PHP Manual

The CairoContext class

(PECL cairo >= 0.1.0)


Context is the main object used when drawing with cairo. To draw with cairo, you create a CairoContext, set the target CairoSurface, and drawing options for the CairoContext, create shapes with functions . like CairoContext::moveTo() and CairoContext::lineTo(), and then draw shapes with CairoContext::stroke() or CairoContext::fill(). Contexts can be pushed to a stack via CairoContext::save(). They may then safely be changed, without loosing the current state. Use CairoContext::restore() to restore to the saved state.

Sinopse da classe

CairoContext {
/* Métodos */
public void appendPath ( CairoPath $path )
public void arc ( float $x , float $y , float $radius , float $angle1 , float $angle2 )
public void arcNegative ( float $x , float $y , float $radius , float $angle1 , float $angle2 )
public void clip ( void )
public array clipExtents ( void )
public void clipPreserve ( void )
public array clipRectangleList ( void )
public void closePath ( void )
public __construct ( CairoSurface $surface )
public void copyPage ( void )
public CairoPath copyPath ( void )
public CairoPath copyPathFlat ( void )
public void curveTo ( float $x1 , float $y1 , float $x2 , float $y2 , float $x3 , float $y3 )
public array deviceToUser ( float $x , float $y )
public array deviceToUserDistance ( float $x , float $y )
public void fill ( void )
public array fillExtents ( void )
public void fillPreserve ( void )
public array fontExtents ( void )
public int getAntialias ( void )
public array getCurrentPoint ( void )
public array getDash ( void )
public int getDashCount ( void )
public int getFillRule ( void )
public void getFontFace ( void )
public void getFontMatrix ( void )
public void getFontOptions ( void )
public void getGroupTarget ( void )
public int getLineCap ( void )
public int getLineJoin ( void )
public float getLineWidth ( void )
public void getMatrix ( void )
public float getMiterLimit ( void )
public int getOperator ( void )
public void getScaledFont ( void )
public void getSource ( void )
public void getTarget ( void )
public float getTolerance ( void )
public void glyphPath ( array $glyphs )
public bool hasCurrentPoint ( void )
public void identityMatrix ( void )
public bool inFill ( string $x , string $y )
public bool inStroke ( string $x , string $y )
public void lineTo ( string $x , string $y )
public void mask ( string $pattern )
public void maskSurface ( string $surface [, string $x [, string $y ]] )
public void moveTo ( string $x , string $y )
public void newPath ( void )
public void newSubPath ( void )
public void paint ( void )
public void paintWithAlpha ( string $alpha )
public array pathExtents ( void )
public void popGroup ( void )
public void popGroupToSource ( void )
public void pushGroup ( void )
public void pushGroupWithContent ( string $content )
public void rectangle ( string $x , string $y , string $width , string $height )
public void relCurveTo ( string $x1 , string $y1 , string $x2 , string $y2 , string $x3 , string $y3 )
public void relLineTo ( string $x , string $y )
public void relMoveTo ( string $x , string $y )
public void resetClip ( void )
public void restore ( void )
public void rotate ( string $angle )
public void save ( void )
public void scale ( string $x , string $y )
public void selectFontFace ( string $family [, string $slant [, string $weight ]] )
public void setAntialias ([ string $antialias ] )
public void setDash ( string $dashes [, string $offset ] )
public void setFillRule ( string $setting )
public void setFontFace ( CairoFontFace $fontface )
public void setFontMatrix ( string $matrix )
public void setFontOptions ( string $fontoptions )
public void setFontSize ( string $size )
public void setLineCap ( string $setting )
public void setLineJoin ( string $setting )
public void setLineWidth ( string $width )
public void setMatrix ( string $matrix )
public void setMiterLimit ( string $limit )
public void setOperator ( string $setting )
public void setScaledFont ( string $scaledfont )
public void setSource ( string $pattern )
public void setSourceRGB ( string $red , string $green , string $blue )
public void setSourceRGBA ( string $red , string $green , string $blue , string $alpha )
public void setSourceSurface ( string $surface [, string $x [, string $y ]] )
public void setTolerance ( string $tolerance )
public void showPage ( void )
public void showText ( string $text )
public int status ( void )
public void stroke ( void )
public array strokeExtents ( void )
public void strokePreserve ( void )
public array textExtents ( string $text )
public void textPath ( string $string )
public void transform ( string $matrix )
public void translate ( string $x , string $y )
public array userToDevice ( string $x , string $y )
public array userToDeviceDistance ( string $x , string $y )


PHP Manual