(PECL yaf >=1.0.0)
Yaf_Router::addRoute — Add new Route into Router
, Yaf_Route_Abstract $route
)defaultly, Yaf_Router using a Yaf_Route_Static as its defualt route. you can add new routes into router's route stack by calling this method.
the newer route will be called before the older(route stack), and if the newer router return
, the router process will be end. otherwise, the older one will be
У этой функции нет параметров.
Пример #1 Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRender()example
class Bootstrap extends Yaf_Bootstrap_Abstract{
public function _initConfig() {
$config = Yaf_Application::app()->getConfig();
Yaf_Registry::set("config", $config);
public function _initRoute(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) {
$router = $dispatcher->getRouter();
* we can add some pre-defined routes in application.ini
* add a Rewrite route, then for a request uri:
* http://***/product/list/22/foo
* will be matched by this route, and result:
* [module] =>
* [controller] => product
* [action] => info
* [method] => GET
* [params:protected] => Array
* (
* [id] => 22
* [name] => foo
* )
$route = new Yaf_Route_Rewrite(
"controller" => "product",
"action" => "info",
$router->addRoute('dummy', $route);