name
- Example#1969 - oci_connect with an explicit character set
- Example#1970 - Using multiple calls to oci_connect
- Example#1971 - oci_define_by_name 例子
- Example#1972 - 连接错误后显示 Oracle 错误信息
- Example#1973 - 语法解析错误后显示 Oracle 错误信息
- Example#1974 - 执行错误后显示 Oracle 错误信息和出错的语句
- Example#1975 - oci_execute for queries
- Example#1976 - oci_execute without specifying a mode example
- Example#1977 - oci_execute with OCI_NO_AUTO_COMMIT example
- Example#1978 - oci_execute with different commit modes example
- Example#1979 - oci_execute with
- Example#1980 - oci_fetch_all 例子
- Example#1981 - oci_fetch_all example
- Example#1982 - oci_fetch_all example with OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW
- Example#1983 - oci_fetch_all with OCI_NUM
- Example#1984 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_BOTH
- Example#1985 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_NUM
- Example#1986 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_ASSOC
- Example#1987 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_NULLS
- Example#1988 - oci_fetch_array with OCI_RETURN_LOBS
- Example#1989 - oci_fetch_array with case sensitive column names
- Example#1990 - oci_fetch_array with columns having duplicate names
- Example#1991 - oci_fetch_array with DATE columns
- Example#1992 - oci_fetch_array with REF CURSOR
- Example#1993 - oci_fetch_array with a LIMIT-like query
- Example#1994 - oci_fetch_object example
- Example#1995 - oci_fetch_object with case sensitive column names
- Example#1996 - oci_fetch_object with LOBs
- Example#1997 - oci_fetch with defined variables
- Example#1998 - oci_fetch with oci_result
- Example#1999 - oci_field_name 例子
- Example#2000 - oci_field_size例子
- Example#2001 - oci_field_type 例子
- Example#2002 - oci_new_connect 例子
- Example#2003 - oci_new_connect example
- Example#2004 - 在 Oracle 的存储过程中使用 REF CURSOR
- Example#2005 - 在 Oracle 的 select 语句中使用 REF CURSOR
- Example#2006 - oci_new_descriptor 例子
- Example#2007 - oci_new_descriptor 例子
- Example#2008 - oci_num_fields 例子
- Example#2009 - oci_num_rows 例子
- Example#2010 - oci_rollback example
- Example#2011 - Rolling back to a SAVEPOINT example
- Example#2012 - oci_server_version 例子
- Example#2013 - Setting the action
- Example#2014 - Setting the client identifier to the application user
- Example#2015 - Setting the client information
- Example#2016 - Two scripts can use different versions of myfunc() at the same time
- Example#2017 - Setting the module name
- Example#2018 - Changing the default prefetch value for a query
- Example#2019 - Changing the default prefetch for a REF CURSOR fetch
- Example#2020 - Setting the prefetch value when passing a REF CURSOR back to Oracle
- Example#2021 - oci_statement_type 例子
- Example#2022 - Connect to Ovrimos SQL Server and select from a system table
- Example#2023 - ovrimos_connect Example
- Example#2024 - A fetch into example
- Example#2025 - A fetch row example
- Example#2026 - ovrimos_prepare Example
- Example#2027 - Prepare a statement, execute, and view the result
- Example#2028 - ovrimos_result_all with meta-information
- Example#2029 - Creating a Paradox database with two fields
- Example#2030 - Turn a paradox date into a human readable form
- Example#2031 - Set the date/time fields in a paradox database to the current
- Example#2032 - Opening a Paradox database
- Example#2033 - Opening a Paradox database
- Example#2034 - Turn a paradox timestamp into a human readable form
- Example#2035 - PostgreSQL extension overview example
- Example#2036 - pg_affected_rows 例子
- Example#2037 - pg_close 例子
- Example#2038 - 使用 pg_connect
- Example#2039 - pg_connection_busy 例子
- Example#2040 - pg_connection_reset 例子
- Example#2041 - pg_connection_status 例子
- Example#2042 - pg_connection_status 例子
- Example#2043 - pg_convert example
- Example#2044 - pg_copy_from example
- Example#2045 - pg_dbname 例子
- Example#2046 - pg_delete 例子
- Example#2047 - pg_end_copy 例子
- Example#2048 - pg_escape_identifier example
- Example#2049 - pg_escape_literal example
- Example#2050 - Using pg_execute
- Example#2051 - pg_fetch_all_columns example
- Example#2052 - pg_fetch_all 例子
- Example#2053 - pg_fetch_array
- Example#2054 - pg_fetch_assoc 例子
- Example#2055 - pg_fetch_object
- Example#2056 - pg_fetch_row 例子
- Example#2057 - pg_field_is_null 例子
- Example#2058 - 获取字段信息
- Example#2059 - Getting table information about a field
- Example#2060 - Getting information about fields
- Example#2061 - pg_free_result example
- Example#2062 - PostgreSQL NOTIFY 消息
- Example#2063 - PostgreSQL 后端 PID
- Example#2064 - pg_insert example
- Example#2065 - pg_last_notice example
- Example#2066 - pg_lo_export example
- Example#2067 - pg_lo_import 例子
- Example#2068 - pg_lo_unlink example
- Example#2069 - 取得表的元数据
- Example#2070 - pg_parameter_status example
- Example#2071 - Using pg_pconnect
- Example#2072 - pg_ping
- Example#2073 - Using pg_prepare
- Example#2074 - pg_put_line 例子
- Example#2075 - Using pg_query_params
- Example#2076 - pg_result_error_field example
- Example#2077 - pg_select example
- Example#2078 - Using pg_send_execute
- Example#2079 - Using pg_send_prepare
- Example#2080 - Using pg_send_query_params
- Example#2081 - 异步查询
- Example#2082 - pg_set_error_verbosity example
- Example#2083 - pg_transaction_status example
- Example#2084 - pg_update example
- Example#2085 - pg_version example
- Example#2086 - 过程化风格
- Example#2087 - Object-oriented style
- Example#2088 - 过程化风格
- Example#2089 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2090 - 过程化风格
- Example#2091 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2092 - sqlite_close example
- Example#2093 - max_length aggregation function example
- Example#2094 - sqlite_create_function example
- Example#2095 - Example of using the PHP function
- Example#2096 - Procedural example
- Example#2097 - Object-oriented example
- Example#2098 - sqlite_factory example
- Example#2099 - Procedural example
- Example#2100 - Object-oriented example
- Example#2101 - Procedural example
- Example#2102 - Object-oriented example
- Example#2103 - Procedural example
- Example#2104 - Object-oriented example
- Example#2105 - A sqlite_fetch_single example
- Example#2106 - Procedural example
- Example#2107 - Object-oriented example
- Example#2108 - sqlite_open example
- Example#2109 - binary-safe max_length aggregation function example
- Example#2110 - SQLite3::changes example
- Example#2111 - SQLite3::close example
- Example#2112 - SQLite3::__construct example
- Example#2113 - SQLite3::createFunction example
- Example#2114 - SQLite3::exec example
- Example#2115 - SQLite3::loadExtension example
- Example#2116 - SQLite3::open example
- Example#2117 - SQLite3::prepare example
- Example#2118 - SQLite3::query example
- Example#2119 - SQLite3::querySingle example
- Example#2120 - SQLite3::version example
- Example#2121 - SQLite3Stmt::bindValue example
- Example#2122 - sqlsrv_begin_transaction example
- Example#2123 - sqlsrv_cancel example
- Example#2124 - sqlsrv_client_info example
- Example#2125 - sqlsrv_close example
- Example#2126 - sqlsrv_commit example
- Example#2127 - Connect using Windows Authentication.
- Example#2128 - Connect by specifying a user name and password.
- Example#2129 - Connect on a specifed port.
- Example#2130 - functionname example
- Example#2131 - sqlsrv_execute example
- Example#2132 - Retrieving an associative array.
- Example#2133 - Retrieving a numeric array.
- Example#2134 - sqlsrv_fetch_object example
- Example#2135 - sqlsrv_fetch example
- Example#2136 - sqlsrv_field_metadata example
- Example#2137 - sqlsrv_free_stmt example
- Example#2138 - sqlsrv_get_field example
- Example#2139 - sqlsrv_has_rows example
- Example#2140 - sqlsrv_next_result example
- Example#2141 - sqlsrv_num_fields example
- Example#2142 - sqlsrv_num_rows example
- Example#2143 - sqlsrv_prepare example
- Example#2144 - sqlsrv_query example
- Example#2145 - sqlsrv_rollback example
- Example#2146 - sqlsrv_rows_affected example
- Example#2147 - sqlsrv_send_stream_data example
- Example#2148 - sqlsrv_server_info example
- Example#2149 - Delete-Query
- Example#2150 - sybase_connect example
- Example#2151 - Identical fieldnames
- Example#2152 - sybase_fetch_object return as Foo
- Example#2153 - sybase_set_message_handler callback function
- Example#2154 - sybase_set_message_handler callback to a class
- Example#2155 - sybase_set_message_handler unhandled messages
- Example#2156 - sybase_unbuffered_query example
- Example#2157 - Putting and getting a key-value pair
- Example#2158 - TokyoTyrant::add example
- Example#2159 - TokyoTyrant::connect example
- Example#2160 - TokyoTyrant::connectUri example
- Example#2161 - TokyoTyrant::copy example
- Example#2162 - TokyoTyrant::ext example
- Example#2163 - TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys example
- Example#2164 - TokyoTyrant::get example
- Example#2165 - TokyoTyrant::getIterator example
- Example#2166 - TokyoTyrant::num example
- Example#2167 - TokyoTyrant::out example
- Example#2168 - TokyoTyrant::put example
- Example#2169 - TokyoTyrant::putCat example
- Example#2170 - tokyotyrant::putKeep example
- Example#2171 - TokyoTyrant::putNr example
- Example#2172 - TokyoTyrant::putShl example
- Example#2173 - TokyoTyrant::setMaster example
- Example#2174 - TokyoTyrant::size example
- Example#2175 - TokyoTyrant::stat example
- Example#2176 - TokyoTyrant::vanish example
- Example#2177 - TokyoTyrantTable::genUid example
- Example#2178 - TokyoTyrantTable::get example
- Example#2179 - TokyoTyrantTable::getIterator example
- Example#2180 - TokyoTyrantTable::getQuery example
- Example#2181 - TokyoTyrantTable::out example
- Example#2182 - TokyoTyrantTable::put example
- Example#2183 - TokyoTyrantTable::putCat example
- Example#2184 - TokyoTyrantTable::putKeep example
- Example#2185 - TokyoTyrantQuery::addCond example
- Example#2186 - TokyoTyrantQuery::__construct example
- Example#2187 - TokyoTyrantQuery::count example
- Example#2188 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
- Example#2189 - TokyoTyrantQuery::hint example
- Example#2190 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
- Example#2191 - TokyoTyrantQuery::metaSearch example
- Example#2192 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
- Example#2193 - TokyoTyrantQuery::out example
- Example#2194 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
- Example#2195 - TokyoTyrantQuery::search example
- Example#2196 - TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
- Example#2197 - TokyoTyrantIterator::__construct example
- Example#2198 - Closing an open file descriptor
- Example#2199 - Setting and clearing a lock
- Example#2200 - Opening a file descriptor
- Example#2201 - Positioning in a file
- Example#2202 - Setting the baud rate on a serial port
- Example#2203 - chdir 例子
- Example#2204 - chroot example
- Example#2205 - closedir 例子
- Example#2206 - dir example
- Example#2207 - getcwd 例子
- Example#2208 - opendir 例子
- Example#2209 - 列出目录中的所有文件
- Example#2210 - 列出当前目录的所有文件并去掉 . 和 ..
- Example#2211 - 一个简单的 scandir 例子
- Example#2212 - scandir 在 PHP 4 中的实现
- Example#2213 - A finfo_buffer example
- Example#2214 - A finfo_file example
- Example#2215 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2216 - 过程化风格
- Example#2217 - mime_content_type Example
- Example#2218 - basename 例子
- Example#2219 - 改变文件所属的组
- Example#2220 - 简单的 chown 用法
- Example#2221 - clearstatcache 例子
- Example#2222 - copy 例子
- Example#2223 - dirname 例子
- Example#2224 - disk_free_space 例子
- Example#2225 - disk_total_space 例子
- Example#2226 - 一个简单 fclose 例子
- Example#2227 - 处理 feof 的超时
- Example#2228 - 使用无效文件指针的 feof 例子
- Example#2229 - File write example using fflush
- Example#2230 - 一个 fgetc 例子
- Example#2231 - 读取并显示 CSV 文件的整个内容
- Example#2232 - 逐行读取文件
- Example#2233 - 一行行读取一个 PHP 文件
- Example#2234 - 测试一个文件是否存在
- Example#2235 - Get and output the source of the homepage of a website
- Example#2236 - Searching within the include_path
- Example#2237 - Reading a section of a file
- Example#2238 - Using stream contexts
- Example#2239 - Simple usage example
- Example#2240 - Using flags
- Example#2241 - file 例子
- Example#2242 - fileatime 例子
- Example#2243 - filectime 例子
- Example#2244 - 查找文件所在的组
- Example#2245 - 将某个文件和当前文件的 inode 进行对比
- Example#2246 - filemtime 例子
- Example#2247 - 找到文件的所有者
- Example#2248 - 以八进制的形式显示文件的权限
- Example#2249 - 输出全部权限
- Example#2250 - filesize 例子
- Example#2251 - filetype 例子
- Example#2252 - flock 例子
- Example#2253 - flock 使用 LOCK_NB 选项
- Example#2254 - 用 shell 中的通配符模式匹配来检查颜色名称
- Example#2255 - fopen 例子
- Example#2256 - 对二进制文件使用 fpassthru
- Example#2257 - fputcsv 例子
- Example#2258 - 一个简单的 fread 例子
- Example#2259 - Binary fread example
- Example#2260 - Remote fread examples
- Example#2261 - fscanf 例子
- Example#2262 - users.txt 的内容
- Example#2263 - fseek 例子
- Example#2264 - fstat 例子
- Example#2265 - ftell 例子
- Example#2266 - File truncation example
- Example#2267 - 一个简单的 fwrite 例子
- Example#2268 - 怎样用 glob 方便地替代
opendir 和相关函数
- Example#2269 - is_dir 例子
- Example#2270 - is_executable 例子
- Example#2271 - is_file 例子
- Example#2272 - 创建并确认一个文件是否为符号连接
- Example#2273 - is_readable 例子
- Example#2274 - is_uploaded_file 例子
- Example#2275 - is_writable 例子
- Example#2276 - Changing the group of a symbolic link
- Example#2277 - Changing the owner of a symbolic link
- Example#2278 - Creating a simple hard link
- Example#2279 - linkinfo 例子
- Example#2280 - stat 和 lstat 的对照
- Example#2281 - mkdir 例子
- Example#2282 - 通过 recursive 参数使用 mkdir
- Example#2283 - Uploading multiple files
- Example#2284 - sample.ini 的内容
- Example#2285 - parse_ini_file 例子
- Example#2286 - parse_ini_file parsing a php.ini file
- Example#2287 - pathinfo 例子
- Example#2288 - pathinfo example showing difference between null and no extension
- Example#2289 - pclose 例子
- Example#2290 - popen 例子
- Example#2291 - popen 例子
- Example#2292 - Forcing a download using readfile
- Example#2293 - readlink 例
- Example#2294 - realpath_cache_get example
- Example#2295 - realpath_cache_size example
- Example#2296 - realpath 例子
- Example#2297 - Windows 上的 realpath
- Example#2298 - rename 例子
- Example#2299 - rewind overwriting example
- Example#2300 - rmdir 例子
- Example#2301 - stat 例子
- Example#2302 - Using stat information together with touch
- Example#2303 - 创建一个符号连接
- Example#2304 - tempnam 例子
- Example#2305 - tmpfile 例子
- Example#2306 - touch 例子
- Example#2307 - 使用 time 参数的 touch
- Example#2308 - umask 例子
- Example#2309 - 基本的 unlink 用法
- Example#2310 - Example usage of inotify
- Example#2311 - Setting the path to magic.mime
- Example#2312 - setproctitle example
- Example#2313 - setthreadtitle example
- Example#2314 - Checks if system administrator has signed the file
- Example#2315 - Prints names of all extended attributes of file
- Example#2316 - Removes all extended attributes of a file
- Example#2317 - Sets extended attributes on .wav file
- Example#2318 - xattr_supported example
- Example#2319 - xdiff_file_bdiff_size example
- Example#2320 - xdiff_file_bdiff example
- Example#2321 - xdiff_file_bpatch example
- Example#2322 - xdiff_file_diff_binary example
- Example#2323 - xdiff_file_diff example
- Example#2324 - xdiff_file_merge3 example
- Example#2325 - xdiff_file_patch_binary example
- Example#2326 - xdiff_file_patch example
- Example#2327 - Patch reversing example
- Example#2328 - xdiff_file_rabdiff example
- Example#2329 - xdiff_string_bdiff_size example
- Example#2330 - xdiff_string_diff example
- Example#2331 - xdiff_string_patch example
- Example#2332 - Enchant Usage Example
- Example#2333 - List the backends provided by the given broker
- Example#2334 - A enchant_broker_dict_exists example
- Example#2335 - List all available dictionaries for one broker
- Example#2336 - A enchant_broker_request_dict example
- Example#2337 - A enchant_dict_describe example
- Example#2338 - A enchant_dict_quick_check example
- Example#2339 - A enchant_dict_suggest example
- Example#2340 - Usage example.
