LDAP Funções
PHP Manual


(PHP 4, PHP 5)

ldap_get_attributesGet attributes from a search result entry


array ldap_get_attributes ( resource $link_identifier , resource $result_entry_identifier )

Reads attributes and values from an entry in the search result.

Having located a specific entry in the directory, you can find out what information is held for that entry by using this call. You would use this call for an application which "browses" directory entries and/or where you do not know the structure of the directory entries. In many applications you will be searching for a specific attribute such as an email address or a surname, and won't care what other data is held.

return_value["count"] = number of attributes in the entry
return_value[0] = first attribute
return_value[n] = nth attribute

return_value["attribute"]["count"] = number of values for attribute
return_value["attribute"][0] = first value of the attribute
return_value["attribute"][i] = (i+1)th value of the attribute



An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect().


Valor Retornado

Returns a complete entry information in a multi-dimensional array on success and FALSE on error.


Exemplo #1 Show the list of attributes held for a particular directory entry

// $ds is the link identifier for the directory

// $sr is a valid search result from a prior call to
// one of the ldap directory search calls

$entry ldap_first_entry($ds$sr);

$attrs ldap_get_attributes($ds$entry);

$attrs["count"] . " attributes held for this entry:<p>";

for (
$i=0$i $attrs["count"]; $i++) {
$attrs[$i] . "<br />";

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LDAP Funções
PHP Manual