PHP Manual

The KTaglib_ID3v2_Frame class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


The base class for ID3v2 frames. ID3v2 tags are separated in various specialized frames. Some frames can exists multiple times.

Class synopsis

extends KTaglib_Tag {
/* Methoden */
public int getSize ( void )
public string __toString ( void )
/* Geerbte Methoden */
public string KTaglib_Tag::getAlbum ( void )
public string KTaglib_Tag::getArtist ( void )
public string KTaglib_Tag::getComment ( void )
public string KTaglib_Tag::getGenre ( void )
public string KTaglib_Tag::getTitle ( void )
public int KTaglib_Tag::getTrack ( void )
public int KTaglib_Tag::getYear ( void )
public bool KTaglib_Tag::isEmpty ( void )


PHP Manual