OCI8 Funzioni
PHP Manual


(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

OCI-Lob::seekSets the internal pointer of the large object


bool OCI-Lob::seek ( int $offset [, int $whence = OCI_SEEK_SET ] )

Sets the internal pointer of the large object.

Elenco dei parametri


Indicates the amount of bytes, on which internal pointer should be moved from the position, pointed by whence.


May be one of:

  • OCI_SEEK_SET - sets the position equal to offset
  • OCI_SEEK_CUR - adds offset bytes to the current position
  • OCI_SEEK_END - adds offset bytes to the end of large object (use negative value to move to a position before the end of large object)

Valori restituiti

Restituisce TRUE in caso di successo, FALSE in caso di fallimento.

Vedere anche:

OCI8 Funzioni
PHP Manual