(Não há informação de versão disponível, talvez apenas no SVN)
Imagick::exportImagePixels — Exports raw image pixels
, int $y
, int $width
, int $height
, string $map
, int $STORAGE
)Exports image pixels into an array. The map defines the ordering of the exported pixels. The size of the returned array is width * height * strlen(map). This method is available if Imagick has been compiled against ImageMagick version 6.4.7 or newer.
X-coordinate of the exported area
Y-coordinate of the exported area
Width of the exported aread
Height of the exported area
Ordering of the exported pixels. For example "RGB". Valid characters for the map are R, G, B, A, O, C, Y, M, K, I and P.
Refer to this list of pixel type constants
Exemplo #1 Using Imagick::exportImagePixels()
Export image pixels into an array
/* Create new object */
$im = new Imagick();
/* Create new image */
$im->newPseudoImage(0, 0, "magick:rose");
/* Export the image pixels */
$pixels = $im->exportImagePixels(10, 10, 2, 2, "RGB", Imagick::PIXEL_CHAR);
/* Output */
O exemplo acima irá imprimir:
array(12) { [0]=> int(72) [1]=> int(64) [2]=> int(57) [3]=> int(69) [4]=> int(59) [5]=> int(43) [6]=> int(124) [7]=> int(120) [8]=> int(-96) [9]=> int(91) [10]=> int(84) [11]=> int(111) }
Returns an array containing the pixels values.
Throws ImagickException on error.