- Example#2341 - Using Gender\Gender::country
- Example#2342 - bindtextdomain example
- Example#2343 - gettext-check
- Example#2344 - ngettext example
- Example#2345 - iconv_get_encoding 例子
- Example#2346 - iconv_mime_decode_headers 例子
- Example#2347 - iconv_mime_decode example
- Example#2348 - iconv_mime_encode example
- Example#2349 - iconv_set_encoding 例子
- Example#2350 - iconv 例子
- Example#2351 - ob_iconv_handler 例子:
- Example#2352 - Example of using the procedural API
- Example#2353 - Example of using the object-oriented API
- Example#2354 - FRENCH_COLLATION rules
- Example#2355 - ALTERNATE_HANDLING rules
- Example#2356 - CASE_FIRST rules
- Example#2357 - CASE_LEVEL rules
- Example#2358 - collator_asortexample
- Example#2359 - collator_compareexample
- Example#2360 - Collator::__construct example
- Example#2361 - collator_create example
- Example#2362 - collator_get_attribute example
- Example#2363 - collator_get_error_code example
- Example#2364 - collator_get_error_message example
- Example#2365 - collator_get_locale example
- Example#2366 - collator_get_sort_keyexample
- Example#2367 - collator_get_strength example
- Example#2368 - collator_set_attribute example
- Example#2369 - collator_set_strength example
- Example#2370 - collator_sort_with_sort_keys example
- Example#2371 - collator_sort example
- Example#2372 - numfmt_create example
- Example#2373 - NumberFormatter::create example
- Example#2374 - numfmt_format_currency example
- Example#2375 - OO example
- Example#2376 - numfmt_format example
- Example#2377 - OO example
- Example#2378 - numfmt_get_attribute example
- Example#2379 - OO example
- Example#2380 - numfmt_get_error_code example
- Example#2381 - OO example
- Example#2382 - numfmt_get_error_message example
- Example#2383 - OO example
- Example#2384 - numfmt_get_locale example
- Example#2385 - numfmt_get_pattern example
- Example#2386 - OO example
- Example#2387 - numfmt_get_symbol example
- Example#2388 - OO example
- Example#2389 - numfmt_get_text_attribute example
- Example#2390 - OO example
- Example#2391 - numfmt_parse_currency example
- Example#2392 - OO example
- Example#2393 - numfmt_parse example
- Example#2394 - OO example
- Example#2395 - numfmt_set_attribute example
- Example#2396 - OO example
- Example#2397 - numfmt_set_pattern example
- Example#2398 - OO example
- Example#2399 - numfmt_set_symbol example
- Example#2400 - OO example
- Example#2401 - numfmt_set_text_attribute example
- Example#2402 - OO example
- Example#2403 - locale_accept_from_http example
- Example#2404 - OO example
- Example#2405 - locale_compose example
- Example#2406 - OO example
- Example#2407 - locale_filter_matches example
- Example#2408 - OO example
- Example#2409 - locale_get_all_variants example
- Example#2410 - OO example
- Example#2411 - locale_get_default example
- Example#2412 - OO example
- Example#2413 - locale_get_display_language example
- Example#2414 - OO example
- Example#2415 - locale_get_display_name example
- Example#2416 - OO example
- Example#2417 - locale_get_display_region example
- Example#2418 - OO example
- Example#2419 - locale_get_display_script example
- Example#2420 - OO example
- Example#2421 - locale_get_display_variant example
- Example#2422 - OO example
- Example#2423 - locale_get_keywords example
- Example#2424 - OO example
- Example#2425 - locale_get_primary_language example
- Example#2426 - OO example
- Example#2427 - locale_get_region example
- Example#2428 - OO example
- Example#2429 - locale_get_script example
- Example#2430 - OO example
- Example#2431 - locale_lookup example
- Example#2432 - OO example
- Example#2433 - locale_parse example
- Example#2434 - OO example
- Example#2435 - locale_set_default example
- Example#2436 - OO example
- Example#2437 - normalizer_is_normalized example
- Example#2438 - OO example
- Example#2439 - normalizer_normalize example
- Example#2440 - OO example
- Example#2441 - msgfmt_create example
- Example#2442 - OO example
- Example#2443 - msgfmt_format_message example
- Example#2444 - OO example
- Example#2445 - msgfmt_format example
- Example#2446 - OO example
- Example#2447 - msgfmt_get_error_code example
- Example#2448 - OO example
- Example#2449 - msgfmt_get_error_message example
- Example#2450 - OO example
- Example#2451 - msgfmt_get_locale example
- Example#2452 - OO example
- Example#2453 - msgfmt_get_pattern example
- Example#2454 - OO example
- Example#2455 - msgfmt_parse_message example
- Example#2456 - OO example
- Example#2457 - msgfmt_parse example
- Example#2458 - OO example
- Example#2459 - msgfmt_set_pattern example
- Example#2460 - OO example
- Example#2461 - datefmt_create example
- Example#2462 - OO example
- Example#2463 - datefmt_format example
- Example#2464 - OO example
- Example#2465 - datefmt_get_calendar example
- Example#2466 - OO example
- Example#2467 - datefmt_get_datetype example
- Example#2468 - OO example
- Example#2469 - datefmt_get_error_code example
- Example#2470 - OO example
- Example#2471 - datefmt_get_error_message example
- Example#2472 - OO example
- Example#2473 - datefmt_get_locale example
- Example#2474 - OO example
- Example#2475 - datefmt_get_pattern example
- Example#2476 - OO example
- Example#2477 - datefmt_get_timetype example
- Example#2478 - OO example
- Example#2479 - datefmt_get_timezone_id example
- Example#2480 - OO example
- Example#2481 - datefmt_is_lenient example
- Example#2482 - OO example
- Example#2483 - datefmt_localtime example
- Example#2484 - OO example
- Example#2485 - datefmt_parse example
- Example#2486 - OO example
- Example#2487 - datefmt_set_calendar example
- Example#2488 - OO example
- Example#2489 - datefmt_set_lenient example
- Example#2490 - OO example
- Example#2491 - datefmt_set_pattern example
- Example#2492 - OO example
- Example#2493 - datefmt_set_timezone_id example
- Example#2494 - OO example
- Example#2495 - resourcebundle_count example
- Example#2496 - OO example
- Example#2497 - resourcebundle_create example
- Example#2498 - ResourceBundle::create example
- Example#2499 - resourcebundle_get_error_code example
- Example#2500 - OO example
- Example#2501 - resourcebundle_get_error_message example
- Example#2502 - OO example
- Example#2503 - resourcebundle_get example
- Example#2504 - OO example
- Example#2505 - resourcebundle_locales example
- Example#2506 - OO example
- Example#2507 - Converting escaped UTF-16 code units
- Example#2508 - grapheme_extract example
- Example#2509 - grapheme_stripos example
- Example#2510 - grapheme_stristr example
- Example#2511 - grapheme_strlen example
- Example#2512 - grapheme_strpos example
- Example#2513 - grapheme_strripos example
- Example#2514 - grapheme_strrpos example
- Example#2515 - grapheme_strstr example
- Example#2516 - grapheme_substr example
- Example#2517 - idn_to_ascii example
- Example#2518 - idn_to_utf8 example
- Example#2519 - intl_error_name example
- Example#2520 - intl_get_error_code example
- Example#2521 - intl_get_error_message example
- Example#2522 - intl_is_failure example
- Example#2523 - php.ini 设置例子
- Example#2524 - php.ini 里 EUC-JP 用户的设置
- Example#2525 - php.ini 里 SJIS 用户的设置
- Example#2526 - 在 php.ini 中禁用 HTTP 输入转换
- Example#2527 - php.ini 设置例子
- Example#2528 - 脚本例子
- Example#2529 - mb_convert_case 例子
- Example#2530 - 非拉丁 UTF-8 文本的mb_convert_case 例子
- Example#2531 - mb_convert_encoding 例子
- Example#2532 - mb_convert_kana example
- Example#2533 - mb_convert_variables 例子
- Example#2534 - convmap 例子
- Example#2535 - mb_detect_encoding 例子
- Example#2536 - 无效检测顺序的例子
- Example#2537 - mb_detect_order 例子
- Example#2538 - mb_encode_mimeheader 例子
- Example#2539 - convmap example
- Example#2540 - mb_encode_numericentity example
- Example#2541 - mb_encoding_aliases example
- Example#2542 - mb_ereg_replace_callback example
- Example#2543 - mb_ereg_replace_callback using anonymous function
supported in PHP 5.3.0 or later
- Example#2544 - mb_internal_encoding 例子
- Example#2545 - mb_list_encodings 例子
- Example#2546 - mb_output_handler 例子
- Example#2547 - mb_preferred_mime_name 例子
- Example#2548 - mb_strimwidth 例子
- Example#2549 - mb_strtolower 例子
- Example#2550 - 非拉丁 UTF-8 文本的 mb_strtolower 例子
- Example#2551 - mb_strtoupper 例子
- Example#2552 - 非拉丁 UTF-8 文本的 mb_strtoupper 例子
- Example#2553 - mb_substitute_character 例子
- Example#2554 - mb_substr_count 例子
- Example#2555 - pspell_add_to_personal
- Example#2556 - pspell_check Example
- Example#2557 - pspell_add_to_personal Example
- Example#2558 - pspell_config_create
- Example#2559 - pspell_config_ignore
- Example#2560 - pspell_config_mode Example
- Example#2561 - pspell_config_personal
- Example#2562 - pspell_config_repl
- Example#2563 - pspell_config_runtogether
- Example#2564 - pspell_new_config
- Example#2565 - pspell_new_personal
- Example#2566 - pspell_new
- Example#2567 - pspell_add_to_personal
- Example#2568 - pspell_store_replacement
- Example#2569 - pspell_suggest example
- Example#2570 - Basic recode_file example
- Example#2571 - Basic recode_string example
- Example#2572 - Cairo Example
- Example#2573 - cairo_create example
- Example#2574 - cairo_font_face_get_type example
- Example#2575 - cairo_font_face_status example
- Example#2576 - cairo_font_options_create example
- Example#2577 - cairo_font_options_equal example
- Example#2578 - cairo_font_options_get_antialias example
- Example#2579 - cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics example
- Example#2580 - cairo_font_options_get_hint_style example
- Example#2581 - cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order example
- Example#2582 - cairo_font_options_hash example
- Example#2583 - cairo_font_options_merge example
- Example#2584 - cairo_font_options_set_antialias example
- Example#2585 - cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics example
- Example#2586 - cairo_font_options_set_hint_style example
- Example#2587 - cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order example
- Example#2588 - cairo_font_options_status example
- Example#2589 - cairo_format_stride_for_width example
- Example#2590 - cairo_image_surface_create_for_data example
- Example#2591 - cairo_image_surface_create_from_png example
- Example#2592 - cairo_image_surface_create example
- Example#2593 - cairo_image_surface_get_data example
- Example#2594 - cairo_image_surface_get_format example
- Example#2595 - cairo_image_surface_get_height example
- Example#2596 - cairo_image_surface_get_stride example
- Example#2597 - cairo_image_surface_get_width example
- Example#2598 - cairo_matrix_invert example
- Example#2599 - cairo_matrix_multiply example
- Example#2600 - cairo_matrix_rotate example
- Example#2601 - cairo_matrix_transform_distance example
- Example#2602 - cairo_matrix_transform_point example
- Example#2603 - cairo_matrix_translate example
- Example#2604 - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb example
- Example#2605 - cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba example
- Example#2606 - cairo_pattern_create_for_surface example
- Example#2607 - cairo_pattern_create_linear example
- Example#2608 - cairo_pattern_create_radial example
- Example#2609 - cairo_pattern_create_rgb example
- Example#2610 - cairo_pattern_create_rgba example
- Example#2611 - cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count example
- Example#2612 - cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba example
- Example#2613 - cairo_pattern_get_extend example
- Example#2614 - cairo_pattern_get_filter example
- Example#2615 - cairo_pattern_get_linear_points example
- Example#2616 - cairo_pattern_get_matrix example
- Example#2617 - cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles example
- Example#2618 - cairo_pattern_get_rgba example
- Example#2619 - cairo_pattern_get_surface example
- Example#2620 - cairo_pattern_get_type example
- Example#2621 - cairo_pattern_set_extend example
- Example#2622 - cairo_pattern_set_filter example
- Example#2623 - cairo_pattern_set_matrix example
- Example#2624 - cairo_pattern_status example
- Example#2625 - cairo_pdf_surface_create example
- Example#2626 - cairo_pdf_surface_set_size example
- Example#2627 - cairo_ps_get_levels example
- Example#2628 - cairo_ps_level_to_string example
- Example#2629 - cairo_ps_surface_create example
- Example#2630 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup example
- Example#2631 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup example
- Example#2632 - cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment example
- Example#2633 - cairo_ps_surface_get_eps example
- Example#2634 - cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level example
- Example#2635 - cairo_ps_surface_set_eps example
- Example#2636 - cairo_ps_surface_set_size example
- Example#2637 - cairo_scaled_font_create example
- Example#2638 - cairo_scaled_font_extents example
- Example#2639 - cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm example
- Example#2640 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face example
- Example#2641 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix example
- Example#2642 - cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options example
- Example#2643 - cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix example
- Example#2644 - cairo_scaled_font_get_type example
- Example#2645 - cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents example
- Example#2646 - cairo_scaled_font_status example
- Example#2647 - cairo_scaled_font_text_extents example
- Example#2648 - cairo_surface_copy_page example
- Example#2649 - cairo_surface_create_similar example
- Example#2650 - cairo_surface_finish example
- Example#2651 - cairo_surface_flush example
- Example#2652 - cairo_surface_get_content example
- Example#2653 - cairo_surface_get_device_offset example
- Example#2654 - cairo_surface_get_font_options example
- Example#2655 - cairo_surface_get_type example
- Example#2656 - cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle example
- Example#2657 - cairo_surface_mark_dirty example
- Example#2658 - cairo_surface_set_device_offset example
- Example#2659 - cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution example
- Example#2660 - cairo_surface_show_page example
- Example#2661 - cairo_surface_status example
- Example#2662 - cairo_surface_write_to_png example
- Example#2663 - cairo_svg_surface_create example
- Example#2664 - cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version example
- Example#2665 - cairo_svg_version_to_string example
- Example#2666 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2667 - 过程化风格
- Example#2668 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2669 - 过程化风格
- Example#2670 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2671 - 过程化风格
- Example#2672 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2673 - 过程化风格
- Example#2674 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2675 - 过程化风格
- Example#2676 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2677 - 过程化风格
- Example#2678 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2679 - 过程化风格
- Example#2680 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2681 - 过程化风格
- Example#2682 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2683 - 过程化风格
- Example#2684 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2685 - 过程化风格
- Example#2686 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2687 - 过程化风格
- Example#2688 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2689 - 过程化风格
- Example#2690 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2691 - 过程化风格
- Example#2692 - CairoContext::__construct example
- Example#2693 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2694 - 过程化风格
- Example#2695 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2696 - 过程化风格
- Example#2697 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2698 - 过程化风格
- Example#2699 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2700 - 过程化风格
- Example#2701 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2702 - 过程化风格
- Example#2703 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2704 - 过程化风格
- Example#2705 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2706 - 过程化风格
- Example#2707 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2708 - 过程化风格
- Example#2709 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2710 - 过程化风格
- Example#2711 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2712 - 过程化风格
- Example#2713 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2714 - 过程化风格
- Example#2715 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2716 - 过程化风格
- Example#2717 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2718 - 过程化风格
- Example#2719 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2720 - 过程化风格
- Example#2721 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2722 - 过程化风格
- Example#2723 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2724 - 过程化风格
- Example#2725 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2726 - 过程化风格
- Example#2727 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2728 - 过程化风格
- Example#2729 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2730 - 过程化风格
- Example#2731 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2732 - 过程化风格
- Example#2733 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2734 - 过程化风格
- Example#2735 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2736 - 过程化风格
- Example#2737 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2738 - 过程化风格
- Example#2739 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2740 - 过程化风格
- Example#2741 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2742 - 过程化风格
- Example#2743 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2744 - 过程化风格
- Example#2745 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2746 - 过程化风格
- Example#2747 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2748 - 过程化风格
- Example#2749 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2750 - 过程化风格
- Example#2751 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2752 - 过程化风格
- Example#2753 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2754 - 过程化风格
- Example#2755 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2756 - 过程化风格
- Example#2757 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2758 - 过程化风格
- Example#2759 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2760 - 过程化风格
- Example#2761 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2762 - 过程化风格
- Example#2763 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2764 - 过程化风格
- Example#2765 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2766 - 过程化风格
- Example#2767 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2768 - 过程化风格
- Example#2769 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2770 - 过程化风格
- Example#2771 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2772 - 过程化风格
- Example#2773 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2774 - 过程化风格
- Example#2775 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2776 - 过程化风格
- Example#2777 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2778 - 过程化风格
- Example#2779 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2780 - 过程化风格
- Example#2781 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2782 - 过程化风格
- Example#2783 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2784 - 过程化风格
- Example#2785 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2786 - 过程化风格
- Example#2787 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2788 - 过程化风格
- Example#2789 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2790 - 过程化风格
- Example#2791 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2792 - 过程化风格
- Example#2793 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2794 - 过程化风格
- Example#2795 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2796 - 过程化风格
- Example#2797 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2798 - 过程化风格
- Example#2799 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2800 - 过程化风格
- Example#2801 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2802 - 过程化风格
- Example#2803 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2804 - 过程化风格
- Example#2805 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2806 - 过程化风格
- Example#2807 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2808 - 过程化风格
- Example#2809 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2810 - 过程化风格
- Example#2811 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2812 - 过程化风格
- Example#2813 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2814 - 过程化风格
- Example#2815 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2816 - 过程化风格
- Example#2817 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2818 - 过程化风格
- Example#2819 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2820 - 过程化风格
- Example#2821 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2822 - 过程化风格
- Example#2823 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2824 - 过程化风格
- Example#2825 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2826 - 过程化风格
- Example#2827 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2828 - 过程化风格
- Example#2829 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2830 - 过程化风格
- Example#2831 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2832 - 过程化风格
- Example#2833 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2834 - 过程化风格
- Example#2835 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2836 - 过程化风格
- Example#2837 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2838 - 过程化风格
- Example#2839 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2840 - 过程化风格
- Example#2841 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2842 - 过程化风格
- Example#2843 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2844 - 过程化风格
- Example#2845 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2846 - 过程化风格
- Example#2847 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2848 - 过程化风格
- Example#2849 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2850 - 过程化风格
- Example#2851 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2852 - 过程化风格
- Example#2853 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2854 - 过程化风格
- Example#2855 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2856 - 过程化风格
- Example#2857 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2858 - 过程化风格
- Example#2859 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2860 - 过程化风格
- Example#2861 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2862 - 过程化风格
- Example#2863 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2864 - 过程化风格
- Example#2865 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2866 - 过程化风格
- Example#2867 - CairoSurface::createSimilar example
- Example#2868 - CairoSurface::finish example
- Example#2869 - CairoSurface::flush example
- Example#2870 - CairoSurface::getContent example
- Example#2871 - CairoSurface::getDeviceOffset example
- Example#2872 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2873 - 过程化风格
- Example#2874 - CairoSurface::getType example
- Example#2875 - CairoSurface::markDirty example
- Example#2876 - CairoSurface::markDirtyRectangle example
- Example#2877 - CairoSurface::setDeviceOffset example
- Example#2878 - CairoSurface::setFallbackResolution example
- Example#2879 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2880 - 过程化风格
- Example#2881 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2882 - 过程化风格
- Example#2883 - CairoSurface::writeToPng example
- Example#2884 - CairoSvgSurface::__construct example
- Example#2885 - CairoSvgSurface::getVersions example
