WinCache Funkcje
PHP Manual


(PECL wincache >= 1.0.0)

wincache_refresh_if_changed Refreshes the cache entries for the cached files


bool wincache_refresh_if_changed ([ array $files ] )

Refreshes the cache entries for the files, whose names were passed in the input argument. If no argument is specified then refreshes all the entries in the cache.



An array of file names for files that need to be refreshed. An absolute or relative file paths can be used.

Zwracane wartości

Zwraca TRUE w przypadku powodzenia, FALSE w przypadku błędu.


WinCache performs regular checks on the cached files to ensure that if any file has changed then the corresponding entry in the cache is updated. By default this check is performed every 30 seconds. If, for example, a PHP script updates another PHP script where the application's configuration settings are stored, then it may happen that after the configuration settings have been saved to a file, the application is still using old settings for some time until the cache is refreshed. In those cases it may be preferrable to refresh the cache right after the file has been changed. The following example shows how this can be done.

Przykład #1 A wincache_refresh_if_changed() example

$handle fopen($filename'w+');
if (
$handle === FALSE) die('Failed to open file '.$filename.' for writing');
fwrite($handle'<?php $setting=something; ?>');

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WinCache Funkcje
PHP Manual