PHP Manual

The OAuthProvider class

(PECL OAuth >= 1.0.0)


Manages an OAuth provider class.

See also an external in-depth tutorial titled » Writing an OAuth Provider Service, which takes a hands-on approach to providing this service. There are also » OAuth provider examples within the OAuth extensions sources.

Sinopse da classe

OAuthProvider {
/* Methods */
final public bool addRequiredParameter ( string $req_params )
public void callconsumerHandler ( void )
public void callTimestampNonceHandler ( void )
public void calltokenHandler ( void )
public void checkOAuthRequest ([ string $uri [, string $method ]] )
public __construct ([ array $params_array ] )
public void consumerHandler ( callable $callback_function )
final public static string generateToken ( int $size [, bool $strong = false ] )
public void is2LeggedEndpoint ( mixed $params_array )
public void isRequestTokenEndpoint ( bool $will_issue_request_token )
final public bool removeRequiredParameter ( string $req_params )
final public static string reportProblem ( string $oauthexception [, bool $send_headers = true ] )
final public bool setParam ( string $param_key [, mixed $param_val ] )
final public bool setRequestTokenPath ( string $path )
public void timestampNonceHandler ( callable $callback_function )
public void tokenHandler ( callable $callback_function )


PHP Manual