- Example#2886 - 过程化风格
- Example#2887 - CairoSvgSurface::restrictToVersion example
- Example#2888 - CairoSvgSurface::versionToString example
- Example#2889 - CairoImageSurface::__construct example
- Example#2890 - CairoImageSurface::createForData example
- Example#2891 - CairoImageSurface::createFromPng example
- Example#2892 - CairoImageSurface::getData example
- Example#2893 - CairoImageSurface::getFormat example
- Example#2894 - CairoImageSurface::getHeight example
- Example#2895 - CairoImageSurface::getStride example
- Example#2896 - CairoImageSurface::getWidth example
- Example#2897 - CairoPdfSurface::__construct example
- Example#2898 - CairoPdfSurface::setSize example
- Example#2899 - CairoPsSurface::__construct example
- Example#2900 - CairoPsSurface::dscBeginPageSetup example
- Example#2901 - CairoPsSurface::dscBeginSetup example
- Example#2902 - CairoPsSurface::dscComment example
- Example#2903 - CairoPsSurface::getEps example
- Example#2904 - CairoPsSurface::getLevels example
- Example#2905 - CairoPsSurface::levelToString example
- Example#2906 - CairoPsSurface::restrictToLevel example
- Example#2907 - CairoPsSurface::setEps example
- Example#2908 - CairoPsSurface::setSize example
- Example#2909 - CairoFontFace::__construct example
- Example#2910 - CairoFontFace::getType example
- Example#2911 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2912 - 过程化风格
- Example#2913 - CairoFontOptions::__construct example
- Example#2914 - CairoFontOptions::equal example
- Example#2915 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2916 - 过程化风格
- Example#2917 - CairoFontOptions::getHintMetrics example
- Example#2918 - CairoFontOptions::getHintStyle example
- Example#2919 - CairoFontOptions::getSubpixelOrder example
- Example#2920 - CairoFontOptions::hash example
- Example#2921 - CairoFontOptions::merge example
- Example#2922 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2923 - 过程化风格
- Example#2924 - CairoFontOptions::setHintMetrics example
- Example#2925 - CairoFontOptions::setHintStyle example
- Example#2926 - CairoFontOptions::setSubpixelOrder example
- Example#2927 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2928 - 过程化风格
- Example#2929 - CairoScaledFont::__construct example
- Example#2930 - CairoScaledFont::extents example
- Example#2931 - CairoScaledFont::getCtm example
- Example#2932 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2933 - 过程化风格
- Example#2934 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2935 - 过程化风格
- Example#2936 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2937 - 过程化风格
- Example#2938 - CairoScaledFont::getScaleMatrix example
- Example#2939 - CairoScaledFont::getType example
- Example#2940 - CairoScaledFont::glyphExtents example
- Example#2941 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2942 - 过程化风格
- Example#2943 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2944 - 过程化风格
- Example#2945 - CairoPattern::__construct example
- Example#2946 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2947 - 过程化风格
- Example#2948 - CairoPattern::getType example
- Example#2949 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2950 - 过程化风格
- Example#2951 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2952 - 过程化风格
- Example#2953 - CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgb example
- Example#2954 - CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgba example
- Example#2955 - CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopCount example
- Example#2956 - CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopRgba example
- Example#2957 - CairoGradientPattern::getExtend example
- Example#2958 - CairoGradientPattern::setExtend example
- Example#2959 - CairoSolidPattern::__construct example
- Example#2960 - CairoSolidPattern::getRgba example
- Example#2961 - CairoSurfacePattern::__construct example
- Example#2962 - CairoSurfacePattern::getExtend example
- Example#2963 - CairoSurfacePattern::getFilter example
- Example#2964 - CairoSurfacePattern::getSurface example
- Example#2965 - CairoSurfacePattern::setExtend example
- Example#2966 - CairoSurfacePattern::setFilter example
- Example#2967 - CairoLinearGradient::__construct example
- Example#2968 - CairoLinearGradient::getPoints example
- Example#2969 - CairoRadialGradient::__construct example
- Example#2970 - CairoRadialGradient::getCircles example
- Example#2971 - CairoFormat::strideForWidth example
- Example#2972 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2973 - 过程化风格
- Example#2974 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2975 - 过程化风格
- Example#2976 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2977 - 过程化风格
- Example#2978 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2979 - 过程化风格
- Example#2980 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2981 - 过程化风格
- Example#2982 - CairoMatrix::invert example
- Example#2983 - CairoMatrix::multiply example
- Example#2984 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2985 - 过程化风格
- Example#2986 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2987 - 过程化风格
- Example#2988 - CairoMatrix::transformDistance example
- Example#2989 - CairoMatrix::transformPoint example
- Example#2990 - 面向对象风格
- Example#2991 - 过程化风格
- Example#2992 - exif_imagetype 例子
- Example#2993 - exif_read_data 例子
- Example#2994 - exif_tagname example
- Example#2995 - exif_thumbnail 例子
- Example#2996 - PNG creation with PHP
- Example#2997 - Adding watermarks to images using alpha channels
- Example#2998 - Using imagecopymerge to create a translucent watermark
- Example#2999 - 使用 gd_info
- Example#3000 - getimagesize(文件)
- Example#3001 - getimagesize(URL)
- Example#3002 - getimagesize() 和 MIME 类型
- Example#3003 - getimagesize() 返回 IPTC
- Example#3004 - getimagesize and MIME types
- Example#3005 - getimagesize example
- Example#3006 - getimagesize (URL)
- Example#3007 - getimagesize() returning IPTC
- Example#3008 - getimagesizefromstring example
- Example#3009 - image_type_to_extension 例子
- Example#3010 - image_type_to_mime_type (file)
- Example#3011 - image2wbmp 例子
- Example#3012 - imagealphablending usage example
- Example#3013 - A comparison of two lines, one with anti-aliasing switched on
- Example#3014 - 用 imagearc 画一个圆
- Example#3015 - imagechar 例子
- Example#3016 - imagecharup 例子
- Example#3017 - imagecolorallocate 例子
- Example#3018 - 使用 imagecolorallocatealpha 的例子
- Example#3019 - Example of using imagecolorallocatealpha
- Example#3020 - 取得各自的 RGB 值
- Example#3021 - Search for a set of colors in an image
- Example#3022 - 使用 imagecolorclosesthwb 的例子
- Example#3023 - Get colors from the GD logo
- Example#3024 - imagecolormatch 例子
- Example#3025 - Using imagecoloresolvealpha to get colors from an image
- Example#3026 - imagecolorsforindex 例子
- Example#3027 - Embossing the PHP.net logo
- Example#3028 - Gaussian blur
- Example#3029 - 简单的例子
- Example#3030 - 按比例对图像重新采样
- Example#3031 - Resizing an image
- Example#3032 - 新建一个新的 GD 图像流并输出图像
- Example#3033 - imagecreatefromgd2 例子
- Example#3034 - imagecreatefromgd2part example
- Example#3035 - imagecreatefromgd 例子
- Example#3036 - 处理创建过程中的错误
- Example#3037 - 处理创建过程中的错误
- Example#3038 - 处理创建 PNG 过程中的错误
- Example#3039 - imagecreatefromstring example
- Example#3040 - 处理创建 WBMP 过程中的错误
- Example#3041 - Convert an XBM image to a png image using imagecreatefromxbm
- Example#3042 - Creating an image instance using imagecreatefromxpm
- Example#3043 - 新建一个新的 GD 图像流并输出图像
- Example#3044 - imageellipse 例子
- Example#3045 - imagefill 例子
- Example#3046 - 创建一 3D 效果的饼状图
- Example#3047 - imagefilledellipse 例子
- Example#3048 - imagefilledpolygon 例子
- Example#3049 - imagefilter 灰度例子
- Example#3050 - imagefilter 亮度例子
- Example#3051 - imagefilter 上彩例子
- Example#3052 - imagefilter grayscale example
- Example#3053 - imagefilter brightness example
- Example#3054 - imagefilter colorize example
- Example#3055 - imagefilter negate example
- Example#3056 - imagefilter pixelate example
- Example#3057 - imageftbbox example
- Example#3058 - imagefttext example
- Example#3059 - 输出一个 GD2 图像
- Example#3060 - 保存 GD2 图像
- Example#3061 - 使用 imagegif 输出一个图像
- Example#3062 - 使用 imagegif 将一个 PNG 转换成 GIF
- Example#3063 - imagegrabscreen example
- Example#3064 - imagegrabwindow example
- Example#3065 - Simple detection of true color image instances using imageistruecolor
- Example#3066 - 输出 JPEG 图像
- Example#3067 - 保存一副 JPEG 图像
- Example#3068 - 以 75% 的图像质量输出图像
- Example#3069 - imagelayereffect example
- Example#3070 - 画一条粗线
- Example#3071 - 使用 imageloadfont
- Example#3072 - imagepolygon 例子
- Example#3073 - imagepsbbox 用法
- Example#3074 - imagepsencodefont example
- Example#3075 - imagepsextendfont 例子
- Example#3076 - imagepsfreefont 例子
- Example#3077 - imagepsloadfont 例子
- Example#3078 - imagepsslantfont example
- Example#3079 - imagepstext 用法
- Example#3080 - 将图像旋转 180 度
- Example#3081 - imagesavealpha 例子
- Example#3082 - imagesetstyle 例子
- Example#3083 - imagesetthickness example
- Example#3084 - imagestring 例子
- Example#3085 - 使用 imagesx
- Example#3086 - 使用 imagesy
- Example#3087 - Converting a true color image to a palette-based image
- Example#3088 - imagettftext 例子
- Example#3089 - imagetypes 例子
- Example#3090 - 保存一个 XBM 文件
- Example#3091 - 以不同前景色保存一个 XBM 文件
- Example#3092 - Embedding IPTC data into a JPEG
- Example#3093 - iptcparse() used together with getimagesize
- Example#3094 - jpeg2wbmp 例子
- Example#3095 - png2wbmp 例子
- Example#3096 - Gmagick Example
- Example#3097 - Gmagick::despeckleimage example
- Example#3098 - Creating a thumbnail in Imagick
- Example#3099 - Make a thumbnail of all JPG files in a directory
- Example#3100 - Creating a reflection of an image
- Example#3101 - Filling text with gradient
- Example#3102 - Read in GIF image and resize all frames
- Example#3103 - Create a PHP logo
- Example#3104 - Using Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage:
- Example#3105 - Using Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage
- Example#3106 - A Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage example
- Example#3107 - Using Imagick::annotateImage:
- Example#3108 - Imagick::appendImages example
- Example#3109 - Using Imagick::blurImage:
- Example#3110 - Using Imagick::chopImage:
- Example#3111 - Imagick object cloning in different versions of imagick
- Example#3112 - Using Imagick::clutImage:
- Example#3113 - Using Imagick::commentImage:
- Example#3114 - Using Imagick::compareImageLayers
- Example#3115 - Using Imagick::compareImages:
- Example#3116 - Using Imagick::distortImage:
- Example#3117 - Using Imagick::evaluateImage
- Example#3118 - Using Imagick::exportImagePixels
- Example#3119 - Imagick::floodfillPaintImage example
- Example#3120 - Using Imagick::getImageLength:
- Example#3121 - Using Imagick::getImageProperties:
- Example#3122 - Using Imagick::getImageProperty:
- Example#3123 - Using Imagick::getIteratorIndex:
- Example#3124 - Imagick::importImagePixels example
- Example#3125 - Using Imagick::newImage:
- Example#3126 - Using Imagick::optimizeImageLayers
- Example#3127 - Using Imagick::pingImageBlob
- Example#3128 - Using Imagick::pingImageFile
- Example#3129 - A Imagick::polaroidImage example
- Example#3130 - Using Imagick::queryFontMetrics:
- Example#3131 - Using Imagick::roundCorners:
- Example#3132 - A Imagick::setFont example
- Example#3133 - A Imagick::setImage example
- Example#3134 - A Imagick::setImageOpacity example
- Example#3135 - Using Imagick::setImageProperty:
- Example#3136 - Using Imagick::setIteratorIndex:
- Example#3137 - A Imagick::setPointSize example
- Example#3138 - Using Imagick::transformImage:
- Example#3139 - Using Imagick::trimImage:
- Example#3140 - imap_append example
- Example#3141 - imap_check example
- Example#3142 - imap_createmailbox example
- Example#3143 - imap_delete example
- Example#3144 - imap_fetch_overview example
- Example#3145 - imap_gc example
- Example#3146 - imap_get_quota example
- Example#3147 - imap_get_quota 4.3 or greater example
- Example#3148 - imap_get_quotaroot example
- Example#3149 - imap_getacl example
- Example#3150 - imap_getmailboxes example
- Example#3151 - imap_list example
- Example#3152 - imap_mail_compose example
- Example#3153 - imap_mailboxmsginfo example
- Example#3154 - imap_mime_header_decode example
- Example#3155 - Different use of imap_open
- Example#3156 - imap_open example
- Example#3157 - imap_ping Example
- Example#3158 - imap_reopen example
- Example#3159 - imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist example
- Example#3160 - imap_rfc822_write_address example
- Example#3161 - imap_search example
- Example#3162 - imap_set_quota example
- Example#3163 - imap_setflag_full example
- Example#3164 - imap_status example
- Example#3165 - imap_thread Example
- Example#3166 - imap_timeout example
- Example#3167 - 计算散列值并订阅一个用户
- Example#3168 - Sending mail.
- Example#3169 - Sending mail with extra headers.
- Example#3170 - Sending mail with an additional command line parameter.
- Example#3171 - Sending HTML email
- Example#3172 - mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding example
- Example#3173 - mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses example
- Example#3174 - mailparse_stream_encode example
- Example#3175 - mailparse_uudecode_all example
- Example#3176 - bcadd example
- Example#3177 - bccomp example
- Example#3178 - bcdiv example
- Example#3179 - bcmod example
- Example#3180 - bcmul example
- Example#3181 - bcpow example
- Example#3182 - bcpow scale example
- Example#3183 - bcscale example
- Example#3184 - bcsqrt example
- Example#3185 - bcsub example
- Example#3186 - Factorial function using GMP
- Example#3187 - gmp_abs example
- Example#3188 - gmp_add example
- Example#3189 - gmp_and example
- Example#3190 - gmp_clrbit example
- Example#3191 - gmp_cmp example
- Example#3192 - gmp_com example
- Example#3193 - gmp_div_q example
- Example#3194 - Division of GMP numbers
- Example#3195 - gmp_div_r example
- Example#3196 - gmp_divexact example
- Example#3197 - gmp_fact example
- Example#3198 - gmp_gcd example
- Example#3199 - Solving a linear Diophantine equation
- Example#3200 - gmp_hamdist example
- Example#3201 - Creating GMP number
- Example#3202 - gmp_intval example
- Example#3203 - gmp_invert example
- Example#3204 - gmp_jacobi example
- Example#3205 - gmp_legendre example
- Example#3206 - gmp_mod example
- Example#3207 - gmp_mul example
- Example#3208 - gmp_neg example
- Example#3209 - gmp_nextprime example
- Example#3210 - gmp_or example
- Example#3211 - gmp_perfect_square example
- Example#3212 - gmp_popcount example
- Example#3213 - gmp_pow example
- Example#3214 - gmp_powm example
- Example#3215 - gmp_prob_prime example
- Example#3216 - gmp_random example
- Example#3217 - gmp_scan0 example
- Example#3218 - gmp_scan1 example
- Example#3219 - gmp_setbit example
- Example#3220 - gmp_sign example
- Example#3221 - gmp_sqrt example
- Example#3222 - gmp_sqrtrem example
- Example#3223 - Converting a GMP number to a string
- Example#3224 - gmp_sub example
- Example#3225 - gmp_testbit example
- Example#3226 - gmp_xor example
- Example#3227 - Using Lapack::eigenValues:
- Example#3228 - Using Lapack::leastSquaresByFactorisation:
- Example#3229 - Using Lapack::leastSquaresBySVD:
- Example#3230 - Using Lapack::pseudoInverse:
- Example#3231 - Using Lapack::singularValues:
- Example#3232 - Using Lapack::singularValues:
- Example#3233 - abs 例子
- Example#3234 - base_convert 例子
- Example#3235 - bindec 例子
- Example#3236 - bindec interprets input as unsigned integers
- Example#3237 - ceil 例子
- Example#3238 - cos 例子
- Example#3239 - decbin 例子
- Example#3240 - dechex 例子
- Example#3241 - 大整数的 dechex 例子
- Example#3242 - decoct 范例
- Example#3243 - deg2rad 例子
- Example#3244 - exp 例子
- Example#3245 - floor 例子
- Example#3246 - fmod 的使用
- Example#3247 - hexdec 例子
- Example#3248 - is_nan 例子
- Example#3249 - 使用 max 的例子
- Example#3250 - min 用法的例子
- Example#3251 - 计算一个随机浮点数
- Example#3252 - mt_rand 例子
- Example#3253 - mt_srand 例子
- Example#3254 - octdec 例子
- Example#3255 - pi 例子
- Example#3256 - pow 的一些例子
- Example#3257 - rad2deg 例子
- Example#3258 - rand 例子
- Example#3259 - round 例子
- Example#3260 - mode 例子
- Example#3261 - sin 例子
- Example#3262 - sqrt 例子
- Example#3263 - srand 例子
- Example#3264 - tan 例子
- Example#3265 - Evaluating a FDF document
- Example#3266 - Adding JavaScript code to a FDF
- Example#3267 - Populating a PDF document
- Example#3268 - Storing an uploaded file
- Example#3269 - Detecting all fieldnames in a FDF
- Example#3270 - Accessing the form data
- Example#3271 - Accessing the form data
- Example#3272 - Retrieving FDF as a string
- Example#3273 - Passing FDF data to a second form
- Example#3274 - gnupg clearsign example (procedural)
- Example#3275 - gnupg clearsign example (OO)
- Example#3276 - keylistiterator
- Example#3277 - Procedural gnupg_adddecryptkey example
- Example#3278 - OO gnupg_adddecryptkey example
- Example#3279 - Procedural gnupg_addencryptkey example
- Example#3280 - OO gnupg_addencryptkey example
- Example#3281 - Procedural gnupg_addsignkey example
- Example#3282 - OO gnupg_addsignkey example
- Example#3283 - Procedural gnupg_cleardecryptkeys example
- Example#3284 - OO gnupg_cleardecryptkeys example
- Example#3285 - Procedural gnupg_clearencryptkeys example
- Example#3286 - OO gnupg_clearencryptkeys example
- Example#3287 - Procedural gnupg_clearsignkeys example
- Example#3288 - OO gnupg_clearsignkeys example
- Example#3289 - Procedural gnupg_decrypt example
- Example#3290 - OO gnupg_encrypt example
- Example#3291 - Procedural gnupg_decryptverify example
- Example#3292 - OO gnupg_decryptverify example
- Example#3293 - Procedural gnupg_encrypt example
- Example#3294 - OO gnupg_encrypt example
- Example#3295 - Procedural gnupg_encryptsign example
- Example#3296 - OO gnupg_encryptsign example
- Example#3297 - Procedural gnupg_export example
- Example#3298 - OO gnupg_export example
- Example#3299 - Procedural gnupg_geterror example
- Example#3300 - OO gnupg_geterror example
- Example#3301 - Procedural gnupg_getprotocol example
- Example#3302 - OO gnupg_getprotocol example
- Example#3303 - Procedural gnupg_import example
- Example#3304 - OO gnupg_import example
- Example#3305 - Procedural gnupg_init example
- Example#3306 - OO gnupg initializer example
- Example#3307 - Procedural gnupg_keyinfo example
- Example#3308 - OO gnupg_keyinfo example
- Example#3309 - Procedural gnupg_setarmor example
- Example#3310 - OO gnupg_setarmor example
- Example#3311 - Procedural gnupg_seterrormode example
- Example#3312 - OO gnupg_seterrormode example
- Example#3313 - Procedural gnupg_setsignmode example
- Example#3314 - OO gnupg_setsignmode example
- Example#3315 - Procedural gnupg_sign example
- Example#3316 - OO gnupg_sign example
- Example#3317 - Procedural gnupg_verify example
- Example#3318 - OO gnupg_verify example
- Example#3319 - Fancy "Hello world"
- Example#3320 - swfaction example
- Example#3321 - swfaction example
- Example#3322 - swfaction example
- Example#3323 - swfsprite example
- Example#3324 - ming_useswfversion example
- Example#3325 - Importing a DBL file
- Example#3326 - Using an alpha mask
- Example#3327 - Usual interactions with buttons
- Example#3328 - Drag example
- Example#3329 - swfdisplayitem::multcolor example
- Example#3330 - swfdisplayitem::rotateto example
- Example#3331 - swfdisplayitem::setname example
- Example#3332 - swfgradient example
- Example#3333 - swfmorph example
- Example#3334 - Displaying your $movie in a browser
- Example#3335 - Streaming example
- Example#3336 - SWFShape::addFill example
- Example#3337 - swfshape example
- Example#3338 - swfshape::setline example
- Example#3339 - swftext example
- Example#3340 - Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 4
- Example#3341 - Hello World example from PDFlib distribution for PHP 5
- Example#3342 - Creating and using a pattern
- Example#3343 - Creating and using a template
- Example#3344 - Hyphennate a text
- Example#3345 - Drawing a rectangle
- Example#3346 - Creating and using a spot color
- Example#3347 - Rotation of the coordinate system
- Example#3348 - Placing text at a given position
- Example#3349 - Drawing a dashed line
- Example#3350 - Translation of the coordinate system
- Example#3351 - Basic RPMReader Example
- Example#3352 - rpm_close example
- Example#3353 - rpm_get_tag example
- Example#3354 - rpm_is_valid example
- Example#3355 - rpm_open example
- Example#3356 - rpm_version example
- Example#3357 - SWF example
- Example#3358 - swf_addbuttonrecord example
- Example#3359 - Creating a simple flash file based on user input and outputting it
and saving it in a database
- Example#3360 - Horizontal text example
- Example#3361 - A simple 3D-rotation around a text
- Example#3362 - Incorrect requests
- Example#3363 - Calling request from a request callback
- Example#3364 - Calling request from a request callback
- Example#3365 - Using eio with libevent
- Example#3366 - Cancelling a request
- Example#3367 - Calling eio_chmod
- Example#3368 - Making a custom request
- Example#3369 - Grouping requests
- Example#3370 - Using eio with libevent
- Example#3371 - eio_cancel example
- Example#3372 - eio_custom example
- Example#3373 - eio_event_loop example
- Example#3374 - eio_lstat example
- Example#3375 - Using eio with libevent
- Example#3376 - Grouping requests
- Example#3377 - eio_grp example
- Example#3378 - eio_link example
- Example#3379 - eio_lstat example
- Example#3380 - eio_mkdir example
- Example#3381 - eio_mknod example
- Example#3382 - eio_nreqs example
- Example#3383 - eio_open example
- Example#3384 - eio_poll example
- Example#3385 - eio_read example
- Example#3386 - eio_readdir example
- Example#3387 - eio_readlink example
- Example#3388 - eio_realpath example
- Example#3389 - eio_rename example
- Example#3390 - eio_rmdir example
- Example#3391 - eio_stat example
- Example#3392 - eio_statvfs example
- Example#3393 - eio_symlink example
- Example#3394 - Simple timers
- Example#3395 - Periodic timer. Tick each 10.5 seconds
- Example#3396 - Periodic timer. Use reschedule callback
- Example#3397 - Periodic timer. Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
- Example#3398 - Wait until STDIN is readable
- Example#3399 - Use some async I/O to access a socket
- Example#3400 - Embedding one loop into another
- Example#3401 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
- Example#3402 - Handle SIGTERM signal
- Example#3403 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
- Example#3404 - Monotor changes of /var/log/messages. Avoid missing updates by means of one second delay
- Example#3405 - Process status changes
- Example#3406 - Using reschedule callback
- Example#3407 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
- Example#3408 - Embedding one loop into another
- Example#3409 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
- Example#3410 - Embedding loop created with kqueue backend into the default loop
- Example#3411 - Periodic timer. Use reschedule callback
- Example#3412 - Periodic timer. Tick every 10.5 seconds starting at now
- Example#3413 - Hourly watcher
- Example#3414 - Handle SIGTERM signal
- Example#3415 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
- Example#3416 - Monitor changes of /var/log/messages
- Example#3417 - Simple timers
- Example#3418 - Monotor changes of /var/log/messages. Avoid missing updates by means of one second delay
- Example#3419 - Register an I/O watcher for some UDP socket but do not keep the
event loop from running just because of that watcher.
