OCI8 Funzioni
PHP Manual


(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)

oci_errorReturns the last error found


array oci_error ([ resource $resource ] )

Returns the last error found.

The function should be called immediately after an error occurs. Errors are cleared by a successful statement.

Elenco dei parametri


For most errors, resource is the resource handle that was passed to the failing function call. For connection errors with oci_connect(), oci_new_connect() or oci_pconnect() do not pass resource.

Valori restituiti

If no error is found, oci_error() returns FALSE. Otherwise, oci_error() returns the error information as an associative array.

oci_error() Array Description
Array key Type Descrizione
code integer The Oracle error number.
message string The Oracle error text.
offset integer The byte position of an error in the SQL statement. If there was no statement, this is 0
sqltext string The SQL statement text. If there was no statement, this is an empty string.

Log delle modifiche

Versione Descrizione
4.3.0 The offset and sqltext entries were added.


Example #1 Displaying the Oracle error message after a connection error

if (!
$conn) {
$e oci_error();   // For oci_connect errors do not pass a handle
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message']), E_USER_ERROR);

Example #2 Displaying the Oracle error message after a parsing error

oci_parse($conn"select ' from dual");  // note mismatched quote
if (!$stid) {
$e oci_error($conn);  // For oci_parse errors pass the connection handle
trigger_error(htmlentities($e['message']), E_USER_ERROR);

Example #3 Displaying the Oracle error message, the problematic statement, and the position of the problem of an execution error

oci_parse($conn"select does_not_exist from dual");
$r oci_execute($stid);
if (!
$r) {
$e oci_error($stid);  // For oci_execute errors pass the statement handle
print htmlentities($e['message']);

OCI8 Funzioni
PHP Manual