PHP Manual


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.5)

SWFShape::drawCurveToDraws a curve


int SWFShape::drawCurveTo ( float $controlx , float $controly , float $anchorx , float $anchory [, float $targetx ], float $targety )

Esta função é EXPERIMENTAL. O comportamento desta função, seu nome, incluindo toda documentação pode ser modificado sem aviso em futuras versões do PHP. Esta função deve ser usada por sua própria conta e risco.

swfshape::drawcurveto() draws a quadratic curve (using the current line style, set by swfshape::setline()) from the current pen position to (anchorx,anchory) using (controlx,controly) as a control point. That is, head towards the control point, then smoothly turn to the anchor point.

With 6 parameters, it draws a cubic bezier to point (targetx, targety) with control points (controlx, controly) and (anchorx, anchory).

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PHP Manual