- Example#3420 - Expect Usage Example
- Example#3421 - Another Expect Usage Example
- Example#3422 - expect_expectl example
- Example#3423 - expect_popen example
- Example#3424 - polling STDIN using basic API
- Example#3425 - polling STDIN using buffered event API
- Example#3426 - 进程控制示例
- Example#3427 - pcntl_fork 示例
- Example#3428 - pcntl_signal_dispatch 示例
- Example#3429 - pcntl_signal示例
- Example#3430 - pcntl_sigprocmask 示例
- Example#3431 - pcntl_sigwaitinfo example
- Example#3432 - posix_access example
- Example#3433 - posix_ctermid example
- Example#3434 - posix_get_last_error example
- Example#3435 - posix_getcwd example
- Example#3436 - posix_getegid example
- Example#3437 - posix_geteuid example
- Example#3438 - posix_getgid example
- Example#3439 - Example use of posix_getgrgid
- Example#3440 - Example use of posix_getgrnam
- Example#3441 - Example use of posix_getgroups
- Example#3442 - Example use of posix_getlogin
- Example#3443 - Example use of posix_getpgid
- Example#3444 - Example use of posix_getpid
- Example#3445 - Example use of posix_getppid
- Example#3446 - Example use of posix_getpwnam
- Example#3447 - Example use of posix_getpwuid
- Example#3448 - Example use of posix_getrlimit
- Example#3449 - Example use of posix_getsid
- Example#3450 - Example use of posix_getuid
- Example#3451 - A posix_mknod example
- Example#3452 - posix_setegid example
- Example#3453 - posix_setgid example
- Example#3454 - posix_setuid example
- Example#3455 - posix_strerror example
- Example#3456 - Example use of posix_times
- Example#3457 - Example use of posix_uname
- Example#3458 - escapeshellarg example
- Example#3459 - escapeshellcmd example
- Example#3460 - An exec example
- Example#3461 - A proc_open example
- Example#3462 - A shell_exec example
- Example#3463 - system example
- Example#3464 - Return the identity of the Thread or Process that created the referenced Thread
- Example#3465 - Return the identity of the referenced Thread
- Example#3466 - Detect the state of the referenced Thread
- Example#3467 - Detect the state of the referenced Thread
- Example#3468 - Detect the state of the referenced Thread
- Example#3469 - Detect the state of the referenced Thread
- Example#3470 - Join with the referenced Thread
- Example#3471 - Locking Thread Storage
- Example#3472 - Notifications and Waiting
- Example#3473 - Starting Threads
- Example#3474 - Synchronizing
- Example#3475 - Locking Thread Storage
- Example#3476 - Notifications and Waiting
- Example#3477 - Return the identity of the Thread or Process that created the referenced Worker
- Example#3478 - Returns the number of objects currently waiting to be executed by the referenced Worker
- Example#3479 - Return the identity of the referenced Worker
- Example#3480 - Detect the state of a Worker
- Example#3481 - Detect the state of a Worker
- Example#3482 - Shutdown the referenced Worker
- Example#3483 - Passing Stackables to Workers for execution in the Worker Thread
- Example#3484 - Starting Workers
- Example#3485 - Removing Stackables from Workers
- Example#3486 - Detect the state of the referenced Stackable
- Example#3487 - Detect the state of the referenced Stackable
- Example#3488 - Synchronizing
- Example#3489 - Locking Object Storage
- Example#3490 - Notifications and Waiting
- Example#3491 - protected method example: protected methods can only be executed by one Thread at a time.
- Example#3492 - private method example: private methods may only be executed by the Thread, Worker, or Stackable during execution
- Example#3493 - Mutex Creation and Destruction
- Example#3494 - Mutex Creation and Destruction
- Example#3495 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
- Example#3496 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
- Example#3497 - Mutex Locking and Unlocking
- Example#3498 - Condition Broadcasting
- Example#3499 - Condition Creation and Destruction
- Example#3500 - Condition Creation and Destruction
- Example#3501 - Condition Signalling
- Example#3502 - Waiting for Conditions
- Example#3503 -
- Example#3504 - Shared Memory Operations Overview
- Example#3505 - Closing shared memory block
- Example#3506 - Deleting shared memory block
- Example#3507 - Create a new shared memory block
- Example#3508 - Reading shared memory block
- Example#3509 - Getting the size of the shared memory block
- Example#3510 - Writing to shared memory block
- Example#3511 - A geoip_continent_code_by_name example
- Example#3512 - A geoip_country_code_by_name example
- Example#3513 - A geoip_country_code3_by_name example
- Example#3514 - A geoip_country_name_by_name example
- Example#3515 - A geoip_database_info example
- Example#3516 - A geoip_db_avail example
- Example#3517 - A geoip_db_filename example
- Example#3518 - A geoip_db_get_all_info example
- Example#3519 - A geoip_db_get_all_info example
- Example#3520 - A geoip_id_by_name example
- Example#3521 - A geoip_isp_by_name example
- Example#3522 - A geoip_org_by_name example
- Example#3523 - A geoip_record_by_name example
- Example#3524 - A geoip_region_by_name example
- Example#3525 - A geoip_region_name_by_code example using region code for US/Canada
- Example#3526 - A geoip_region_name_by_code example using FIPS codes
- Example#3527 - A geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region example using region code for US/Canada
- Example#3528 - A geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region example using FIPS codes
- Example#3529 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize 例子
returning an array
- Example#3530 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize 例子
返回了一个关联数组 array
- Example#3531 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize 例子
返回一个 integer
- Example#3532 - JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize 例子
返回一个 string
- Example#3533 - json_decode 的例子
- Example#3534 - Accessing invalid object properties
- Example#3535 - common mistakes using json_decode
- Example#3536 - depth errors
- Example#3537 - json_decode of large integers
- Example#3538 - A json_encode 的例子
- Example#3539 - json_encode 函数中 options 参数的用法
- Example#3540 - 连续与非连续数组示例
- Example#3541 - json_last_error 例子
- Example#3542 - json_encode 的 json_last_error
- Example#3543 - Judy array example
- Example#3544 - Lua::assignexample
- Example#3545 - Lua::callexample
- Example#3546 - Lua::evalexample
- Example#3547 - Lua::registerCallbackexample
- Example#3548 - LuaClosure::__invokeexample
- Example#3549 - constant 的例子
- Example#3550 - 定义常量
- Example#3551 - 检查常量
- Example#3552 - eval 例子 - 简单的文本合并
- Example#3553 - exit 例子
- Example#3554 - exit 状态码例子
- Example#3555 - 无论如何,Shutdown函数与析构函数都会被执行
- Example#3556 - 列出所有用户浏览器的信息
- Example#3557 - A __halt_compiler 例子
- Example#3558 - highlight_string 例子
- Example#3559 - 一个ignore_user_abort的例子
- Example#3560 - pack example
- Example#3561 - php_strip_whitespace 的例子
- Example#3562 - sleep 的例子
- Example#3563 - sys_getloadavg 的例子
- Example#3564 - time_nanosleep 的例子
- Example#3565 - time_sleep_until 的一个例子
- Example#3566 - uniqid 例子
- Example#3567 - unpack example
- Example#3568 - unpack example with a repeater
- Example#3569 - unpack example with unnamed keys
- Example#3570 - usleep例子
- Example#3571 - parsekit_compile_file example
- Example#3572 - parsekit_compile_string example
- Example#3573 - parsekit_func_arginfo example
- Example#3574 - SplDoublyLinkedList::__construct example
- Example#3575 - SplStack::__construct example
- Example#3576 - SplQueue::__construct example
- Example#3577 - Efficiently handling tasks with SplQueue
- Example#3578 - SplFixedArray usage example
- Example#3579 - SplFixedArray::__construct example
- Example#3580 - SplFixedArray::count example
- Example#3581 - SplFixedArray::fromArray example
- Example#3582 - SplFixedArray::getSize example
- Example#3583 - SplFixedArray::setSize example
- Example#3584 - SplFixedArray::toArray example
- Example#3585 - SplObjectStorage as a set
- Example#3586 - SplObjectStorage as a map
- Example#3587 - SplObjectStorage::addAll example
- Example#3588 - SplObjectStorage::attach example
- Example#3589 - SplObjectStorage::contains example
- Example#3590 - SplObjectStorage::count example
- Example#3591 - SplObjectStorage::current example
- Example#3592 - SplObjectStorage::detach example
- Example#3593 - SplObjectStorage::getHash example
- Example#3594 - SplObjectStorage::getInfo example
- Example#3595 - SplObjectStorage::key example
- Example#3596 - SplObjectStorage::next example
- Example#3597 - SplObjectStorage::offsetExists example
- Example#3598 - SplObjectStorage::offsetGet example
- Example#3599 - SplObjectStorage::offsetSet example
- Example#3600 - SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset example
- Example#3601 - SplObjectStorage::removeAll example
- Example#3602 - SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept example
- Example#3603 - SplObjectStorage::rewind example
- Example#3604 - SplObjectStorage::serialize example
- Example#3605 - SplObjectStorage::setInfo example
- Example#3606 - SplObjectStorage::unserialize example
- Example#3607 - SplObjectStorage::valid example
- Example#3608 - AppendIterator::append example
- Example#3609 - Iterating AppendIterator with foreach
- Example#3610 - Iterating AppendIterator with the AppendIterator API
- Example#3611 - AppendIterator::getInnerIterator example
- Example#3612 - AppendIterator.getIteratorIndex basic example
- Example#3613 - AppendIterator::key basic example
- Example#3614 - ArrayIterator::current example
- Example#3615 - ArrayIterator::key example
- Example#3616 - ArrayIterator::next example
- Example#3617 - ArrayIterator::rewind example
- Example#3618 - ArrayIterator::valid example
- Example#3619 - Available callback arguments
- Example#3620 - Callback basic examples
- Example#3621 - A DirectoryIterator::__construct example
- Example#3622 - A DirectoryIterator::current example
- Example#3623 - A DirectoryIterator::getATime example
- Example#3624 - A DirectoryIterator::getBasename example
- Example#3625 - DirectoryIterator::getCTime example
- Example#3626 - DirectoryIterator::getExtension example
- Example#3627 -
- Example#3628 - A DirectoryIterator::getFilename example
- Example#3629 - DirectoryIterator::getGroup example
- Example#3630 - DirectoryIterator::getInode example
- Example#3631 - A DirectoryIterator::getMTime example
- Example#3632 - DirectoryIterator::getOwner example
- Example#3633 - DirectoryIterator::getPath example
- Example#3634 - DirectoryIterator::getPathname example
- Example#3635 - DirectoryIterator::getPerms example
- Example#3636 - DirectoryIterator::getSize example
- Example#3637 - DirectoryIterator::getType example
- Example#3638 - DirectoryIterator::isDir example
- Example#3639 - A DirectoryIterator::isDot example
- Example#3640 - DirectoryIterator::isExecutable example
- Example#3641 - DirectoryIterator::isFile example
- Example#3642 - A DirectoryIterator::isLink example
- Example#3643 - DirectoryIterator::isReadable example
- Example#3644 - DirectoryIterator::isWritable example
- Example#3645 - A DirectoryIterator::key example
- Example#3646 - DirectoryIterator::next example
- Example#3647 - DirectoryIterator::rewind example
- Example#3648 - DirectoryIterator::seek example
- Example#3649 - A DirectoryIterator::__toString example
- Example#3650 - A DirectoryIterator::valid example
- Example#3651 - FilesystemIterator::__construct example
- Example#3652 - FilesystemIterator::current example
- Example#3653 - FilesystemIterator::key example
- Example#3654 - FilesystemIterator::next example
- Example#3655 - FilesystemIterator::rewind example
- Example#3656 - FilesystemIterator::key example
- Example#3657 - FilterIterator::accept example
- Example#3658 - GlobIterator example
- Example#3659 - GlobIterator::count example
- Example#3660 - InfiniteIterator::__construct example
- Example#3661 - LimitIterator usage example
- Example#3662 - LimitIterator::__construct example
- Example#3663 - LimitIterator::getPosition example
- Example#3664 - Iterating a MultipleIterator
- Example#3665 - NoRewindIterator::__construct example
- Example#3666 - NoRewindIterator::rewind example
- Example#3667 - RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren example
- Example#3668 - RecursiveArrayIterator::hasChildren example
- Example#3669 - Available callback arguments
- Example#3670 - Recursive callback basic example
- Example#3671 - RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator::hasChildren basic usage
- Example#3672 - RecursiveDirectoryIterator example
- Example#3673 - Basic RecursiveFilterIterator example
- Example#3674 - RecursiveFilterIterator example
- Example#3675 - Iterating a RecursiveIteratorIterator
- Example#3676 - RecursiveRegexIterator::__construct example
- Example#3677 - RecursiveRegexIterator::getChildren example
- Example#3678 - RecursiveRegexIterator::hasChildren example
- Example#3679 - RegexIterator::accept example
- Example#3680 - RegexIterator::__construct example
- Example#3681 - RegexIterator::getFlags example
- Example#3682 - RegexIterator::getMode example
- Example#3683 - RegexIterator::getPregFlags example
- Example#3684 - RegexIterator::setFlags example
- Example#3685 - RegexIterator::setMode example
- Example#3686 - RegexIterator::setPregFlags example
- Example#3687 - Countable::count example
- Example#3688 - Basic usage
- Example#3689 - SeekableIterator::seek example
- Example#3690 - class_implements example
- Example#3691 - class_parents example
- Example#3692 - class_uses example
- Example#3693 - iterator_apply example
- Example#3694 - iterator_count example
- Example#3695 - iterator_to_array example
- Example#3696 - spl_autoload_register example
- Example#3697 - spl_classes example
- Example#3698 - A spl_object_hash example
- Example#3699 - SplFileInfo::__construct example
- Example#3700 - SplFileInfo::getBasename example
- Example#3701 - SplFileInfo::getCTime example
- Example#3702 - SplFileInfo::getExtension example
- Example#3703 -
- Example#3704 - SplFileInfo::getFilename example
- Example#3705 - SplFileInfo::getGroup example
- Example#3706 - SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget example
- Example#3707 - SplFileInfo::getOwner example
- Example#3708 - SplFileInfo::getPath example
- Example#3709 - SplFileInfo::getPathInfo example
- Example#3710 - SplFileInfo::getPathname example
- Example#3711 - SplFileInfo::getPerms example
- Example#3712 - SplFileInfo::getRealPath example
- Example#3713 - SplFileInfo::getType example
- Example#3714 - SplFileInfo::isDir example
- Example#3715 - SplFileInfo::isExecutable example
- Example#3716 - SplFileInfo::isFile example
- Example#3717 - SplFileInfo::isLink example
- Example#3718 - SplFileInfo::isReadable example
- Example#3719 - SplFileInfo::openFile example
- Example#3720 - SplFileInfo::setFileClass example
- Example#3721 - SplFileInfo::setFileClass example
- Example#3722 - SplFileInfo::__toString example
- Example#3723 - SplFileObject::__construct example
- Example#3724 - SplFileObject::current example
- Example#3725 - SplFileObject::eof example
- Example#3726 - SplFileObject::fflush example
- Example#3727 - SplFileObject::fgetc example
- Example#3728 - SplFileObject::fgetcsv example
- Example#3729 - SplFileObject::READ_CSV example
- Example#3730 - SplFileObject::fgets example
- Example#3731 - SplFileObject::fgetss example
- Example#3732 - SplFileObject::flock example
- Example#3733 - SplFileObject::fpassthru example
- Example#3734 - SplFileObject::fputcsv example
- Example#3735 - SplFileObject::fscanf example
- Example#3736 - SplFileObject::fseek example
- Example#3737 - SplFileObject::fstat example
- Example#3738 - SplFileObject::ftell example
- Example#3739 - SplFileObject::ftruncate example
- Example#3740 - SplFileObject::fwrite example
- Example#3741 - SplFileObject::getCsvControl example
- Example#3742 - SplFileObject::getFlags example
- Example#3743 - SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen example
- Example#3744 - SplFileObject::key example
- Example#3745 - SplFileObject::key example with SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen
- Example#3746 - SplFileObject::next example
- Example#3747 - SplFileObject::rewind example
- Example#3748 - SplFileObject::seek example
- Example#3749 - SplFileObject::setCsvControl example
- Example#3750 - SplFileObject::setFlags example
- Example#3751 - SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen example
- Example#3752 - SplFileObject::valid example
- Example#3753 - SplTempFileObject example
- Example#3754 - ArrayObject::append example
- Example#3755 - ArrayObject::asort example
- Example#3756 - ArrayObject::__construct example
- Example#3757 - ArrayObject::count example
- Example#3758 - ArrayObject::exchangeArray example
- Example#3759 - ArrayObject::getArrayCopy example
- Example#3760 - ArrayObject::getFlags example
- Example#3761 - ArrayObject::getIterator example
- Example#3762 - ArrayObject::getIteratorClass example
- Example#3763 - ArrayObject::ksort example
- Example#3764 - ArrayObject::natcasesort example
- Example#3765 - ArrayObject::natsort example
- Example#3766 - ArrayObject::offsetExists example
- Example#3767 - ArrayObject::offsetGet example
- Example#3768 - ArrayObject::offsetSet example
- Example#3769 - ArrayObject::offsetUnset example
- Example#3770 - ArrayObject::serialize example
- Example#3771 - ArrayObject::setFlags example
- Example#3772 - ArrayObject::setIteratorClass example
- Example#3773 - ArrayObject::uasort example
- Example#3774 - ArrayObject::uksort example
- Example#3775 - SplInt usage example
- Example#3776 - SplFloat usage example
- Example#3777 - SplEnum usage example
- Example#3778 - SplEnum::getConstList example
- Example#3779 - SplBool usage example
- Example#3780 - SplString usage example
- Example#3781 - Using file_get_contents
to retrieve data from multiple sources
- Example#3782 - Making a POST request to an https server
- Example#3783 - Writing data to a compressed file
- Example#3784 - A Stream for reading/writing global variables
- Example#3785 - Listing files from tar archives
- Example#3786 - stream_bucket_prepend examples
- Example#3787 - Using stream_context_create
- Example#3788 - Using stream_context_get_default
- Example#3789 - stream_context_get_options example
- Example#3790 - stream_context_get_params example
- Example#3791 - stream_context_set_default example
- Example#3792 - A stream_copy_to_stream example
- Example#3793 - Controlling where filters are applied
- Example#3794 - Filter for capitalizing characters on foo-bar.txt stream
- Example#3795 - Registering a generic filter class to match multiple filter names.
