PHP Manual

The Thread class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


An implementation of a Thread should extend this declaration, implementing the run method. When the start method of that object is called, the run method code will be executed in separate Thread.


Thread {
/* Methoden */
final public long getCreatorId ( void )
final public long getThreadId ( void )
final public boolean isJoined ( void )
final public boolean isRunning ( void )
final public boolean isStarted ( void )
final public boolean isWaiting ( void )
final public boolean join ( void )
final public boolean lock ( void )
final public boolean notify ( void )
abstract public void run ( void )
final public boolean start ( void )
final public mixed synchronized ( Closure $block [, mixed $... ] )
final public boolean unlock ( void )
final public boolean wait ([ long $timeout ] )


PHP Manual