(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_new_cursor — Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle)
)Allocates a new statement handle on the specified connection.
An Oracle connection identifier, returned by oci_connect() or oci_pconnect().
Returns a new statement handle, or FALSE
on error.
Beispiel #1 Binding a REF CURSOR in an Oracle stored procedure call
// Precreate:
// create or replace procedure myproc(myrc out sys_refcursor) as
// begin
// open myrc for select first_name from employees;
// end;
$conn = oci_connect("hr", "hrpwd", "localhost/XE");
if (!$conn) {
$m = oci_error();
trigger_error(htmlentities($m['message']), E_USER_ERROR);
$curs = oci_new_cursor($conn);
$stid = oci_parse($conn, "begin myproc(:cursbv); end;");
oci_bind_by_name($stid, ":cursbv", $curs, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR);
oci_execute($curs); // Execute the REF CURSOR like a normal statement id
while (($row = oci_fetch_array($curs, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) {
echo $row['FIRST_NAME'] . "<br />\n";
In PHP versions before 5.0.0 you must use ocinewcursor() instead. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_new_cursor() for downwards compatability. This, however, is deprecated and not recommended.