(PECL CUBRID >= 8.3.0)
cubrid_fetch_lengths — Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
)This function returns an numeric array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row of the result set or it returns FALSE on failure.
If field data type is BLOB/CLOB, you should get its length by using cubrid_lob_size().
An numeric array, when process is successful.
on failure.
Przykład #1 cubrid_fetch_lengths() example
$conn = cubrid_connect("localhost", 33000, "demodb");
$result = cubrid_execute($conn, "SELECT * FROM game WHERE host_year=2004 AND nation_code='AUS' AND medal='G'");
$row = cubrid_fetch_row($result);
$lens = cubrid_fetch_lengths($result);
Powyższy przykład wyświetli:
Array ( [0] => 2004 [1] => 20085 [2] => 15118 [3] => 30134 [4] => AUS [5] => G [6] => 2004-8-20 ) Array ( [0] => 4 [1] => 5 [2] => 5 [3] => 5 [4] => 3 [5] => 1 [6] => 9 )