(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)
IntlDateFormatter::getErrorCode -- datefmt_get_error_code — Get the error code from last operation
Styl obiektowy
Styl proceduralny
Get the error code from last operation. Returns error code from the last number formatting operation.
The formatter resource.
The error code, one of UErrorCode values. Initial value is U_ZERO_ERROR.
Przykład #1 datefmt_get_error_code() example
$fmt = datefmt_create( "en_US" ,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,'America/Los_Angeles',IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN );
$str = datefmt_format($fmt);
if(!$str) {
echo "ERROR: ".datefmt_get_error_message($fmt) . " (" . datefmt_get_error_code($fmt) . ")\n";
Przykład #2 OO example
$fmt = new IntlDateFormatter( "en_US" ,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,IntlDateFormatter::FULL,'America/Los_Angeles',IntlDateFormatter::GREGORIAN );
$str = $fmt->format();
if(!$str) {
echo "ERROR: ".$fmt->getErrorMessage() . " (" . $fmt->getErrorCode() . ")\n";
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