PHP Manual


(PECL mongo >=0.9.0)

MongoCollection::saveSaves an object to this collection


public mixed MongoCollection::save ( array $a [, array $options = array() ] )

If the object is from the database, update the existing database object, otherwise insert this object.



Array to save.


Options for the save.

  • "w"

    See WriteConcerns. The default value for MongoClient is 1.

  • "fsync"

    Boolean, defaults to FALSE. Forces the insert to be synced to disk before returning success. If TRUE, an acknowledged insert is implied and will override setting w to 0.

  • "timeout"

    Integer, defaults to MongoCursor::$timeout. If "safe" is set, this sets how long (in milliseconds) for the client to wait for a database response. If the database does not respond within the timeout period, a MongoCursorTimeoutException will be thrown.

  • "safe"

    Deprecated. Please use the WriteConcern w option.

Zwracane wartości

If w was set, returns an array containing the status of the save. Otherwise, returns a boolean representing if the array was not empty (an empty array will not be inserted).


Throws MongoCursorException if the "w" option is set and the write fails.

Throws MongoCursorTimeoutException if the "w" option is set to a value greater than one and the operation takes longer than MongoCursor::$timeout milliseconds to complete. This does not kill the operation on the server, it is a client-side timeout. The operation in MongoCollection::$wtimeout is milliseconds.

Rejestr zmian

Wersja Opis
1.2.0 Added "timeout" option.
1.0.11 Disconnects on "not master" errors if "safe" is set.

Added ability to pass integers to the "safe" option, which previously only accepted booleans.

Added "fsync" option.

1.0.5 Added options parameter.


Przykład #1 MongoCollection::save() example


= array('x' => 1);

// insert $obj into the db

// add another field
$obj['foo'] = 'bar';

// $obj cannot be inserted again, causes duplicate _id error

// save updates $obj with the new field


Powyższy przykład wyświetli coś podobnego do:

array(2) {
  object(MongoId)#4 (1) {
    string(24) "50b6afe544415ed606000000"



This method will create an _id field in the a array with a pregenerated ID if the field didn't exist already - unless the argument was a reference.

PHP Manual