SDO-DAS-Relational Funkcje
PHP Manual



SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct Creates an instance of a Relational Data Access Service


SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct ( array $database_metadata [, string $application_root_type [, array $SDO_containment_references_metadata ]] )

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Constructs an instance of a Relational Data Access Service from the passed metadata.



An array containing one or more table definitions, each of which is an associative array containing the keys name, columns, PK, and optionally, FK. For a full discussion of the metadata, see the metadata section in the general information about the Relational DAS.


The root of each data graph is an object of a special root type and the application data objects come below that. Of the various application types in the SDO model, one has to be the application type immediately below the root of the data graph. If there is only one table in the database metadata, so the application root type can be inferred, this argument can be omitted.


An array containing one or more definitions of a containment relation, each of which is an associative array containing the keys parent and child. The containment relations describe how the types in the model are connected to form a tree. The type specified as the application root type must be present as one of the parent types in the containment references. If the application only needs to work with one table at a time, and there are no containment relations in the model, this argument can be omitted. For a full discussion of the metadata, see the metadata section in the general information about the Relational DAS.

Zwracane wartości

Returns an SDO_DAS_Relational object on success.


SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct() throws a SDO_DAS_Relational_Exception if any problems are found in the metadata.


For a full discussion of the metadata, see the metadata section in the general information about the Relational DAS.

SDO-DAS-Relational Funkcje
PHP Manual