PHP Manual

The TokyoTyrantQuery class

(No version information available, might only be in SVN)


This class is used to query the table databases

Krótki opis klasy

TokyoTyrantQuery implements Iterator , Traversable {
/* Metody */
public mixed addCond ( string $name , int $op , string $expr )
public __construct ( TokyoTyrantTable $table )
public int count ( void )
public array current ( void )
public string hint ( void )
public string key ( void )
public array metaSearch ( array $queries , int $type )
public array next ( void )
public TokyoTyrantQuery out ( void )
public bool rewind ( void )
public array search ( void )
public mixed setLimit ([ int $max [, int $skip ]] )
public mixed setOrder ( string $name , int $type )
public bool valid ( void )

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PHP Manual