- Example#3796 - Dynamicly refiltering a stream
- Example#3797 - stream_get_contents example
- Example#3798 - Using stream_get_filters
- Example#3799 - Using stream_get_transports
- Example#3800 - stream_get_wrappers example
- Example#3801 - Checking for the existence of a stream wrapper
- Example#3802 - stream_is_local example
- Example#3803 - stream_notification_callback example
- Example#3804 - Simple progressbar for commandline download client
- Example#3805 - stream_resolve_include_path example
- Example#3806 - stream_select Example
- Example#3807 - stream_set_timeout example
- Example#3808 - stream_set_write_buffer example
- Example#3809 - stream_socket_client example
- Example#3810 - Using UDP connection
- Example#3811 - stream_socket_enable_crypto example
- Example#3812 - A stream_socket_pair example
- Example#3813 - stream_socket_recvfrom example
- Example#3814 - stream_socket_sendto Example
- Example#3815 - Using TCP server sockets
- Example#3816 - Using UDP server sockets
- Example#3817 - A stream_socket_shutdown example
- Example#3818 - 读写全局变量的流
- Example#3819 - Basic Tidy usage
- Example#3820 - tidy::getBody example
- Example#3821 - tidy::cleanrepair example
- Example#3822 - tidy::__construct example
- Example#3823 - tidy::diagnose example
- Example#3824 - tidy_get_error_buffer example
- Example#3825 - tidy::getConfig example
- Example#3826 - tidy_getopt example
- Example#3827 - Print all options along with their documentation and default value
- Example#3828 - tidy::getStatus example
- Example#3829 - tidy::head example
- Example#3830 - tidy::html example
- Example#3831 - tidy::parseFile example
- Example#3832 - tidy::parseString example
- Example#3833 - tidy::repairFile example
- Example#3834 - tidy::repairString example
- Example#3835 - tidy::root example
- Example#3836 - tidyNode::hasChildren example
- Example#3837 - tidyNode::hasChildren example
- Example#3838 - tidyNode::hasSiblings example
- Example#3839 - Extract ASP code from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3840 - Extract comments from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3841 - Extract HTML code from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3842 - Extract JSTE code from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3843 - Extract PHP code from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3844 - Extract text from a mixed HTML document
- Example#3845 - ob_tidyhandler example
- Example#3846 - tidy_access_count example
- Example#3847 - tidy_config_count example
- Example#3848 - tidy_error_count example
- Example#3849 - tidy_get_output example
- Example#3850 - tidy_setopt example
- Example#3851 - tidy_warning_count example
- Example#3852 - Strip comments with the tokenizer
- Example#3853 - token_get_all examples
- Example#3854 - token_name example
- Example#3855 - base64_decode 示例
- Example#3856 - base64_encode 示例
- Example#3857 - get_headers 例子
- Example#3858 - get_headers using HEAD example
- Example#3859 - get_meta_tags 解析了什么
- Example#3860 - get_meta_tags 返回什么些
- Example#3861 - http_build_query 使用示例
- Example#3862 - http_build_query 使用数字下标的元素
- Example#3863 - http_build_query 使用复杂的数组
- Example#3864 - http_build_query 使用对象
- Example#3865 - parse_url 例子
- Example#3866 - parse_url 解析丢失协议的例子
- Example#3867 - rawurldecode 示例
- Example#3868 - 在 FTP URL 里包含一个密码
- Example#3869 - rawurlencode 示例 2
- Example#3870 - urldecode 示例
- Example#3871 - urlencode 例子
- Example#3872 - urlencode 与 htmlentities 例子
- Example#3873 - Basic Javascript execution
- Example#3874 - Yaml 范例
- Example#3875 - Parse callback example
- Example#3876 - Emit callback example
- Example#3877 - yaml_emit example
- Example#3878 - yaml_parse example
- Example#3879 - A classic Application directory layout
- Example#3880 - Entry
- Example#3881 - Rewrite rule
- Example#3882 - Application config
- Example#3883 - Default controller
- Example#3884 - Default view template
- Example#3885 - Run the Applicatioin
- Example#3886 - An array of yaf configuration example
- Example#3887 - an ini file of yaf configuration example
- Example#3888 - A Bootstrapexample
- Example#3889 - Yaf_Application::bootstrapexample
- Example#3890 - Yaf_Application::clearLastErrorexample
- Example#3891 - A ini config file example
- Example#3892 - Yaf_Application::__constructexample
- Example#3893 - Yaf_Application::__constructexample
- Example#3894 - Yaf_Application::environexample
- Example#3895 - Yaf_Application::executeexample
- Example#3896 - Yaf_Application::getConfigexample
- Example#3897 - Yaf_Application::getDispatcherexample
- Example#3898 - Yaf_Application::getLastErrorMsgexample
- Example#3899 - Yaf_Application::getLastErrorNoexample
- Example#3900 - Yaf_Application::getModulesexample
- Example#3901 - Bootstrap example
- Example#3902 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRenderexample
- Example#3903 - Yaf_Dispatcher::catchExceptionexample
- Example#3904 - Yaf_Dispatcher::registerPluginexample
- Example#3905 - A custom View engineexample
- Example#3906 - Yaf_Dispatcher::setViewexample
- Example#3907 - Yaf_Dispatcher::throwexceptionexample
- Example#3908 - Yaf_Dispatcher::throwexceptionexample
- Example#3909 - Yaf_Config_Iniexample
- Example#3910 - define action in a separate file
- Example#3911 - Dummy_action.php
- Example#3912 - Yaf_Action_Abstract::executeexample
- Example#3913 - Yaf_Action_Abstract::executeexample
- Example#3914 - Yaf_View_Simple::assignexample
- Example#3915 - templateexample
- Example#3916 - Yaf_View_Simple::assignRefexample
- Example#3917 - templateexample
- Example#3918 - Yaf_View_Simple::clearexample
- Example#3919 - Yaf_View_Simple::__constructorexample
- Example#3920 - Yaf_View_Simple::__setexample
- Example#3921 - Config example
- Example#3922 - Register localnamespace
- Example#3923 - Load class example
- Example#3924 - Load namespace class example
- Example#3925 - MVC class loading example
- Example#3926 - MVC class distinctions
- Example#3927 - MVC loading example
- Example#3928 - Yaf_Loader::registerLocalNamespaceexample
- Example#3929 - Plugin example
- Example#3930 - Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::routerShutdownexample
- Example#3931 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::appendBodyexample
- Example#3932 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::getBodyexample
- Example#3933 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::prependBodyexample
- Example#3934 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::responseexample
- Example#3935 - Yaf_Response_Abstract::setBodyexample
- Example#3936 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
- Example#3937 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
- Example#3938 - Yaf_Route_Mapexample
- Example#3939 - Yaf_Route_Regexexample
- Example#3940 - Yaf_Route_Regexexample
- Example#3941 - Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
- Example#3942 - Yaf_Route_Rewriteexample
- Example#3943 - Rewrite rule for Apache
- Example#3944 - Rewrite rule for Apache
- Example#3945 - Rewrite rule for Lighttpd
- Example#3946 - Rewrite rule for Nginx
- Example#3947 - Yaf_Route_Static(default
- Example#3948 - application.iniexample
- Example#3949 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoConfigexample
- Example#3950 - Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRenderexample
- Example#3951 - Register some routes in Bootstrap
- Example#3952 - plugin Dummy.php (under application.directory/plugins)
- Example#3953 - Yaf_Route_Simple::routeexample
- Example#3954 - Yaf_Route_Simple::routeexample
- Example#3955 - Yaf_Route_Static::routeexample
- Example#3956 - Yaf_Route_Supervarexample
- Example#3957 - Taintexample
- Example#3958 - AMQP Example
- Example#3959 - AMQPConnection::connect example
- Example#3960 - AMQPConnection::__construct example
- Example#3961 - AMQPConnection::disconnect example
- Example#3962 - AMQPConnection::isConnected example
- Example#3963 - AMQPConnection::reconnect example
- Example#3964 - AMQPConnection::setHost example
- Example#3965 - AMQPConnection::setLogin example
- Example#3966 - AMQPConnection::setPassword example
- Example#3967 - AMQPConnection::setPort example
- Example#3968 - AMQPConnection::setTimeout example
- Example#3969 - AMQPConnection::setVhost example
- Example#3970 - AMQPExchange::declare example
- Example#3971 - AMQPExchange::delete example
- Example#3972 - AMQPQueue::ack example with AMQPQueue::get
- Example#3973 - AMQPQueue::ack example with AMQPQueue::consume
- Example#3974 - AMQPQueue::consume example
- Example#3975 - AMQPQueue::get example
- Example#3976 - Creating a chdb file
- Example#3977 - Loading and looking up a chdb file
- Example#3978 - chdb::get example
- Example#3979 - chdb_create example
- Example#3980 - 使用PHP的cURL模块获取example.com的主页
- Example#3981 - 初始化一个cURL会话来获取一个网页
- Example#3982 - 复制一个cURL句柄
- Example#3983 - curl_errno example
- Example#3984 - curl_error example
- Example#3985 - 获取一个网页
- Example#3986 - curl_getinfo example
- Example#3987 - 初始化一个新的cURL会话并获取一个网页
- Example#3988 - curl_multi_add_handle example
- Example#3989 - curl_multi_close example
- Example#3990 - curl_multi_exec example
- Example#3991 - 一个curl_multi_info_read范例
- Example#3992 - curl_multi_init example
- Example#3993 - 初始化一个新的cURL辉煌并抓取一个web页面
- Example#3994 - 我们对curl_setopt_array的等价实现
- Example#3995 - 初始化一个新的cURL会话并获取一个网页
- Example#3996 - 上传文件
- Example#3997 - curl_version example
- Example#3998 - FTP example
- Example#3999 - ftp_alloc example
- Example#4000 - ftp_cdup 例子
- Example#4001 - ftp_chdir 例子
- Example#4002 - ftp_chmod example
- Example#4003 - ftp_close 例子
- Example#4004 - ftp_connect 例子
- Example#4005 - ftp_delete 例子
- Example#4006 - ftp_exec 例子
- Example#4007 - ftp_fget 例子
- Example#4008 - ftp_fput 例子
- Example#4009 - ftp_get_option 实例
- Example#4010 - ftp_get 例子
- Example#4011 - ftp_login 例子
- Example#4012 - ftp_mdtm 例子
- Example#4013 - ftp_nb_fget example
- Example#4014 - ftp_nb_fput example
- Example#4015 - ftp_nb_get 实例
- Example#4016 - 使用 ftp_nb_get 函数断线续传
- Example#4017 - 用 ftp_nb_get 在 100 的位置断线续传并存为 "newfile"
- Example#4018 - ftp_nb_put 实例
- Example#4019 - 使用 ftp_nb_put 来断线续传
- Example#4020 - ftp_nlist 例子
- Example#4021 - ftp_pasv 实例
- Example#4022 - ftp_put 实例
- Example#4023 - ftp_pwd 例子
- Example#4024 - Using ftp_raw to login to an FTP server manually.
- Example#4025 - ftp_rawlist 例子
- Example#4026 - ftp_rename 例子
- Example#4027 - ftp_rmdir 例子
- Example#4028 - ftp_set_option 例子
- Example#4029 - 向一个 FTP 服务器发送一条 SITE 命令
- Example#4030 - ftp_size 例子
- Example#4031 - ftp_ssl_connect example
- Example#4032 - ftp_systype 例子
- Example#4033 - Basic Gearman client and worker
- Example#4034 - Basic Gearman client and worker, background
- Example#4035 - Basic Gearman client and worker, submitting tasks
- Example#4036 - Adding two job servers
- Example#4037 - Add two job servers
- Example#4038 - Basic submission of two tasks
- Example#4039 - Basic submission of two tasks with passing application context
- Example#4040 - Two tasks, one background and one not
- Example#4041 - A high priority task along with two normal tasks
- Example#4042 - A low priority task along with two normal tasks
- Example#4043 - Monitor completion of multiple background tasks
- Example#4044 - Simple job submission with immediate return
- Example#4045 - Submitting a job and retrieving incremental status
- Example#4046 - Submit and monitor a background job
- Example#4047 - Simple job submission with immediate return
- Example#4048 - Submitting a job and retrieving incremental status
- Example#4049 - Get the status of a long running job
- Example#4050 - Monitor the status of a long running background job
- Example#4051 - Simple worker making use of extra application context data
- Example#4052 - Add alternate Gearman servers
- Example#4053 - Add two job servers
- Example#4054 - GearmanWorker::setId example
- Example#4055 - A simple worker with a 5 second timeout
- Example#4056 - Running worker in non-blocking mode
- Example#4057 - GearmanWorker::work example
- Example#4058 - Hypothetical output from gopher://gopher.example.com/
- Example#4059 - Using gopher_parsedir
- Example#4060 - Search for all UPnP devices and services.
- Example#4061 - Implementing light server
- Example#4062 - Implementing light client
- Example#4063 - Create new UPnP context and get IP address of the host
- Example#4064 - Create new UPnP context and get port number
- Example#4065 - Create new UPnP context and set host path
- Example#4066 - Create new UPnP context
- Example#4067 - Create new UPnP context and set callback
- Example#4068 - Create new UPnP context and start browsing
- Example#4069 - Create new UPnP context and start browsing
- Example#4070 - Create new UPnP context and get device info service
- Example#4071 - Create new UPnP context and get device info service
- Example#4072 - A HttpDeflateStream example
- Example#4073 - A HttpInflateStream example
- Example#4074 - A HttpRequest::addCookies example
- Example#4075 - GET example
- Example#4076 - POST example
- Example#4077 - A HttpRequestPool example
- Example#4078 - A HttpRequestPool::socketPerform example
- Example#4079 - A HttpResponse::capture example
- Example#4080 - A HttpResponse::send example
- Example#4081 - A http_cache_etag example
- Example#4082 - A http_cache_last_modified example
- Example#4083 - A http_chunked_decode example
- Example#4084 - A http_support example
- Example#4085 - Using http_negotiate_charset
- Example#4086 - Using http_negotiate_content_type
- Example#4087 - Using http_negotiate_language
- Example#4088 - Using http_parse_cookie
- Example#4089 - Using http_parse_headers
- Example#4090 - Using http_parse_message
- Example#4091 - A http_parse_params example
- Example#4092 - A http_persistent_handles_count example
- Example#4093 - A http_persistent_handles_ident example
- Example#4094 - A http_get example
- Example#4095 - A http_post_fields example
- Example#4096 - A http_redirect example
- Example#4097 - A http_send_file example
- Example#4098 - A http_throttle example
- Example#4099 - http_build_url 的一个例子
- Example#4100 - modifying an attribute
- Example#4101 - adding a completely new attribute
- Example#4102 - modifying Title attribute
- Example#4103 - modifying Title attribute
- Example#4104 - removing attribute
- Example#4105 - Retrieve an object
- Example#4106 - Java Example
- Example#4107 - AWT Example
- Example#4108 - Java exception handler
- Example#4109 - LDAP search example
- Example#4110 - Complete example with authenticated bind
- Example#4111 - Using LDAP Bind
- Example#4112 - Using LDAP Bind Anonymously
- Example#4113 - Complete example of password check
- Example#4114 - Example of connecting to LDAP server.
