PHP Manual

The TokyoTyrantIterator class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


Provides an iterator for TokyoTyrant and TokyoTyrantTable objects. The iterator iterates over all keys and values in the database. TokyoTyrantIterator was added in version 0.2.0.

Krótki opis klasy

TokyoTyrantIterator implements Iterator {
/* Methods */
public __construct ( mixed $object )
public mixed current ( void )
public mixed key ( void )
public mixed next ( void )
public void rewind ( void )
public bool valid ( void )
/* Inherited methods */
public number TokyoTyrant::add ( string $key , number $increment [, int $type = 0 ] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::connect ( string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options ]] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::connectUri ( string $uri )
public TokyoTyrant::__construct ([ string $host [, int $port = TokyoTyrant::RDBDEF_PORT [, array $options ]]] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::copy ( string $path )
public string TokyoTyrant::ext ( string $name , int $options , string $key , string $value )
public array TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys ( string $prefix , int $max_recs )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::get ( mixed $keys )
public TokyoTyrantIterator TokyoTyrant::getIterator ( void )
public int TokyoTyrant::num ( void )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::out ( mixed $keys )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::put ( mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL ] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::putCat ( mixed $keys [, string $value ] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::putKeep ( mixed $keys [, string $value ] )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::putNr ( mixed $keys [, string $value = NULL ] )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::putShl ( string $key , string $value , int $width )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::restore ( string $log_dir , int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = true ] )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::setMaster ( string $host , int $port , int $timestamp [, bool $check_consistency = true ] )
public int TokyoTyrant::size ( string $key )
public array TokyoTyrant::stat ( void )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::sync ( void )
public TokyoTyrant TokyoTyrant::tune ( float $timeout [, int $options = TokyoTyrant::RDBT_RECON ] )
public mixed TokyoTyrant::vanish ( void )

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PHP Manual