Phar::addFromString — Add a file from the filesystem to the phar archive
, string $contents
Ta metoda wymaga ustawienia w php.ini wartości phar.readonly na 0 aby działała z obiektami Phar. W przeciwnym przypadku, klasa PharException zwróci wyjątek .
With this method, any string can be added to the phar archive. The file will be stored in the archive with localname as its path. This method is similar to ZipArchive::addFromString().
Path that the file will be stored in the archive.
The file contents to store
no return value, exception is thrown on failure.
Przykład #1 A Phar::addFromString() example
try {
$a = new Phar('/path/to/phar.phar');
$a->addFromString('path/to/file.txt', 'my simple file');
$b = $a['path/to/file.txt']->getContent();
// to add contents from a stream handle for large files, use offsetSet()
$c = fopen('/path/to/hugefile.bin');
$a['largefile.bin'] = $c;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// handle errors here