PHP Manual

The AMQPEnvelope class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


Contains a message and all of its attributes.


AMQPEnvelope {
/* Methoden */
public string getAppId ( void )
public string getBody ( void )
public string getContentEncoding ( void )
public string getContentType ( void )
public string getCorrelationId ( void )
public string getDeliveryTag ( void )
public string getExchange ( void )
public string getExpiration ( void )
public string getHeader ( string $header_key )
public array getHeaders ( void )
public string getMessageId ( void )
public string getPriority ( void )
public string getReplyTo ( void )
public string getRoutingKey ( void )
public string getTimeStamp ( void )
public string getType ( void )
public string getUserId ( void )
public bool isRedelivery ( void )


PHP Manual