- Example#4115 - Example of connecting securely to LDAP server.
- Example#4116 - LDAP pagination
- Example#4117 - LDAP pagination
- Example#4118 - ldap-count-entries example
- Example#4119 - Enumerating all LDAP error messages
- Example#4120 - Generating and catching an error
- Example#4121 - Show the list of attributes held for a particular directory entry
- Example#4122 - Check protocol version
- Example#4123 - List all values of the "mail" attribute for a
directory entry
- Example#4124 - Produce a list of all organizational units of an organization
- Example#4125 - LDAP search
- Example#4126 - Set protocol version
- Example#4127 - Set server controls
- Example#4128 - LDAP sort
- Example#4129 - memcache扩展概览示例
- Example#4130 - 使用memcache的session处理器
- Example#4131 - Memcache::add示例
- Example#4132 - Memcache::addServer 示例
- Example#4133 - Memcache::close示例
- Example#4134 - Memcache::connect example
- Example#4135 - Memcache::decrement example
- Example#4136 - Memcache::delete example
- Example#4137 - Memcache::flush示例
- Example#4138 - Memcache::get 示例
- Example#4139 - Memcache::getExtendedStats 示例
- Example#4140 - Memcache::getServerStatus 示例
- Example#4141 - Memcache::getVersion 示例
- Example#4142 - Memcache::increment示例
- Example#4143 - Memcache::pconnect示例
- Example#4144 - Memcache::replace示例
- Example#4145 - Memcache::set 示例
- Example#4146 - Memcache::set 示例
- Example#4147 - Memcache::setCompressThreshold 示例
- Example#4148 - Memcache::setServerParams 示例
- Example#4149 - 结果回调示例
- Example#4150 - 通读回调示例
- Example#4151 - Memcached::addServer example
- Example#4152 - Memcached::addServers示例
- Example#4153 - Memcached::append示例
- Example#4154 - Memcached::cas 示例
- Example#4155 - 创建一个Memcached对象
- Example#4156 - Memcached::decrement 示例
- Example#4157 - Memcached::delete 示例
- Example#4158 - Memcached::fetch 示例
- Example#4159 - Memcached::getDelayed 示例
- Example#4160 - Memcached::flush 示例
- Example#4161 - Memcached::get 示例 #1
- Example#4162 - Memcached::get 示例 #2
- Example#4163 - Memcached::getDelayed 示例
- Example#4164 - Memcached::getMulti 示例
- Example#4165 - Memcached::GET_PRESERVE_ORDER 示例
- Example#4166 - 获取Memcached选项
- Example#4167 - Memcached::getResultCode 示例
- Example#4168 - Memcached::getResultMessage 示例
- Example#4169 - Memcached::getServerByKey 示例
- Example#4170 - Memcached::getServerList 示例
- Example#4171 - Memcached::getStats 示例
- Example#4172 - Memcached::getVersion 示例
- Example#4173 - Memcached::increment 示例
- Example#4174 - Memcached::prepend 示例
- Example#4175 - Memcached::set 示例
- Example#4176 - Memcached::setByKey 示例
- Example#4177 - Memcached::setMulti 示例
- Example#4178 - 设置一个memcached选项值
- Example#4179 - Setting Memcached options
- Example#4180 - mqseries_back
- Example#4181 - mqseries_begin
- Example#4182 - mqseries_close
- Example#4183 - mqseries_cmit
- Example#4184 - mqseries_conn
- Example#4185 - mqseries_connx
- Example#4186 - mqseries_connx
example using SSL connection & OCSP Responder URL
- Example#4187 - mqseries_disc
- Example#4188 - mqseries_get
- Example#4189 - mqseries_inq
- Example#4190 - mqseries_open
- Example#4191 - mqseries_put
- Example#4192 - mqseries_strerror
- Example#4193 - define_syslog_variables example
- Example#4194 - Using dns_get_record
- Example#4195 - Using dns_get_record and DNS_ANY
- Example#4196 - fsockopen Example
- Example#4197 - Using UDP connection
- Example#4198 - A simple gethostbyaddr example
- Example#4199 - A simple gethostbyname example
- Example#4200 - gethostbynamel example
- Example#4201 - A simple gethostname example
- Example#4202 - getprotobyname example
- Example#4203 - getservbyname example
- Example#4204 - header_register_callback example
- Example#4205 - Unsetting specific header.
- Example#4206 - Unsetting all previously set headers.
- Example#4207 - Download dialog
- Example#4208 - Caching directives
- Example#4209 - Examples using headers_list
- Example#4210 - Examples using headers_sent
- Example#4211 - Examples using http_response_code
- Example#4212 - inet_ntop Example
- Example#4213 - inet_pton Example
- Example#4214 - ip2long Example
- Example#4215 - Displaying an IP address
- Example#4216 - setcookie send example
- Example#4217 - setcookie delete example
- Example#4218 - setcookie and arrays
- Example#4219 - Using syslog
- Example#4220 - Procedural usage of rrd
- Example#4221 - OO usage of rrd
- Example#4222 - RRDGraph::setOptions examples
- Example#4223 - RRDUpdater::update examples
- Example#4224 - Creating a connection and connecting to a remote WebSphere MQSeries Messaging Server
- Example#4225 - Creating a connection and connecting to a remote WebSphere Application Server
- Example#4226 - Creating a connection and connecting to an MQTT server
- Example#4227 - Creating a message with a simple text body
- Example#4228 - Setting a text format property using the default syntax
- Example#4229 - Setting a property using a type hint
- Example#4230 - Retrieving a property from a message header
- Example#4231 - Adding a message to a queue and receiving a response
- Example#4232 - Creating a durable subscription to a topic
- Example#4233 - Subscribing to a topic using a WebSphere Platform Messaging (WPM) server
- Example#4234 - Receiving published data using a durable subscription
- Example#4235 - Deleting a durable subscription to a topic
- Example#4236 - Handling an error from a method that returns no result
- Example#4237 - Handling an error from a method that returns a result
- Example#4238 - Committing the current unit of work
- Example#4239 - Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM MQSeries
protocol (WMQ)
- Example#4240 - Creating a connection with application transaction control and default
host and port values
- Example#4241 - Creating a connection to a Messaging Server using the IBM WebSphere
Platform Messaging protocol (WPM)
- Example#4242 - Creating a connection object and connecting to a Messaging Server
- Example#4243 - Disconnecting from a Messaging Server
- Example#4244 - Using the error number and description properties
- Example#4245 - Using the error number and description properties
- Example#4246 - Checking whether there us a connection to a Messaging Server
- Example#4247 - Retrieve the next message from a queue without removing it
- Example#4248 - Retrieve a specific message from a queue without removing it from the queue
- Example#4249 - Retrieve all messages in a queue without removing them
- Example#4250 - Retrieve all messages from a queue with a matching correlation id
- Example#4251 - Receiving a message from a queue
- Example#4252 - Receiving a message from a queue with options
- Example#4253 - Receiving a message from a subscription
- Example#4254 - Removing a message from a queue by message id
- Example#4255 - Cancelling an in-flight unit of work
- Example#4256 - Send a message to a queue
- Example#4257 - Publish a message to a topic
- Example#4258 - Send a request and receive a response
- Example#4259 - Turn on debugging output
- Example#4260 - Turn off debugging output
- Example#4261 - Subscribe to a topic
- Example#4262 - Delete a subscription
- Example#4263 - Setting a text string into the body of a message
- Example#4264 - Creating a message
- Example#4265 - Creating a message with a simple text payload
- Example#4266 - Setting a text format property using the default syntax
- Example#4267 - Setting a text format property using a type hint
- Example#4268 - Setting properties as the sender of a message
- Example#4269 - Retreiving property values from a message
- Example#4270 - snmp_get_quick_print 示例
- Example#4271 - Using snmp_get_valueretrieval
- Example#4272 - Using snmp_read_mib
- Example#4273 - Using snmp_set_enum_print
- Example#4274 - Using snmprealwalk
- Example#4275 - Using
- Example#4276 - Using snmp2_get
- Example#4277 - Using snmp2_get_next
- Example#4278 - Using snmp2_real_walk
- Example#4279 - Using snmp2_set
- Example#4280 - Using snmp2_set for setting BITS SNMP object id
- Example#4281 - snm2_pwalk Example
- Example#4282 - Using snmp3_get
- Example#4283 - Using snmp3_getnext
- Example#4284 - Using
- Example#4285 - Using snmp3_set
- Example#4286 - Using snmp3_set for setting BITS SNMP object id
- Example#4287 - snmp3_walk Example
- Example#4288 - Using snmpgetnext
- Example#4289 - Using snmprealwalk
- Example#4290 - SNMP::close example
- Example#4291 - Fetching sysLocation
- Example#4292 - Single SNMP object
- Example#4293 - Miltiple SNMP objects
- Example#4294 - SNMP::getErrno example
- Example#4295 - SNMP::getError example
- Example#4296 - Single SNMP object
- Example#4297 - Miltiple SNMP objects
- Example#4298 - Set single SNMP object id
- Example#4299 - Set multiple values using single SNMP::set
- Example#4300 - Using SNMP::set for setting BITS SNMP object id
- Example#4301 - SNMP::setSecurity example
- Example#4302 - SNMP::walk example
- Example#4303 - suffix_as_key example
- Example#4304 - Socket example: Simple TCP/IP server
- Example#4305 - Socket example: Simple TCP/IP client
- Example#4306 - Using socket_bind to set the source address
- Example#4307 - socket_create_pair example
- Example#4308 - socket_create_pair IPC example
- Example#4309 - socket_set_option example
- Example#4310 - socket_import_stream example
- Example#4311 - socket_last_error example
- Example#4312 - socket_recv example
- Example#4313 - socket_recvfrom example
- Example#4314 - Using NULL with socket_select
- Example#4315 - Understanding socket_select's result
- Example#4316 - socket_select example
- Example#4317 - socket_sendto Example
- Example#4318 - socket_set_block example
- Example#4319 - socket_set_nonblock example
- Example#4320 - socket_set_option example
- Example#4321 - socket_strerror example
- Example#4322 - Authenticating with a ssh agent
- Example#4323 - Authentication using a public hostkey
- Example#4324 - Retrieving a list of authentication methods
- Example#4325 - Authenticating with a password
- Example#4326 - Authentication using a public key
- Example#4327 - ssh2_connect example
- Example#4328 - Executing a command
- Example#4329 - Opening a shell and retrieving the stderr stream associated with it
- Example#4330 - Checking the fingerprint against a known value
- Example#4331 - Determining what methods were negotiated
- Example#4332 - Adding a publickey with ssh2_publickey_add
- Example#4333 - Listing authorized keys with ssh2_publickey_list
- Example#4334 - Downloading a file via SCP
- Example#4335 - Uploading a file via SCP
- Example#4336 - Creating a directory on a remote server
- Example#4337 - Stating a symbolic link via SFTP
- Example#4338 - Creating a directory on a remote server
- Example#4339 - Reading a symbolic link
- Example#4340 - Resolving a pathname
- Example#4341 - Renaming a file via sftp
- Example#4342 - Removing a directory on a remote server
- Example#4343 - Stating a file via SFTP
- Example#4344 - Creating a symbolic link
- Example#4345 - Deleting a file
- Example#4346 - Opening a file via SFTP
- Example#4347 - Executing a command
- Example#4348 - Opening a tunnel to an arbitrary host
- Example#4349 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4350 - 过程化风格
- Example#4351 - stomp_connect_error example
- Example#4352 - stomp_version example
- Example#4353 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4354 - 过程化风格
- Example#4355 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4356 - 过程化风格
- Example#4357 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4358 - 过程化风格
- Example#4359 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4360 - 过程化风格
- Example#4361 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4362 - 过程化风格
- Example#4363 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4364 - 过程化风格
- Example#4365 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4366 - 过程化风格
- Example#4367 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4368 - 过程化风格
- Example#4369 - 面向对象风格
- Example#4370 - 过程化风格
- Example#4371 - Train from array
- Example#4372 - Train from a file
- Example#4373 - svn_add example
- Example#4374 - Default authentication example
- Example#4375 - svn_blame example
- Example#4376 - Basic example
- Example#4377 - Basic example
- Example#4378 - Basic example
- Example#4379 - Basic example
- Example#4380 - Basic example
- Example#4381 - Basic example
- Example#4382 - Diffing two revisions of a repository path
- Example#4383 - Portably diffing two local files
- Example#4384 - svn_export example
- Example#4385 - Basic example
- Example#4386 - svn_log example
- Example#4387 - svn_ls example
- Example#4388 - Basic example
- Example#4389 - Basic example
- Example#4390 - Deny all connections from localhost
- Example#4391 - Ban an URL
- Example#4392 - Get statistic snapshot
- Example#4393 - Read varnish shared memory log
- Example#4394 - VarnishAdmin::__construct example
- Example#4395 - Parallel searching using Yaz
- Example#4396 - CCL configuration
- Example#4397 - CCL Parsing
- Example#4398 - Record Update
- Example#4399 - Array for GRS-1 record
- Example#4400 - Working with MARCXML
- Example#4401 - PHP function that scans titles
- Example#4402 - Query Examples
- Example#4403 - Sort Criterias
- Example#4404 - Example for NIS errors
- Example#4405 - Example for the NIS first
- Example#4406 - Example for the default domain
- Example#4407 - Example for the NIS master
- Example#4408 - Example for NIS match
- Example#4409 - Example for NIS next
- Example#4410 - Example for the NIS order
- Example#4411 -
- Example#4412 - udm_api_version example
- Example#4413 - udm_cat_listexample
- Example#4414 - Specifying path to the current category in the following format:
'> Root > Sport > Auto > Ferrari'
- Example#4415 - udm_load_ispell_data example
- Example#4416 - udm_load_ispell_data example
- Example#4417 - solr_get_version example
- Example#4418 - Contents of the BootStrap file
- Example#4419 - Adding a document to the index
- Example#4420 - Merging one document into another document
- Example#4421 - Searching for documents - SolrObject responses
- Example#4422 - Searching for documents - SolrDocument responses
- Example#4423 - Simple TermsComponent example - basic
- Example#4424 - Simple TermsComponent example - using a prefix
- Example#4425 - Simple TermsComponent example - specifying a minimum frequency
- Example#4426 - Simple Facet Example
- Example#4427 - Simple Facet Example - with optional field override for mincount
- Example#4428 - Connecting to SSL-Enabled Server
- Example#4429 - SolrDocument::toArray example
- Example#4430 - SolrObject::__construct example
- Example#4431 - SolrObject::offsetUnset example
- Example#4432 - SolrClient::addDocument example
- Example#4433 - SolrClient::addDocuments example
- Example#4434 - SolrClient::__construct example
- Example#4435 - SolrQuery::deleteByQuery example
- Example#4436 - SolrClient::ping example
- Example#4437 - SolrClient::query example
- Example#4438 - SolrClient::request example
- Example#4439 - SolrClient::setResponseWriter example
- Example#4440 - SolrParams::setParam example
- Example#4441 - SolrQuery::addFacetField example
- Example#4442 - SolrQuery::addFilterQuery example
- Example#4443 - 基本使用范例
- Example#4444 - Basic search query
- Example#4445 - A Swish::__construct example
- Example#4446 - Basic Swish::getMetaList example
- Example#4447 - Basic Swish::getPropertyList example
- Example#4448 - Basic Swish::prepare example
- Example#4449 - Basic Swish::query example
- Example#4450 - Basic SwishResult::stem example
- Example#4451 - Basic SwishResults::getParsedWords example
- Example#4452 - Basic SwishResults::nextResult example
- Example#4453 - Basic SwishResults::seekResult example
- Example#4454 - Basic SwishSearch::execute example
- Example#4455 - Basic SwishSearch::resetLimit example
- Example#4456 - Basic SwishSearch::setLimit example
- Example#4457 - Basic SwishSearch::setPhraseDelimiter example
- Example#4458 - Basic SwishSearch::setSort example
- Example#4459 - Basic SwishSearch::setStructure example
- Example#4460 - 用 .htaccess 禁用一个目录的 PHP 解析
- Example#4461 - apache_get_modules example
- Example#4462 - apache_get_version example
- Example#4463 - apache_getenv example
- Example#4464 - apache_lookup_uri 例子
- Example#4465 - Passing information between PHP and Perl
- Example#4466 - Logging values in access.log
- Example#4467 - apache_request_headers example
- Example#4468 - apache_response_headers example
- Example#4469 - Setting an Apache environment variable using apache_setenv
- Example#4470 - getallheaders example
- Example#4471 - nsapi_request_headers example
- Example#4472 - Registering a variable with $_SESSION.
- Example#4473 - Unregistering a variable with $_SESSION.
- Example#4474 - Counting the number of hits of a single user
- Example#4475 - Example information
- Example#4476 - session_cache_expire example
- Example#4477 - session_cache_limiter example
- Example#4478 - Destroying a session with $_SESSION
- Example#4479 - session_name example
- Example#4480 - A session_regenerate_id example
- Example#4481 - Custom session handler: see full code in SessionHandlerInterface synposis.
- Example#4482 - Custom session save handler using objects
- Example#4483 - A session example: page1.php
- Example#4484 - A session example: page2.php
- Example#4485 - Using SessionHandler to add encryption to internal PHP save handlers.
