PHP Manual


To install the AMQP PHP extension, you must first install the » librabbitmq library. You will need the 0-9-1 version of the rabbitmq-c client library, linked to the rabbitmq-codegen version that corresponds to the version of the broker you are using. Use the following steps to download and install the library:

# Download the rabbitmq-c library @ version 0-9-1
  git clone git://
  cd rabbitmq-c
  # Enable and update the codegen git submodule
  git submodule init
  git submodule update
  # Configure, compile and install
  autoreconf -i && ./configure && make && sudo make install

Information zur Installation dieser PECL-Extension finden sie im Kapitel Installation von PECL-Extensions. Zusätzliche Informationen wie neue Releases, Downloads, Quelldateien, Maintainerinformation und ein CHANGELOG finden Sie hier: »

Note to Windows users: This extension does not currently support Windows since the librabbitmq library does not yet support Windows.

PHP Manual