(PHP >= 5.3.0, PECL phar >= 1.1.0)
Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm — set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it. The
Ta metoda wymaga ustawienia w php.ini wartości phar.readonly na 0 aby działała z obiektami Phar. W przeciwnym przypadku, klasa PharException zwróci wyjątek .
set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it. The signature algorithm must be one of Phar::MD5, Phar::SHA1, Phar::SHA256, Phar::SHA512, or Phar::PGP (pgp not yet supported and falls back to SHA-1).
One of Phar::MD5, Phar::SHA1, Phar::SHA256, Phar::SHA512, or Phar::PGP
Nie jest zwracana żadna wartość.
Throws UnexpectedValueException for many errors, BadMethodCallException if called for a zip- or a tar-based phar archive, and a PharException if any problems occur flushing changes to disk.