- Example#4486 - Example using SessionHandlerInterface
- Example#4487 - bbcode_add_smiley usage example
- Example#4488 - bbcode_create example
- Example#4489 - bbcode_set_arg_parser usage example
- Example#4490 - bbcode_set_flags usage example
- Example#4491 - 合法模式示例
- Example#4492 - 非法模式示例
- Example#4493 - 比较preg_filter
- Example#4494 - preg_grep 示例
- Example#4495 - preg_last_error 示例
- Example#4496 - 查找所有文本中的电话号码。
- Example#4497 - 查找匹配的HTML标签(贪婪)
- Example#4498 - 使用子命名组
- Example#4499 - 查找文本字符串"php"
- Example#4500 - 查找单词"word"
- Example#4501 - 获取URL中的域名
- Example#4502 - 使用命名子组
- Example#4503 - preg_quote示例
- Example#4504 - 将文本中的单词替换为斜体
- Example#4505 - preg_replace_callback 和
- Example#4506 - preg_replace_callback示例
- Example#4507 - preg_replace_callback使用递归构造处理BB码的封装
- Example#4508 - 使用后向引用紧跟数值原文
- Example#4509 - preg_replace中使用基于索引的数组
- Example#4510 - 替换一些值
- Example#4511 - 使用修饰符'e'
- Example#4512 - 剥离空白字符
- Example#4513 - 使用参数count
- Example#4514 - preg_split示例:获取搜索字符串的部分
- Example#4515 - 将一个字符串分隔为组成它的字符
- Example#4516 - 分隔一个字符串并获取每部分的偏移量
- Example#4517 - Regular Expression Examples
- Example#4518 - ereg_replace 例子
- Example#4519 - ereg_replace 例子
- Example#4520 - 将 URL 替换为超连接
- Example#4521 - ereg 例子
- Example#4522 - 高亮搜索结果
- Example#4523 - eregi 例子
- Example#4524 - split 例子
- Example#4525 - split 例子
- Example#4526 - spliti 例子
- Example#4527 - sql_regcase 例子
- Example#4528 - addcslashes 例子
- Example#4529 - 一个 addslashes 例子
- Example#4530 - chr 例子
- Example#4531 - chunk_split 例子
- Example#4532 - convert_uudecode 例子
- Example#4533 - convert_uuencode example
- Example#4534 - count_chars 示例
- Example#4535 - 显示一个 crc32 校验码
- Example#4536 - crypt 范例
- Example#4537 - 利用 htpasswd 进行 crypt 加密
- Example#4538 - 以不同散列类型使用 crypt
- Example#4539 - echo examples
- Example#4540 - explode 例子
- Example#4541 - explode return examples
- Example#4542 - limit 参数的例子
- Example#4543 - fprintf: zero-padded integers
- Example#4544 - fprintf: formatting currency
- Example#4545 - Translation Table Example
- Example#4546 - hex2bin example
- Example#4547 - Decoding HTML entities
- Example#4548 - A htmlentities example
- Example#4549 - Usage of ENT_IGNORE
- Example#4550 - A htmlspecialchars_decode example
- Example#4551 - htmlspecialchars example
- Example#4552 - implode example
- Example#4553 - lcfirst example
- Example#4554 - levenshtein example
- Example#4555 - localeconv example
- Example#4556 - Usage example of ltrim
- Example#4557 - md5_file 使用范例
- Example#4558 - md5 范例
- Example#4559 - metaphone basic example
- Example#4560 - Using the phonemes parameter
- Example#4561 - money_format Example
- Example#4562 - nl2br 使用范例
- Example#4563 - 使用 is_xhtml 生成合法的 HTML 标记
- Example#4564 - number_format Example
- Example#4565 - ord 范例
- Example#4566 - parse_str 的使用
- Example#4567 - print 范例
- Example#4568 - rtrim 使用范例
- Example#4569 - setlocale Examples
- Example#4570 - setlocale Examples for Windows
- Example#4571 - sha1_file 范例
- Example#4572 - sha1 范例
- Example#4573 - Soundex Examples
- Example#4574 - Argument swapping
- Example#4575 - Argument swapping
- Example#4576 - Argument swapping
- Example#4577 - Argument swapping
- Example#4578 - Position specifier with other specifiers
- Example#4579 - printf: various examples
- Example#4580 - printf: string specifiers
- Example#4581 - sprintf: zero-padded integers
- Example#4582 - sprintf: formatting currency
- Example#4583 - sprintf: scientific notation
- Example#4584 - sscanf Example
- Example#4585 - sscanf - using optional parameters
- Example#4586 - str_ireplace 范例
- Example#4587 - str_pad 范例
- Example#4588 - str_repeat 范例
- Example#4589 - str_replace 基本范例
- Example#4590 - 可能的 str_replace 替换范例
- Example#4591 - str_rot13 范例
- Example#4592 - str_shuffle 范例
- Example#4593 - str_split 使用范例
- Example#4594 - str_word_count 范例
- Example#4595 - strcasecmp 范例
- Example#4596 - strcspn example
- Example#4597 - strip_tags 范例
- Example#4598 - stripos 范例
- Example#4599 - stripslashes 范例
- Example#4600 - 对数组使用 stripslashes
- Example#4601 - stristr 范例
- Example#4602 - 测试字符串的存在与否
- Example#4603 - 使用非字符串 needle
- Example#4604 - strlen 范例
- Example#4605 - strpbrk 范例
- Example#4606 - 使用 ===
- Example#4607 - 使用 !==
- Example#4608 - 使用位置偏移量
- Example#4609 - strrchr 范例
- Example#4610 - 使用 strrev 反转字符串
- Example#4611 - strripos 简单范例
- Example#4612 - 检查字串是否存在
- Example#4613 - 使用偏移位置进行查找
- Example#4614 - strspn 范例
- Example#4615 - strstr 范例
- Example#4616 - strtok 范例
- Example#4617 - 旧的 strtok 运行机制
- Example#4618 - 新的 strtok 运行机制
- Example#4619 - strtolower 范例
- Example#4620 - strtoupper 范例
- Example#4621 - strtr 范例
- Example#4622 - 使用两个参数的 strtr 范例
- Example#4623 - substr_compare 范例
- Example#4624 - substr_count 范例
- Example#4625 - substr_replace 范例
- Example#4626 - Using substr_replace to replace multiple strings at
- Example#4627 - 使用负数 start
- Example#4628 - 使用负数 length
- Example#4629 - substr 基本用法
- Example#4630 - substr casting behaviour
- Example#4631 -
- Example#4632 - trim 使用范例
- Example#4633 - 使用 trim 清理数组值
- Example#4634 - ucfirst 范例
- Example#4635 - ucwords 范例
- Example#4636 - vfprintf: 前导 0 的整数
- Example#4637 - vprintf: 前导 0 的整数
- Example#4638 - vsprintf: 前导 0 的整数
- Example#4639 - wordwrap 范例
- Example#4640 - wordwrap 范例
- Example#4641 - array_change_key_case example
- Example#4642 - array_chunk 例子
- Example#4643 - 一个 array_combine 简单的例子
- Example#4644 - array_count_values 例子
- Example#4645 - array_diff_assoc 例子
- Example#4646 - array_diff_assoc example
- Example#4647 - array_diff_key 例
- Example#4648 - array_diff_uassoc 例子
- Example#4649 - array_diff_ukey 例子
- Example#4650 - array_diff 例子
- Example#4651 - array_fill_keys 范例
- Example#4652 - array_fill 例子
- Example#4653 - array_filter 例子
- Example#4654 - array_filter 无
- Example#4655 - array_flip 例子
- Example#4656 - array_flip 例子:冲突
- Example#4657 - array_intersect_assoc 例子
- Example#4658 - array_intersect_key 例子
- Example#4659 - array_intersect_uassoc 例子
- Example#4660 - array_intersect_ukey 例子
- Example#4661 - array_intersect example
- Example#4662 - array_key_exists 例子
- Example#4663 - array_key_exists 与 isset 的对比
- Example#4664 - array_keys 例子
- Example#4665 - array_map 例子
- Example#4666 - array_map using a lambda function (as of PHP 5.3.0)
- Example#4667 - array_map - 使用更多的数组
- Example#4668 - 建立一个数组的数组
- Example#4669 - array_map - with string keys
- Example#4670 - array_merge_recursive 例子
- Example#4671 - array_merge PHP 5 例子
- Example#4672 - array_merge 例子
- Example#4673 - Simple array_merge 例子
- Example#4674 - Sorting multiple arrays
- Example#4675 - 排序多维数组
- Example#4676 - 对数据库结果进行排序
- Example#4677 - 不区分大小写字母排序
- Example#4678 - 名次排列
- Example#4679 - array_pad 例子
- Example#4680 - array_pop 例子
- Example#4681 - array_product 例子
- Example#4682 - array_push 例子
- Example#4683 - array_rand 例子
- Example#4684 - array_reduce 例子
- Example#4685 - array_replace_recursive 范例
- Example#4686 - array_replace_recursive 及其递归表现
- Example#4687 - array_replace 范例
- Example#4688 - array_reverse 例子
- Example#4689 - array_search 例子
- Example#4690 - array_shift 例子
- Example#4691 - array_slice 例子
- Example#4692 - array_splice 例子
- Example#4693 - array_splice 例子
- Example#4694 - array_sum 例子
- Example#4695 - array_udiff_assoc 例子
- Example#4696 - array_udiff_uassoc 例子
- Example#4697 - array_udiff 例子
- Example#4698 - array_uintersect_assoc 例子
- Example#4699 - array_uintersect_uassoc 例子
- Example#4700 - array_uintersect 例子
- Example#4701 - array_unique 例子
- Example#4702 - array_unique 和类型
- Example#4703 - array_unshift 例子
- Example#4704 - array_values 例子
- Example#4705 - array_walk_recursive example
- Example#4706 - array_walk 例子
- Example#4707 - array 例子
- Example#4708 - array 的自动索引
- Example#4709 - 从 1 开始索引的 array
- Example#4710 - 访问双引号内的数组
- Example#4711 - arsort 例子
- Example#4712 - asort 例子
- Example#4713 - compact 例子
- Example#4714 - count 例子
- Example#4715 - 递归 count 例子
- Example#4716 - 使用 current 系列函数的例子
- Example#4717 - each 例子
- Example#4718 - 用 each 遍历数组
- Example#4719 - end 例子
- Example#4720 - extract 例子
- Example#4721 - in_array 例子
- Example#4722 - in_array 严格类型检查例子
- Example#4723 - in_array 中用数组作为 needle
- Example#4724 - key 例子
- Example#4725 - krsort 例子
- Example#4726 - ksort 例子
- Example#4727 - list 例子
- Example#4728 - list 用法的一个例子
- Example#4729 - 使用嵌套的 list
- Example#4730 - 在 list 中使用数组索引
- Example#4731 - natcasesort 例子
- Example#4732 - natsort examples demonstrating basic usage
- Example#4733 - natsort examples demonstrating potential gotchas
- Example#4734 - next 及相关函数的用法示例
- Example#4735 - prev 及相关函数用法示例
- Example#4736 - range 例子
- Example#4737 - reset 例子
- Example#4738 - rsort 例
- Example#4739 - shuffle 例子
- Example#4740 - sort 例子
- Example#4741 - 使用不区分大小写自然排序的 sort 例子
- Example#4742 - uasort 的基本例子
- Example#4743 - uksort 例子
- Example#4744 - usort 例子
- Example#4745 - 使用多维数组的 usort 例子
- Example#4746 - usort example using a member function of an object
- Example#4747 - usort example using a closure
to sort a multi-dimensional array
- Example#4748 - classes.inc
- Example#4749 - test_script.php
- Example#4750 - class_alias 例子
- Example#4751 - class_exists 例子
- Example#4752 - autoload parameter 例子
- Example#4753 - get_called_class 的使用
- Example#4754 - get_class_methods 示例
- Example#4755 - get_class_vars 示例
- Example#4756 - get_class_vars example
- Example#4757 - get_class_vars and scoping behaviour
- Example#4758 - 使用 get_class
- Example#4759 - Using get_class
- Example#4760 - Using get_class in superclass
- Example#4761 - get_declared_classes 例子
- Example#4762 - get_declared_interfaces 例子
- Example#4763 - 使用 get_object_vars
- Example#4764 - Use of get_object_vars
- Example#4765 - 使用 get_parent_class
- Example#4766 - Using get_parent_class
- Example#4767 - interface_exists 例子
- Example#4768 - is_a 例子
- Example#4769 - 在 PHP 5 中使用 instanceof 运算符
- Example#4770 - is_subclass_of 例子
- Example#4771 - is_subclass_of example
- Example#4772 - method_exists 例子
- Example#4773 - Static method_exists 例子
- Example#4774 - A property_exists example
- Example#4775 - classkit_import example
- Example#4776 - classkit_method_add example
- Example#4777 - classkit_method_copy example
- Example#4778 - classkit_method_redefine example
- Example#4779 - classkit_method_remove example
- Example#4780 - classkit_method_rename example
- Example#4781 - A ctype_alnum example (using the default locale)
- Example#4782 - A ctype_alpha example (using the default locale)
- Example#4783 - A ctype_cntrl example
- Example#4784 - A ctype_digit example
- Example#4785 - A ctype_digit example comparing strings with integers
- Example#4786 - A ctype_graph example
- Example#4787 - A ctype_lower example (using the default locale)
- Example#4788 - A ctype_print example
- Example#4789 - A ctype_punct example
- Example#4790 - A ctype_space example
- Example#4791 - A ctype_upper example (using the default locale)
- Example#4792 - A ctype_xdigit example
- Example#4793 - Configuring the default filter to act like htmlspecialchars
- Example#4794 - Configuring the default filter to act like htmlspecialchars
- Example#4795 - Validating email addresses with filter_var
- Example#4796 - Validating IP addresses with filter_var
- Example#4797 - Passing options to filter_var
- Example#4798 - Sanitizing and validating email addresses
- Example#4799 - Configuring a default filter
- Example#4800 - A filter_input_array example
- Example#4801 - A filter_input example
- Example#4802 - A filter_list example
- Example#4803 - A filter_var_array example
- Example#4804 - A filter_var example
- Example#4805 - call_user_func_array example
- Example#4806 - call_user_func_array using namespace name
- Example#4807 - Using lambda function
- Example#4808 - call_user_func example and references
- Example#4809 - call_user_func example
- Example#4810 - call_user_func using namespace name
- Example#4811 - Using a class method with call_user_func
- Example#4812 - Using lambda function with call_user_func
- Example#4813 - Creating an anonymous function with create_function
- Example#4814 - Making a general processing function with
- Example#4815 - Using anonymous functions as callback functions
- Example#4816 - forward_static_call_array example
- Example#4817 - forward_static_call example
- Example#4818 - func_get_arg example
- Example#4819 - func_get_arg example before and
after PHP 5.3
- Example#4820 - func_get_arg example of byref and byval arguments
- Example#4821 - func_get_args example
- Example#4822 - func_get_args example before and
after PHP 5.3
- Example#4823 - func_get_args example of byref and byval arguments
- Example#4824 - func_num_args example
- Example#4825 - func_num_args example before and
after PHP 5.3
- Example#4826 - function_exists example
- Example#4827 - get_defined_functions example
- Example#4828 - register_shutdown_function example
- Example#4829 - register_tick_function example
- Example#4830 - Class association
- Example#4831 - Object association
- Example#4832 - storage_classes.inc
- Example#4833 - test_aggregation.php
- Example#4834 - Using aggregate_info
- Example#4835 - Quickhash Example
- Example#4836 - Quickhash ArrayAccess Example
- Example#4837 - Quickhash Iterator Example
- Example#4838 - Quickhash String Values Example
- Example#4839 - QuickHashIntSet::add example
- Example#4840 - QuickHashIntSet::__construct example
- Example#4841 - QuickHashIntSet::delete example
- Example#4842 - QuickHashIntSet::exists example
- Example#4843 - QuickHashIntSet::getSize example
- Example#4844 - QuickHashIntSet::loadFromFile example
- Example#4845 - QuickHashIntSet::loadFromString example
- Example#4846 - QuickHashIntSet::saveToFile example
- Example#4847 - QuickHashIntSet::saveToString example
- Example#4848 - QuickHashIntHash::add example
- Example#4849 - QuickHashIntHash::__construct example
- Example#4850 - QuickHashIntHash::delete example
- Example#4851 - QuickHashIntHash::exists example
- Example#4852 - QuickHashIntHash::get example
- Example#4853 - QuickHashIntHash::getSize example
- Example#4854 - QuickHash IntHash file format
- Example#4855 - QuickHash IntHash file format
- Example#4856 - QuickHashIntHash::loadFromFile example
- Example#4857 - QuickHashIntHash::loadFromString example
- Example#4858 - QuickHashIntHash::saveToFile example
- Example#4859 - QuickHashIntHash::saveToString example
- Example#4860 - QuickHashIntHash::set example
- Example#4861 - QuickHashIntHash::update example
- Example#4862 - QuickHashStringIntHash::add example
- Example#4863 - QuickHashStringIntHash::__construct example
- Example#4864 - QuickHashStringIntHash::delete example
- Example#4865 - QuickHashStringIntHash::get example
- Example#4866 - QuickHashStringIntHash::getSize example
- Example#4867 - QuickHash StringIntHash file format
- Example#4868 - QuickHash IntHash file format
- Example#4869 - QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromFile example
- Example#4870 - QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromString example
- Example#4871 - QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToFile example
- Example#4872 - QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToString example
- Example#4873 - QuickHashStringIntHash::set example
- Example#4874 - QuickHashStringIntHash::update example
- Example#4875 - QuickHashIntStringHash::add example
- Example#4876 - QuickHashIntStringHash::__construct example
- Example#4877 - QuickHashIntStringHash::delete example
- Example#4878 - QuickHashIntStringHash::get example
- Example#4879 - QuickHashIntStringHash::getSize example
- Example#4880 - QuickHash IntString file format
- Example#4881 - QuickHash IntString file format
- Example#4882 - QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile example
- Example#4883 - QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromString example
- Example#4884 - QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToFile example
- Example#4885 - QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToString example
- Example#4886 - QuickHashIntStringHash::set example
- Example#4887 - QuickHashIntStringHash::update example
- Example#4888 - Shell 里的一个反射例子(一个终端)
- Example#4889 - 扩展内置的类
- Example#4890 - ReflectionClass 的基本用法
- Example#4891 - ReflectionClass::export 的基本用法
- Example#4892 - ReflectionClass::getConstructor 的基本用法
- Example#4893 - ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties 例子
- Example#4894 - ReflectionClass::getDocComment 例子
- Example#4895 - ReflectionClass::getEndLine 例子
- Example#4896 - ReflectionClass::getExtension 的基本用法
- Example#4897 - ReflectionClass::getExtensionName 的基本用法
- Example#4898 - ReflectionClass::getInterfaceNames 例子
- Example#4899 - ReflectionClass::getInterfaces 例子
- Example#4900 - ReflectionClass::getMethod 的基本用法
- Example#4901 - ReflectionClass::getMethods 的基本用法
- Example#4902 - 从 ReflectionClass::getMethods 中过滤结果
- Example#4903 - ReflectionClass::getName 例子
- Example#4904 - ReflectionClass::getNamespaceName 例子
- Example#4905 - ReflectionClass::getProperties 过滤例子
- Example#4906 - ReflectionClass::getProperty 的基本用法
- Example#4907 - ReflectionClass::getShortName 例子
- Example#4908 - ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue 的基本用法
- Example#4909 - ReflectionClass::hasConstant 例子
- Example#4910 - ReflectionClass::hasMethod 例子
- Example#4911 - ReflectionClass::hasProperty 例子
- Example#4912 - ReflectionClass::inNamespace 例子
- Example#4913 - ReflectionClass::isAbstract 例子
- Example#4914 - ReflectionClass::isCloneable 的基本用法
- Example#4915 - ReflectionClass::isAbstract 例子
- Example#4916 - ReflectionClass::isInstance 相关例子
- Example#4917 - ReflectionClass::isInstantiable 例子
- Example#4918 - ReflectionClass::isInterface 基本用法
- Example#4919 - ReflectionClass::isInternal 的基本用法
- Example#4920 - ReflectionClass::isIterateable 例子
- Example#4921 - ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs 的基本用法
- Example#4922 - ReflectionClass::__toString 例子
- Example#4923 - ReflectionExtension example
- Example#4924 - ReflectionExtension::getClasses example
- Example#4925 - ReflectionExtension::getClassNames example
- Example#4926 - ReflectionExtension::getConstants example
- Example#4927 - ReflectionExtension::getDependencies example
