Fonctions Fann
PHP Manual


(PECL fann >= 1.0.0)

fann_saveSaves the entire network to a configuration file


bool fann_save ( resource $ann , string $configuration_file )

Saves the entire network to a configuration file.

The configuration file contains all information about the neural network and enables fann_create_from_file() to create an exact copy of the neural network and all of the parameters associated with the neural network.

These three parameters (fann_set_callback(), fann_set_error_log(), fann_set_user_data()) are NOT saved to the file because they cannot safely be ported to a different location. Also temporary parameters generated during training like fann_get_MSE() is not saved.

Liste de paramètres


Ressource de réseau de neurones.


The configuration file path.

Valeurs de retour

Retourne TRUE en cas de succès, FALSE sinon.

Voir aussi

Fonctions Fann
PHP Manual