CUBRID MySQL Compatibility Functions
PHP Manual


(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.1)

cubrid_errnoReturn the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation


int cubrid_errno ([ resource $conn_identifier ] )

Returns the error number from the last CUBRID function.

The cubrid_errno() function is used to get the error code of the error that occurred during the API execution. Usually, it gets the error code when API returns false as its return value.

Elenco dei parametri


The CUBRID connection identifier. If the connection identifier is not specified, the last connection opened by cubrid_connect() is assumed.

Valori restituiti

Returns the error number from the last CUBRID function, or 0 (zero) if no error occurred.


Example #1 cubrid_errno() example

cubrid_execute($con"select id, name from person");
if (
$req) {
    while (list (
$id$name) = cubrid_fetch($req)) 
} else {
"Error Code: "cubrid_errno($con);
"Error Message: "cubrid_error($con);

Vedere anche:

CUBRID MySQL Compatibility Functions
PHP Manual