- Example#4928 - ReflectionExtension::getFunctions example
- Example#4929 - ReflectionExtension::getINIEntries example
- Example#4930 - ReflectionExtension::getName example
- Example#4931 - ReflectionExtension::getVersion example
- Example#4932 - ReflectionExtension::info example
- Example#4933 - ReflectionFunction::__construct example
- Example#4934 - ReflectionFunction::invoke example
- Example#4935 - ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs example
- Example#4936 - ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs with references example
- Example#4937 - ReflectionFunction::__toString example
- Example#4938 - ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isDeprecated example
- Example#4939 - ReflectionMethod::__construct example
- Example#4940 - ReflectionMethod::getDeclaringClass example
- Example#4941 - ReflectionMethod::getModifiers example
- Example#4942 - ReflectionMethod::getPrototype example
- Example#4943 - ReflectionMethod::invoke example
- Example#4944 - ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs example
- Example#4945 - ReflectionMethod::__toString example
- Example#4946 - Using the ReflectionParameter class
- Example#4947 - Getting
- Example#4948 - ReflectionProperty::__construct example
- Example#4949 - Getting value from private and protected properties using ReflectionProperty class
- Example#4950 - ReflectionProperty::getValue example
- Example#4951 - ReflectionProperty::setValue example
- Example#4952 - boolval examples
- Example#4953 - debug_zval_dump example
- Example#4954 -
- Example#4955 -
- Example#4956 - empty 与 isset
- Example#4957 - A simple empty / isset
- Example#4958 - empty on String Offsets
- Example#4959 - is_bool 示例
- Example#4960 - is_callable 例子
- Example#4961 - isset 例子
- Example#4962 - isset on String Offsets
- Example#4963 - return 参数示例
- Example#4964 - serialize 示例
- Example#4965 - settype 示例
- Example#4966 - unserialize 例子
- Example#4967 - unserialize_callback_func 例子
- Example#4968 - unset 示例
- Example#4969 - 使用 (unset) 类型强制转换
- Example#4970 - var_dump 例子
- Example#4971 -
- Example#4972 - OAuth::fetch example
- Example#4973 - OAuth::getAccessToken example
- Example#4974 - OAuth::getRequestToken example
- Example#4975 - OAuth::setRequestEngine example
- Example#4976 - An OAuth::setRsaCertificate example
- Example#4977 - OAuth::setToken example
- Example#4978 - OAuthProvider::__construct example
- Example#4979 - Example OAuthProvider::consumerHandler callback
- Example#4980 - OAuthProvider::generateToken example
- Example#4981 - OAuthProvider::is2LeggedEndpoint example
- Example#4982 - Example OAuthProvider::timestampNonceHandler callback
- Example#4983 - Example OAuthProvider::tokenHandler callback
- Example#4984 - A sample SCA component
- Example#4985 - The structure of an SCA for PHP component
- Example#4986 - Obtaining a proxy for a local PHP class
- Example#4987 - Obtaining a proxy for a web service
- Example#4988 - Calling services
- Example#4989 - Obtaining a proxy using getService
- Example#4990 - Making calls on the proxy
- Example#4991 - StockQuote Service
- Example#4992 - Generated WSDL
- Example#4993 - Generated WSDL
- Example#4994 - location attribute
- Example#4995 - method with two arguments
- Example#4996 - types section illustrating named parameters
- Example#4997 - A Component that uses Data Structures
- Example#4998 - An SCA::getService example
- Example#4999 - is_soap_fault example
- Example#5000 - SOAP's standard method for error reporting is exceptions
- Example#5001 - SoapClient::__doRequest example
- Example#5002 - SoapClient::__getFunctions example
- Example#5003 - SoapClient::__getLastRequest() example
- Example#5004 - SoapClient::__getLastRequest() example
- Example#5005 - SoapClient::__getLastResponse() example
- Example#5006 - SoapClient::__getLastResponse() example
- Example#5007 - SoapClient::__getTypes example
- Example#5008 - SoapClient::__setLocation example
- Example#5009 - SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders example
- Example#5010 - Set Multiple Headers
- Example#5011 - SoapClient::__soapCall example
- Example#5012 - SoapClient::SoapClient example
- Example#5013 - SoapServer::addFunction example
- Example#5014 - SoapServer::getFunctions example
- Example#5015 - SoapServer::handle example
- Example#5016 - SoapServer::setPersistence example
- Example#5017 - SoapServer::SoapServer example
- Example#5018 - Some examples
- Example#5019 - Some examples
- Example#5020 - SoapHeader::SoapHeader example
- Example#5021 - SoapParam::SoapParam example
- Example#5022 - SoapVar::SoapVar example
- Example#5023 - XMLRPC client functions example
- Example#5024 - XML-RPC type example
- Example#5025 - A xmlrpc_set_type example
- Example#5026 - For Each in ASP
- Example#5027 - while() ... Next() in PHP 4
- Example#5028 - foreach in PHP 5
- Example#5029 - COM example (1)
- Example#5030 - COM example (2)
- Example#5031 - DOTNET example
- Example#5032 - Variant example, PHP 4.x style
- Example#5033 - Variant example, PHP 5 style
- Example#5034 - COM event sink example
- Example#5035 - OO syntax
- Example#5036 - 不要使用 com_set() ,使用 OO 语法代替
- Example#5037 - printer_abort example
- Example#5038 - printer_close example
- Example#5039 - printer_create_dc example
- Example#5040 - printer_draw_bmp example
- Example#5041 - printer_draw_chord example
- Example#5042 - printer_draw_elipse example
- Example#5043 - printer_draw_line example
- Example#5044 - printer_draw_pie example
- Example#5045 - printer_draw_rectangle example
- Example#5046 - printer_draw_roundrect example
- Example#5047 - printer_draw_text example
- Example#5048 - printer_get_option example
- Example#5049 - printer_list example
- Example#5050 - printer_logical_fontheight example
- Example#5051 - printer_open example
- Example#5052 - printer_select_brush example
- Example#5053 - printer_select_font example
- Example#5054 - printer_select_pen example
- Example#5055 - printer_set_option example
- Example#5056 - printer_start_doc example
- Example#5057 - printer_write example
- Example#5058 - 获取 uptime 并且显示在一个消息框里
- Example#5059 - Statistics about the current PHP process
- Example#5060 - Statistics about global memory utilization
- Example#5061 - Registering a PHP script to run as a service
- Example#5062 - Unregistering a service
- Example#5063 - Running as a service
- Example#5064 - A win32_create_service example
- Example#5065 - A win32_delete_service example
- Example#5066 - A win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher example
- Example#5067 - Creating a new DOMAttr object
- Example#5068 - DOMAttr::isId() Example
- Example#5069 - Creating a new DOMCdataSection object
- Example#5070 - Creating a new DOMComment
- Example#5071 - Creating a new DOMDocument
- Example#5072 - Creating a new element and inserting it as root
- Example#5073 - Creating a new element and inserting it as root
- Example#5074 - A namespace prefix example
- Example#5075 - DOMDocument::getElementById() Example
- Example#5076 - Basic Usage Example
- Example#5077 - Get all the XInclude elements
- Example#5078 - DOMDocument::importNode example
- Example#5079 - Creating a Document
- Example#5080 - Creating a Document
- Example#5081 - Creating a Document
- Example#5082 - Creating a Document
- Example#5083 - Static invocation of loadXML
- Example#5084 - Adding a new method to DOMElement to ease our code
- Example#5085 - Retrieving elements as custom class
- Example#5086 - Retrieving owner document
- Example#5087 - Saving a DOM tree into a file
- Example#5088 - Saving a HTML tree into a string
- Example#5089 - Saving a HTML tree into a file
- Example#5090 - Saving a DOM tree into a string
- Example#5091 - Example of DTD validation
- Example#5092 - DOMDocument::xinclude() example
- Example#5093 - Appending XML data to your document
- Example#5094 - Creating a new DOMElement
- Example#5095 - Setting an attribute
- Example#5096 - Creating a new DOMEntityReference
- Example#5097 - Creating a document with an attached DTD
- Example#5098 - Testing your DOM Implementation
- Example#5099 - Adding a child
- Example#5100 - DOMNode::getLineNo example
- Example#5101 - DOMNode::getNodePath example
- Example#5102 - Removing a child
- Example#5103 - Preserving the parent node's namespace URI
- Example#5104 - Traversing all the entries of the table
- Example#5105 - Creating a new DOMProcessingInstruction object
- Example#5106 - Creating a new DOMText
- Example#5107 - Getting the count of all the english books
- Example#5108 - Getting all the english books
- Example#5109 - book.xml
- Example#5110 - DOMXPath::registerPHPFunctions with php:functionString
- Example#5111 - DOMXPath::registerPHPFunctions with php:function
- Example#5112 - Import SimpleXML into DOM with dom_import_simplexml
- Example#5113 - A libxml_get_errors example
- Example#5114 - libxml_set_external_entity_loader example
- Example#5115 - A libxml_set_streams_context example
- Example#5116 - A libxml_use_internal_errors example
- Example#5117 - Access via property name
- Example#5118 - Access via property name as array index
- Example#5119 - Data Object iteration
- Example#5120 - Access many-valued property by name
- Example#5121 - Many-valued element access
- Example#5122 - Many-valued property iteration
- Example#5123 - Chained property access
- Example#5124 - XPath navigation
- Example#5125 - XPath querying
- Example#5126 - Creating child data objects
- Example#5127 - Unset a primitive property
- Example#5128 - Unset a data object
- Example#5129 - Unset a referenced data object
- Example#5130 - Access via property index
- Example#5131 - Getting the SDO_Sequence interface
- Example#5132 - Get/set sequence values
- Example#5133 - Sequence iteration
- Example#5134 - Sequence versus Data Object
- Example#5135 - Adding to a sequence
- Example#5136 - Removing from a sequence
- Example#5137 - Reflecting on a Data Object
- Example#5138 - Accessing the type information
- Example#5139 - A
- Example#5140 - A
- Example#5141 - Creating a data object
- Example#5142 - Retrieving a data object
- Example#5143 - Updating a data object
- Example#5144 - Deleting a data object
- Example#5145 - One company, one department - Create
- Example#5146 - One company, one department - Retrieve and Update
- Example#5147 - One company, two departments - Retrieve and Delete
- Example#5148 - One company, one department, one employee - Create
- Example#5149 - One company, one department, one employee - Retrieve and update
- Example#5150 - One company, two departments, two employees - Retrieve and delete
- Example#5151 - Retrieving a data object using
- Example#5152 - Loading, altering, and saving an XML document
- Example#5153 - Creating a new XML document
- Example#5154 - Setting XML document properties
- Example#5155 - Using an open type
- Example#5156 - Finding out what you can from the document
- Example#5157 - Printing the SDO model
- Example#5158 - Include file example.php with XML string
- Example#5159 - Getting <plot>
- Example#5160 - Getting <line>
- Example#5161 - Accessing non-unique elements in SimpleXML
- Example#5162 - Using attributes
- Example#5163 - Comparing Elements and Attributes with Text
- Example#5164 - Comparing Two Elements
- Example#5165 - Using XPath
- Example#5166 - Setting values
- Example#5167 - Adding elements and attributes
- Example#5168 - DOM Interoperability
- Example#5169 - Loading broken XML string
- Example#5170 - Add attributes and children to a SimpleXML element
- Example#5171 - Add attributes and children to a SimpleXML element
- Example#5172 - Get XML
- Example#5173 - Using asXML() on SimpleXMLElement::xpath results
- Example#5174 - Interpret an XML string
- Example#5175 - Traversing a children() pseudo-array
- Example#5176 - Using namespaces
- Example#5177 - Create a SimpleXMLElement object
- Example#5178 - Create a SimpleXMLElement object from a URL
- Example#5179 - Counting the number of children
- Example#5180 - Get document namespaces
- Example#5181 - Working with multiple namespaces
- Example#5182 - Get XML element names
- Example#5183 - Get document namespaces in use
- Example#5184 - Setting a namespace prefix to use in an XPath query
- Example#5185 - Xpath
- Example#5186 - Return the current element
- Example#5187 - Return the sub-elements of the current element
- Example#5188 - Check whether the current element has sub-elements
- Example#5189 - Get the current XML tag key
- Example#5190 - Move to the next element
- Example#5191 - Rewind to the first element
- Example#5192 - Check whether the current element is valid
- Example#5193 - Importing DOM
- Example#5194 - Interpret an XML document
- Example#5195 - Interpret an XML string
- Example#5196 - Serializing a single value with WDDX
- Example#5197 - Using incremental packets with WDDX
- Example#5198 - wddx_serialize_vars example
- Example#5199 - 显示 XML 元素结构
- Example#5200 - 将 XML 映射为 HTML
- Example#5201 - 外部实体例程
- Example#5202 - xmltest.xml
- Example#5203 - xmltest2.xml
- Example#5204 - xml_parse_into_struct 示例
- Example#5205 - moldb.xml - 分子信息的小型数据库
- Example#5206 - parsemoldb.php - 将 moldb.xml 解析到分子(molecular)对象的数组中
- Example#5207 - xml_set_object 示例
- Example#5208 - Validating XML
- Example#5209 - collection.xml
- Example#5210 - collection.xsl
- Example#5211 - Creating an XSLTProcessor
- Example#5212 - Testing EXSLT support
- Example#5213 - Simple PHP Function call from a stylesheet
- Example#5214 - Changing the owner before the transformation
- Example#5215 - Example profiling output
- Example#5216 - Transforming to a DOMDocument
- Example#5217 - Transforming to a HTML file
- Example#5218 - Transforming to a string
- Example#5219 - xslt_backend_name example
- Example#5220 - xslt_backend_version example
- Example#5221 - xslt_create example
- Example#5222 - Handling errors using the xslt_error and
xslt_errno functions.
- Example#5223 - Using the xslt_process to transform an XML
file and a XSL file to a new XML file
- Example#5224 - Using the xslt_process to transform an XML file
and a XSL file to a variable containing the resulting XML data
- Example#5225 - Using the xslt_process to transform a variable containing XML data
and a variable containing XSL data into a variable containing the resulting XML data
- Example#5226 - Passing PHP variables to XSL files
- Example#5227 - xslt_set_error_handler Example
- Example#5228 - Using the XSLT Logging features
- Example#5229 - Using your own error handler as a method
- Example#5230 - xslt_set_sax_handlers Example
- Example#5231 - Object oriented handler
- Example#5232 - xslt_set_scheme_handlers example
- Example#5233 - xslt_setopt Example
- Example#5234 - "counter"的简单接口
- Example#5235 - "counter"的扩展接口
- Example#5236 - "counter" 的对象化接口
- Example#5237 - config.m4 文件举例
- Example#5238 - configure 输出举例
- Example#5239 - counter 的 config.m4 文件
- Example#5240 - config.w32 文件举例
- Example#5241 - counter's config.w32 file
- Example#5242 - counter 扩展中的文件,未特别排序
- Example#5243 - zend_module declaration in the counter extension
- Example#5244 - zend_module definition in PHP 5.3
- Example#5245 - Counter extension module definition
- Example#5246 - The wrong way to store the basic counter interface's value
- Example#5247 - The counter module's globals
- Example#5248 - The counter module's global structure declaration
- Example#5249 - Accessor macros for per-module globals
- Example#5250 - The right way to store the basic counter interface's value
- Example#5251 - counter's PHP_MINFO function
- Example#5252 - PHP 的泄漏报警
- Example#5253 - 最小的仅有一个函数的 PHP 扩展
- Example#5254 - 一个简单的函数
- Example#5255 - Example macros for invoking pdo_SKEL_error
- Example#5256 - Using pdo_parse_params
- Example#5257 - Implementing preparer for drivers that don't support native prepared statements
- Example#5258 - simple stream example that displays the PHP home page
- Example#5259 - How to accept a stream as a parameter
- Example#5260 - How to return a stream from a function
- Example#5261 - The default config.m4.
- Example#5262 - A simple extension.
- Example#5263 - A test file for first_module.so.
- Example#5264 - Internal declaration of zend_function_entry.
- Example#5265 - Internal declaration of zend_module_entry.
- Example#5266 - PHP's implementation of variable arguments in fsockopen().
- Example#5267 - PHP/Zend zval type definition.
- Example#5268 - Testing for referenced parameter passing.
- Example#5269 - Creating variables with different scopes.
- Example#5270 - Creation of a long.
- Example#5271 - Adding an element to an associative array.
- Example#5272 - Adding an element to an indexed array.
- Example#5273 - Source code and screenshot for output in phpinfo.
- Example#5274 - Printing execution information.
- Example#5275 - Calling user functions.
- Example#5276 - 隐藏的 HTML 表单单元
- Example#5277 - 等待用户编辑的数据
- Example#5278 - URL 中的例子
- Example#5279 - 模拟注册全局变量
- Example#5280 - In PHP Core
- Example#5281 - Object Oriented Code in PHP Core
- Example#5282 - In the bzip2 Extension
- Example#5283 - In the datetime Extension
- Example#5284 - In the dBase Extension
- Example#5285 - In the mcrypt Extension
- Example#5286 - In the oci8 Extension
- Example#5287 - In the SPL Extension
- Example#5288 - In the Semaphore (sysvmsg) extension
- Example#5289 - A 5.2.1+ Zip Example
- Example#5290 - strrpos 和 strripos
如今用整个字符串作为 needle
- Example#5291 - 没有属性的对象不再被当成“empty”
- Example#5292 - 有些情况下类必须在使用之前定义
- Example#5293 - 移植 Apache 配置文件到 PHP 5
- Example#5294 - 移植 Apache 配置文件到 PHP 5,CGI 模式
- Example#5295 - PHP 4 中对象比较范例
- Example#5296 - PHP 4 中复合对象的比较
- Example#5297 - Activate full on-screen error reporting for dev. domain
- Example#5298 - Add security script for protected areas
- Example#5299 - Unix include_path
- Example#5300 - Windows include_path
- Example#5301 - string.rot13
- Example#5302 - string.toupper
- Example#5303 - string.tolower
- Example#5304 - string.strip_tags
- Example#5305 - convert.base64-encode & convert.base64-decode
- Example#5306 - convert.quoted-printable-encode & convert.quoted-printable-decode
- Example#5307 - zlib.deflate和
- Example#5308 - zlib.deflate简单参数用法
- Example#5309 - bzip2.compress和
- Example#5310 - 用 3DES 将文件加密输出
- Example#5311 - 读取加密的文件